PC World 2000 February
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C/C++ Source or Header
468 lines
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protected: int m_TypeID ;
public: TC_CIDataType () ;
public: virtual ~TC_CIDataType () ;
public: virtual BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * other) =0 ;
public: virtual int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) =0 ;
public: virtual int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) =0 ;
public: virtual int FromNative (const void * val) =0 ;
public: virtual int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) =0 ;
public: virtual int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) =0 ;
public: virtual int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) =0 ;
public: virtual int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) =0 ;
public: virtual int ToNative (void * dest) =0 ;
public: virtual int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) =0 ;
public: virtual int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) =0 ;
public: virtual TC_CIDataType * Copy () =0 ;
public: virtual char * DefaultFmt () =0 ;
public: virtual BOOL IsNull () =0 ;
public: virtual int Compare (TC_CIDataType * other) =0 ;
public: virtual void SetNull () ;
public: virtual int RawSize () =0 ;
public: virtual void * Ptr () =0 ;
public: virtual BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: int TypeID () const ;
}; // end of class TC_CIDataType
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: public TC_CIDataType
private: TC_CDate m_Date ;
public: TC_CIDate () ;
public: TC_CIDate (TC_CDate & dt) ;
public: TC_CIDate (TC_CIDate & dt) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: operator TC_CDate () ;
public: operator TC_CTime () ;
}; // end of class TC_CIDate
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: public TC_CIDataType
private: TC_CTime m_Time ;
public: TC_CITime () ;
public: TC_CITime (TC_CTime & tm) ;
public: TC_CITime (TC_CITime & tm) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: operator TC_CTime () ;
public: operator TC_CDate () ;
}; // end of class TC_CITime
// **********************************************************************
#define STRFMT_ALL 0x00000001L // %X all printable characters (default)
#define STRFMT_NUMBER 0x00000002L // %9 numbers (0-9)
#define STRFMT_CHAR 0x00000004L // %A characters (a-z)
#define STRFMT_UPPER 0x00000008L // %! to upper case
#define STRFMT_LOWER 0x00000010L // %~ to lower case
#define STRFMT_EXCLUDE 0x00000020L // %E exclude specified characters: +string
// **********************************************************************
: public TC_CIDataType
protected: int ParseFmt (const char* str, char * fmt, BOOL is_test ) ;
protected: virtual void AssignParsed (const char * str) =0 ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIStringType
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// **********************************************************************
: public TC_CIStringType
protected: TC_CString m_Str ;
protected: void AssignParsed (const char * str) ;
public: TC_CIString () ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
}; // end of class TC_CIString
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: public TC_CIString
public: TC_CICharArr () ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
}; // end of class TC_CICharArr
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: public TC_CIStringType
protected: unsigned char m_Byte ;
protected: void AssignParsed (const char * str) ;
public: TC_CIByte () ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
}; // end of class TC_CIByte
// **********************************************************************
#define INTFMT_RADIX 0x00000001L // %b base radix; +number: 2-36
#define INTFMT_WIDTH 0x00000002L // %w zero pad to width n: +number: 0 - 128
#define INTFMT_SIGN 0x00000004L // %+ always show sign
#define INTFMT_THOUSANDS 0x00000008L // %, comma separate thousands if radix = 10
#define INTFMT_THOUSAND_SEP 0x00000010L // %T, thousand separator if radix = 10; +string
// **********************************************************************
: public TC_CIDataType
protected: int ParseFmt (const char* str, char * fmt, long * val, int flag ) ;
protected: int Format (long val, TC_CString & str, char * fmt, int flag) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIInteger
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: public TC_CIInteger
protected: short m_Val ;
public: TC_CIShort () ;
public: TC_CIShort (short val) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: operator short ()
return m_Val;
} // end of func
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public: short operator = (short val) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIShort
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: public TC_CIShort
public: TC_CIUShort () ;
public: TC_CIUShort (unsigned short val) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: operator unsigned short ()
return (unsigned short)(short)(*this);
} // end of func
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public: unsigned short operator = (unsigned short val) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIUShort
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: public TC_CIInteger
protected: long m_Val ;
public: TC_CILong () ;
public: TC_CILong (long val) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: operator long ()
return m_Val;
} // end of func
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public: long operator = (long val) ;
}; // end of class TC_CILong
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: public TC_CILong
public: TC_CIULong () ;
public: TC_CIULong (unsigned long val) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: operator unsigned long ()
return (unsigned long)(long)(*this);
} // end of func
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public: unsigned long operator = (unsigned long val) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIULong
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#define DBLFMT_CRNCY BCDFMT_CRNCY // %$ use currency format
#define DBLFMT_CRNCY_NAME BCDFMT_CRNCY_NAME // %C currency name; +string
#define DBLFMT_CRNCY_POS BCDFMT_CRNCY_POS // %P currency name position; +number: 0 left, 1 right, 2 at decimal pos
#define DBLFMT_CRNCY_SPACES BCDFMT_CRNCY_SPACES // %S currency space separators; +number
#define DBLFMT_SIGN BCDFMT_SIGN // %+ include sign
#define DBLFMT_THOUSANDS BCDFMT_THOUSANDS // %, separate thousands
#define DBLFMT_PARENTH_NEG BCDFMT_PARENTH_NEG // %( negative in parenteses
#define DBLFMT_DEC_SEP BCDFMT_DEC_SEP // %D decimal separator; +string
#define DBLFMT_THOUSAND_SEP BCDFMT_THOUSAND_SEP // %T thousands separator; +string
#define DBLFMT_DEC_NUM BCDFMT_DEC_NUM // %d number of digits after decimal point
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: public TC_CIDataType
private: double m_Val ;
public: TC_CIDouble () ;
public: TC_CIDouble (double val) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & s, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: operator double ()
return m_Val;
} // end of func
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public: double operator = (double val) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIDouble
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: public TC_CIDataType
private: float m_Val ;
public: TC_CIFloat () ;
public: TC_CIFloat (float val) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & s, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: int RawSize () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: operator float ()
return m_Val;
} // end of func
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public: float operator = (float val) ;
}; // end of class TC_CIFloat
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: public TC_CIDataType
private: TC_CBCD m_Val ;
public: TC_CIBCD () ;
public: TC_CIBCD (TC_CBCD & bcd) ;
public: TC_CIBCD (unsigned char P, signed char S) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & s, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: int RawSize () ;
}; // end of class TC_CIBCD
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: public TC_CIDataType
private: TC_CBinArray m_Arr ;
public: TC_CIBinArray () ;
public: TC_CIBinArray (const unsigned char * arr, ULONG size) ;
public: TC_CIBinArray (ULONG size) ;
public: TC_CIBinArray (const TC_CBinArray & arr) ;
public: BOOL IsCompatible (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int Validate (const char * str, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int FromString (const char * str, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int FromNative (const void * val) ;
public: int FromAnother (const TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int FromRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: int ToString (char * dest, int size, char * fmt = 0) ;
public: int ToString (TC_CString & s, char * fmt=0) ;
public: int ToNative (void * dest) ;
public: int ToAnother (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: int ToRawData (char * data, int sz=0) ;
public: TC_CIDataType * Copy () ;
public: char * DefaultFmt () ;
public: int Compare (TC_CIDataType * dtype) ;
public: BOOL IsNull () ;
public: void * Ptr () ;
public: BOOL IsFmtValid (const char * fmt) ;
public: int RawSize () ;
}; // end of class TC_CIBinArray
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