PC World 2000 February
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251 lines
# Christopher B. Browne, cbbrowne@hex.net, chris_browne@sdt.com
# Web: http://www.conline.com/~cbbrowne SAP Basis Consultant, UNIX Guy
# Windows NT - How to make a 100 MIPS Linux workstation perform like an 8 MHz
# 286
# $Id: txn,v 2.2 1997/07/02 18:36:57 curt Exp $
$name = shift(@ARGV); $name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$homedir = "/home/cbbrowne/kwiken/";
# find the *real* file name (with lots of chances to die if it's not a
# particularly valid name)
$datafile = &find_cbb_file($name, $homedir);
# See if the file is really and truly a CBB data file
# initial error checking:
if ($#ARGV != 5) {
($indate, $check, $payee, $cat, $amount, $desc) = @ARGV;
$txndate = &fiddle_with_date($indate);
if ($amount < 0) {
$credit = sprintf("%.2f", -$amount);
} else {
$debit = sprintf("%.2f", $amount);
#$newbal = sprintf("%.2f", $lastbal + $credit - $debit);
# Check the category/categories
$cat = &split_txn($cat, $amount);
if ($cat eq "-1" || $cat eq "") {
print "Did not exist!\n";
die -1;
$rec = "";
$txn = "$txndate\t$check\t$payee\t$debit\t$credit\t$cat\t$desc\t$rec";
open(OUT, ">>$datafile");
print OUT $txn, "\n";
print "Added to $datafile\n";
print "$txn\n";
#print "New balance: $newbal\n";
exit 0;
sub split_txn {
local ($scat, $amount, $total) = @_;
if (index($scat, "|", 0) != -1) {
# Split transaction; look for the pieces, see if they add up
@PIECES=split(/\|/, $scat);
if (($#PIECES % 2) == 1) {
print "Split does not have appropriate number of pieces\n";
die -1;
@SPLIT = (); # Initialize the result array
shift(@PIECES); # First item gets trashed
while (@PIECES) {
$scat = &find_cats(shift(@PIECES));
$samount = &remove_commas(shift(@PIECES));
push(@SPLIT, $scat);
push(@SPLIT, $samount);
$total -= $samount;
if (substr($scat, 0, 1) eq "[") {
# This is a transfer inside a split
$tftxn = "txn '$scat' '$txndate' '$check' 'Funds Transfer (split)' '[$name]'
$samount '$desc'";
push(@TFTXNS, $tftxn);
if ((($total - $amount) > 0.005) || (($total - $amount) < -0.005)) {
printf "Split amounts add up to %.2f; not the same as the total %.2f\n",
$total, $amount;
die -1;
} else {
# Re-assemble the string using what was determined here
$scat = "|".join("|", @SPLIT);
while (@TFTXNS) {
system (pop(@TFTXNS));
} else {
$scat = &find_cats($scat);
return $scat;
sub find_cats {
local ($category) = @_;
$category =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
local (@MATCH, $lowkey, $key, $value);
# Search the category list for matches. If only one is found, then
# return it as $cat. If more than one is found, put them in @MATCH.
# $lowkey is used for the search, so that it's all case insensitive
$categoryfile = $homedir."categories";
$match = `grep -i "$category" $categoryfile`;
@FOUND = split(/\n/, $match);
foreach $line (0..$#FOUND) {
($key, $value) = split(/\t/, $FOUND[$line]);
print "[$key] [$value]\n";
$lowkey = $key;
$lowkey =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
# Now, see if the category is valid...
if ($#MATCH == -1) {
print "No matches found for $category!\n";
return -1;
} elsif ($#MATCH == 0) {
# print "Ok - found $category\n";
return $MATCH[0];
} else {
print "Transaction dated [$txndate] Ref # [$check] to [$payee]\n";
printf "Amount: DR %12.2f CR %12.2f Re: %s\n", $debit, $credit, $desc;
print "\nCategory code [$category] is ambiguous:\n";
printf " # Category Name Long Description\n";
printf "----------------------------------------------------------\n";
foreach $i (0..$#MATCH) {
printf "%2d %-20s %s\n", $i, $MATCH[$i], $CATS{$MATCH[$i]};
print "Pick one: (invalid entry to abort): ";
if (($alt > $#MATCH) || ($alt < 0)
|| ($alt lt 0) || ($alt gt "99")) {
print "Invalid value - ABORT!";
return $MATCH[$alt];
sub die_if_not_cbb {
local ($datafile) = @_;
$head = `head -1 $datafile`; # Grab the first line of the file
if ($head =~ /CBB Data File --/) {
# OK
# Pre v0.70 - read the last line, and grab the last balance.
# Post v0.70 - there is no "balance" field in the .cbb file to read.
# $lasttxn = `tail -1 $datafile`; # Grab the last line of the file
# ($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7, $x8, $lastbal) = split(/\t/, $lasttxn);
# $lastbal = sprintf("%.2f", $lastbal);
} else {
print $head;
print "Data file $datafile doesn't look like it's a CBB file\n";
die -1;
sub find_cbb_file {
local ($id, $homedir) = @_;
local ($datafile) = $homedir.$id;
if (!($datafile =~ /\.cbb/) ){
$datafile .= ".cbb";
if (-e $datafile) {
# Ok
} else {
print "Could not find file $datafile\n";
die -1;
if (!( -w $datafile)) {
print "You're not allowed to write to $datafile!\n";
die -1;
return $datafile;
sub report_bad_args {
local ($nargs) = @_;
print "incorrect argument count - [$nargs]\n";
print "txn [Source_acct] [Date] [Ref#] [Payee] [Category] [Amount]
print " Adds a financial transaction to a cbb file\n";
print " use '-t' to fill in today's date\n\n";
print "Example:\n dantzig[90]> txn cash -t 'n/a' '1st Cdn Place' 'Lunch'
4.27 ''\n";
sub fiddle_with_date {
local ($indate) = @_;
local($todaydate) = sprintf ("%02d%02d%02d", $year, $month+1,
local ($txndate) = $indate;
if ($txndate eq "-t") {
$txndate = $todaydate;
# If the date is 2 digits, then the transaction is merely specifying
# the day within this month.
if (length($txndate) <= 2) {
$txndate = substr($todaydate, 0, 4).sprintf("%02d", $txndate);
# If the date is 4 digits long, then it's specifying date and month.
# Insert the year (just YY at this point).
if (length($txndate) == 4) {
$txndate = substr($todaydate, 0, 2).sprintf("%04d", $txndate);
$century = "19"; # In the year 2000, this will need to change.
if (length($txndate) != 8) {
$txndate = $century.$txndate;
local($year, $month, $day) = (substr($txndate, 0, 4),
substr($txndate, 4, 2),
substr($txndate, 6, 2));
# This really ought to consider the number of days in each month;
# e.g., February 30th never exists. I haven't bothered.
# Now, validate a whack of stuff all at once, and die if everything
# doesn't seem correct.
if ((length($txndate) != 8) || ($month < 1) || ($month > 12)
|| ($day < 1) || ($day > 31)) {
print "Date [$txndate] formatted incorrectly - use YYYYMMDD\n";
die -1;
return $txndate;