PC World 1999 December
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Text File
87 lines
==== new in version (2.02)
+ More sample scripts
.Simple page counter
.Error trapping routine
.Proper case routine
.Search and replace routine
.good morning routine
.add to favourites menu script
+ Added cookie wizard
+ Added helpfile
+ Added useful asp resources to program and helpfile, there are a couple
of top asp related websites that will provide loads of research material
==== added since last version (2.01)
** Fixed in version 2.01/3
/ fixed couple of small bugs
** new in version 2.01/3
+ added help file
+ added useful asp resources
** Fixed in version 2.01/2
/ capitalize bug
** new in version 2.01
+ internal changes
** New in version 1.06b
+ Global.asa creation wizard
+ Select all ability in editsheets
+ Added Image preview facility
+ Added sample Scripts
** New in version 1.07.1b
/ Fixed printing bug
** New in version 1.09b
+ Added connection pool entry to registry edit feature
+ Added Vbscript Statements Up Till O, Next version will include more
+ Preferences can now be set (color, font etc.)
+ Added calculator, allways handy to have included :)
+ Added search routine, search and replace will follow later.
+ Severall routines adjusted, non visible changes, but aspedit will work
better for it..
/ Fixed bugs in imageviewer, now supports gif/jpg/bmp/wmf/tga/rle/pcx
/ Tweaked sqlwizard, sometimes output seem to live on its own.
** New in version 1.10.1b
+ Save as option (ctlr+alt+s)
+ Added font size to preferences
+ Added convert to lowercase to edit menu (F8)
+ Added convert to uppercase to edit menu (F9)
+ Added jump to line option (F10)
+ Added select all feature to edit menu (ctrl+a)
+ All features in edit menu, are now also stored under the right click button menu
+ Added insert time/date option under insert statement menu
+ Added capitalize selection (F11), Makes All Words Starting With A Capital Like This Line.
/ Made statusbar more readable..
** New in version 1.12.1b
+ New file panel interface, now looks more.. well.. windows like
+ Toolbar is now dockable, and can be dragged allover the place, it can
be docked at the left side or on top of the workspaces.
+ Added beautify source menu entry, this tool will be added shortly..
+ Allow up to 100 workspaces to be openend, you can set this number yourself
in the prefferences screen, in the unregistered version there a maximum of 5
screens open, when registered it will create the amount you defined.
in the future the maximum of 100 will be adjusted to unlimited.
+ removed fileinfo box from drive panel
+ Added filemanager on rightmouse click menu and under tools menubar
+ AUTOSAVE, all open files are automaticly saved every minute (or less)