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- Thank you for your interest in
- *** 007 Stealth Activity Monitor (SAM), Version 4.2 ***
- for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- 007 Stealth Activity Monitor (SAM) is a new, easy to use tool to monitor the
- use / abuse of PCs: It logs keystrokes, user name, passwords (!), path names,
- access times and windows title of the active application (This includes the
- names / addresses of visited websites for almost all available browsers !).
- The information is stored in a password protected encrypted textfile.
- A customizing wizard let you easily choose between several options:
- logfile encryption, autostart and an open or stealth operating mode,
- logfile backdating and more. In the stealth mode SAM does NOT show up
- in the system tray, task bar or task list ! Using the SESAME toolkit by IOPUS
- you can also INVISIBLY email your logfile via SMTP / POP3 email accounts.
- Very easy to use and to install for all Windows platforms.
- This evaluation version is fully functional with two restrictions:
- It displays a small registration reminder at start-up and has a 1000 keystrokes
- limit after which it stops recording in the current session. If you are over
- this limit you can restart SAM to continue your evaluation.
- If you like SAM and want to keep it, you can simply purchase a registration
- code which will turn this copy into the regular copy and removes the two
- restrictions mentioned above.
- ****************************************************************************
- * If you want to be notified about new IOPUS software, bugfixes or updates *
- * we recommend that you join our NEWSLETTER mailing list: *
- * To subscribe simply send an email to IOPUS-SUBSCRIBE@LISTBOT.COM *
- * or visit our website http://www.iopus.com to subscribe online. *
- ****************************************************************************
- => Visit http://www.iopus.com for up-to-date news
- => Questions ? Suggestions ? Our email is: SUPPORT@IOPUS.COM
- => See HISTORY.TXT for the list of changes since the first release
- => If you need to (invisibly) EMAIL YOUR LOGFILE use PC#Protect
- plus the Stealth Email SMTP Autosender Module (SESAME)
- Download it from http://www.iopus.com .
- *****************************************************
- * Some more inital remarks *
- *****************************************************
- -> Please see the "help.htm" file for an extended documentation and a list
- of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
- -> Remember, that if the logging engine (sam.exe) program is run in
- the STEALTH mode nothing (no popup, no icon, no task bar entry,
- no task list entry etc.) appears !!! If "Backdate logfile" is active,
- even the logfile date remains unchanged !
- -> File list summary:
- The following files will be copied to your PC
- sam.exe the logging engine
- sam.dll the logging engine program library
- samctrl.exe the control center (for configuration of the logging engine)
- uninst.exe the files created for uninstallation of SAM
- uninst.dll
- uninstal.ini
- help.htm the main documentation in HTML format
- (can be viewed in any browser)
- install.txt documentation: How to install SAM
- history.txt documentation: The latest changes & bugfixes
- license.txt documentation: The license
- register.txt information on how to register & fax / letter form
- README.txt this file
- -> Hint: Only sam.exe and sam.dll need to be on the surveilled PC !
- -> How to uninstall:
- (a) automatic: run uninst.exe -> SAM is removed *completely*
- and without any trace from your system.
- OR
- (b) to manually UNinstall SAM switch the autostart option off,
- make sure logging is currently off and then delete all supplied files.
- *****************************************************
- * How to REGISTER *
- *****************************************************
- Convenient ONLINE REGISTRATION available.
- You can go directly to the
- REGISTER NOW ! Online registration side at:
- https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=1464-3
- for a fast and secure online registration.
- Price: Only US$ 29.95 including priority email support for one year.
- The UNREGISTERED shareware version can be freely distributed.
- *****************************************************
- * Contact IOPUS SOFTWARE at: *
- *****************************************************
- Email support@iopus.com
- WWW: http://www.iopus.com
- >>>Bug-reports, comments and suggestions for improvement are most welcome !
- ;-) Thanks for all the users that provided us with valuable feedback
- to version 1.0, 2.0a, 2.1a/b, 3.0a, 3.01, 4.00, 4.01 !!!
- ---
- English, German and Chinese spoken.
- Wir sprechen Deutsch.
- Women shuo hanyu.
- ---
- Released: 10/17/99