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- ;
- ; English messagefile for Free Pascal Compiler
- ;
- ; The letters until the _ indicate which type of message will be displayed,
- ; they are listed in order of importance, combinations may be made. The
- ; default when no type is listed is V_Default (=Error)
- ; F - Fatal Error
- ; E - Error
- ; W - Warning
- ; N - Note
- ; H - Hint
- ; I - Info
- ; L - Linenumber
- ; U - Used
- ; T - Tried
- ; M - Macro
- ; P - Procedure
- ; C - Conditional
- ; D - Debug
- ; Special cases:
- ; S - Stop the compiler after displaying the message
- ;
- ; Warning: When this file is loaded at runtime, the comments are also
- ; loaded to the memory
- ;
- I_$1 kB free
- L_$1 lines $2 kB free
- I_$1 stream kB used
- I_$1 EMS kB used
- I_Compiler: $1
- I_Units are searched in: $1
- D_Source OS: $1
- I_Target OS: $1
- U_Using executable path: $1
- U_Using GCClib path: $1
- I_$1 Lines compiled, $2 sec
- ;
- ; Scanner (also scanner part of the assembler)
- ;
- F_Unexpected end of file
- F_String exceeds line
- F_illegal character
- F_Syntax error $2 expected at col $1
- U_Start reading includefile $1
- W_Comment level $1 found
- N_$F directive (FAR) ignored
- N_Stack check is global under linux
- W_Illegal compiler switch
- W_This compiler switch has a global effect
- E_Illegal char constant
- F_Can't open file
- F_Can't open include file $1
- E_Too many $ENDIFs or $ELSEs
- W_Records fields can be aligned to 1,2 or 4 bytes only
- E_$ENDIF expected for $1 at $2 $3
- E_Syntax error while parsing a conditional compiling expression
- E_Evaluating a conditional compiling expression
- W_Macro contents is cut after char 255 to evalute expression
- E_ENDIF without IF(N)DEF
- F_User defined: $1
- E_User defined: $1
- W_User defined: $1
- N_User defined: $1
- H_User defined: $1
- I_User defined: $1
- E_Keyword redefined as macro has no effect
- F_Macro buffer overflow while reading or expanding a macro
- W_Extension of macros exceeds a deep of 16, perhaps there is a recursive macro definition (crashes the compiler)
- E_compiler switches aren't allowed in (* ... *) styled comments
- D_Handling switch "$1"
- C_ENDIF $1 found
- C_IFDEF $1 found, $2
- C_IFOPT $1 found, $2
- C_IF $1 found, $2
- C_IFNDEF $1 found, $2
- C_ELSE $1 found, $2
- C_Skipping until...
- I_Press <return> to continue
- ;
- ; Parser
- ;
- E_Parser - Syntax Error
- W_Procedure type FAR ignored
- W_Procedure type NEAR ignored
- E_No DLL File specified
- E_Constructor name must be INIT
- E_Destructor name must be DONE
- E_Illegal open parameter
- E_Procedure type INLINE not supported
- W_Private methods shouldn't be VIRTUAL
- E_Constructor can't be private or protected
- E_Destructor can't be private or protected
- N_Class should have one destructor only
- E_Local class definitions are not allowed
- E_Anonym class definitions are not allowed
- E_Ordinal value expected
- E_Illegal parameter list
- E_overloaded identifier isn't a function identifier
- E_overloaded functions have the same parameter list
- E_function header doesn't match the forward declaration $1
- N_only values can be jumped over in enumeration types
- N_Interface and implementation names are different !
- E_function nesting > 31
- E_range check error while evaluating constants
- E_pointer type expected
- E_class type expected
- E_duplicate case label
- E_typed constants of classes are not allowed
- E_functions variables of overloaded functions are not allowed
- E_string length must be a value from 1 to 255
- W_use extended syntax of DISPOSE and NEW to generate instances of classes
- E_class identifier expected
- E_method identifier expected
- E_function header doesn't match any method of this class
- P_procedure/function $1 ($2) at line $3
- E_Illegal floating point constant
- E_FAIL can be used in constructors only
- E_Destructors can't have parameters
- E_string types doesn't match, because of $V+ mode
- E_Only class methods can be referred with class references
- E_Only class methods can be accessed in class methods
- E_Constant and CASE types do not match
- E_The symbol can't be exported from a library
- E_A virtual method must be overridden using the OVERRIDE directive: $1
- E_There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: $1
- E_No member is provided to access property
- E_Illegal symbol for property access
- E_Cannot write a protected field of an object
- E_all overloaded methods must be virtual if one is virtual: $1
- E_overloaded methods which are virtual must have the same return type: $1
- E_EXPORT declared functions can't be nested
- E_methods can't be EXPORTed
- E_call by var parameters have to match exactly
- E_Class isn't a super class of the current class
- E_SELF is only allowed in methods
- E_methods can be only in other methods called direct with type identifier of the class
- E_Illegal use of ':'
- E_range check error in set constructor or duplicate set element
- E_Pointer to class expected
- E_Expression must be constructor call
- E_Expression must be destructor call
- E_Type conflict between set elements
- W_The operator / isn't defined for integer, the result will be real, use DIV instead
- E_Illegal order of record elements
- E_Expression type must by class or record type
- E_Functions with void return value can't return any value
- E_constructors and destructors must be methods
- W_Automatic type conversion from floating type to COMP which is an integer type
- E_Operator is not overloaded
- E_Variable or type indentifier expected
- E_Re-raise isn't possible there
- E_The extended syntax of new or dispose isn't allowed for a class
- E_Assembler incompatible with function return value
- E_Procedure overloading is switched off
- E_It is not possible to overload this operator (overload = instead)
- E_Comparative operator must return a boolean value
- E_Only virtual methods can be abstract
- F_Use of unsupported feature!
- E_The mix of CLASSES and OBJECTS isn't allowed
- W_Unknown procedure directive had to be ignored: $1
- E_absolute can only be associated to ONE variable
- E_absolute can only be associated a var or const
- E_Abtract methods shouldn't have any definition (with function body)
- E_This overloaded function can't be local (must be exported)
- E_succ or pred on enums with assignments not possible
- W_Virtual methods are used without a constructor
- M_Macro defined: $1
- M_Macro undefined: $1
- M_Macro $1 set to $2
- I_Compiling $1
- D_Compiling $1 for the second time
- E_Array properties aren't allowed at this point
- E_No property found to override
- E_Only one default property is allowed, found inherited default property in class %1
- E_The default property must be an array property
- ;
- ; Symbol-table errors/warnings
- ;
- N_Local variable $1 doesn't seem to be initialized yet !
- E_Identifier not found $1
- F_Internal Error in SymTableStack()
- E_Duplicate identifier $1
- E_Unknown identifier $1
- E_Forward declaration not solved: $1
- F_Identifier type already defined as type
- E_Type identifier expected
- E_Type mismatch
- E_Error in type defenition
- E_Type identifier not defined
- E_Only static variables can be used in static methods or outside methods
- E_Invalid call to tvarsym.mangledname()
- F_record or class type expected
- E_To generate an instance of a class or an object with an abtract method isn't allowed
- E_Label not defined $1
- E_Illegal label declaration
- E_GOTO und LABEL are not supported (use command line switch -Sg)
- E_Label not found
- E_identifier isn't a label
- E_label already defined
- E_illegal type declaration of set elements
- E_Forward class definition not resolved $1
- H_Identifier not used $1, declared in line $2
- E_Set elements are not compatible
- E_Set type expected
- W_Function result does not seem to be set
- E_Unknown field identifier
- N_Local variable does not seem to be initialized: $1
- E_identifier idents no member
- ;
- ; Codegenerator
- ;
- E_BREAK not allowed
- E_CONTINUE not allowed
- E_Expression too complicated - FPU stack overflow
- E_Illegal expression
- E_Invalid integer
- E_Illegal qualifier
- E_High range limit < low range limit
- E_Illegal counter variable
- E_Can't determine which overloaded function to call
- E_Parameter list size exceeds 65535 bytes
- E_Illegal type conversion
- E_File types must be var parameters
- E_The use of a far pointer isn't allowed there
- E_illegal call by reference parameters
- E_EXPORT declared functions can't be called
- W_Possible illegal call of constructor or destructor (doesn't match to this context)
- N_Inefficient code
- W_unreachable code
- E_procedure call with stackframe ESP/SP
- E_Abstract methods can't be called directly
- F_Internal Error in getfloatreg(), allocation failure
- F_Unknown float type
- F_SecondVecn() base defined twice
- F_Extended cg68k not supported
- F_32-bit unsigned not supported in MC68000 mode
- F_Internal Error in secondinline()
- D_Register $1 weight $2 $3
- E_Stack limit excedeed in local routine
- D_Stack frame is omited
- ;
- ; Assembler parsers
- ;
- F_Divide by zero in asm evaluator
- F_Evaluator stack overflow
- F_Evaluator stack underflow
- F_Invalid numeric format in asm evaluator
- F_Invalid Operator in asm evaluator
- F_Unknown error in asm evaluator
- W_Invalid numeric value
- E_escape sequence ignored: $1
- E_Asm syntax error - Prefix not found
- E_Asm syntax error - Trying to add more than one prefix
- E_Asm syntax error - Opcode not found
- E_Invalid symbol reference
- W_Calling an overload function in an asm
- E_Constant value out of bounds
- E_Non-label pattern contains @
- E_Invalid Operand: $1
- W_Override operator not supported
- E_Error in binary constant: $1
- E_Error in octal constant: $1
- E_Error in hexadecimal constant: $1
- E_Error in integer constant: $1
- E_Invalid labeled opcode
- F_Internal error in Findtype()
- E_Invalid size for MOVSX/MOVZX
- E_16-bit base in 32-bit segment
- E_16-bit index in 32-bit segment
- E_Invalid Opcode
- E_Constant reference not allowed
- W_Fwait can cause emulation problems with emu387
- E_Invalid combination of opcode and operands
- W_Opcode $1 not in table, operands not checked
- F_Internal Error in ConcatOpcode()
- E_Invalid size in reference
- E_Invalid middle sized operand
- E_Invalid three operand opcode
- E_Assembler syntax error
- E_Invalid operand type
- E_Segment overrides not supported
- E_Invalid constant symbol $1
- F_Internal Errror converting binary
- F_Internal Errror converting hexadecimal
- F_Internal Errror converting octal
- E_Invalid constant expression
- E_Unknown identifier: $1
- E_Trying to define an index register more than once
- E_Invalid field specifier
- F_Internal Error in BuildScaling()
- E_Invalid scaling factor
- E_Invalid scaling value
- E_Scaling value only allowed with index
- E_Invalid assembler syntax. No ref with brackets)
- E_Expressions of the form [sreg:reg...] are currently not supported
- E_Trying to define a segment register twice
- E_Trying to define a base register twice
- E_Trying to use a negative index register
- E_Asm syntax error - error in reference
- E_Local symbols not allowed as references
- E_Invalid operand in bracket expression
- E_Invalid symbol name: $1
- E_Invalid Reference syntax
- E_Invalid string as opcode operand: $1
- W_@CODE and @DATA not supported
- E_Null label references are not allowed
- E_Cannot use SELF outside a method
- E_Asm syntax error - Should start with bracket
- E_Asm syntax error - register: $1
- E_SEG and OFFSET not supported
- E_Asm syntax error - in opcode operand
- E_Invalid String expression
- E_Constant expression out of bounds
- F_Internal Error in BuildConstant()
- W_A repeat prefix and a segment override on <= i386 may result in errors if an interrupt occurs
- E_Invalid or missing opcode
- E_Invalid combination of prefix and opcode: $1
- E_Invalid combination of override and opcode: $1
- E_Too many operands on line
- E_Duplicate local symbol: $1
- E_Unknown label identifer: $1
- E_Assemble node syntax error
- E_Undefined local symbol: $1
- D_Starting intel styled assembler parsing...
- D_Finished intel styled assembler parsing...
- E_Not a directive or local symbol: $1
- E_/ at beginning of line not allowed
- E_NOR not supported
- E_Invalid floating point register name
- W_Modulo not supported
- E_Invalid floating point constant: $1
- E_Size suffix and destination register do not match
- E_Internal error in ConcatLabeledInstr()
- W_Floating point binary representation ignored
- W_Floating point hexadecimal representation ignored
- W_Floating point octal representation ignored
- E_Invalid real constant expression
- E_Parenthesis are not allowed
- E_Invalid Reference
- E_Cannot use __SELF outside a method
- E_Cannot use __OLDEBP outside a nested procedure
- W_Identifier $1 supposed external
- E_Invalid segment override expression
- E_Strings not allowed as constants
- D_Starting AT&T styled assembler parsing...
- D_Finished AT&T styled assembler parsing...
- E_Switching sections is not allowed in an assembler block
- E_Invalid global definition
- E_Line separator expected
- W_globl not supported
- W_align not supported
- W_lcomm not supported
- W_comm not supported
- E_Invalid local common definition
- E_Invalid global common definition
- E_local symbol: $1 not found inside asm statement
- E_assembler code not returned to text
- F_internal error in BuildReference()
- E_invalid opcode size
- W_NEAR ignored
- W_FAR ignored
- D_Creating inline asm lookup tables
- W_Using a defined name as a local label
- F_internal error in HandleExtend()
- E_Invalid character: <
- E_Invalid character: >
- E_Unsupported opcode
- E_Increment and Decrement mode not allowed together
- E_Invalid Register list in movem/fmovem
- E_Invalid Register list for opcode
- E_68020+ mode required to assemble
- D_Starting Motorola styled assembler parsing...
- D_Finished Motorola styled assembler parsing...
- W_XDEF not supported
- W_Functions with void return value can't return any value in asm code
- E_Invalid suffix for intel assembler
- E_Extended not supported in this mode
- E_Comp not supported in this mode
- W_You need GNU as version >= 2.81 to compile this MMX code
- ;
- ; Exec, calls to assembler, linker, binder, libraries
- ;
- I_Assembling (pipe) $1
- E_Can't create assember file $1
- W_Assembler $1 not found, switching to external assembling
- U_Using assembler: $1
- W_Error while assembling
- W_Can't call the assembler, switching to external assembling
- I_Assembling $1
- W_Linker $1 not found, switching to external linking
- U_Using linker: $1
- E_File $1 not found, Linking may fail !!
- W_Error while linking
- W_Can't call the linker, switching to external linking
- I_Linking $1
- W_binder not found, switching to external binding
- W_ar not found, switching to external ar
- E_Dynamic Libraries not supported
- I_Closing script $1
- ;
- ; Unit handling, PPU file
- ;
- U_PPU Loading $1
- D_PPU Time: $1
- D_PPU File too short
- D_PPU Invalid Header (no PPU at the begin)
- D_PPU Invalid Version $1
- D_PPU Flags: $1
- D_PPU Crc: $1
- T_PPU Source: $1
- D_objectfile and assemblerfile are older than ppufile
- D_objectfile is older than assemblerfile
- T_Unitsearch: $1
- U_Writing $1
- F_Can't Write PPU-File
- F_reading PPU-File
- F_Invalid PPU-File entry: $1
- F_PPU Dbx count problem
- E_Illegal unit name: $1
- F_Too much units
- F_Circular unit reference
- F_Can't compile unit $1, no sources available
- W_Compiling the system unit requires the -Us switch
- E_$1 Errors
- F_There were errors compiling module, compilation stopped