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/ PC World 1999 December / PCWorld_1999-12_cd.bin / Software / Servis / UrthMDB / sockdb / UNIX-STDa._ / UNIX-STDa.
Text File  |  1999-03-15  |  8KB  |  243 lines

  1. echo                7/tcp
  2. discard             9/tcp   sink null
  3. systat             11/tcp   users
  4. daytime            13/tcp
  5. netstat            15/tcp
  6. qotd               17/tcp   quote
  7. chargen            19/tcp   ttytst source
  8. ftp-data           20/tcp
  9. ftp                21/tcp
  10. telnet             23/tcp
  11. smtp               25/tcp   mail
  12. time               37/tcp   timserver
  13. name               42/tcp   nameserver
  14. whois              43/tcp   nicname
  15. nameserver         53/tcp
  16. apts               57/tcp   # any private terminal service
  17. apfs               59/tcp   # any private file service
  18. rje                77/tcp   netrjs
  19. finger             79/tcp
  20. link               87/tcp   ttylink
  21. supdup             95/tcp
  22. newacct           100/tcp   # (unauthorized use)
  23. hostnames         101/tcp   hostname
  24. iso-tsap          102/tcp   tsap
  25. x400              103/tcp
  26. x400-snd          104/tcp
  27. csnet-ns          105/tcp   # CSNET Name Service
  28. pop-2             109/tcp   # pop postoffice
  29. sunrpc            111/tcp
  30. auth              113/tcp   # authentication
  31. sftp              115/tcp
  32. uucp-path         117/tcp
  33. nntp              119/tcp   usenet readnews untp
  34. ntp               123/tcp   # network time protocol
  35. statsrv           133/tcp
  36. profile           136/tcp
  37. NeWS              144/tcp   # news
  38. print-srv         170/tcp
  39. exec              512/tcp   # remote process execution;
  40.                             # authentication performed using
  41.                             # passwords and UNIX loppgin names
  42. login             513/tcp   # remote login a la telnet;
  43.                             # automatic authentication performed
  44.                             # based on priviledged port numbers
  45.                             # and distributed data bases which
  46.                             # identify "authentication domains"
  47. cmd               514/tcp   # like exec, but automatic
  48.                             # authentication is performed as for
  49.                             # login server
  50. printer           515/tcp   # spooler
  51. efs               520/tcp   # extended file name server
  52. tempo             526/tcp   newdate
  53. courier           530/tcp   rpc
  54. conference        531/tcp   chat
  55. netnews           532/tcp   readnews
  56. uucp              540/tcp   uucpd
  57. klogin            543/tcp
  58. kshell            544/tcp   krcmd
  59. dsf               555/tcp
  60. remotefs          556/tcp   # rfs server
  61. chshell           562/tcp   chcmd
  62. meter             570/tcp   demon
  63. pcserver          600/tcp   # Sun IPC server
  64. nqs               607/tcp   nqs
  65. mdqs              666/tcp
  66. rfile             750/tcp
  67. pump              751/tcp
  68. qrh               752/tcp
  69. rrh               753/tcp
  70. tell              754/tcp   send
  71. nlogin            758/tcp
  72. con               759/tcp
  73. ns                760/tcp
  74. rxe               761/tcp
  75. quotad            762/tcp
  76. cycleserv         763/tcp
  77. omserv            764/tcp
  78. webster           765/tcp
  79. phonebook         767/tcp   phone
  80. vid               769/tcp
  81. rtip              771/tcp
  82. cycleserv2        772/tcp
  83. submit            773/tcp
  84. rpasswd           774/tcp
  85. entomb            775/tcp
  86. wpages            776/tcp
  87. wpgs              780/tcp
  88. mdbs_daemon       800/tcp
  89. device            801/tcp
  90. maitrd            997/tcp
  91. busboy            998/tcp
  92. garcon            999/tcp
  93. blackjack        1025/tcp   # network blackjack
  94. bbn-mmc          1347/tcp   # multi media conferencing
  95. bbn-mmx          1348/tcp   # multi media conferencing
  96. orasrv           1525/tcp   # oracle
  97. ingreslock       1524/tcp
  98. issd             1600/tcp
  99. nkd              1650/tcp
  100. dc               2001/tcp
  101. mailbox          2004/tcp
  102. berknet          2005/tcp
  103. invokator        2006/tcp
  104. dectalk          2007/tcp
  105. conf             2008/tcp
  106. news             2009/tcp
  107. search           2010/tcp
  108. raid-cc          2011/tcp   raid
  109. ttyinfo          2012/tcp
  110. raid-am          2013/tcp
  111. troff            2014/tcp
  112. cypress          2015/tcp
  113. cypress-stat     2017/tcp
  114. terminaldb       2018/tcp
  115. whosockami       2019/tcp
  116. servexec         2021/tcp
  117. down             2022/tcp
  118. ellpack          2025/tcp
  119. shadowserver     2027/tcp
  120. submitserver     2028/tcp
  121. device2          2030/tcp
  122. blackboard       2032/tcp
  123. glogger          2033/tcp
  124. scoremgr         2034/tcp
  125. imsldoc          2035/tcp
  126. objectmanager    2038/tcp
  127. lam              2040/tcp
  128. interbase        2041/tcp
  129. isis             2042/tcp
  130. rimsl            2044/tcp
  131. dls              2047/tcp
  132. dls-monitor      2048/tcp
  133. shilp            2049/tcp
  134. NSWS             3049/tcp
  135. rfa              4672/tcp   # remote file access server
  136. commplex-main    5000/tcp
  137. commplex-link    5001/tcp
  138. padl2sim         5236/tcp
  139. man              9535/tcp
  140. echo                7/udp
  141. discard             9/udp   sink null
  142. systat             11/udp   users
  143. daytime            13/udp
  144. netstat            15/udp
  145. qotd               17/udp   quote
  146. chargen            19/udp   ttytst source
  147. time               37/udp   timserver
  148. rlp                39/udp   resource
  149. name               42/udp   nameserver
  150. whois              43/udp   nicname
  151. nameserver         53/udp   domain
  152. bootps             67/udp   bootp
  153. bootpc             68/udp
  154. tftp               69/udp
  155. sunrpc            111/udp
  156. erpc              121/udp
  157. ntp               123/udp
  158. statsrv           133/udp
  159. profile           136/udp
  160. snmp              161/udp
  161. snmp-trap         162/udp
  162. at-rtmp           201/udp
  163. at-nbp            202/udp
  164. at-3              203/udp
  165. at-echo           204/udp
  166. at-5              205/udp
  167. at-zis            206/udp
  168. at-7              207/udp
  169. at-8              208/udp
  170. biff              512/udp   # used by mail system to notify users
  171.                             # of new mail received; currently
  172.                             # receives messages only from
  173.                             # processes on the same machine
  174. who               513/udp   # maintains data bases showing who's
  175.                             # logged in to machines on a local
  176.                             # net and the load average of the
  177.                             # machine
  178. syslog            514/udp
  179. talk              517/udp   # like tenex link, but across
  180.                             # machine - unfortunately, doesn't
  181.                             # use link protocol (this is actually
  182.                             # just a rendezvous port from which a
  183.                             # tcp connection is established)
  184. ntalk             518/udp
  185. utime             519/udp   unixtime
  186. router            520/udp   # local routing process (on site);
  187.                             # uses variant of Xerox NS routing
  188.                             # information protocol
  189. timed             525/udp   timeserver
  190. netwall           533/udp   # for emergency broadcasts
  191. new-rwho          550/udp   new-who
  192. rmonitor          560/udp   rmonitord
  193. monitor           561/udp
  194. meter             571/udp   udemon
  195. elcsd             704/udp   # errlog copy/server daemon
  196. loadav            750/udp
  197. vid               769/udp
  198. cadlock           770/udp
  199. notify            773/udp
  200. acmaint_dbd       774/udp
  201. acmaint_transd    775/udp
  202. wpages            776/udp
  203. puparp            998/udp
  204. applix            999/udp   # Applix ac
  205. puprouter         999/udp
  206. cadlock          1000/udp
  207. hermes           1248/udp
  208. wizard           2001/udp   curry
  209. globe            2002/udp
  210. emce             2004/udp   CCWS mm conf
  211. oracle           2005/udp
  212. raid-cc          2006/udp   raid
  213. raid-am          2007/udp
  214. terminaldb       2008/udp
  215. whosockami       2009/udp
  216. pipe_server      2010/udp
  217. servserv         2011/udp
  218. raid-ac          2012/udp
  219. raid-cd          2013/udp
  220. raid-sf          2014/udp
  221. raid-cs          2015/udp
  222. bootserver       2016/udp
  223. bootclient       2017/udp
  224. rellpack         2018/udp
  225. about            2019/udp
  226. xinupageserver   2020/udp
  227. xinuexpansion1   2021/udp
  228. xinuexpansion2   2022/udp
  229. xinuexpansion3   2023/udp
  230. xinuexpansion4   2024/udp
  231. xribs            2025/udp
  232. scrabble         2026/udp
  233. isis             2042/udp
  234. isis-bcast       2043/udp
  235. rimsl            2044/udp
  236. cdfunc           2045/udp
  237. sdfunc           2046/udp
  238. dls              2047/udp
  239. shilp            2049/udp
  240. rmonitor_secure  5145/udp
  241. xdsxdm           6558/udp
  242. isode-dua       17007/udp