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- The formats of GRASP animation files.
- By George Phillips <phillips@cs.ubc.ca>
- Distribute this freely, but give credit where credit is due, eh?
- Version: Jan. 19,1991
- GRASP is an animation system particular to the IBM PC world. It consists
- of a program to create animations and a run-time environment for
- displaying them. The most common form these animations take is ".GL"
- archives which may be displayed on an IBM-PC with a program called
- GRASPRT.EXE. This document describes what I have been able to
- decipher about the format of ".GL" archives and the files contained
- within. It should be useful to those attempting to write ".GL"
- animation players on other platforms.
- A ".GL" file is simply an archive file which contains images, fonts
- and a command file which tells GRASPRT what to do. These various
- files have standard extensions to denote their contents:
- .txt - A command file; usually there is only one of these per archive.
- .pic - An image.
- .clp - An image but without a colour map.
- .set or .fnt - A font containing character glyphs.
- It should be noted that the GL archive is of no particular importance;
- all the archived files could exist as ordinary files and the animation
- should still work. Any GL player should be able to operate both from
- an archive or from ordinary files.
- File Formats
- Most of the data in GL files can be adequately described as a stream
- of bytes which is practically universally understood. Some fields
- contain 2-byte and 4-byte integers. I'll refer to these as "words"
- and "long words" and they are all stored in little-endian format.
- So if we have 4 consecutive bytes, b1, b2, b3 and b4, the word
- at b1 is (b1 + b2 * 256) and the long word at b1 is
- (b1 + b2 * 256 + b3 * 256 * 256 + b4 * 256 * 256 * 256).
- Since this information was gathered by example, the purpose of some
- header fields and commands may not be known. I've marked unknown
- fields with question marks and have tried to put question marks and
- other warnings about descriptions which are guesses.
- GL Archives (.gl)
- A GL archive begins with a directory listing the files in the archive
- which is followed by the data for each file.
- +-- Directory Header
- | dir length (word) number of bytes in the directory header
- | +-- File Entry (17 bytes per, (dir length) / 17 of them)
- | | offset (long word) Position of file data as an offset from
- | | the beginning of the archive
- | | name (13 bytes) File name, null padded.
- | +--
- +--- File data area
- | +-- File Data
- | | length (long word) Size of the file
- | | data (bytes) the file's data (surprise!)
- | +--
- +---
- Font Files (.fnt or .set)
- These are very simple; first a short header describing the size of the
- characters in the font and what byte values correspond to each glyph
- followed by the glyph data.
- +-- Font Header
- | length (word) length of the entire font file
- | size (byte) number of glyphs in the font file
- | first (byte) byte value represented by the first glyph
- | width (byte) width of each glyph in pixels
- | height (byte) height of each glyph in pixels
- | glyphsize (byte) number of bytes to encode each glyph
- +-- Glyph Data
- | glyph first
- | glyph first + 1
- | ...
- | glyph first + size - 2
- | glyph first + size - 1
- +--
- Each glyph is stored almost exactly as you would expect a raw PBM file to
- contain it except that a '0' bit means black and a '1' bit means white.
- In other words, row major order, each line padded to end on a byte
- boundary, most significant bit is leftmost.
- Image Formats (.pic and .clp)
- These consist of a header containing the usual image information followed
- by blocked, run-length encoded image data.
- +-- Image Header (17 or 19 bytes)
- | magic? (byte) magic number? Always is 0x34 or 0x12
- | width (word) width of image in pixels
- | height (word) heigh of image in pixels
- | ???? (4 bytes) unknown
- | bpp (byte) bits per pixel (only seen 1 or 8)
- | type (byte) image type, either 'L' or 'C'
- | flags (byte) if (flags & 4) then image has colourmap
- | ? (byte) unknown
- | extend (byte) extended header byte (if != 0, header
- | has 2 more bytes) 1/2?
- | ? (byte) unknown
- | ?? (2 bytes) header extension if extend != 0
- +-- Colour Map ((1 << bpp) * 3 bytes, only if flags & 4 == 4)
- | +-- Colour Map entries (as many as indicated by bpp)
- | | R (byte) red intensity, 0 - 63 \
- | | G (byte) green intensity, 0 - 63 + entry 0
- | | B (byte) blue intensity, 0 - 63 /
- | +--
- | ...
- +-- Image Data
- | blocks (word) number of blocks of data
- | +-- Data Block (blocks of them)
- | | length (word) length of data block, including header
- | | bufsize (word) buffer size needed to hold all the
- | | uncompressed data in this block
- | | esc (byte) the escape code in this block
- | | data (length - 5 byte) run-length encoded data
- | +--
- +--
- The run-length encoding is byte oriented and follows these rules:
- - characters other than "esc" (see data block header) are literal
- - esc n c means repeat c n times (1 <= n <= 255)
- - esc 0 len(word) c means repeat c len times
- If bpp=1, then the resulting data stream is interpreted as it is
- with font glyphs (i.e., msb is left, pad to bytes, row first, etc).
- If bpp=8, then each byte in the data stream is an index into the
- colour map. If no colour map is available, the map to use can
- only be discovered by running through the command file.
- I've only seen images with bpp=1 and bpp=8 and they it always works
- out that either bpp=1 and type=C or bpp=8 and type=L. The type=C
- corresponds to CGA graphics which are mostly monochrome and 640 x 200
- (so the aspect ratio is funny). Type=L is colour graphics, prob. VGA
- and usually 320 x 200. Notice that the colour maps have only 6
- bits, the same as VGA's digital to analog converters. ".pic" files
- always have colour maps, ".clp" files never do. It seems that
- you can be lazy with your run-length decoding code; I've never seen
- a full sequence appear across a data-block boundary (encoders should
- probably not let that happen). The amount of uncompressed data
- in a block never seems to exceed 8192 bytes.
- Much of the header information is mysterious. Note that the header
- extension field is a guess and that there are other consistent
- possibilities (e.g., the extension field is a length byte or even
- part of a length word). Only type=C images seem to have the
- extension. Maybe the extra information is supposed to be used
- in video mode operating system calls on the PC?
- What made this part easier was the existence of a PC-based program which
- converts ".pic" files into GIF files. Its called "cvt2gif" and can
- be found on wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/gif/cvt2gif.zip. Those
- wishing to enhance the format descriptions would do well to get a
- copy. I did notice that bpp=1 images are not necessarily black and white
- but could be black and some other colour as selected from the CGA
- pallette. I doubt the distinction will make much difference to the
- animation, but if you really want to do it right...
- Command File (.txt)
- The command file looks like a typical script file with the lines delimited
- by carriage returns, line feeds or both. Any text following ';' on a line
- is a comment. Text followed by a colon is used to indicate a label
- (much like most assemblers). Commands consist of a keyword followed by a
- list of comma separated arguments. The input is case-insensitive except
- for arguments containing text to display (which are in double quotes).
- The basis of the command language seems to be what I call picture and
- clip registers, of which there are 16 of each. A few commands will
- load a picture (or clip) from a file into a register. Other commands
- then reference the register numbers to display the pictures or get
- colour maps from them. It seems that the colour map from a picture
- (.pic) is installed into the hardware and this is where the
- colour maps for the clips (.clp) come from. I assume that I am missing
- a lot of commands, but most notably I believe there should be
- more primitive drawing commands.
- Many of the commands seem to have a delay argument associated with
- them. This seems reasonable as control over time in an animation
- is important. I may have been over-zealous in looking for delays.
- The actual time units of the delays is unknown. They are typically
- numbers < 100, so milliseconds are a likely candidate. Hundredths
- of a second are possible as well.
- Here is a list of commands. Optional arguments are enclosed in [].
- Ranges are possible in arguments (I've only seem them in fly) and
- take the form "n,-,m", (e.g., fly 0,0,10,10,1,1,1,-,16).
- * box x1,y1,x2,y2,colour?
- Draw a box with corners (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in the colour given by
- the colourmap entry number.
- * cfade x,y,delay,img,[,?,?]
- Display a clip image img at (x, y) and wait for delay time units before
- proceeding.
- * cfree n
- Free up any memory associated with clip register n.
- * clearscr
- Clear the display (to the currently selected colour or black?).
- * cload name,num[,?]
- Load a clip image "name" into clip register num. If name does not
- have a .clp extension, it will be automatically appended.
- * color n
- Set the current colour to n. This at least seems to affect the
- text displaying commands.
- * exit
- Terminate the command file.
- * fload name
- Load the named font which becomes the font to be used when displaying
- text. ".fnt" is appended to name if necessary.
- * float x1,y1,x2,y2,step?,delay?,num
- Move the clip image (num) by displaying it at (x1,y1) and erasing it
- and displaying it every step pixels until (x2,y2). Delay delay time
- units in between steps. Or maybe something completely different,
- but the x1,y1,x2,y2 and num arguments are probably coordinates and
- a clip number.
- * fly x1,y1,x2,y2,step?,delay?,clip list
- Successively display the clip images from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with delay
- time units in-between. The clip list is just a bunch of clip numbers
- separated by commas (i.e., fly is varags). A range is likely to
- appear in the clip list. Often (x1,y1) == (x2,y2).
- * fstyle ?[,?]
- Presumably set up some parameters on how a font is displayed.
- * goto label
- Force flow of control to the given label.
- * loop
- Denotes the end of a mark loop. Continues the loop at the most recent
- mark if the loop hasn't finished.
- * mark n
- This pairs with the loop command and begins a for loop from 1 to n.
- One assumes that the interaction of mark, loop and goto is the same
- as for, next and goto in BASIC. That is, loops are dynamically
- scoped and you can jump in and out of them. Mark simply pushes
- a loop start onto the stack and loop examines whatever is on
- the top of the loop stack.
- * mode ?
- Modify the current video mode in some way. I haven't seen this often.
- * note freq,delay?,duration
- Play a musical note of the given frequency and duration and delay for
- delay time units afterward.
- * pallette n
- Make the colour map from picture register n be the one to use. This probably
- installs it into the hardware so that when a clip is loaded there is
- no colour map to change.
- * pfade effect,pict[,delay?[,?,?]]
- Display the picture numbered pict on the screen. The effect number
- indicates what sort of special effect is used to display it. What
- the numbers mean I have no idea, but I know some of the effects.
- Each pixel loaded randomly, every even line then every odd line
- and so on. The delay parameter seems to make sense, but not always.
- The extra parameters could be those needed for some effects. Often
- they are large numbers.
- * pfree n
- Free up any memory associated with picture register n.
- * pload name,n
- Load picture "name" into picture register n. ".pic" is appended to
- name if necessary.
- * putup x,y,n
- Display clip register n at (x,y).
- * set retrace [on|off]
- Set is probably a general internal control variable changing command.
- What retrace is I have no idea, but it was set off then on around
- a fly statement.
- * spread ?,?
- Who knows, but the numbers used are probably picture register numbers.
- Maybe some kind of colourmap changing?
- * text x,y,"text",[delay?]
- Display the given text (enclosed in double quotes) at (x,y). The
- extra parameter is probably a display, but it could be the display
- colour or the background colour. Probably the display colour is
- that given by the color statement.
- * tran [on 0|off]
- No idea. Was used around some cload and float statements.
- * video mode
- Set the display mode to 'C' or 'L' (remember the image format types?).
- Usually the first statement in a command file. C almost certainly
- refers to CGA which is 640 x 200 monochrome and L almost certainly
- to VGA which (in their case) is 320 x 200 x 256.
- * waitkey [[delay[,label]]
- Wait up to delay units for the user to press a key (or forever if no
- delay time is given). If the user presses a key and the label
- argument is present, transfer control to that label.
- * window x1,y1,x2,y2,?
- Some kind of display control. Probably a clipping window with appropriate
- coordinate translation (i.e., (0,0) becomes (x1,y1)).
- This document was created by looking hard at a number of GL files,
- using cvt2gif to help decipher the image file format and looking
- at 1 or 2 animations on an RS-6000 running a PC emulator and using
- grasprt. cvt2gif was very useful; grasprt under the PC emulator
- was painfully slow at times and didn't help my understanding
- much. I've never even gotten close to a copy of the program for
- creating and editing GL files.
- If you find out more about GL files, send me the changes so I can
- extend this document. Feel free to include this as supplementary
- documentation if you write a GL player. Finally, here are some
- projects which could help find out more about GL files:
- - Get cvt2gif and feed it small variations on .pic files to decipher
- the meaning of the missing header fields. I may do this.
- - Alter control files on some animations and see what effects they
- have. Something easy would be to change the effect number on
- pfade statements (if that's what it is). I don't have the hardware
- to do this.
- - Look at the GRASP animation package and intuit what the commands
- mean by what control you have over generating animations. This is
- probably the easiest way to get information. I don't have GRASP,
- I don't know where to get it and I don't has a PC good enough to
- run it on.
- ========================================================================
- GRASP/Pictor Font format description 09/06/87
- ------------------------------------ --------
- For convenience, we have chosen to adopt the IBM ROM font format for data, but
- to keep things manageable, we have added a 7 byte header which describes the
- font.
- The seven byte header is defined as follows:
- WORD number of bytes in character data, plus this 7 byte header.
- BYTE number of characters in set. 1-255 or 0 if 256.
- BYTE ascii value of first character.
- BYTE x size of character in pixels.
- BYTE y size of character in pixels.
- BYTE number of bytes in a single character.
- As you can see from this header data, these limits apply:
- 1) Maximum number of characters in set is 256.
- 2) Maximum character size is limited as: xsize/8 * ysize <256.
- 3) All character data plus 7 byte header must be <64K in size
- We use the following structure when writing programs that use fonts. Note the
- additional words at the end of the structure which allow you to keep the actual
- character data in a far segment.
- struct chs { /* character set structure */
- unsigned int numchbyts;
- unsigned char numchars;
- unsigned char ascoff;
- unsigned char chxsize;
- unsigned char chysize;
- unsigned char chbytes;
- unsigned int chsseg; /* segment of character data */
- unsigned int chsofs; /* offset in segment of character data */
- };
- So....A 256 character 8x16 font's header would look like:
- numchbyts = 4103 256 chars X 16 bytes/char + 7 bytes for header
- numchars = 0 0 to represent 256
- ascoff = 0 start with 0 character
- chxsize = 8 8 dots wide
- chysize = 16 16 dots high
- chbytes = 16 1 byte wide x 16 dots high
- and a 96 character 11 X 18 font whose first character is SPACE's header would
- look like:
- numchbyts = 3456 96 chars X 36 bytes/char + 7 bytes for header
- numchars = 0 0 to represent 256
- ascoff = 32 start with 'SPACE' character
- chxsize = 11 8 dots wide (this takes 2 bytes!)
- chysize = 18 16 dots high
- chbytes = 36 2 byte wide x 18 dots high
- ========================================================================
- PCPAINT/Pictor Page Format Description
- Format by John Bridges.
- Document by Microtex Industries, Inc.
- Revision Date: 2/9/88
- Global Notes:
- ------------
- PCPAINT 1.0 - Revision 1.0 was developed for Mosue Systems in 1984 supported
- only BSAVE files in CGA 4 color mode. In the space between the scan buffers
- was a string that read PCPAINT 1.0 followed by 2 bytes which were the pallete
- and border information for that picture.
- PCPAINT 1.5 - Revision 1.5 was the same as 1.0 except that it contained larger
- than screen images and also had a primative packing format. This was sold for
- so short a time that it won't be covered here.
- PCPAINT 2.0 thru Pictor 3.1 - This document describes these formats. The file
- description is identical for all revisions in this range. However, in
- PCPAINT 2.0, the bit-planes were packed together so that the pictures
- resembled a PCjr picture, or 4 bits per pixel, 1 bit plane. Starting with
- Pictor 3.0, the files were saved with the bitplanes separated. This takes a
- little more memory in some cases, but the speed in loading and saving was a
- desireable consideration.
- NOTE TO PROGRAMMERS: A good PCPAINT/Pictor file decoder will use the variables
- in the header to decode the image and thus be compatible
- with all formats since the October, 1985 release of
- PCPAINT 2.0.
- Also please note that PCPAINT/Pictor are stored from the bottom up. This is
- opposite that of most of the screen adapters it supports. This really causes
- no problem, but be aware that you should use a Y table to look up scan lines.
- In all PCPAINT/Pictor pictures, the scan lines are continuous. If a picture
- is to be displayed on a particular adapter, the programmer is responsible for
- using a y-table to properly interleave the lines if necessary.
- Also note that Pictor was designed for speed, so no inter-mode loading is
- possible. If you are writing applications that create Pictor images that you
- want to load into Pictor, you must remain mode dependent.
- Header - A full description of the file header information.
- offset type name description
- ------- ------- ------- -----------------------------------------------------
- 0 word marker marker that is always 01234h
- 2 word xsize x size of page in pixels
- 4 word ysize y size of page in pixels
- 6 word xoff x offset into page where lower left hand corner of
- viewport is located (default of 0 is ok)
- 8 word yoff y offset into page where lower left hand corner of
- viewport is located (default of 0 is ok)
- 10 byte bitsinf bits 0-3 is the number of bits per pixel per bit
- plane and bits 4-7 is the number of bit planes (so
- 4 color cga mode would be 02h and 16 color ega would
- be 31h and plantronics 16 color would be 12h)
- 11 byte emark marker that is always a 0ffh
- 12 byte evideo single uppercase letter indicating which video mode
- this picture was created in, can default to 0.
- 0 - 40 col text
- 1 - 80 col text
- 2 - mono text
- 3 - 43 line text
- A=320x200x4 cga
- B=320x200x16 pcjr, stbplus, tandy 1000
- C=640x200x2 cga
- D=640x200x16 ega
- E=640x350x2 ega
- F=640x350x4 ega
- G=640x350x16 ega
- H=720x348x2 hercules
- I=320x200x16 plantronics
- J=320x200x16 ega
- K=640x400x2 AT&T or Toshiba 3100
- L=320x200x256 vga
- M=640x480x16 ega plus(video 7, tseng, paradise), vga
- N=720x348x16 Hercules InColor
- O=640x480x2 vga
- 13 word edesc extra information descriptor defines what is in
- the extra information that follows this header,
- 0=nothing
- 1=pallet (single byte) border (single byte)[CGA]
- 2=pcjr or non ECD 16 color registers (0-15), 1 byte each
- 3=EGA with ECD 16 color registers (0-63) 1 byte each
- 4=VGA 256 color info - 256 colors, 1 byte each rgb gun.
- 15 word esize size of extra information in bytes
- 17 byte edata[] the actual extra data the size which is defined
- by esize (at offset 15).
- 17+
- esize word numblks the number of packed blocks in this file. if this is
- a zero, then data is unpacked.
- Structures - These C structures describe the header information.
- struct head {
- unsigned int mark=0x1234; /* marks begining of a page file */
- unsigned int xsize; /* x size of page */
- unsigned int ysize; /* y size of page */
- unsigned int xoff; /* current x offset into picture of viewport */
- unsigned int yoff; /* current y offset into picture of viewport */
- unsigned char bitsinf;
- }
- struct extra {
- unsigned char emark=0xff;
- unsigned char evideo;
- unsigned int edesc;
- unsigned int esize;
- }
- int edata[esize];
- unsigned int numblks;
- If the file is packed then what follows is a multi block packed file,
- otherwise (if the file is not packed, numblks=0) the actual data follows.
- Bit planes follow each other in the file and when packed each bit plane
- must start in a new packed block.
- Packed Block Description
- Packed block header
- PBSIZE dw ;Packed block size. The size of this block
- BSIZE dw ;Unpacked block size
- MBYTE db ;Unique marker byte. This is a byte that does not
- ; exist in the current unpacked block. If no unique
- ; byte exists, then pick one that is used rarely
- ; to avoid too much redundancy.
- Packed block data - variable size depending on whether 16 bit run is needed.
- MARKER db ;mark a run (this is where MBYTE goes)
- LENGTH db ;length of run. if 0, then look at BIGLEN
- BIGLEN dw ;16 bit run count (only exists if LENGTH==0)
- DATA db ;byte to fill run with
- Example 1 - a 320x200, 4 color, packed page file, of a white screen.
- dw 0x1234 ;marker
- dw 320 ;x size
- dw 200 ;y size
- dw 0 ;x offset
- dw 0 ;y offset
- db 02h ;2 bits per pixel and 1 bit plane
- db 0xff ;extra info flag
- db 'A' ;vidmode
- dw 1 ;extra area descriptor (pal and bord)
- dw 2 ;bytes in extra area
- db 2,0 ;pallet and border (extra information)
- dw 2 ;number of packed blocks
- ;first block
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0xff ;byte to fill run with
- ;second block
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 7808 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 7808 ;16 bit run count
- db 0xff ;byte to fill run with
- Example 2 - a 640x350, 16 color, packed page file, of a red screen (color 4).
- dw 0x1234 ;marker
- dw 640 ;x size
- dw 350 ;y size
- dw 0 ;x offset
- dw 0 ;y offset
- db 31h ;bits per pixel and 1 bit plane
- db 0xff ;new extra info flag
- db 'G' ;vidmode
- dw 3 ;extra area descriptor (pal and bord)
- dw 16 ;bytes in extra area
- db 0,1,2,3,4,5,14h,7
- db 38h,39h,3ah,3bh,3ch,3dh,3eh,3fh
- dw 16 ;number of packed blocks
- ;block 1 of first bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 2 of first bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 3 of first bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 4 of first bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 3424 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 3424 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 1 of second bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 2 of second bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 3 of second bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 4 of second bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 3424 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 3424 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 1 of third bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0xff ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 2 of third bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0xff ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 3 of third bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0xff ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 4 of third bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 3424 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 3424 ;16 bit run count
- db 0xff ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 1 of fourth bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 2 of fourth bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 3 of fourth bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 8192 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 8192 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- ;block 4 of fourth bit plane
- dw 5+5 ;packed block size
- dw 3424 ;unpacked block size
- db 0 ;marker byte
- db 0 ;mark a run
- db 0 ;a 16 bit run count follows
- dw 3424 ;16 bit run count
- db 0 ;byte to fill run with
- Example 3 - For more detail lets consider a block that isn't all the same.
- Say the data consists of 30 2's, and 8, a 4, and 300 1's.
- ; the block would look like this
- dw 5+10 ;packed block size
- dw 332 ;30 + 1 + 1 + 300 bytes as above
- db ff ;what to mark a run with,
- ; because there are no ff's in our example.
- db ff ;mark a run
- db 30 ;8 bit run count
- db 2 ;byte to fill run with - 2
- db 8 ;not a run marker, so must be data
- db 4 ;not a run marker, so must be data
- db ff ;mark a run
- db 0 ;means 16 bit run count follows
- dw 300 ;run count
- db 1 ;byte to fill run with - 1
- The actual unpacked data that resides in memory consists 2 seperate
- sections.
- 1. The control structure: contains x size, y size, x offset, y offset,
- segment of bit mapped data, number of bits per pixel and number of
- additional bit planes. this information is kept in pcpaint's data segment.
- 2. The actual bit mapped data: contains the actual page image, mapped from
- bottom left (so bottom scan line is first). The data is contiguous within
- each bit plane, so scan line 1 follows scan line 0 directly. the page
- can and does cross segment boundires (a bit plane can be larger than
- 64k). each bit plane follows the previous but starts on a paragraph
- boundary, the printer driver will be passed the offset in paragraphs
- between bit planes and the number of additional planes.
- The bit planes start with bit 0, each additional plane is the next bit.