Turbo Browser 98 is a powerful Windows Explorer replacement that offers integrated ActiveX technology for file viewing and Internet browsing.
Turbo Browser is like Windows Explorer on steroids. It adds the ability to view files in almost any format (including text, document, spreadsheet, graphics, and multimedia), and search for files with more options (such as "fuzzy searches" by specifying file attributes). As an added bonus, the program supports the ZIP format, letting you work with ZIP files as if they were folders (i.e. you don't need an unzipping utility!). It also supports self-extracting EXE, CAB, ARJ, and LHA archive formats.
For performing batch operations, you can drag files and directories to Turbo Browser's unique QBar.
Other features include: convenient drive icons; a toggle command for switching back and forth between directories; a slide show file viewing option; graphics file format conversions (individually or in batch mode); the ability to manage your Internet cache; ActiveX support for browsing the Internet; e-mail integration; built-in text editing capabilities; a hands-free autoview option; the ability to preview e-mail messages (with support for MIME, UUE, Binhex and other encoded mail formats); support for Microsoft Office 97, Adobe PDF, Live Picture FlashPix, Vivo streaming video, and AutoCAD DXF, DWG and DWF formats; support for MP3 audio file previewing; configurable dual mode toolbars that use the new Microsoft Coolbar technology; support for Internet Explorer 4.0's desktop integration; and much more.
This latest release adds ActiveX support for viewing Vivo streaming video.
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