PC World 2000 February
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
133 lines
TIconHeader = record
idReserved: Word; (* Always set to 0 *)
idType: Word; (* Always set to 1 *)
idCount: Word; (* Number of icon images *)
(* immediately followed by idCount TIconDirEntries *)
A .ICO file can contain several icon images. Each image can differ in
size, resolution and color format.
TIconDirEntry = record
bWidth: Byte; (* Width *)
bHeight: Byte; (* Height *)
bColorCount: Byte; (* Nr. of colors used, see below *)
bReserved: Byte; (* not used, 0 *)
wPlanes: Word; (* not used, 0 *)
wBitCount: Word; (* not used, 0 *)
dwBytesInRes: Longint; (* total number of bytes in images *)
dwImageOffset: Longint;(* location of image from the beginning of file *)
bColorCount refers to the number of palette entries in the image data.
For the most common icon type (32x32 pixels, 16 colors) the first three
fields would be 32, 32 and 16 resp.
dwBytesInRes is the total number of bytes in the image data (including
palette data!). dwImageOffset is an offset (from the beginning of the
file) to the image data.
Image data
The icon file stores image data in the so-called device independent
bitmap (DIB) format. It's supposed to be fairly device independent :-).
The actual pixel data is preceded by two "structures": the bitmap info
header and the palette data.
First the bitmap info header (pasted from the BP WinSDK help, comments
are mine):
TBitmapInfoHeader = record
biSize: Longint; (* sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader *)
biWidth: Longint; (* width of bitmap *)
biHeight: Longint; (* height of bitmap, see notes *)
biPlanes: Word; (* planes, always 1 *)
biBitCount: Word; (* number of color bits *)
biCompression: Longint; (* compression used, 0 *)
biSizeImage: Longint; (* size of the pixel data, see notes *)
biXPelsPerMeter: Longint; (* not used, 0 *)
biYPelsPerMeter: Longint; (* not used, 0 *)
biClrUsed: Longint; (* nr of colors used, set to 0 *)
biClrImportant: Longint; (* important colors, set to 0 *)
biBitcount contains the number of color bits per pixel. If it's 4, it
means a pixel can have 16 colors (2 shl 4). biBitcount also refers to
how a pixel is "coded" in the pixel data. If biBitcount is 4 a pixel
takes 4 bits of an image byte. If it's 8 (256 possible colors), a pixel
is a byte.
As you perhaps know, icons are created by combining two bitmap masks:
the XOR-mask and the monochrome AND-mask. To draw an icon you first copy
the mask to the screen with an AND operator, then you copy the XOR-mask
with an XOR operator.
Therefore the biHeight field is set to 2 * TIconDirEntry.bHeight and
biSizeImage is set to the size of the AND plus the XOR mask (ofcourse in
bytes). For example, for a 32x32 16 color icon biHeight would be 64 and
biSizeImage 512 + 128.
OK. How do you determine the size of the masks?
XOR mask: (TIconDirEntry.bWidth * TIconDirEntry.bHeight * biBitCount) /
8 AND mask: (TIconDirEntry.bWidth * TIconDirEntry.bHeight) / 8
The palette data
The bitmap info header is followed by a table with palette entries. The
actual pixel data refer to this table. So when a pixel has color 13,
look at palette entry number 13 to get the actual RGB color for the
pixel. At this moment Windows just supports 2 (monochrome), 16 and 256
colors, so there's always a palette table.
An entry in the palette table has the following format: }
TRGBQuad = record
rgbBlue: Byte; (* blue component of color *)
rgbGreen: Byte; (* green component of color *)
rgbRed: Byte; (* red component of color *)
rgbReserved: Byte; (* reserved, 0 *)
For Windows programmers: this record is *not* equivalent to a TColorRef
(or COLORREF). If you forget this, you'll get some odd colored icons
An icon has TIconDirEntry.bColorCount palette entries. So there are
sizeof(TRGBQuad) * TIconDirEntry.bColorCount bytes in the palette.
The monochrome AND mask does _not_ have a palette table. A 1 bit in the
AND mask's pixel data means a _white_ pixel on-screen. A 0 bit means a
black pixel.
On the other hand, the pixel data of monochrome icons _are_ preceded by
a palette table.
Pixel data
Now to the real nitty-gritty. Immediately after the palette data, the
pixel data follow. Remember: the pixel data contain both the XOR and AND
There's something odd with the storage of the mask bits: both mask data
are stored in bottom up format. For example: in a 32 x 32 16 color icon
the first 32 nibbles belong actually to the last pixel row. The second
32 nibbles form the last - 1 pixel row. And so on. Retrieving pixels is
a little bit hard. Just keep track of the biBitCount value. Write
different functions for monochrome, 16 and 256 color icons or keep a
running bit mask ready. In Windows creating an icon from .ICO file is
rather easy, call the CreateDIBitmap function twice (for the AND
mask/XOR mask). Then call GetBitmapBits to retrieve the bitmap data.
Under DOS you have to do a little more: e.g. translation of RGB colors.