WebScripter is a powerhouse HTML/Javascript editor that offers robust support for both HTML tags and JavaScript. The Homesite-style interface provides the best of both hard-coding worlds -- lots of tools and lots of elbow room in which to use them. Features are neatly divided into five tabbed tool menus: HTML, Style Sheets, Javascript, Custom HTML and Custom Javascript. The HTML tools include fonts, lists, images, links, tables, frames, forms, meta tags, special characters and lots more, with wizards for all but fonts and lists. The JavaScript tools consist of over a dozen comprehensive wizards (alert messages, mouseovers, browser checks and more), a huge library of JavaScript code snippets, as well as complete scripts. We used a wizard to build a spiffy navigational button menu, complete with mouseover effects, in under five minutes. Also included in this package is WebFTP, a standalone-quality FTP client. If you're a Web pro -- or want to be one รป- check out the very impressive WebScripter. The ZDNet library also contains an older version called WebScripter Plus, which is written in Visual Basic for IE browsers.
Reviewed on Nov 20 1998.
System Requirements
Windows 95, 98, or NT
Purchase Information
Shareware: Free to try, $49.95 if you decide to keep it.