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- Archive-name: audio-fmts/part2
- Submitted-by: Guido van Rossum <guido@cwi.nl>
- Version: 3.05
- Last-modified: 27-Sep-1993
- Appendices
- ==========
- Here are some more detailed pieces of info that I received by e-mail.
- They are reproduced here virtually without much editing.
- Table of contents
- -----------------
- FTP access for non-internet sites
- AIFF Format (Audio IFF)
- The NeXT/Sun audio file format
- IFF/8SVX Format
- Playing sound on a PC
- The EA-IFF-85 documentation
- US Federal Standard 1016 availability
- Creative Voice (VOC) file format
- RIFF WAVE (.WAV) file format
- U-LAW and A-LAW definitions
- AVR File Format
- The Amiga MOD Format
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FTP access for non-internet sites
- ---------------------------------
- From the sci.space FAQ:
- Sites not connected to the Internet cannot use FTP directly, but
- there are a few automated FTP servers which operate via email.
- Send mail containing only the word HELP to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
- or bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu, and the servers will send you
- instructions on how to make requests. (The bitftp service is no
- longer available through UUCP gateways due to complaints about
- overuse :-( )
- Also:
- FAQ lists are available by anonymous FTP from rftm.mit.edu
- and by email from mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (send a message
- containing "help" for instructions about the mail server).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AIFF Format (Audio IFF) and AIFC
- --------------------------------
- This format was developed by Apple for storing high-quality sampled
- sound and musical instrument info; it is also used by SGI and several
- professional audio packages (sorry, I know no names). An extension,
- called AIFC or AIFF-C, supports compression (see the last item below).
- I've made a BinHex'ed MacWrite version of the AIFF spec (no idea if
- it's the same text as mentioned below) available by anonymous ftp from
- ftp.cwi.nl []; the file is /pub/audio/AudioIFF1.2.hqx.
- A newer version is also available: /pub/audio/AudioIFF1.3.hqx.
- But you may be better off with the AIFF-C specs, see below.
- Mike Brindley (brindley@ece.orst.edu) writes:
- "The complete AIFF spec by Steve Milne, Matt Deatherage (Apple) is
- available in 'AMIGA ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Devices (3rd Edition)'
- 1991 by Commodore-Amiga, Inc.; Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.;
- ISBN 0-201-56775-X, starting on page 435 (this edition has a charcoal
- grey cover). It is available in most bookstores, and soon in many
- good librairies."
- According to Mark Callow (msc@sgi.com):
- A PostScript version of the AIFF-C specification is available via
- anonymous ftp on FTP.SGI.COM ( as /sgi/aiff-c.9.26.91.ps.
- Benjamin Denckla <bdenckla@husc.harvard.edu> writes:
- A piece of information that may be of some use to people who want to use
- AIFF files with their Macintosh Think C programs: AIFF data structures are
- contained in the file AIFF.h in the "Apple #Includes" folder that comes
- on the distribution disks. I found this out a little too late: I had
- already coded my own structures. I assume that this header file comes
- with Apple programming products like MPW [C|C++] as well.
- An important file format for the Mac which is only mentioned once in the
- FAQ is the Sound Designer II file format. There is also an older Sound
- Designer I format. I have the SDII format in electronic form but I don't
- think I'm at liberty to distribute it. It can be obtained by applying to
- become a 3rd Party Developer for Digidesign. This process is simple
- (1-page application) and free. Call Digidesign at 415-688-0600 for
- information. The SDII file format is interesting in that all non-sample
- data (sample rate, channels, etc.) is contained in the resource fork and
- the data fork contains sample data only.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The NeXT/Sun audio file format
- ------------------------------
- Here's the complete story on the file format, from the NeXT
- documentation. (Note that the "magic" number is ((int)0x2e736e64),
- which equals ".snd".) Also, at the end, I've added a litte document
- that someone posted to the net a couple of years ago, that describes
- the format in a bit-by-bit fashion rather than from C.
- I received this from Doug Keislar, NeXT Computer. This is also the
- Sun format, except that Sun doesn't recognize as many format codes. I
- added the numeric codes to the table of formats and sorted it.
- SNDSoundStruct: How a NeXT Computer Represents Sound
- The NeXT sound software defines the SNDSoundStruct structure to
- represent sound. This structure defines the soundfile and Mach-O
- sound segment formats and the sound pasteboard type. It's also used
- to describe sounds in Interface Builder. In addition, each instance
- of the Sound Kit's Sound class encapsulates a SNDSoundStruct and
- provides methods to access and modify its attributes.
- Basic sound operations, such as playing, recording, and cut-and-paste
- editing, are most easily performed by a Sound object. In many cases,
- the Sound Kit obviates the need for in-depth understanding of the
- SNDSoundStruct architecture. For example, if you simply want to
- incorporate sound effects into an application, or to provide a simple
- graphic sound editor (such as the one in the Mail application), you
- needn't be aware of the details of the SNDSoundStruct. However, if
- you want to closely examine or manipulate sound data you should be
- familiar with this structure.
- The SNDSoundStruct contains a header, information that describes the
- attributes of a sound, followed by the data (usually samples) that
- represents the sound. The structure is defined (in
- sound/soundstruct.h) as:
- typedef struct {
- int magic; /* magic number SND_MAGIC */
- int dataLocation; /* offset or pointer to the data */
- int dataSize; /* number of bytes of data */
- int dataFormat; /* the data format code */
- int samplingRate; /* the sampling rate */
- int channelCount; /* the number of channels */
- char info[4]; /* optional text information */
- } SNDSoundStruct;
- SNDSoundStruct Fields
- magic
- magic is a magic number that's used to identify the structure as a
- SNDSoundStruct. Keep in mind that the structure also defines the
- soundfile and Mach-O sound segment formats, so the magic number is
- also used to identify these entities as containing a sound.
- dataLocation
- It was mentioned above that the SNDSoundStruct contains a header
- followed by sound data. In reality, the structure only contains the
- header; the data itself is external to, although usually contiguous
- with, the structure. (Nonetheless, it's often useful to speak of the
- SNDSoundStruct as the header and the data.) dataLocation is used to
- point to the data. Usually, this value is an offset (in bytes) from
- the beginning of the SNDSoundStruct to the first byte of sound data.
- The data, in this case, immediately follows the structure, so
- dataLocation can also be thought of as the size of the structure's
- header. The other use of dataLocation, as an address that locates
- data that isn't contiguous with the structure, is described in
- "Format Codes," below.
- dataSize, dataFormat, samplingRate, and channelCount
- These fields describe the sound data.
- dataSize is its size in bytes (not including the size of the
- SNDSoundStruct).
- dataFormat is a code that identifies the type of sound. For sampled
- sounds, this is the quantization format. However, the data can also
- be instructions for synthesizing a sound on the DSP. The codes are
- listed and explained in "Format Codes," below.
- samplingRate is the sampling rate (if the data is samples). Three
- sampling rates, represented as integer constants, are supported by
- the hardware:
- Constant Sampling Rate (samples/sec)
- SND_RATE_CODEC 8012.821 (CODEC input)
- SND_RATE_LOW 22050.0 (low sampling rate output)
- SND_RATE_HIGH 44100.0 (high sampling rate output)
- channelCount is the number of channels of sampled sound.
- info
- info is a NULL-terminated string that you can supply to provide a
- textual description of the sound. The size of the info field is set
- when the structure is created and thereafter can't be enlarged. It's
- at least four bytes long (even if it's unused).
- Format Codes
- A sound's format is represented as a positive 32-bit integer. NeXT
- reserves the integers 0 through 255; you can define your own format
- and represent it with an integer greater than 255. Most of the
- formats defined by NeXT describe the amplitude quantization of
- sampled sound data:
- Value Code Format
- 0 SND_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED unspecified format
- 1 SND_FORMAT_MULAW_8 8-bit mu-law samples
- 2 SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_8 8-bit linear samples
- 3 SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16 16-bit linear samples
- 4 SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_24 24-bit linear samples
- 5 SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_32 32-bit linear samples
- 6 SND_FORMAT_FLOAT floating-point samples
- 7 SND_FORMAT_DOUBLE double-precision float samples
- 8 SND_FORMAT_INDIRECT fragmented sampled data
- 11 SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_8 8-bit fixed-point samples
- 12 SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_16 16-bit fixed-point samples
- 13 SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_24 24-bit fixed-point samples
- 14 SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_32 32-bit fixed-point samples
- 15 ?
- 16 SND_FORMAT_DISPLAY non-audio display data
- 18 SND_FORMAT_EMPHASIZED 16-bit linear with emphasis
- 19 SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED 16-bit linear with compression
- 20 SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED_EMPHASIZED A combination of the two above
- 21 SND_FORMAT_DSP_COMMANDS Music Kit DSP commands
- [Some new ones supported by Sun. This is all I currently know. --GvR]
- Most formats identify different sizes and types of
- sampled data. Some deserve special note:
- -- SND_FORMAT_DSP_CORE format contains data that represents a
- loadable DSP core program. Sounds in this format are required by the
- SNDBootDSP() and SNDRunDSP() functions. You create a
- SND_FORMAT_DSP_CORE sound by reading a DSP load file (extension
- ".lod") with the SNDReadDSPfile() function.
- -- SND_FORMAT_DSP_COMMANDS is used to distinguish sounds that
- contain DSP commands created by the Music Kit. Sounds in this format
- can only be created through the Music Kit's Orchestra class, but can
- be played back through the SNDStartPlaying() function.
- -- SND_FORMAT_DISPLAY format is used by the Sound Kit's
- SoundView class. Such sounds can't be played.
- -- SND_FORMAT_INDIRECT indicates data that has become
- fragmented, as described in a separate section, below.
- -- SND_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED is used for unrecognized formats.
- Fragmented Sound Data
- Sound data is usually stored in a contiguous block of memory.
- However, when sampled sound data is edited (such that a portion of
- the sound is deleted or a portion inserted), the data may become
- discontiguous, or fragmented. Each fragment of data is given its own
- SNDSoundStruct header; thus, each fragment becomes a separate
- SNDSoundStruct structure. The addresses of these new structures are
- collected into a contiguous, NULL-terminated block; the dataLocation
- field of the original SNDSoundStruct is set to the address of this
- block, while the original format, sampling rate, and channel count
- are copied into the new SNDSoundStructs.
- Fragmentation serves one purpose: It avoids the high cost of moving
- data when the sound is edited. Playback of a fragmented sound is
- transparent-you never need to know whether the sound is fragmented
- before playing it. However, playback of a heavily fragmented sound
- is less efficient than that of a contiguous sound. The
- SNDCompactSamples() C function can be used to compact fragmented
- sound data.
- Sampled sound data is naturally unfragmented. A sound that's freshly
- recorded or retrieved from a soundfile, the Mach-O segment, or the
- pasteboard won't be fragmented. Keep in mind that only sampled data
- can become fragmented.
- _________________________
- >From mentor.cc.purdue.edu!purdue!decwrl!ucbvax!ziploc!eps Wed Apr 4
- 23:56:23 EST 1990
- Article 5779 of comp.sys.next:
- Path: mentor.cc.purdue.edu!purdue!decwrl!ucbvax!ziploc!eps
- >From: eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.next
- Subject: Re: Format of NeXT sndfile headers?
- Message-ID: <445@toaster.SFSU.EDU>
- Date: 31 Mar 90 21:36:17 GMT
- References: <14978@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
- Reply-To: eps@cs.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)
- Organization: San Francisco State University
- Lines: 42
- In article <14978@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
- bskendig@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Brian Kendig) writes:
- >I'd like to take a program I have that converts Macintosh sound
- files
- >to NeXT sndfiles and polish it up a bit to go the other direction as
- >well.
- Two people have already submitted programs that do this
- (Christopher Lane and Robert Hood); check the various
- NeXT archive sites.
- > Could someone please give me the format of a NeXT sndfile
- >header?
- "big-endian"
- 0 1 2 3
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 0 | 0x2e | 0x73 | 0x6e | 0x64 | "magic" number
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 4 | | data location
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 8 | | data size
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 12 | | data format (enum)
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 16 | | sampling rate (int)
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 20 | | channel count
- +-------+-------+-------+-------+
- 24 | | | | | (optional) info
- string
- 28 = minimum value for data location
- data format values can be found in /usr/include/sound/soundstruct.h
- Most common combinations:
- sampling channel data
- rate count format
- voice file 8012 1 1 = 8-bit mu-law
- system beep 22050 2 3 = 16-bit linear
- CD-quality 44100 2 3 = 16-bit linear
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IFF/8SVX Format
- ---------------
- Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sounds.d,alt.sex.sounds
- Subject: Format of the IFF header (Amiga sounds)
- Message-ID: <2509@tardis.Tymnet.COM>
- From: jms@tardis.Tymnet.COM (Joe Smith)
- Date: 23 Oct 91 23:54:38 GMT
- Followup-To: alt.binaries.sounds.d
- Organization: BT North America (Tymnet)
- The first 12 bytes of an IFF file are used to distinguish between an Amiga
- picture (FORM-ILBM), an Amiga sound sample (FORM-8SVX), or other file
- conforming to the IFF specification. The middle 4 bytes is the count of
- bytes that follow the "FORM" and byte count longwords. (Numbers are stored
- in M68000 form, high order byte first.)
- ------------------------------------------
- FutureSound audio file, 15000 samples at 10.000KHz, file is 15048 bytes long.
- 0000: 464F524D 00003AC0 38535658 56484452 FORM..:.8SVXVHDR
- F O R M 15040 8 S V X V H D R
- 0010: 00000014 00003A98 00000000 00000000 ......:.........
- 20 15000 0 0
- 0020: 27100100 00010000 424F4459 00003A98 '.......BODY..:.
- 10000 1 0 1.0 B O D Y 15000
- 0000000..03 = "FORM", identifies this as an IFF format file.
- FORM+00..03 (ULONG) = number of bytes that follow. (Unsigned long int.)
- FORM+03..07 = "8SVX", identifies this as an 8-bit sampled voice.
- ????+00..03 = "VHDR", Voice8Header, describes the parameters for the BODY.
- VHDR+00..03 (ULONG) = number of bytes to follow.
- VHDR+04..07 (ULONG) = samples in the high octave 1-shot part.
- VHDR+08..0B (ULONG) = samples in the high octave repeat part.
- VHDR+0C..0F (ULONG) = samples per cycle in high octave (if repeating), else 0.
- VHDR+10..11 (UWORD) = samples per second. (Unsigned 16-bit quantity.)
- VHDR+12 (UBYTE) = number of octaves of waveforms in sample.
- VHDR+13 (UBYTE) = data compression (0=none, 1=Fibonacci-delta encoding).
- VHDR+14..17 (FIXED) = volume. (The number 65536 means 1.0 or full volume.)
- ????+00..03 = "BODY", identifies the start of the audio data.
- BODY+00..03 (ULONG) = number of bytes to follow.
- BODY+04..NNNNN = Data, signed bytes, from -128 to +127.
- 0030: 04030201 02030303 04050605 05060605
- 0040: 06080806 07060505 04020202 01FF0000
- 0060: FDFDFF00 00FFFFFF 00000000 00FFFF00
- 0070: 00000000 00FF0000 00FFFEFF 00000000
- 0080: 00010000 000101FF FF0000FE FEFFFFFE
- This small section of the audio sample shows the number ranging from -5 (0xFD)
- to +8 (0x08). Warning: Do not assume that the BODY starts 48 bytes into the
- file. In addition to "VHDR", chunks labeled "NAME", "AUTH", "ANNO", or
- "(c) " may be present, and may be in any order. You will have to check the
- byte count in each chunk to determine how many bytes to skip.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Playing sound on a PC
- ---------------------
- From: Eric A Rasmussen
- Any turbo PC (8088 at 8 Mhz or greater)/286/386/486/etc. can produce a quality
- playback of single channel 8 bit sounds on the internal (1 bit, 1 channel)
- speaker by utilizing Pulse-Width-Modulation, which toggles the speaker faster
- than it can physically move to simulate positions between fully on and fully
- off. There are several PD programs of this nature that I know of:
- REMAC - Plays MAC format sound files. Files on the Macintosh, at least the
- sound files that I've ripped apart, seem to contain 3 parts. The
- first two are info like what the file icon looks like and other
- header type info. The third part contains the raw sample data, and
- it is this portion of the file which is saved to a seperate file,
- often named with the .snd extension by PC users. Personally, I like
- to name the files .s1, .s2, .s3, or .s4 to indicate the sampling rate
- of the file. (-s# is how to specify the playback rate in REMAC.)
- REMAC provides playback rates of 5550hz, 7333hz, 11 khz, & 22 khz.
- REMAC2 - Same as REMAC, but sounds better on higher speed machines.
- REPLAY - Basically same as REMAC, but for playback of Atari ST sounds.
- Apparently, the Atari has two sound formats, one of which sounds like
- garbage if played by REMAC or REPLAY in the incorrect mode. The
- other file format works fine with REMAC and so appears to be 'normal'
- unsigned 8-bit data. REPLAY provides playback rates of 11.5 khz,
- 12.5 khz, 14 khz, 16 khz, 18.5 khz, 22khz, & 27 khz.
- These three programs are all by the same author, Richard E. Zobell who does
- not have an internet mail address to my knowledge, but does have a GEnie email
- address of R.ZOBELL.
- Additionally, there are various stand-alone demos which use the internal
- speaker, of which there is one called mushroom which plays a 30 second
- advertising jingle for magic mushroom room deoderizers which is pretty
- humerous. I've used this player to playback samples that I ripped out of the
- commercial game program Mean Streets, which uses something they call RealSound
- (tm) to playback digital samples on the internal speaker. (Of course, I only do
- this on my own system, and since I own the game, I see no problems with it.)
- For owners of 8 Mhz 286's and above, the option to play 4 channel 8 bit sounds
- (with decent quality) on the internal speaker is also a reality. Quite a
- number of PD programs exist to do this, including, but not limited to:
- ModEdit, ModPlay, ScreamTracker, STM, Star Trekker, Tetra, and probably a few
- more.
- All these programs basically make use of various sound formats used by the
- Amiga line of computers. These include .stm files, .mod files
- [a.k.a. mod. files], and .nst files [really the same hing]. Also,
- these programs pretty much all have the option to playback the
- sound to add-on hardware such as the SoundBlaster card, the Covox series of
- devices, and also to direct the data to either one or two (for stereo)
- parallel ports, which you could attach your own D/A's to. (From what I have
- seen, the Covox is basically an small amplified speaker with a D/A which plugs
- into the parallel port. This sounds very similiar to the Disney Sound System
- (DSS) which people have been talking about recently.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The EA-IFF-85 documentation
- ---------------------------
- From: dgc3@midway.uchicago.edu
- As promised, here's an ftp location for the EA-IFF-85 documentation. It's
- the November 1988 release as revised by Commodore (the last public release),
- with specifications for IFF FORMs for graphics, sound, formatted text, and
- more. IFF FORMS now exist for other media, including structured drawing, and
- new documentation is now available only from Commodore.
- The documentation is at grind.isca.uiowa.edu [], in the
- directory /amiga/f1/ff185. The complete file list is as follows:
- OBJECT.zoo
- SOURCE.zoo
- TP_IFF_Specs.zoo
- All files except DOCUMENTS.zoo are Amiga-specific, but may be used as a basis
- for conversion to other platforms. Well, I take that tentatively back. I
- don't know what TP_IFF_Specs.zoo contains, so it might be non-Amiga-specific.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- US Federal Standard 1016 availability
- -------------------------------------
- From: jpcampb@afterlife.ncsc.mil (Joe Campbell)
- The U.S. DoD's Federal-Standard-1016 based 4800 bps code excited linear
- prediction voice coder version 3.2 (CELP 3.2) Fortran and C simulation
- source codes are available for worldwide distribution (on DOS
- diskettes, but configured to compile on Sun SPARC stations) from NTIS
- and DTIC. Example input and processed speech files are included. A
- Technical Information Bulletin (TIB), "Details to Assist in
- Implementation of Federal Standard 1016 CELP," and the official
- standard, "Federal Standard 1016, Telecommunications: Analog to
- Digital Conversion of Radio Voice by 4,800 bit/second Code Excited
- Linear Prediction (CELP)," are also available.
- This is available through the National Technical Information Service:
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- 5285 Port Royal Road
- Springfield, VA 22161
- (703) 487-4650
- The "AD" ordering number for the CELP software is AD M000 118
- (US$ 90.00) and for the TIB it's AD A256 629 (US$ 17.50). The LPC-10
- standard, described below, is FIPS Pub 137 (US$ 12.50). There is a
- $3.00 shipping charge on all U.S. orders. The telephone number for
- their automated system is 703-487-4650, or 703-487-4600 if you'd prefer
- to talk with a real person.
- (U.S. DoD personnel and contractors can receive the package from the
- Defense Technical Information Center: DTIC, Building 5, Cameron
- Station, Alexandria, VA 22304-6145. Their telephone number is
- 703-274-7633.)
- The following articles describe the Federal-Standard-1016 4.8-kbps CELP
- coder (it's unnecessary to read more than one):
- Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch,
- "The Federal Standard 1016 4800 bps CELP Voice Coder," Digital Signal
- Processing, Academic Press, 1991, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 145-155.
- Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch,
- "The DoD 4.8 kbps Standard (Proposed Federal Standard 1016),"
- in Advances in Speech Coding, ed. Atal, Cuperman and Gersho,
- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, Chapter 12, p. 121-133.
- Campbell, Joseph P. Jr., Thomas E. Tremain and Vanoy C. Welch, "The
- Proposed Federal Standard 1016 4800 bps Voice Coder: CELP," Speech
- Technology Magazine, April/May 1990, p. 58-64.
- The U.S. DoD's Federal-Standard-1015/NATO-STANAG-4198 based 2400 bps
- linear prediction coder (LPC-10) was republished as a Federal
- Information Processing Standards Publication 137 (FIPS Pub 137).
- It is described in:
- Thomas E. Tremain, "The Government Standard Linear Predictive Coding
- Algorithm: LPC-10," Speech Technology Magazine, April 1982, p. 40-49.
- There is also a section about FS-1015 in the book:
- Panos E. Papamichalis, Practical Approaches to Speech Coding,
- Prentice-Hall, 1987.
- The voicing classifier used in the enhanced LPC-10 (LPC-10e) is described in:
- Campbell, Joseph P., Jr. and T. E. Tremain, "Voiced/Unvoiced Classification
- of Speech with Applications to the U.S. Government LPC-10E Algorithm,"
- Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
- Signal Processing, 1986, p. 473-6.
- Copies of the official standard
- "Federal Standard 1016, Telecommunications: Analog to Digital Conversion
- of Radio Voice by 4,800 bit/second Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP)"
- are available for US$ 5.00 each from:
- GSA Federal Supply Service Bureau
- Specification Section, Suite 8100
- 470 E. L'Enfant Place, S.W.
- Washington, DC 20407
- (202)755-0325
- Realtime DSP code for FS-1015 and FS-1016 is sold by:
- John DellaMorte
- DSP Software Engineering
- 165 Middlesex Tpk, Suite 206
- Bedford, MA 01730
- 1-617-275-3733
- 1-617-275-4323 (fax)
- dspse.bedford@channel1.com
- DSP Software Engineering's FS-1016 code can run on a DSP Research's Tiger 30
- (a PC board with a TMS320C3x and analog interface suited to development work).
- DSP Research
- 1095 E. Duane Ave.
- Sunnyvale, CA 94086
- (408)773-1042
- (408)736-3451 (fax)
- From: cfreese@super.org (Craig F. Reese)
- Newsgroups: comp.speech,comp.dsp,comp.compression.research
- Subject: CELP 3.2a release now available
- Organization: Supercomputing Research Center (Bowie, MD)
- Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1993 14:55:25 GMT
- 3 August 1993
- CELP 3.2a Release
- Dear CELPers,
- We have placed an updated version of the FS-1016 CELP 3.2 code in the
- anonymous FTP area on super.org ( It's in:
- /pub/celp_3.2a.tar.Z (please be sure to do the ftp in binary mode).
- This is essentially the PC release that was on fumar, except that we
- started directly from the PC disks. The value added is that we have
- made over 69 corrections and fixes. Most of these were necessary
- because of the 8 character file name limit on DOS, but there are some
- others, as well.
- The code (C, FORTRAN, diskio) all has been built and tested on a Sun4
- under SunOS4.1.3. If you want to run it somewhere else, then you may
- have to do a bit of work. (A Solaris 2.x-compatible release is
- planned soon.)
- [One note to PCers. The files:
- [
- [ cbsearch.F celp.F csub.F mexcite.F psearch.F
- [
- [are meant to be passed through the C preprocessor (cpp).
- [We gather that DOS (or whatever it's called) can't distinguish
- [the .F from a .f. Be careful!
- Very limited support is available from the authors (Joe, et al.).
- Please do not send questions or suggestions without first reading the
- documentation (README files, the Technical Information Bulletin, etc.).
- The authors would enjoy hearing from you, but they have limited time
- for support and would like to use it as efficiently as possible. They
- welcome bug reports, but, again, please read the documentation first.
- All users of FS-1016 CELP software are strongly encouraged to acquire
- the latest release (version 3.2a as of this writing).
- We do not know how long we will be able to leave the software on this
- site, but it should be _at_least_ through 1 October 1993 (if you find
- it missing, please drop me (Craig) a note). Please try to get the
- software during off hours (8 p.m. - 7 a.m. Eastern Standard time) or
- folks here might complain and we'll have to get rid of the code (if
- that happens, we'll try to pass it on to someone else, who can put it
- on the net). We would be more than happy for someone to copy it and
- make it available elsewhere.
- Good Luck,
- Craig F. Reese (cfreese@super.org)
- IDA/Supercomputing Research Center
- Joe Campbell (jpcampb@afterlife.ncsc.mil)
- Department of Defense
- P.S. Just so you all know, I (Craig) am not actually involved in
- CELP work. I mainly got with Joe to help make the software available
- on the Internet. In the course of doing so, I cleaned up much of it,
- but I am not, by any stretch, a CELP expert and will most likely
- be unable to answer any technical questions concerning it. ;^)
- From: tobiasr@monolith.lrmsc.loral.com (Richard Tobias)
- For U.S. FED-STD-1016 (4800 bps CELP) _realtime_ DSP code and
- information about products using this code using the AT&T DSP32C and
- AT&T DSP3210, contact:
- White Eagle Systems Technology, Inc.
- 1123 Queensbridge Way
- San Jose, CA 95120
- (408) 997-2706
- (408) 997-3584 (fax)
- rjjt@netcom.com
- From: Cole Erskine <cole@analogical.com>
- [paraphrased]
- Analogical Systems has a _real-time_ multirate implementation of U.S.
- Federal Standard 1016 CELP operating at bit rates of 4800, 7200, and
- 9600 bps on a single 27MHz Motorola DSP56001. Source and object code
- is available for a one-time license fee.
- FREE, _real-time_ demonstration software for the Ariel PC-56D is
- available for those who already have such a board by contacting
- Analogical Systems. The demo software allows you to record and
- playback CELP files to and from the PC's hard disk.
- Analogical Systems
- 2916 Ramona Street
- Palo Alto, CA 94306
- Tel: +1 (415) 323-3232
- FAX: +1 (415) 323-4222
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Creative Voice (VOC) file format
- --------------------------------
- From: galt@dsd.es.com
- (byte numbers are hex!)
- HEADER (bytes 00-19)
- Series of DATA BLOCKS (bytes 1A+) [Must end w/ Terminator Block]
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------
- =======
- byte # Description
- ------ ------------------------------------------
- 00-12 "Creative Voice File"
- 13 1A (eof to abort printing of file)
- 14-15 Offset of first datablock in .voc file (std 1A 00
- in Intel Notation)
- 16-17 Version number (minor,major) (VOC-HDR puts 0A 01)
- 18-19 2's Comp of Ver. # + 1234h (VOC-HDR puts 29 11)
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ===========
- Data Block: TYPE(1-byte), SIZE(3-bytes), INFO(0+ bytes)
- NOTE: Terminator Block is an exception -- it has only the TYPE byte.
- TYPE Description Size (3-byte int) Info
- ---- ----------- ----------------- -----------------------
- 00 Terminator (NONE) (NONE)
- 01 Sound data 2+length of data *
- 02 Sound continue length of data Voice Data
- 03 Silence 3 **
- 04 Marker 2 Marker# (2 bytes)
- 05 ASCII length of string null terminated string
- 06 Repeat 2 Count# (2 bytes)
- 07 End repeat 0 (NONE)
- 08 Extended 4 ***
- *Sound Info Format: **Silence Info Format:
- --------------------- ----------------------------
- 00 Sample Rate 00-01 Length of silence - 1
- 01 Compression Type 02 Sample Rate
- 02+ Voice Data
- ***Extended Info Format:
- ---------------------
- 00-01 Time Constant: Mono: 65536 - (256000000/sample_rate)
- Stereo: 65536 - (25600000/(2*sample_rate))
- 02 Pack
- 03 Mode: 0 = mono
- 1 = stereo
- Marker# -- Driver keeps the most recent marker in a status byte
- Count# -- Number of repetitions + 1
- Count# may be 1 to FFFE for 0 - FFFD repetitions
- or FFFF for endless repetitions
- Sample Rate -- SR byte = 256-(1000000/sample_rate)
- Length of silence -- in units of sampling cycle
- Compression Type -- of voice data
- 8-bits = 0
- 4-bits = 1
- 2.6-bits = 2
- 2-bits = 3
- Multi DAC = 3+(# of channels) [interesting--
- this isn't in the developer's manual]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RIFF WAVE (.WAV) file format
- ----------------------------
- RIFF is a format by Microsoft and IBM which is similar in spirit and
- functionality as EA-IFF-85, but not compatible (and it's in
- little-endian byte order, of course :-). WAVE is RIFF's equivalent of
- AIFF, and its inclusion in Microsoft Windows 3.1 has suddenly made it
- important to know about.
- Rob Ryan was kind enough to send me a description of the RIFF format.
- Unfortunately, it is too big to include here (27 k), but I've made it
- available for anonymous ftp as ftp.cwi.nl:/pub/audio/RIFF-format.
- And here's a pointer to the official description from Matt Saettler,
- Microsoft Multimedia:
- "The complete definition of the WAVE file format as defined by
- IBM/Microsoft is available for anon. FTP from ftp.uu.net in the
- vendor/microsoft/multimedia directory."
- (Rob Ryan's version may actually be an extract from one of the files
- stored there.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- U-LAW and A-LAW definitions
- ---------------------------
- [Adapted from information provided by duggan@cc.gatech.edu (Rick
- Duggan) and davep@zenobia.phys.unsw.EDU.AU (David Perry)]
- u-LAW (really mu-LAW) is
- sgn(m) ( |m |) |m |
- y= ------- ln( 1+ u|--|) |--| =< 1
- ln(1+u) ( |mp|) |mp|
- A-LAW is
- | A (m ) |m | 1
- | ------- (--) |--| =< -
- | 1+ln A (mp) |mp| A
- y=|
- | sgn(m) ( |m |) 1 |m |
- | ------ ( 1+ ln A|--|) - =< |--| =< 1
- | 1+ln A ( |mp|) A |mp|
- Values of u=100 and 255, A=87.6, mp is the Peak message value, m is
- the current quantised message value. (The formulae get simpler if you
- substitute x for m/mp and sgn(x) for sgn(m); then -1 <= x <= 1.)
- Converting from u-LAW to A-LAW is in a sense "lossy" since there are
- quantizing errors introduced in the conversion.
- "..the u-LAW used in North America and Japan, and the
- A-LAW used in Europe and the rest of the world and
- international routes.."
- References:
- Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B.P.Lathi., 2nd ed.
- ISBN 0-03-027933-X
- Transmission Systems for Communications
- Fifth Edition
- by Members of the Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
- Copyright 1959, 1964, 1970, 1982
- A note on the resolution of U-LAW by Frank Klemm <pfk@rz.uni-jena.de>:
- 8 bit U-LAW has the same lowest magnitude like 12 bit linear and 12 bit
- U-LAW like 16 linear.
- Device/Coding Resolution Resolution
- on maximal level on low level
- 8 bit linear 8 8
- 8 bit ulaw 6 12 (used for digital telephone)
- 12 bit linear 12 12
- 12 bit ulaw 10 16 (used in DAT/Longplay)
- 16 bit linear 16 16
- estimated for some analoge technique:
- tape recorder (HiFi DIN)
- 8 9 (no Problem today)
- tape recorder (semiprofessional)
- 10.5 13.5
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AVR File Format
- ---------------
- From: hyc@hanauma.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Howard Chu)
- A lot of PD software exists to play Mac .snd files on the ST. One other
- format that seems pretty popular (used by a number of commercial packages)
- is the AVR format (from Audio Visual Research). This format has a 128 byte
- header that looks like this:
- char magic[4]="2BIT";
- char name[8]; /* null-padded sample name */
- short mono; /* 0 = mono, 0xffff = stereo */
- short rez; /* 8 = 8 bit, 16 = 16 bit */
- short sign; /* 0 = unsigned, 0xffff = signed */
- short loop; /* 0 = no loop, 0xffff = looping sample */
- short midi; /* 0xffff = no MIDI note assigned,
- 0xffXX = single key note assignment
- 0xLLHH = key split, low/hi note */
- long rate; /* sample frequency in hertz */
- long size; /* sample length in bytes or words (see rez) */
- long lbeg; /* offset to start of loop in bytes or words.
- set to zero if unused. */
- long lend; /* offset to end of loop in bytes or words.
- set to sample length if unused. */
- short res1; /* Reserved, MIDI keyboard split */
- short res2; /* Reserved, sample compression */
- short res3; /* Reserved */
- char ext[20]; /* Additional filename space, used
- if (name[7] != 0) */
- char user[64]; /* User defined. Typically ASCII message. */
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Amiga MOD Format
- --------------------
- From: norlin@mailhost.ecn.uoknor.edu (Norman Lin)
- MOD files are music files containing 2 parts:
- (1) a bank of digitized samples
- (2) sequencing information describing how and when to play the samples
- MOD files originated on the Amiga, but because of their flexibility
- and the extremely large number of MOD files available, MOD players
- are now available for a variety of machines (IBM PC, Mac, Sparc
- Station, etc.)
- The samples in a MOD file are raw, 8 bit, signed, headerless, linear
- digital data. There may be up to 31 distinct samples in a MOD file,
- each with a length of up to 128K (though most are much smaller; say,
- 10K - 60K). An older MOD format only allowed for up to 15 samples in
- a MOD file; you don't see many of these anymore. There is no standard
- sampling rate for these samples. [But see below.]
- The sequencing information in a MOD file contains 4 tracks of
- information describing which, when, for how long, and at what frequency
- samples should be played. This means that a MOD file can have up
- to 31 distinct (digitized) instrument sounds, with up to 4 playing
- simultaneously at any given point. This allows a wide variety
- of orchestrational possibilities, including use of voice samples
- or creation of one's own instruments (with appropriate sampling
- hardware/software). The ability to use one's own samples as instruments
- is a flexibility that other music files/formats do not share, and
- is one of the reasons MOD files are so popular, numerous, and diverse.
- 15 instrument MODs, as noted above, are somewhat older than 31
- instrument MODs and are not (at least not by me) seen very often
- anymore. Their format is identical to that of 31 instrument MODs
- except:
- (1) Since there are only 15 samples, the information for the last (15th)
- sample starts at byte 440 and goes through byte 469.
- (2) The songlength is at byte 470 (contrast with byte 950 in 31 instrument
- MOD)
- (3) Byte 471 appears to be ignored, but has been observed to be 127.
- (Sorry, this is from observation only)
- (4) Byte 472 begins the pattern sequence table (contrast with byte 952
- in a 31 instrument MOD)
- (5) Patterns start at byte 600 (contrast with byte 1084 in 31 instrument MOD)
- "ProTracker," an Amiga MOD file creator/editor, is available for ftp
- everywhere as pt??.lzh.
- From: Apollo Wong <apollo@ee.ualberta.ca>
- From: M.J.H.Cox@bradford.ac.uk (Mark Cox)
- Newsgroups: alt.sb.programmer
- Subject: Re: Format for MOD files...
- Message-ID: <1992Mar18.103608.4061@bradford.ac.uk>
- Date: 18 Mar 92 10:36:08 GMT
- Organization: University of Bradford, UK
- wdc50@DUTS.ccc.amdahl.com (Winthrop D Chan) writes:
- >I'd like to know if anyone has a reference document on the format of the
- >Amiga Sound/NoiseTracker (MOD) files. The author of Modplay said he was going
- >to release such a document sometime last year, but he never did. If anyone
- I found this one, which covers it better than I can explain it - if you
- use this in conjunction with the documentation that comes with Norman
- Lin's Modedit program it should pretty much cover it.
- Mark J Cox
- /***********************************************************************
- Protracker 1.1B Song/Module Format:
- -----------------------------------
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 0 20 Songname. Remember to put trailing null bytes at the end...
- Information for sample 1-31:
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 20 22 Samplename for sample 1. Pad with null bytes.
- 42 2 Samplelength for sample 1. Stored as number of words.
- Multiply by two to get real sample length in bytes.
- 44 1 Lower four bits are the finetune value, stored as a signed
- four bit number. The upper four bits are not used, and
- should be set to zero.
- Value: Finetune:
- 0 0
- 1 +1
- 2 +2
- 3 +3
- 4 +4
- 5 +5
- 6 +6
- 7 +7
- 8 -8
- 9 -7
- A -6
- B -5
- C -4
- D -3
- E -2
- F -1
- 45 1 Volume for sample 1. Range is $00-$40, or 0-64 decimal.
- 46 2 Repeat point for sample 1. Stored as number of words offset
- from start of sample. Multiply by two to get offset in bytes.
- 48 2 Repeat Length for sample 1. Stored as number of words in
- loop. Multiply by two to get replen in bytes.
- Information for the next 30 samples starts here. It's just like the info for
- sample 1.
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 50 30 Sample 2...
- 80 30 Sample 3...
- .
- .
- .
- 890 30 Sample 30...
- 920 30 Sample 31...
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 950 1 Songlength. Range is 1-128.
- 951 1 Well... this little byte here is set to 127, so that old
- trackers will search through all patterns when loading.
- Noisetracker uses this byte for restart, but we don't.
- 952 128 Song positions 0-127. Each hold a number from 0-63 that
- tells the tracker what pattern to play at that position.
- 1080 4 The four letters "M.K." - This is something Mahoney & Kaktus
- inserted when they increased the number of samples from
- 15 to 31. If it's not there, the module/song uses 15 samples
- or the text has been removed to make the module harder to
- rip. Startrekker puts "FLT4" or "FLT8" there instead.
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 1084 1024 Data for pattern 00.
- .
- .
- .
- xxxx Number of patterns stored is equal to the highest patternnumber
- in the song position table (at offset 952-1079).
- Each note is stored as 4 bytes, and all four notes at each position in
- the pattern are stored after each other.
- 00 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4
- 01 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4
- 02 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4
- etc.
- Info for each note:
- _____byte 1_____ byte2_ _____byte 3_____ byte4_
- / \ / \ / \ / \
- 0000 0000-00000000 0000 0000-00000000
- Upper four 12 bits for Lower four Effect command.
- bits of sam- note period. bits of sam-
- ple number. ple number.
- Periodtable for Tuning 0, Normal
- C-1 to B-1 : 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453
- C-2 to B-2 : 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226
- C-3 to B-3 : 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113
- To determine what note to show, scan through the table until you find
- the same period as the one stored in byte 1-2. Use the index to look
- up in a notenames table.
- This is the data stored in a normal song. A packed song starts with the
- four letters "PACK", but i don't know how the song is packed: You can
- get the source code for the cruncher/decruncher from us if you need it,
- but I don't understand it; I've just ripped it from another tracker...
- In a module, all the samples are stored right after the patterndata.
- To determine where a sample starts and stops, you use the sampleinfo
- structures in the beginning of the file (from offset 20). Take a look
- at the mt_init routine in the playroutine, and you'll see just how it
- is done.
- Lars "ZAP" Hamre/Amiga Freelancers
- ***********************************************************************/
- --
- Mark J Cox -----
- Bradford, UK ---
- PS: A file with even *much* more info on MOD files, compiled by Lars
- Hamre, is available from ftp.cwi.nl:/pub/audio/MOD-info. Enjoy!
- FTP sites for MODs and MOD players
- ----------------------------------
- Subject: MODS AND PLAYERS!! **READ** info/where to get them
- From: cjohnson@tartarus.uwa.edu.au (Christopher Johnson)
- Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sounds.d
- Message-ID: <1h32ivINNglu@uniwa.uwa.edu.au>
- Date: 21 Dec 92 00:19:43 GMT
- Organization: The University of Western Australia
- Hello world,
- For all those asking, here is where to get those mod players and mods.
- SNAKE.MCS.KENT.EDU is the best site for general stuff. look in /pub/SB-Adlib
- Simtel-20 or archie.au(simtel mirror) in <msdos.sound>
- for windows players ftp.cica.indiana.edu in pub/pc/win3/sound
- here is a short list of players
- mp or modplay BEST OVERALL mp219b.zip
- simtel and snake
- wowii best for vga/fast machines wowii12b.zip
- simtel and snake
- trakblaster best for compatability trak-something
- simtel and snake two versions, old one for slow
- machines
- ss cute display(hifi) have_sex.arj
- found on local BBS (western Australia White Ghost)
- superpro player generally good ssp.zip or similar
- found on night owl 7 CD
- player? cute display(hifi) player.zip or similar
- found on night owl 7 CD
- Winmod pro does protracker wmp????.zip
- cica
- winmod more stable winmod12.zip or similar
- cica
- Hope this helps, e-mail me if you find any more players and I will add them in for the next time mod player requests get a
- little out of hand.
- for mods ftp to wuarchive.wustl.edu and go to the amiga music directory (pub/amiga/music/ntsb ?????) that should do you for
- a while
- see you soon
- Chris.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------