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- by Richard D. Clark (PCC RichC)
- 11/19/91
- The Musical Instrument Digital Interface was introduced in 1983
- by a coalition of musical instrument manufacturers as a standard
- protocol with which electronic instruments -- specifically
- synthesizers -- could interchange data. At that time, its primary
- use was to allow one synth's keyboard to control the sounds of
- another, in a "master-slave" relationship. Even its inventors
- didn't foresee the complex and varied applications for which MIDI
- would be utilized within just a few years.
- MIDI is "platform independent." That means that any device which
- conforms to the MIDI Specification, and is equipped with MIDI
- ports, can talk to and be understood by any other; this includes
- computers of different types (IBM, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari).
- ----------MIDI BASICS
- Most users don't need to understand the "innards" of MIDI, just
- as knowledge of programming isn't necessary to use a word
- processor. To use MIDI hardware and software, you just need a
- fundamental understanding of the kinds of data being
- interchanged.
- MIDI can transmit 16 channels of data simultaneously, in a
- process analogous to cable TV: there's only one data stream,
- carried by one cable; the "receiver" -- the MIDI device -- sorts
- the data into the 16 independent MIDI channels.
- MIDI devices, in turn, can be set to respond to all, or only one
- MIDI channel. In this manner, one channel can contain "piano"
- data, which is recognized only by a synth set to that channel,
- while another contains only "bass" data. Whether the synth
- *sounds* like a "piano" when it plays that data is dependent on
- its own settings and capabilities. If it's set to a "brass"
- sound, it will play the "piano" notes using the "brass" sound.
- When MIDI data is transmitted, it is usually in "real time" --
- with the tempo of the music set by software, or by the person
- actually playing the controlling instrument. The exception to
- this is "system exclusive" (sysex) data, which is used for
- exchanging things like patch banks (sets of sounds) between MIDI
- devices.
- Each channel carries data about the music being played. Some
- kinds of data are:
- *Note Data - Note Number, Note On, Note Off. Every note in
- the playable musical spectrum has its own unique MIDI note
- number. These commands simply transmit information about what key
- was pressed and when, and when it was released.
- *Velocity Data - Many (but not all) MIDI keyboards can send
- a different "velocity" value depending on how hard the key is
- struck. Velocity sensitivity is usually used to control volume;
- the harder the key is struck, the louder the note sounds, much
- like an analog instrument. Velocity values range from 1 (softest)
- to 128 (loudest). Many inexpensive or older MIDI keyboards cannot
- generate or respond to velocity data.
- *Program Change - Most synths can produce a variety of
- sounds; each sound has its own identity and program number.
- (These sounds are often called "patches," a holdover from the
- days when synth programming was done by physically patching
- cables between electronic modules.) Groups of patches are usually
- organized into "banks;" the number of patches per bank varies
- from one synth to the next. A MIDI Program Change command tells
- the synth which Program Number -- which of its built-in "sounds"
- -- to use when playing the note data.
- *Pitch Bend - Data generated by the wheel or joystick
- control on the synth that bends notes up or down.
- *Controller Data - The MIDI Specification allows for
- (potentially) 128 different controllers; some are standardized,
- and some are available to be assigned by a manufacturer for a
- particular function. Some of the standard controllers are:
- Controller #64, Damper Switch (Sustain Pedal); #7, MIDI Volume
- (not velocity, but the "volume knob" function, in 128 steps);
- #10, Pan Position (left to right in 128 steps); #1, Modulation
- Wheel; and several others. Not all devices can respond to all
- types of controllers.
- It's important to remember that it's up to the receiving device
- to interpret the MIDI data stream. Sending note data to the MIDI
- IN port of a drum machine will produce drum sounds. If the note
- data was supposed to be a "piano" part, the results might be very
- interesting, but will not sound like a piano. Similarly, a device
- that cannot understand velocity data will simply ignore any
- that's received.
- ----------MIDI PORTS
- Most MIDI devices have either two or three MIDI jacks. They will
- be labeled, and will function, as follows:
- *MIDI IN - Receives data from the MIDI OUT or MIDI THRU of
- another MIDI device. Always receives ALL MIDI data present in the
- data stream; which data are responded to -- and how -- and which
- are ignored, is dependent upon the device's internal settings.
- Virtually all MIDI devices have a MIDI IN port.
- *MIDI OUT - MIDI data *generated* by the device is output at
- this port. Some devices which can respond to MIDI data, but do
- not generate any (certain effects devices, for example), will not
- include a MIDI OUT port.
- *MIDI THRU - The MIDI data stream which appears at the
- device's MIDI IN is simply "passed through," unaltered, to this
- port. This function allows several MIDI devices to be
- "daisy-chained like this:
- MIDI THRU ----> Etc.
- Some older MIDI devices have only two ports, IN and OUT. Some of
- these devices allow you to switch the OUT port to function as a
- THRU port; others don't, which means they must be connected at
- the end of the "daisy-chain."
- ----------SUMMARY
- *MIDI is a communication protocol, designed primarily for
- electronic music.
- *MIDI is a platform-independent, universal standard.
- *There are 16 MIDI channels, combined into a single data stream.
- *MIDI data can include note, velocity, program change, controller
- and other data.
- *MIDI devices are connected via their MIDI IN, OUT and THRU
- ports.
- Next:
- "PC/MIDI BASICS #2" (MIDI#2.DOC) discusses the hardware interface
- between MIDI devices and personal computers (specifically,
- IBM-compatibles).
- The PC/MIDI BASICS files are published irregularly and available
- in the Music & Sound Text Library of the AOL Music and Sound
- Forum.
- (c)Copyright 1991 by Richard D. Clark/Fundamentally Sound. This
- file may be freely distributed only in its original form.
- Suggestions/corrections/additions may be e-mailed on America
- Online/PCLink to PCC RichC.