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- /*
- * io.h
- *
- * System level I/O functions and types.
- *
- * This file is part of the Mingw32 package.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Created by Colin Peters <colin@bird.fu.is.saga-u.ac.jp>
- *
- *
- * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may
- * use, modify or distribute it freely.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but
- * DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of
- *
- * $Revision: 2.5 $
- * $Author: colin $
- * $Date: 1998/05/12 22:24:04 $
- *
- */
- #ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
- #ifndef _IO_H_
- #define _IO_H_
- /* We need the definition of FILE anyway... */
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* MSVC's io.h contains the stuff from dir.h, so I will too.
- * NOTE: This also defines off_t, the file offset type, through
- * an inclusion of sys/types.h */
- #include <dir.h>
- /* TODO: Maximum number of open handles has not been tested, I just set
- * it the same as FOPEN_MAX. */
- /* Some defines for _access nAccessMode (MS doesn't define them, but
- * it doesn't seem to hurt to add them). */
- #define F_OK 0 /* Check for file existence */
- #define W_OK 2 /* Check for write permission */
- #define R_OK 4 /* Check for read permission */
- /* TODO: Is this safe? X_OK not supported directly... */
- #define X_OK R_OK /* Check for execute permission */
- #ifndef RC_INVOKED
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- int _access (const char* szFileName, int nAccessMode);
- int _chsize (int nHandle, long lnNewSize);
- int _close (int nHandle);
- /* NOTE: The only significant bit in unPermissions appears to be bit 7 (0x80),
- * the "owner write permission" bit (on FAT). */
- int _creat (const char* szFileName, unsigned unPermissions);
- int _dup (int nHandle);
- int _dup2 (int nOldHandle, int nNewHandle);
- long _filelength (int nHandle);
- int _fileno (FILE* fileGetHandle);
- long _get_osfhandle (int nHandle);
- int _isatty (int nHandle);
- /* In a very odd turn of events this function is excluded from those
- * files which define _STREAM_COMPAT. This is required in order to
- * build GNU libio because of a conflict with _eof in streambuf.h
- * line 107. Actually I might just be able to change the name of
- * the enum member in streambuf.h... we'll see. TODO */
- #ifndef _STREAM_COMPAT
- int _eof (int nHandle);
- #endif
- /* LK_... locking commands defined in sys/locking.h. */
- int _locking (int nHandle, int nCmd, long lnLockRegionLength);
- long _lseek (int nHandle, long lnOffset, int nOrigin);
- /* Optional third argument is unsigned unPermissions. */
- int _open (const char* szFileName, int nFlags, ...);
- int _open_osfhandle (long lnOSHandle, int nFlags);
- int _pipe (int *naHandles, unsigned int unSize, int nMode);
- int _read (int nHandle, void* caBuffer, unsigned int nToRead);
- /* SH_... flags for nShFlags defined in share.h
- * Optional fourth argument is unsigned unPermissions */
- int _sopen (char* szFileName, int nFlags, int nShFlags, ...);
- long _tell (int nHandle);
- /* Should umask be in sys/stat.h and/or sys/types.h instead? */
- int _umask (int nMode);
- int _unlink (const char* szFileName);
- int _write (int nHandle, const void* caBuffer,
- unsigned int unToWrite);
- #ifndef _NO_OLDNAMES
- /*
- * Non-underscored versions of non-ANSI functions to improve portability.
- * These functions live in libmoldname.a.
- */
- int access (const char* szFileName, int nAccessMode);
- int chsize (int nHandle, long lnNewSize);
- int close (int nHandle);
- int creat (const char* szFileName, int nAccessMode);
- int dup (int nHandle);
- int dup2 (int nOldHandle, int nNewHandle);
- int eof (int nHandle);
- long filelength (int nHandle);
- int fileno (FILE* fileGetHandle);
- int isatty (int nHandle);
- long lseek (int nHandle, long lnOffset, int nOrigin);
- int open (const char* szFileName, int nFlags, ...);
- int read (int nHandle, void* caBuffer, unsigned int nToRead);
- int sopen (char* szFileName, int nAccess, int nFlag, ...);
- long tell (int nHandle);
- int umask (int nMode);
- int unlink (const char* szFileName);
- int write (int nHandle, const void* caBuffer,
- unsigned int nToWrite);
- #endif /* Not _NO_OLDNAMES */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* Not RC_INVOKED */
- #endif /* _IO_H_ not defined */
- #endif /* Not strict ANSI */