The Rubick's Hypercube is a generalization of the regular Rubick's Cube into 4-dimensional space. The Rubick's Hypercube program shows a 3-dimensional "unfolded" version of this 4-dimensional object. Though I wrote the Rubick's Hypercube program, I have not solved the harder version of it. I have solved the easier version, and I plan to soon put up a list of hints for solving it. If you solve the harder version, please email me at, and if you can remember what you did, try to explain it. I will post good hints I receive on the hints page, along with their author(s). To download the zip file for installing the latest version of Rubick's Hypercube, click
Version 5200 allows you to create a high-score file at any point in the game (*.hs) which you can email to me and I will put your score on the High Scores Webpage. The high scores file is encrypted and contains your name, the number of moves it took you to solve the Rubick's Hypercube, how much time it took, whether you solved the hard or the easy version, and what percentage of the Rubick's Hypercube was solved.