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- ERS, Emergency Recovery system
- CopyRight ⌐ 1996/97/98/99, all rights reserved.
- http://www.mslm.com
- twf@flash.net
- 2000@msn.com
- Virus attack Backup
- -------------------
- OverView
- --------
- This program was made when the Melissa, Papa and the CIH /SpaceFiller
- viruses started flooding the Internet Mar, 1999.
- It could be a nightmare if attacked by a virus and lost all executables
- then have to reinstall Windows and all programs in your computer
- just to restore the executables.
- Zip files don't get infected unless they are opened and files
- executed from it.
- You may not loose infected files after an antivirus has disinfected
- them but you will loose infected files creation date, so a restore from
- ViruBack will restore computer original files untouched.
- ViruBack will zip files that are most vulnerable to be infected
- *.exe *.com *.sys *.doc *.xls *.ppt
- option to add and remove as you see necessary.
- Option to backup the whole drive or the Windows directory.
- Drives backup can be restored from within Windows after the
- Windows directory, computer boot files and Viruback.exe have been
- restored from a bootdisk to get Windows started.
- Each backup will use anywhere from 5 to 70 MB depending how many
- programs you have installed, type of work that you do.
- It will copy one restore batch file RestWinV.bat, Choice.com,
- Pkunzip.exe, Edit.com, Attrib.exe, Msdos.bck(Msdos.sys backup)
- and this program ViruBack.exe to a boot disk that you should
- have ready or make from ViruBack Options menu.
- Running RestWinV.bat from the bootdisk will restore Windows
- executables and the computer boot files Io.sys, Command.com
- and MsDos.sys.
- It also restores ViruBack.exe to the ERS98 directory so you
- can run it and be able restore the drive(s) executables from
- within windows.
- Recommend strongly to use the Win & Win\Sys backup in ERS98
- and restore from if necessary.
- Preparation before backing up.
- -----------------------------
- a) The Recycle Ben is excluded from being backed up but better
- empty it before making backup(s).
- b) For faster backup, better empty all your Windows\Temp and
- Internet Temp files.
- c) Be sure the computer is virus free and you have scanned all
- drives thoroughly from within Windows also preferably from MS-DOS
- using the MS-DOS antivirus software.
- (Please read the Virus checking tips section.)
- d) Make and test run a boot disk, click Options\Make a bootdisk,
- select to "Full format" floppy and to "Copy System Files".
- If you don't full format it using a Win95/98 formatting tool
- then the bootdisk might fail to boot computer.
- e) Rename large self extracting EXE downloads extensions, such as
- Internet explorer 4.0/5.0, Netscape or any download that
- has the .exe extension and you don't want them to be backed
- up but in the same time protect them from being infected.
- Rename their extension to .ex_ for example.
- Backup Instructions:
- -------------------
- Open ViruBack, start at the very top and select one of the two backup
- options, "Drive Backup" or "Windows directory backup".
- 1) Select to backup the Windows directory or a drive one at a time.
- 2) Select destination where you would like to save the backup.
- Windows backup name should be in MS-DOS 8.3 short name and
- drive backup have to have the drive letter at the beginning
- of it.
- Example C_DriveV.zip, the C used to identify backup.
- Windows backup saved as WinVback.zip, it will be converted
- to MS-DOS 8.3 short file name format if it is more than eight
- letters.
- 3) Add/Remove extensions, be sure to leave one space only in between
- each wildcard, no more and no less.
- *.exe *.com *.sys *.doc *.xls *.ppt
- Double check that only one space is in between.
- *.exe *.com *.sys (executables and system files, a must backup.)
- *.doc *.xls *.ppt (Microsoft Office, document, Excel and Power Point).
- 4) Options:
- a) Update backup
- A time saver when re-making a backup, it will add new files and
- replace old with newer files but will not remove any.
- Don't select to update if your backup is too old and you have
- uninstalled many programs, because when restoring it will restore
- all zipped files and will make path if path not found.
- a) Skip Locked Files(not recommended)
- It will skip files that are in use.
- If not selected and one file is locked, then backup will fail.
- To be sure that none are locked, close all applications then
- press Ctrl+alt+Del, End Task all except, Explorer, Systray and
- ViruBack before making the backup and you should be OK.
- 5) Click the backup button and wait, zip has to scan the drive first
- then it will start zipping.
- After Windows backup it will prompt you to copy the Windows
- restore batch file and necessary restore files to the boot disk.
- If you don't have a boot disk ready, then you can do it later
- by clicking Options\Copy Restore Batch to a Boot Disk.
- To update backups:
- Double click from list to transfer backup configuration to Source
- and destination, it will transfer previously selected paths but you
- still have to Add/Remove extensions again.
- Restore Instructions
- --------------------
- Restoring and Starting Windows
- ------------------------------------
- After a virus attack such as the Monkey boot virus nothing would run.
- Once you are sure that the antivirus have cleaned the computer,
- deleted, renamed or removed virus from infected files.
- (done by using a MS-DOS antivirus software).
- Boot computer with the ViruBack boot disk in the floppy drive
- to restore the Windows directory first,
- once booted, type
- RestWinV
- It will restore all Windows executables.
- It will restore Io.sys, MsDos.sys and the Command.com so you
- can boot computer.
- It will restore ViruBack.exe to the ERS98 directory so you can run
- it and be able restore the drive(s) executables from within
- windows.
- Above will get Windows started.
- Recommend strongly to use the Win & Win\Sys backup in ERS98
- and restore from a ERS98 bootdisk if necessary.
- Restoring Drives
- ----------------
- After you have restored Windows, only ViruBack.exe can be
- ran from within windows.
- Run ViruBack, start at the very top and select one of the
- restore Action options.
- Double click the the desired backup to be restored from
- the list then click the Restore Backup button, be sure
- drive and path the Destination drive are transferred correctly.
- Edit Menu
- ---------
- 1) To delete a backup, click Edit\Delete backup or right click and
- select Delete Backup.
- 2) To remove a listed backup without deleting it, click Edit\Remove from List
- or right click and select Remove from List.
- Option menu
- -----------
- 1) Copy Restore Batch file to boot disk, that will give you another
- chance to copy batch file, and all required files to the boot disk.
- Pkunzip.exe is copied from the ERS directory.
- Choice.com is copied from Windows\Command.
- Edit.com is copied from Windows\Command.
- Attrib.exe is copied from Windows\Command.
- NOTE: If you have Win95 950 (1995 release) installed from floppies then
- Choice.com will not be found in the Windows\Command directory, download at
- http://www.mslm.com/ersmore.htm
- 2) Make A Boot Disk, you can select to make a boot disk, be sure to Full
- format bootdisk with the option "Copy System Files" selected.
- Test boot disk to be sure it boots OK.
- 3) Set ZipTemp Drive
- Zipping needs a Temp working folder to do the work.(about 20% of the
- backup being backed up).
- Be sure there is enough free hard disk space for zipping.
- Don't set Zip Temp in a Network computer or non fixed drives.
- Change Zip Temp Path if you are backing up a hard drive
- and the Zip Temp is in the drive being backed up.
- Virus checking Tips
- ------------------
- There are many Antivirus software, having only one is not enough.
- Because one company could be ahead of the other updating their
- antivirus software effectively with the latest viruses.
- Always get the latest antivirus updates and make a habit visiting
- antivirus homepages.
- If somebody announces a new virus, to be sure it is not a hoax(fake),
- visit the antivirus homepages and check.
- Also best to search for it using any of the Internet search engines,
- BUT be careful, DON'T visit unknown homesites to read about the viruses,
- because that could be the place that is helping in spreading it. Go to
- well know sites that normally stay on top of the latest news.
- Normally I would say that viruses are most spread through schools,
- colleges, work, friends and family members. But now viruses are getting
- spread by Email, check an Email attachment for a virus before opening it
- or sending it, simply right click the file and select Virus Scan from the
- context menu (not all antivirus software.
- Be ready to fight a boot virus:
- *******************************
- There are many viruses, each damages files, act, symptoms and the
- cure are different.
- A virus attack doesn't mean its the end of the world and doesn't mean that
- you are going to loose every thing or mean a ViruBack restore is the way
- to get back.
- With destructive viruses, yes ViruBack is a great help but many antivirus
- software can remove the virus from the infected file without deleting it,
- but you will loose the file date, they will be dated at the time
- they were disinfected, so restoring from ViruBack can restore the files
- to their original dates.
- One of the worst viruses is the boot Monkey virus, it is very well spread and
- chances that every computer will get it some where along the line.
- When active will delete .exe and .com files.
- If you suspect a boot virus then shut the computer switch instantly.
- Some boot viruses are very aggressive, it will delete all .exe and .com files
- in seconds or few minutes and some are not so aggressive, will delete once in
- a while and then hide.
- The aggressive type is obvious but the hiding type is hard to detect and you
- may have to scan two or three times to find it.
- To detect a boot virus effectively you need to run a MS-DOS antivirus from
- a write protected antivirus bootdisk.
- After checking the computer thoroughly in Windows.
- Insert a brand new floppy formatted with Win95/98 ONLY, don't use third
- party formatting tool because some will not work to make a Win95/98 boot disk.
- Unzip your favorite MS-DOS antivirus to the floppy,
- write protect the floppy byásliding the tab upwards, that will prevent any viruses
- from entering and infecting the files in the floppy.
- To run it, restart computer with boot disk in drive, once booted, type the word
- used to run the antivirus in MS-DOS.
- Some times a boot virus will not let you boot into a floppy drive or access
- a floppy drive, try again and again.
- Remember that most viruses don't reside in files only but reside in memory,
- and use memory as a central active location to infect other files. A write protected
- antivirus boot disk is the best way to disinfect memory.
- Before booting from a boot disk, shut computer power completely for about
- 10 to 20 seconds.
- http://www.mslm.com
- twf@flash.net
- 2000@msn.com