PC World 2000 February
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887 lines
#!/usr/bin/wish -f
# 'CBB' -- Check Book Balancer
# file.tcl -- file management routines.
# Written by Curtis Olson. Started August 25, 1994.
# Copyright (C) 1994 - 1997 Curtis L. Olson - curt@sledge.mn.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $Id: file.tcl,v 2.18 1998/08/14 14:28:36 curt Exp $
# (Log is kept at end of this file)
# File menu procedures
# create a new account
proc acctNew {} {
global cbb yesno argv0 eng newacct
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot make new accounts when running in 'safe' mode."
tkwait window .ok
if { [acctIsDirty] } {
if { $cbb(auto_save) } {
} else {
cbbWindow.yesno "You have not saved your current changes. Would \
you like to save before making a new account?"
tkwait window .yesno
if { "$yesno(result)" == "yes" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "no" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "cancel" } {
# use starting directory of current file if it exists
if { [info exists cbb(cur_file)] && \
("[file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]" != "") } {
set newacct(name) "[file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/"
} else {
set newacct(name) "[mypwd]/"
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts $newacct(name) }
tkwait window .newacct
if { "$newacct(name)" != "" } {
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "Make Account $newacct(name) - $newacct(desc)"
if { "[file extension $newacct(name)]" == ".cbb" } {
set newacct(name) [file rootname $newacct(name)]
set cbb(cur_file) "$newacct(name).cbb"
wm title . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
wm iconname . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
# load/create the category file first ... make_acct assumes
# a category file is already open.
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "Loading the category file \
[file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/categories"
puts $eng "load_cats [file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/categories"
flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
if { "$result" != "ok" } {
cbbWindow.ok "Error opening \
``[file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/categories'': \
$result. An empty categories file will be created. \
Please consider importing the default categories."
tkwait window .ok
# initialize categories
puts $eng "init_cats"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
# create an empty categories file
puts $eng "save_cats [file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/categories"
flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
# tell engine to make the new account
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "make_acct $newacct(name) $newacct(desc)"
puts $eng "make_acct $newacct(name) $newacct(desc)"
flush $eng
gets $eng result;
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "make_acct($newacct(name) $newacct(desc)): $result"
if { "$result" != "ok" } {
cbbWindow.ok "Error creating ``$cbb(cur_file)'': $result."
tkwait window .ok
.status.line configure \
-text "Account Created -- [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
acctLoadFile $cbb(cur_file)
# specify new account name & description
proc cbbWindows.newacct {} {
global cbb newacct
if {[winfo exists .newacct] == 1} {
wm withdraw .newacct
wm deiconify .newacct
set newacct(desc) ""
toplevel .newacct
option add *font $cbb(dialog_font)
wm title .newacct "Make Account"
wm iconname .newacct "Make Account"
frame .newacct.frame -borderwidth 2
frame .newacct.frame.n
frame .newacct.frame.d
frame .newacct.frame.b
label .newacct.frame.label -text \
"Enter New Account Base Name (including directory) and Description"
label .newacct.frame.n.label -text "New Acct"
entry .newacct.frame.n.entry -textvariable newacct(name) -relief sunken \
-font $cbb(default_font)
# .newacct.frame.n.entry icursor 0
.newacct.frame.n.entry icursor end
# tk_entrySeeCaret .newacct.frame.n.entry
label .newacct.frame.d.label -text "Acct Description"
entry .newacct.frame.d.entry -textvariable newacct(desc) -relief sunken \
-font $cbb(default_font)
button .newacct.frame.b.create -text "Create Account" \
-font $cbb(button_font) -command { destroy .newacct }
button .newacct.frame.b.cancel -text "Cancel" -font $cbb(button_font) \
-command {
set newacct(name) ""
set newacct(desc) ""
destroy .newacct
pack .newacct.frame -fill both -expand 1 -padx 4 -pady 4
pack .newacct.frame.label -padx 4 -pady 2
pack .newacct.frame.b -side bottom -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2
pack .newacct.frame.n .newacct.frame.d \
-fill both -expand 1 -padx 4 -pady 2
pack .newacct.frame.n.label -side left
pack .newacct.frame.n.entry -side left -fill x -expand 1
pack .newacct.frame.d.label -side left
pack .newacct.frame.d.entry -side left -fill x -expand 1
pack .newacct.frame.b.create .newacct.frame.b.cancel -side left \
-fill x -expand 1 -padx 4 -pady 4
focus .newacct.frame.n.entry
proc acctNewClear {} {
global cbb eng argv0
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "beginning of acctNewClear" }
# clear our list box
### .trans.list delete 0 end
.trans.list configure -state normal
.trans.list delete 0.0 end
.trans.list configure -state disabled
# tell engine to clear transactions
puts $eng "init_trans"; flush $eng
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "init_trans(): $result" }
# tell engine to clear categories
puts $eng "init_cats"; flush $eng
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "init_cats(): $result" }
set cbb(cur_file) "noname.cbb"
wm title . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
wm iconname . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
proc acctLoad {} {
global cbb yesno
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot load accounts when running in 'safe' mode."
tkwait window .ok
if { [acctIsDirty] } {
if { $cbb(auto_save) } {
} else {
cbbWindow.yesno "You have not saved your current changes. Would \
you like to save before loading a new account?"
tkwait window .yesno
if { "$yesno(result)" == "yes" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "no" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "cancel" } {
option add *font $cbb(default_font)
set select_result [ut:fsbox -prompt "Load Account:" \
-cancelvalue "noname.cbb" -grab 1 -master . -dir [mypwd] ]
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "After select: Load Account $select_result" }
if { "$select_result" != "noname.cbb" } {
acctLoadFile $select_result
proc acctLoadFile file {
global cbb argv0 key eng yesno start_pos
global date nicedate year month day check desc debit credit cat
global nicecat com cleared total
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "ready to load $file" }
set auto_save_file "[file dirname $file]/#[file tail $file]#"
if { [file exists $auto_save_file] } {
cbbWindow.yesno "CBB has detected an autosave file: \
``[file tail $auto_save_file]''.\
This indicates that CBB was killed or crashed after you\
made changes to ``[file tail $file]'' but before you could\
save the changes. Would you like to load the auto saved\
version instead?"
tkwait window .yesno
if { "$yesno(result)" == "yes" } {
if { [file exists $auto_save_file] } {
# just in case we have a couple of these nested, lets not try
# to do this more than once.
exec mv $file "$file.bak"
exec mv $auto_save_file $file
if { [file exists "$auto_save_file.bak"]} {
exec rm "$auto_save_file.bak"
} else {
cbbWindow.ok "Very well, but as a precaution,\
``[file tail $file]'' will not be loaded as long as\
``[file tail $auto_save_file]'' exists."
set cbb(cur_file) $file
wm title . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $file]"
wm iconname . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $file]"
# . configure -cursor watch
.status.line configure -text "Loading transactions from [file tail $file]"
# load the transactions from a data file
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Loading data file $file" }
puts $eng "load_trans $file"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
if { "$result" != "ok" } {
cbbWindow.ok "Error opening ``$file'': $result."
tkwait window .ok
set cbb(cur_file) "noname.cbb"
wm title . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
wm iconname . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
.trans.list configure -state normal
set start_pos 0
set flag 0
if { $cbb(use_sdate) } {
puts $eng "part_trans $cbb(date_fmt) $cbb(int_sdate)"
} else {
puts $eng "all_trans $cbb(date_fmt)"
flush $eng
gets $eng line1
while { $line1 != "none" } {
gets $eng line2
listAddTrans $line1 $line2
set check [string trim [string range $line1 0 4]]
if { "$check" != "" } {
set cbb(next_chk) $check
gets $eng line1
.trans.list configure -state disabled
# set listbox view to start position
goto $start_pos
# . configure -cursor left_ptr
# hash out the memorized transactions
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Hashing memorized transactions" }
puts $eng "rehash_mems"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
# load the categories
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "Loading the category file [file dirname $file]/categories"
puts $eng "load_cats [file dirname $file]/categories"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
if { "$result" != "ok" } {
cbbWindow.ok "Error opening ``[file dirname $file]/categories'': \
tkwait window .ok
proc acctSave {} {
global cbb argv0 eng
wm title . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
wm iconname . "[file tail $argv0] - [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot save when running in 'safe' mode."
tkwait window .ok
.status.line configure \
-text "Saving transactions to [file tail $cbb(cur_file)]"
# tell engine to save transactions
puts $eng "save_trans $cbb(cur_file)"; flush $eng
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "saving transactions ... $result" }
if { "$result" != "ok" } {
cbbWindow.ok "Error saving ``$cbb(cur_file)'': $result. You are \
advised to use the ``Save As'' function to save to a different \
file name."
tkwait window .ok
# tell engine to save categories
puts $eng "save_cats [file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/categories"; flush $eng
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "saving categories ... $result" }
if { "$result" != "ok" } {
cbbWindow.ok "Error saving \
``[file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/categories'': \
$result. Recent changes to your categories list may not \
have been saved."
tkwait window .ok
# ok we are clean again
proc acctSaveAs {} {
global cbb
option add *font $cbb(default_font)
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot save as when running in 'safe' mode."
tkwait window .ok
set select_result [ut:fsbox -prompt "Save Account As:" \
-cancelvalue "noname.cbb" -grab 1 -master . -dir [mypwd] ]
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "After select: Save Account As: $select_result" }
if { "$select_result" != "noname.cbb" } {
set cbb(cur_file) $select_result
# Select a file to import
proc acctImport {} {
global cbb import_type
option add *font $cbb(default_font)
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot import when running in 'safe' mode."
tkwait window .ok
if { $import_type == 0 } {
set prompt "CBB Import:"
} else {
set prompt "QIF Import:"
set select_result [ut:fsbox -prompt $prompt -cancelvalue "noname.cbb" \
-grab 1 -master . -dir [mypwd] ]
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "After select: Import [file tail $select_result]"}
if { "$select_result" != "noname.cbb" } {
acctImportFile $select_result $import_type
# Do the actual import
proc acctImportFile args {
global cbb eng key date nicedate year month day check desc debit credit cat
global nicecat com cleared total
set arglist [split $args]
set file [lindex $arglist 0]
set type [lindex $arglist 1]
# clear out the old ... not any more
# acctNewClear
# set cbb(cur_file) noname.cbb
.status.line configure \
-text "Importing transactions from [file tail $file]."
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Importing data file $file" }
if { $type == 0 } {
puts $eng "load_cbb $file"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
} elseif { $type == 1 } {
puts $eng "import_qif $file"; flush $eng
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Reading result" }
gets $eng result
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "Got result: $result" }
# clear our list box
.trans.list delete 0.0 end
.trans.list configure -state normal
set flag 0
puts $eng "all_trans $cbb(date_fmt)"; flush $eng
gets $eng line1
while { $line1 != "none" } {
if { $cbb(debug) } { puts "line1 = $line1" }
gets $eng line2
listAddTrans $line1 $line2
gets $eng line1
.trans.list configure -state disabled
# set listbox view to end
goto [listGetSize]
# export to a quicken ".qif" file
proc acctExportQIF {} {
global cbb eng
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
cbbWindow.ok "Cannot export when running in 'safe' mode."
tkwait window .ok
puts $eng "export_qif [file root $cbb(cur_file)].qif"; flush $eng
gets $eng result
cbbWindow.ok "File exported to ``[file root $cbb(cur_file)].qif''\n \
Result = ``$result''"
tkwait window .ok
proc cbbQuit {} {
global cbb yesno
if { [acctIsDirty] } {
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 0 } {
if { $cbb(auto_save) } {
} else {
cbbWindow.yesno "You have not saved your current changes. \
Would you like to save before quitting?"
tkwait window .yesno
if { "$yesno(result)" == "yes" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "no" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "cancel" } {
} else {
cbbWindow.ok "You have made changes to this file. Normally you \
would be asked if you would like to save your changes. \
However, you cannot save files in 'safe' mode so please \
click ``Dismis'' to continue without saving."
tkwait window .ok
if { $cbb(pref_chg) } {
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 0 } {
cbbWindow.yesno "You have not saved your current preferences. \
Would you like to save before quitting?"
tkwait window .yesno
if { "$yesno(result)" == "yes" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "no" } {
} elseif { "$yesno(result)" == "cancel" } {
} else {
cbbWindow.ok "You have made changes to your preferences. \
Normally you \
would be asked if you would like to save your changes. \
However, you cannot save preferences in 'safe' mode so \
please click ``Dismis'' to continue without saving."
tkwait window .ok
# write out current ~/.cbbcur.tcl file
proc cbbcurSave {} {
global cbb
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
set now_today [get_sys_date]
set rchandle [open $cbb(save_cur_file) w]
puts $rchandle "# ~/.cbbcur.tcl"
puts $rchandle "#"
puts $rchandle "# Created by CBB $cbb(version)"
puts $rchandle "# Created on $now_today"
puts $rchandle "#"
puts $rchandle "# This is machine generated tcl code. Please use caution"
puts $rchandle "# when hand editing!"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# File to load when CBB initially starts."
puts $rchandle "set cbb(cur_file) $cbb(cur_file)"
close $rchandle
# write out current ~/.cbbrc.tcl file
proc cbbrcSave {} {
global cbb
set cbb(pref_chg) 0
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
set now_today [get_sys_date]
set rchandle [open $cbb(conf_file) w]
puts $rchandle "# ~/.cbbrc.tcl"
puts $rchandle "#"
puts $rchandle "# Created by CBB $cbb(version)"
puts $rchandle "# Created on $now_today"
puts $rchandle "#"
puts $rchandle "# This is machine generated tcl code. Please use caution"
puts $rchandle "# when hand editing!"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Debugging: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(debug) $cbb(debug)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Enable Balloon Help: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(balloon,on) $cbb(balloon,on)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Enable Splash Screen: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(splash) $cbb(splash)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Auto-highlight entry fields: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(auto_hilite) $cbb(auto_hilite)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Use Memorized Transactions: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(use_mems) $cbb(use_mems)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Date Format: 1=USA 2=International"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(date_fmt) $cbb(date_fmt)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Auto Save Interval (in milleseconds)"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(save_interval) $cbb(save_interval)"
puts $rchandle "# Auto-save when switching files or quitting"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(auto_save) $cbb(auto_save)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Main List Box Dimensions"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(list_width) $cbb(list_width)"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(list_height) $cbb(list_height)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Height of account list box"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(acctlist_height) $cbb(acctlist_height)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Maximum splits per entry"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(max_splits) $cbb(max_splits)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Startdate ..."
puts $rchandle "set cbb(use_sdate) $cbb(use_sdate)"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(sdate) \"$cbb(sdate)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(report_sdate) \"$cbb(report_sdate)\""
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Account Cache ..."
puts $rchandle "set cbb(cache) $cbb(cache)"
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Cryptography ..."
puts $rchandle "set cbb(use_crypt) $cbb(use_crypt)"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(encrypt) \"$cbb(encrypt)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(decrypt) \"$cbb(decrypt)\""
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Fonts ..."
puts $rchandle "set cbb(msg_text_font) \"$cbb(msg_text_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(button_font) \"$cbb(button_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(fixed_header_font) \"$cbb(fixed_header_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(fixed_font) \"$cbb(fixed_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(status_line_font) \"$cbb(status_line_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(menu_font) \"$cbb(menu_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(dialog_font) \"$cbb(dialog_font)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(default_font) \"$cbb(default_font)\""
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# Colors ..."
puts $rchandle "set cbb(head_color) \"$cbb(head_color)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(hilite_color) \"$cbb(hilite_color)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(list_line1_color) \"$cbb(list_line1_color)\""
puts $rchandle "set cbb(list_line2_color) \"$cbb(list_line2_color)\""
puts $rchandle ""
puts $rchandle "# External web browser"
puts $rchandle "set cbb(web_browser) \"$cbb(web_browser)\""
close $rchandle
# save the current file at regular intervals in case the computer crashes
# or something
proc setup_auto_save {} {
global cbb eng
if { $cbb(safe_mode) == 1 } {
after $cbb(save_interval) {
if { "[file extension $cbb(cur_file)]" == ".cbb" } {
if { [acctIsDirty] } {
set auto_save_file \
"[file dirname $cbb(cur_file)]/#[file tail $cbb(cur_file)]#"
.status.line configure -text \
"Auto saving to [file tail $auto_save_file]"
if { $cbb(debug) } {
puts "Auto saving to [file tail $auto_save_file]"
# tell engine to save transactions
puts $eng "auto_save_trans $auto_save_file"
flush $eng
# reset auto save
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Log: file.tcl,v $
# Revision 2.18 1998/08/14 14:28:36 curt
# Added desc-pie graph.
# Added option to eliminate splash screen.
# Other misc. tweaks and bug fixes.
# Revision 2.17 1997/06/12 21:53:13 curt
# Applied more patches from Martin Schenk <schenkm@ping.at>. His changes
# greatly improved and developed the preferences menu so it is now actually
# usable to set preferences.
# Current data file is now saved in ~/.cbbcur.tcl
# Revision 2.16 1997/05/06 01:00:26 curt
# Added patches contributed by Martin Schenk <schenkm@ping.at>
# - Default to umask of 066 so .CBB files get created rw by owner only
# - Added support for pgp encrypting data files
# - Added support for displaying only recent parts of files (avoids
# waiting to load in lots of old txns you don't currently need.)
# - Added a feature to "cache" whole accounts in the perl engine so
# that switching between accounts can be faster.
# - The above options can be turned on/off via the preferrences menu.
# Revision 2.15 1997/04/07 21:13:32 curt
# Add a $cbb(web_browser) variable which can be set from ~/.cbbrc.tcl
# If netscape is the browser, and there is a copy running, don't start
# a new copy.
# Revision 2.14 1997/04/03 03:54:47 curt
# Enable auto save without prompting when switching to a new account.
# Contributed by Jonathan I. Kamens <jik@kamens.brookline.ma.us>
# Revision 2.13 1997/03/04 03:22:38 curt
# Fixed bug which showed up when hitting '+' in a blank check # field after
# an account had been loaded, but before any transactions with a check number
# had been added.
# Revision 2.12 1997/01/16 19:15:39 curt
# Miscellaneous interface tweaks.
# Revision 2.11 1997/01/13 19:31:48 curt
# Fixed a little typo which caused .qif imports to go into an infinite loop.
# Revision 2.10 1997/01/09 04:02:59 curt
# Allow user to specify colors of alternating transaction lines.
# Revision 2.9 1997/01/09 03:56:57 curt
# Added contrib script loan.pl.
# User sizable account list.
# Removed some old gnuplot baggage from install.pl.
# Revision 2.8 1997/01/02 04:38:34 curt
# Changes over the 1996 holidays:
# - Converted listbox to text widget. This allows us to do nice
# things with alternating background colors, highliting, red
# negative numbers, etc.
# - Negative transactions are now drawn in red.
# - Added a Goto <Today> option.
# - <Home> & <End> were double bound. Now, listbox can be traversed with
# <Meta-Home> and <Meta-End>
# Revision 2.7 1996/12/17 14:53:56 curt
# Updated copyright date.
# Revision 2.6 1996/12/16 04:18:17 curt
# Continuing the great overhaul of December 1996.
# Revision 2.5 1996/12/14 17:15:22 curt
# The great overhaul of December '96.
# Revision 2.4 1996/12/11 18:33:36 curt
# Ran a spell checker.
# Revision 2.3 1996/12/11 04:32:28 curt
# Several minor tweaks.
# Revision 2.2 1996/12/08 07:39:59 curt
# Rearranged quite a bit of code.
# Put most global variables in cbb() structure.
# Revision 2.1 1996/12/07 20:38:14 curt
# Renamed *.tk -> *.tcl
# Revision 2.6 1996/10/24 15:09:33 curt
# Version number updates.
# Revision 2.5 1996/10/23 02:28:21 curt
# Display an error message if a problem is encountered saving the account or
# categories.
# Revision 2.4 1996/09/30 15:14:36 curt
# Updated CBB URL, and hardwired wish path.
# Revision 2.3 1996/07/13 02:57:44 curt
# Version 0.65
# Packing Changes
# Documentation changes
# Changes to handle a value in both debit and credit fields.
# Revision 2.2 1996/03/03 00:16:12 curt
# Modified Files: cbb categories.pl wrapper.pl file.tk main.tk menu.tk
# Added an account list at the bottom of the screen. Thanks to:
# Cengiz Alaettinoglu <cengiz@ISI.EDU> for this great addition.
# Revision 2.1 1996/02/27 05:35:43 curt
# Just stumbling around a bit with cvs ... :-(
# Revision 2.0 1996/02/27 04:42:57 curt
# Initial 2.0 revision. (See "Log" files for old history.)