PC World 2000 February
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592 lines
#!/usr/bin/wish -f
# 'CBB' -- Check Book Balancer
# menu.tcl -- menu management routines.
# Written by Curtis Olson. Started August 25, 1994.
# Copyright (C) 1994 - 1997 Curtis L. Olson - curt@sledge.mn.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $Id: menu.tcl,v 2.15 1997/06/12 21:53:15 curt Exp $
# (Log is kept at end of this file)
proc setup_menubar m {
global cbb
menubutton $m.file -text "File" -underline 0 -menu $m.file.menu \
-takefocus 0
menubutton $m.edit -text "Edit" -underline 1 -menu $m.edit.menu \
-takefocus 0
menubutton $m.functions -text "Functions" -menu $m.functions.menu \
-takefocus 0
menubutton $m.extern -text "External" -underline 1 -menu $m.extern.menu \
-takefocus 0
if { $cbb(devel) == 1 } {
menubutton $m.devel -text "Devel" -menu $m.devel.menu \
-takefocus 0
menubutton $m.help -text "Help" -underline 0 -menu $m.help.menu \
-takefocus 0
if { $cbb(devel) == 0 } {
pack $m.file $m.edit $m.functions $m.extern -side left -ipadx 2
} else {
pack $m.file $m.edit $m.functions $m.extern $m.devel -side left -ipadx 2
pack $m.help -side right -ipadx 1
proc setup_file_menu m {
set mf $m.file.menu
if { [winfo exists $mf] } {
destroy $mf
menu $mf -tearoff 0
$mf add command -label "Make New Account ..." -underline 0 \
-command { acctNew }
$mf add command -label "Load Account ..." -underline 0 \
-command { acctLoad }
$mf add command -label "Save Account" -underline 0 \
-command {
if { $cbb(cur_file) != "noname.cbb" } {
} else {
.menubar.file.menu add command -label "Save Account As ..." -underline 5 \
-command { acctSaveAs }
$mf add separator
$mf add command -label "Import QIF File ..." -underline 0 \
-command {
set import_type 1
$mf add command -label "Export QIF File" -underline 0 \
-command { acctExportQIF }
$mf add separator
$mf add cascade -label "Preferences" -underline 0 -menu $mf.prefs
$mf add separator
$mf add command -label "Quit" -underline 0 -command { cbbQuit }
$mf entryconfig 10 -accelerator <Meta-Q>
bind all <Meta-q> { cbbQuit }
bind all <Alt-q> { cbbQuit }
proc setup_edit_menu m {
set me $m.edit.menu
menu $me -tearoff 0
$me add command -label "Undo" -underline 0 -command { undoAction }
$me entryconfig 0 -accelerator <Meta-U>
bind all <Meta-u> { undoAction }
bind all <Alt-u> { undoAction }
$me add separator
$me add command -label "New Transaction" \
-underline 0 -command { clear_entry_area }
$me entryconfig 2 -accelerator <Meta-N>
bind all <Meta-n> { clear_entry_area }
bind all <Alt-n> { clear_entry_area }
$me add command -label "Edit Transaction" -underline 0 \
-command {
if { [listGetCurTrans] >= 1 } {
update_entry_area [listGetCurTrans].0
$me entryconfig 3 -accelerator <Meta-E>
bind all <Meta-e> {
if { [listGetCurTrans] >= 1 } {
update_entry_area [listGetCurTrans].0
bind all <Alt-e> {
if { [listGetCurTrans] >= 1 } {
update_entry_area [listGetCurTrans].0
$me add command -label "Delete Transaction" -underline 0 \
-command {
if { "[.trans.list tag nextrange sel 1.0 end ]" != "" } {
delete_trans [.trans.list tag nextrange sel 1.0 end ]
$me add separator
$me add command -label "Open Category Splits ... " -underline 0 \
-command {
tkwait window .splits
$me entryconfig 6 -accelerator <Meta-S>
bind all <Meta-s> {
tkwait window .splits
bind all <Alt-s> {
tkwait window .splits
proc setup_functions_menu m {
global cbb
set mf $m.functions.menu
menu $mf -tearoff 0
$mf add cascade -label "Goto" -underline 0 -menu $mf.goto
$mf add separator
$mf add command -label "Category List ..." \
-underline 0 -command { cbbWindow.catwin }
$mf entryconfig 0 -accelerator <Meta-C>
bind all <Meta-c> { cbbWindow.catwin }
bind all <Alt-c> { cbbWindow.catwin }
$mf add command -label "Add Default Categories" \
-underline 0 -command { catImportDefaults }
$mf add separator
$mf add command -label "Balance ..." -underline 0 -command { balance }
$mf add separator
$mf add command -label "Reports ..." -underline 0 -command {
set report(type) "report"
set report(cur_file) $cbb(cur_file)
set report(tmp_file) "/tmp/cbb-tmp-[pid].cbb"
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "Temp file is $report(tmp_file) -- saving ..."
# tell engine to save transactions
puts $eng "auto_save_trans $report(tmp_file)"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "No result should be returned." }
$mf add command -label "Graphs ..." -underline 0 -command {
set report(type) "graph"
set report(cur_file) $cbb(cur_file)
set report(tmp_file) "/tmp/cbb-tmp-[pid].cbb"
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "Temp file is $report(tmp_file) -- saving ..."
# tell engine to save transactions
puts $eng "auto_save_trans $report(tmp_file)"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "No result should be returned." }
proc setup_extern_menu m {
global lib_path
set me $m.extern.menu
menu $me -tearoff 0
set filehandle [open "$lib_path/extern.conf" r]
while { [gets $filehandle line] >= 0 } {
if { "[string range $line 0 0]" == "-" } {
$me add separator
} elseif { "[string range $line 0 0]" == "#" } {
# ignore this line
} elseif { [string length $line] < 3 } {
# ignore this line
} else {
set pieces [split $line "\t"]
set name [lindex $pieces 0]
set prog [lindex $pieces 1]
$me add command -label $name -command "launch_extern \"$prog\""
close $filehandle
proc launch_extern { prog } {
global report cbb eng
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot launch external scripts when running in 'safe' \
tkwait window .ok
set report(tmp_file) "/tmp/cbb-tmp-[pid].cbb"
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Temp file is $report(tmp_file) -- saving ..." }
# tell engine to save transactions
puts $eng "auto_save_trans $report(tmp_file)"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "No result should be returned." }
regsub -all "%a" $prog $cbb(cur_file) prog
regsub -all "%t" $prog $report(tmp_file) prog
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "exec $prog &" }
eval exec $prog &
proc setup_devel_menu m {
set mf $m.devel.menu
if { [winfo exists $mf] } {
destroy $mf
menu $mf -tearoff 0
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"balance.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/balance.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"bindings.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/bindings.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"categories.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/categories.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"common.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/common.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"file.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/file.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"filebox.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/filebox.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"help.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/help.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"init.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/init.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"main.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/main.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"menu.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/menu.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"prefs.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/prefs.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"reports.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/reports.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"splits.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/splits.tcl" }
$mf add command -label "Re-source \"undo.tcl\"" \
-command { source "$lib_path/undo.tcl" }
proc setup_help_menu m {
global cbb argv0 libpath
set mh $m.help.menu
menu $mh -tearoff 0
$mh add command -label "About [file tail $argv0] ..." \
-underline 0 -command { cbbWindow.aboutwin [file tail $argv0] }
$mh add separator
$mh add command -label "Online HTML Manual ..." -underline 0 -command {
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 0 } {
if { $cbb(web_browser) == "netscape" } {
# ... so they want to use nutscape ...
if [catch {exec xwininfo -name "Netscape"} data] {
# no existing netscape running
exec $cbb(web_browser) $lib_path/docs/cbb-man/cbb-man.html &
} else {
# A running copy of netscape exists
exec $cbb(web_browser) -remote \
openURL($lib_path/docs/cbb-man/cbb-man.html) &
} elseif { $cbb(web_browser) == "lynx" } {
exec xterm -sb -e $cbb(web_browser) \
$lib_path/docs/cbb-man/cbb-man.html &
} else {
exec $cbb(web_browser) $lib_path/docs/cbb-man/cbb-man.html &
} else {
cbbWindow.ok "The online manual can be read from the CBB web page \
at: http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt/cbb/"
tkwait window .ok
$mh add command -label "Online Text Manual ..." -command {
proc setup_file_prefs_menu m {
set mfp $m.file.menu.prefs
menu $mfp -tearoff 0
$mfp add checkbutton -label "Use Memorized Transactions" \
-variable cbb(use_mems) -command {
set cbb(pref_chg) 1
$mfp add checkbutton -label "Use Startdate" \
-variable cbb(use_sdate) -command {
set cbb(pref_chg) 1
$mfp add checkbutton -label "Use Account Cache" \
-variable cbb(cache) -command {
set cbb(pref_chg) 1
puts $eng "cache $cbb(cache)"; flush $eng;
gets $eng result;
$mfp add separator
$mfp add command -label "Set Startdate ..." -command {
$mfp add separator
$mfp add cascade -label "Appearence" -menu $mfp.appear
$mfp add cascade -label "Cryptography" -menu $mfp.crypt
$mfp add separator
$mfp add command -label "Save Preferences" -command {
proc setup_prefs_appear_menu m {
set mfpa $m.file.menu.prefs.appear
menu $mfpa -tearoff 0
$mfpa add checkbutton -label "Use Balloon Help" \
-variable cbb(balloon,on) -command {
set cbb(pref_chg) 1
$mfpa add checkbutton -label "Use Auto Highlight" \
-variable cbb(auto_hilite) -command {
set cbb(pref_chg) 1
if { $cbb(auto_hilite) } {
} else {
bind Entry <FocusIn> {}
bind Entry <FocusOut> {}
$mfpa add checkbutton -label "Use US Date Fmt" \
-variable cbb(date_fmt) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 2 -command {
set cbb(pref_chg) 1
$mfpa add separator
$mfpa add command -label "Set Dimensions" -command {
proc setup_prefs_crypt_menu m {
set mfpc $m.file.menu.prefs.crypt
menu $mfpc -tearoff 0
$mfpc add checkbutton -label "Use Cryptography" \
-variable cbb(use_crypt) -command {
$mfpc add separator
$mfpc add command -label "Set Cryptcode ..." -command {
$mfpc add command -label "Set Cryptprogram ..." -command {
proc setup_functions_goto_menu m {
set mfg $m.functions.menu.goto
menu $mfg -tearoff 0
$mfg add command -label "Home" -underline 0 -command { goto 0 }
$mfg entryconfig 0 -accelerator <Meta-Home>
$mfg add command -label "Today" -underline 0 -command {
puts $eng "raw_date"; flush $eng
gets $eng tmpdate
goto [find_index_from_date $tmpdate]
$mfg add command -label "End" -underline 0 -command {
goto [expr [listGetSize] - 1]
$mfg entryconfig 2 -accelerator <Meta-End>
$mfg add separator
$mfg add command -label "Page Up" -underline 5 \
-command {
goto [expr [.trans.list curselection] - ($cbb(list_height) - 4)]
$mfg entryconfig 4 -accelerator <Prior>
$mfg add command -label "Page Down" -underline 5 \
-command {
goto [expr [.trans.list curselection] + ($cbb(list_height) - 4)]
$mfg entryconfig 5 -accelerator <Next>
$mfg add separator
$mfg add command -label "Up" -underline 1 \
-command {
goto [expr [.trans.list curselection] - 2]
$mfg entryconfig 7 -accelerator <Up>
$mfg add command -label "Down" -underline 1 \
-command {
goto [expr [.trans.list curselection] + 2]
$mfg entryconfig 8 -accelerator <Down>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Log: menu.tcl,v $
# Revision 2.15 1997/06/12 21:53:15 curt
# Applied more patches from Martin Schenk <schenkm@ping.at>. His changes
# greatly improved and developed the preferences menu so it is now actually
# usable to set preferences.
# Current data file is now saved in ~/.cbbcur.tcl
# Revision 2.14 1997/05/06 01:00:28 curt
# Added patches contributed by Martin Schenk <schenkm@ping.at>
# - Default to umask of 066 so .CBB files get created rw by owner only
# - Added support for pgp encrypting data files
# - Added support for displaying only recent parts of files (avoids
# waiting to load in lots of old txns you don't currently need.)
# - Added a feature to "cache" whole accounts in the perl engine so
# that switching between accounts can be faster.
# - The above options can be turned on/off via the preferrences menu.
# Revision 2.13 1997/04/23 18:10:02 curt
# Changed "clolson" -> "curt"
# Revision 2.12 1997/04/14 20:18:23 curt
# If browser is lynx, spawn in an xterm.
# Revision 2.11 1997/04/07 21:13:33 curt
# Add a $cbb(web_browser) variable which can be set from ~/.cbbrc.tcl
# If netscape is the browser, and there is a copy running, don't start
# a new copy.
# Revision 2.10 1997/01/02 04:38:38 curt
# Changes over the 1996 holidays:
# - Converted listbox to text widget. This allows us to do nice
# things with alternating background colors, highliting, red
# negative numbers, etc.
# - Negative transactions are now drawn in red.
# - Added a Goto <Today> option.
# - <Home> & <End> were double bound. Now, listbox can be traversed with
# <Meta-Home> and <Meta-End>
# Revision 2.9 1996/12/17 14:54:01 curt
# Updated copyright date.
# Revision 2.8 1996/12/16 04:18:22 curt
# Continuing the great overhaul of December 1996.
# Revision 2.7 1996/12/14 17:15:25 curt
# The great overhaul of December '96.
# Revision 2.6 1996/12/13 01:27:00 curt
# Worked on getting reports.tcl to work smoothly.
# Revision 2.5 1996/12/13 00:12:45 curt
# Added reports.tcl
# Revision 2.4 1996/12/11 18:33:40 curt
# Ran a spell checker.
# Revision 2.3 1996/12/11 04:18:41 curt
# Removed the categories cascade menu and made the entries directly in the
# functions menu.
# Revision 2.2 1996/12/08 07:40:02 curt
# Rearranged quite a bit of code.
# Put most global variables in cbb() structure.
# Revision 2.1 1996/12/07 20:38:17 curt
# Renamed *.tk -> *.tcl
# Revision 2.6 1996/10/03 21:29:19 curt
# Added a devel menu to assist in development. Many changes to the code
# can be re-sourced in without restarting the application.
# Revision 2.5 1996/09/30 15:14:39 curt
# Updated CBB URL, and hardwired wish path.
# Revision 2.4 1996/09/27 21:43:41 curt
# Added a text version of the manual to the Help menu.
# Revision 2.3 1996/07/13 02:57:51 curt
# Version 0.65
# Packing Changes
# Documenation changes
# Changes to handle a value in both debit and credit fields.
# Revision 2.2 1996/03/03 00:16:14 curt
# Modified Files: cbb categories.pl wrapper.pl file.tk main.tk menu.tk
# Added an account list at the bottom of the screen. Thanks to:
# Cengiz Alaettinoglu <cengiz@ISI.EDU> for this great addition.
# Revision 2.1 1996/02/27 05:35:49 curt
# Just stumbling around a bit with cvs ... :-(
# Revision 2.0 1996/02/27 04:43:04 curt
# Initial 2.0 revision. (See "Log" files for old history.)