PC World 1999 December
Text File
315 lines
0/tcp # Reserved [JBP]
TCPMUX 1/tcp # TCP Port Service Multiplexer [MKL]
RJE 5/tcp # Remote Job Entry [12,JBP]
ECHO 7/tcp # Echo [95,JBP]
DISCARD 9/tcp # Discard [94,JBP]
USERS 11/tcp # Active Users [89,JBP]
DAYTIME 13/tcp # Daytime [93,JBP]
QUOTE 17/tcp # Quote of the Day [100,JBP]
CHARGEN 19/tcp # Character Generator [92,JBP]
FTP-DATA 20/tcp # File Transfer (Default Data) [96,JBP]
FTP 21/tcp # File Transfer (Control) [96,JBP]
TELNET 23/tcp # Telnet [112,JBP]
SMTP 25/tcp # Simple Mail Transfer [102,JBP]
NSW-FE 27/tcp # NSW User System FE [24,RHT]
MSG-ICP 29/tcp # MSG ICP [85,RHT]
MSG-AUTH 31/tcp # MSG Authentication [85,RHT]
DSP 33/tcp # Display Support Protocol [EXC]
35/tcp # any private printer server [JBP]
TIME 37/tcp # Time [108,JBP]
RLP 39/tcp # Resource Location Protocol [MA]
GRAPHICS 41/tcp # Graphics [129,JBP]
NAMESERVER 42/tcp # Host Name Server [99,JBP]
NICNAME 43/tcp # Who Is [55,MARY]
MPM-FLAGS 44/tcp # MPM FLAGS Protocol [JBP]
MPM 45/tcp # Message Processing Module (recv) [98,JBP]
MPM-SND 46/tcp # MPM (default send) [98,JBP]
NI-FTP 47/tcp # NI FTP [134,SK8]
LOGIN 49/tcp # Login Host Protocol [PHD1]
LA-MAINT 51/tcp # IMP Logical Address Maintenance [76,AGM]
DOMAIN 53/tcp # Domain Name Server [81,95,PM1]
ISI-GL 55/tcp # ISI Graphics Language [7,RB9]
57/tcp # any private terminal access [JBP]
59/tcp # any private file service [JBP]
NI-MAIL 61/tcp # NI MAIL [5,SK8]
VIA-FTP 63/tcp # VIA Systems - FTP [DXD]
TACACS-DS 65/tcp # TACACS-Database Service [3,KH43]
BOOTPS 67/tcp # Bootstrap Protocol Server [36,WJC2]
BOOTPC 68/tcp # Bootstrap Protocol Client [36,WJC2]
TFTP 69/tcp # Trivial File Transfer [126,DDC1]
NETRJS-1 71/tcp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
NETRJS-2 72/tcp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
NETRJS-3 73/tcp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
NETRJS-4 74/tcp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
75/tcp # any private dial out service [JBP]
77/tcp # any private RJE service [JBP]
FINGER 79/tcp # Finger [52,KLH]
HOSTS2-NS 81/tcp # HOSTS2 Name Server [EAK1]
MIT-ML-DEV 83/tcp # MIT ML Device [DPR]
MIT-ML-DEV 85/tcp # MIT ML Device [DPR]
87/tcp # any private terminal link [JBP]
SU-MIT-TG 89/tcp # SU/MIT Telnet Gateway [MRC]
MIT-DOV 91/tcp # MIT Dover Spooler [EBM]
DCP 93/tcp # Device Control Protocol [DT15]
SUPDUP 95/tcp # SUPDUP [27,MRC]
SWIFT-RVF 97/tcp # Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol [MXR]
TACNEWS 98/tcp # TAC News [ANM2]
METAGRAM 99/tcp # Metagram Relay [GEOF]
HOSTNAME 101/tcp # NIC Host Name Server [54,MARY]
ISO-TSAP 102/tcp # ISO-TSAP [16,MTR]
X400 103/tcp # X400 [HCF2]
X400-SND 104/tcp # X400-SND [HCF2]
CSNET-NS 105/tcp # Mailbox Name Nameserver [127,MS56]
RTELNET 107/tcp # Remote Telnet Service [101,JBP]
POP2 109/tcp # Post Office Protocol - Version 2 [14,JKR1]
POP3 110/tcp # Post Office Protocol - Version 3 [122,MTR]
SUNRPC 111/tcp # SUN Remote Procedure Call [DXG]
AUTH 113/tcp # Authentication Service [130,MCSJ]
SFTP 115/tcp # Simple File Transfer Protocol [73,MKL1]
UUCP-PATH 117/tcp # UUCP Path Service [44,MAE]
NNTP 119/tcp # Network News Transfer Protocol [65,PL4]
ERPC 121/tcp # Encore Expedited Remote Proc. Call [132,JXO]
NTP 123/tcp # Network Time Protocol [80,DLM1]
LOCUS-MAP 125/tcp # Locus PC-Interface Net Map Server [137,EP53]
LOCUS-CON 127/tcp # Locus PC-Interface Conn Server [137,EP53]
PWDGEN 129/tcp # Password Generator Protocol [141,FJW]
STATSRV 133/tcp # Statistics Service [DLM1]
INGRES-NET 134/tcp # INGRES-NET Service [MXB]
LOC-SRV 135/tcp # Location Service [JXP]
PROFILE 136/tcp # PROFILE Naming System [LLP]
NETBIOS-NS 137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service [JBP]
NETBIOS-DGM 138/tcp # NETBIOS Datagram Service [JBP]
NETBIOS-SSN 139/tcp # NETBIOS Session Service [JBP]
EMFIS-DATA 140/tcp # EMFIS Data Service [GB7]
EMFIS-CNTL 141/tcp # EMFIS Control Service [GB7]
BL-IDM 142/tcp # Britton-Lee IDM [SXS1]
IMAP2 143/tcp # Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 [MRC]
NEWS 144/tcp # NewS [JAG]
UAAC 145/tcp # UAAC Protocol [DAG4]
ISO-TP0 146/tcp # ISO-IP0 [86,MTR]
ISO-IP 147/tcp # ISO-IP [MTR]
AED-512 149/tcp # AED 512 Emulation Service [AXB]
SQL-NET 150/tcp # SQL-NET [MXP]
HEMS 151/tcp # HEMS [87,CXT]
BFTP 152/tcp # Background File Transfer Program [AD14]
SGMP 153/tcp # SGMP [37,MS9]
NETSC-PROD 154/tcp # NETSC [SH37]
NETSC-DEV 155/tcp # NETSC [SH37]
SQLSRV 156/tcp # SQL Service [CMR]
KNET-CMP 157/tcp # KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol [77,GSM11]
PCMail-SRV 158/tcp # PCMail Server [19,MXL]
NSS-Routing 159/tcp # NSS-Routing [JXR]
SGMP-TRAPS 160/tcp # SGMP-TRAPS [37,MS9]
SNMP 161/tcp # SNMP [15,MTR]
CMIP-Manage 163/tcp # CMIP/TCP Manager [4,AXB1]
CMIP-Agent 164/tcp # CMIP/TCP Agent [4,AXB1]
XNS-Courier 165/tcp # Xerox [144,SXA]
S-Net 166/tcp # Sirius Systems [BXL]
NAMP 167/tcp # NAMP [MS9]
RSVD 168/tcp # RSVD [NT12]
SEND 169/tcp # SEND [WDW11]
Print-SRV 170/tcp # Network PostScript [BKR]
Multiplex 171/tcp # Network Innovations Multiplex [KXD]
CL/1 172/tcp # Network Innovations CL/1 [KXD]
Xyplex-MUX 173/tcp # Xyplex [BXS]
MAILQ 174/tcp # MAILQ [RXZ]
VMNET 175/tcp # VMNET [CXT]
XDMCP 177/tcp # X Display Manager Control Protocol [RWS4]
NextStep 178/tcp # NextStep Window Server [LXH]
BGP 179/tcp # Border Gateway Protocol [KSL]
RIS 180/tcp # Intergraph [DXB]
Unify 181/tcp # Unify [VXS]
Unisys-Cam 182/tcp # Unisys-Cam [GXG]
OCBinder 183/tcp # OCBinder [JXO1]
OCServer 184/tcp # OCServer [JXO1]
Remote-KIS 185/tcp # Remote-KIS [RXD1]
KIS 186/tcp # KIS Protocol [RXD1]
ACI 187/tcp # Application Communication Interface [RXC1]
MUMPS 188/tcp # MUMPS [HS23]
QFT 189/tcp # Queued File Transport [WXS]
GACP 190/tcp # Gateway Access Control Protocol [PCW]
Prospero 191/tcp # Prospero [BCN]
OSU-NMS 192/tcp # OSU Network Monitoring System [DXK]
SRMP 193/tcp # Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol [TXS]
IRC 194/tcp # Internet Relay Chat Protocol [JXO2]
DN6-NLM-AUD 195/tcp # DNSIX Network Level Module Audit [LL69]
DN6-SMM-RED 196/tcp # DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redirect[LL69]
DLS 197/tcp # Directory Location Service [SXB]
DLS-Mon 198/tcp # Directory Location Service Monitor [SXB]
AT-RMTP 201/tcp # AppleTalk Routing Maintenance [RXC]
AT-NBP 202/tcp # AppleTalk Name Binding [RXC]
AT-3 203/tcp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
AT-ECHO 204/tcp # AppleTalk Echo [RXC]
AT-5 205/tcp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
AT-ZIS 206/tcp # AppleTalk Zone Information [RXC]
AT-7 207/tcp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
AT-8 208/tcp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
224-241/tcp # Reserved [JBP]
SUR-MEAS 243/tcp # Survey Measurement [6,DDC1]
LINK 245/tcp # LINK [1,RDB2]
DSP3270 246/tcp # Display Systems Protocol [39,WJS1]
247-255/tcp # Reserved [JBP]
0/udp # Reserved [JBP]
udpMUX 1/udp # udp Port Service Multiplexer [MKL]
RJE 5/udp # Remote Job Entry [12,JBP]
ECHO 7/udp # Echo [95,JBP]
DISCARD 9/udp # Discard [94,JBP]
USERS 11/udp # Active Users [89,JBP]
DAYTIME 13/udp # Daytime [93,JBP]
QUOTE 17/udp # Quote of the Day [100,JBP]
CHARGEN 19/udp # Character Generator [92,JBP]
FTP-DATA 20/udp # File Transfer (Default Data) [96,JBP]
FTP 21/udp # File Transfer (Control) [96,JBP]
TELNET 23/udp # Telnet [112,JBP]
SMTP 25/udp # Simple Mail Transfer [102,JBP]
NSW-FE 27/udp # NSW User System FE [24,RHT]
MSG-ICP 29/udp # MSG ICP [85,RHT]
MSG-AUTH 31/udp # MSG Authentication [85,RHT]
DSP 33/udp # Display Support Protocol [EXC]
35/udp # any private printer server [JBP]
TIME 37/udp # Time [108,JBP]
RLP 39/udp # Resource Location Protocol [MA]
GRAPHICS 41/udp # Graphics [129,JBP]
NAMESERVER 42/udp # Host Name Server [99,JBP]
NICNAME 43/udp # Who Is [55,MARY]
MPM-FLAGS 44/udp # MPM FLAGS Protocol [JBP]
MPM 45/udp # Message Processing Module (recv) [98,JBP]
MPM-SND 46/udp # MPM (default send) [98,JBP]
NI-FTP 47/udp # NI FTP [134,SK8]
LOGIN 49/udp # Login Host Protocol [PHD1]
LA-MAINT 51/udp # IMP Logical Address Maintenance [76,AGM]
DOMAIN 53/udp # Domain Name Server [81,95,PM1]
ISI-GL 55/udp # ISI Graphics Language [7,RB9]
57/udp # any private terminal access [JBP]
59/udp # any private file service [JBP]
NI-MAIL 61/udp # NI MAIL [5,SK8]
VIA-FTP 63/udp # VIA Systems - FTP [DXD]
TACACS-DS 65/udp # TACACS-Database Service [3,KH43]
BOOTPS 67/udp # Bootstrap Protocol Server [36,WJC2]
BOOTPC 68/udp # Bootstrap Protocol Client [36,WJC2]
TFTP 69/udp # Trivial File Transfer [126,DDC1]
NETRJS-1 71/udp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
NETRJS-2 72/udp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
NETRJS-3 73/udp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
NETRJS-4 74/udp # Remote Job Service [10,RTB3]
75/udp # any private dial out service [JBP]
77/udp # any private RJE service [JBP]
FINGER 79/udp # Finger [52,KLH]
HOSTS2-NS 81/udp # HOSTS2 Name Server [EAK1]
MIT-ML-DEV 83/udp # MIT ML Device [DPR]
MIT-ML-DEV 85/udp # MIT ML Device [DPR]
87/udp # any private terminal link [JBP]
SU-MIT-TG 89/udp # SU/MIT Telnet Gateway [MRC]
MIT-DOV 91/udp # MIT Dover Spooler [EBM]
DCP 93/udp # Device Control Protocol [DT15]
SUPDUP 95/udp # SUPDUP [27,MRC]
SWIFT-RVF 97/udp # Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol [MXR]
TACNEWS 98/udp # TAC News [ANM2]
METAGRAM 99/udp # Metagram Relay [GEOF]
HOSTNAME 101/udp # NIC Host Name Server [54,MARY]
ISO-TSAP 102/udp # ISO-TSAP [16,MTR]
X400 103/udp # X400 [HCF2]
X400-SND 104/udp # X400-SND [HCF2]
CSNET-NS 105/udp # Mailbox Name Nameserver [127,MS56]
RTELNET 107/udp # Remote Telnet Service [101,JBP]
POP2 109/udp # Post Office Protocol - Version 2 [14,JKR1]
POP3 110/udp # Post Office Protocol - Version 3 [122,MTR]
SUNRPC 111/udp # SUN Remote Procedure Call [DXG]
AUTH 113/udp # Authentication Service [130,MCSJ]
SFTP 115/udp # Simple File Transfer Protocol [73,MKL1]
UUCP-PATH 117/udp # UUCP Path Service [44,MAE]
NNTP 119/udp # Network News Transfer Protocol [65,PL4]
ERPC 121/udp # Encore Expedited Remote Proc. Call [132,JXO]
NTP 123/udp # Network Time Protocol [80,DLM1]
LOCUS-MAP 125/udp # Locus PC-Interface Net Map Server [137,EP53]
LOCUS-CON 127/udp # Locus PC-Interface Conn Server [137,EP53]
PWDGEN 129/udp # Password Generator Protocol [141,FJW]
STATSRV 133/udp # Statistics Service [DLM1]
INGRES-NET 134/udp # INGRES-NET Service [MXB]
LOC-SRV 135/udp # Location Service [JXP]
PROFILE 136/udp # PROFILE Naming System [LLP]
NETBIOS-NS 137/udp # NETBIOS Name Service [JBP]
NETBIOS-DGM 138/udp # NETBIOS Datagram Service [JBP]
NETBIOS-SSN 139/udp # NETBIOS Session Service [JBP]
EMFIS-DATA 140/udp # EMFIS Data Service [GB7]
EMFIS-CNTL 141/udp # EMFIS Control Service [GB7]
BL-IDM 142/udp # Britton-Lee IDM [SXS1]
IMAP2 143/udp # Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 [MRC]
NEWS 144/udp # NewS [JAG]
UAAC 145/udp # UAAC Protocol [DAG4]
ISO-TP0 146/udp # ISO-IP0 [86,MTR]
ISO-IP 147/udp # ISO-IP [MTR]
AED-512 149/udp # AED 512 Emulation Service [AXB]
SQL-NET 150/udp # SQL-NET [MXP]
HEMS 151/udp # HEMS [87,CXT]
BFTP 152/udp # Background File Transfer Program [AD14]
SGMP 153/udp # SGMP [37,MS9]
NETSC-PROD 154/udp # NETSC [SH37]
NETSC-DEV 155/udp # NETSC [SH37]
SQLSRV 156/udp # SQL Service [CMR]
KNET-CMP 157/udp # KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol [77,GSM11]
PCMail-SRV 158/udp # PCMail Server [19,MXL]
NSS-Routing 159/udp # NSS-Routing [JXR]
SGMP-TRAPS 160/udp # SGMP-TRAPS [37,MS9]
SNMP 161/udp # SNMP [15,MTR]
CMIP-Manage 163/udp # CMIP/udp Manager [4,AXB1]
CMIP-Agent 164/udp # CMIP/udp Agent [4,AXB1]
XNS-Courier 165/udp # Xerox [144,SXA]
S-Net 166/udp # Sirius Systems [BXL]
NAMP 167/udp # NAMP [MS9]
RSVD 168/udp # RSVD [NT12]
SEND 169/udp # SEND [WDW11]
Print-SRV 170/udp # Network PostScript [BKR]
Multiplex 171/udp # Network Innovations Multiplex [KXD]
CL/1 172/udp # Network Innovations CL/1 [KXD]
Xyplex-MUX 173/udp # Xyplex [BXS]
MAILQ 174/udp # MAILQ [RXZ]
VMNET 175/udp # VMNET [CXT]
XDMCP 177/udp # X Display Manager Control Protocol [RWS4]
NextStep 178/udp # NextStep Window Server [LXH]
BGP 179/udp # Border Gateway Protocol [KSL]
RIS 180/udp # Intergraph [DXB]
Unify 181/udp # Unify [VXS]
Unisys-Cam 182/udp # Unisys-Cam [GXG]
OCBinder 183/udp # OCBinder [JXO1]
OCServer 184/udp # OCServer [JXO1]
Remote-KIS 185/udp # Remote-KIS [RXD1]
KIS 186/udp # KIS Protocol [RXD1]
ACI 187/udp # Application Communication Interface [RXC1]
MUMPS 188/udp # MUMPS [HS23]
QFT 189/udp # Queued File Transport [WXS]
GACP 190/udp # Gateway Access Control Protocol [PCW]
Prospero 191/udp # Prospero [BCN]
OSU-NMS 192/udp # OSU Network Monitoring System [DXK]
SRMP 193/udp # Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol [TXS]
IRC 194/udp # Internet Relay Chat Protocol [JXO2]
DN6-NLM-AUD 195/udp # DNSIX Network Level Module Audit [LL69]
DN6-SMM-RED 196/udp # DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redirect[LL69]
DLS 197/udp # Directory Location Service [SXB]
DLS-Mon 198/udp # Directory Location Service Monitor [SXB]
AT-RMTP 201/udp # AppleTalk Routing Maintenance [RXC]
AT-NBP 202/udp # AppleTalk Name Binding [RXC]
AT-3 203/udp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
AT-ECHO 204/udp # AppleTalk Echo [RXC]
AT-5 205/udp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
AT-ZIS 206/udp # AppleTalk Zone Information [RXC]
AT-7 207/udp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
AT-8 208/udp # AppleTalk Unused [RXC]
224-241/udp # Reserved [JBP]
SUR-MEAS 243/udp # Survey Measurement [6,DDC1]
LINK 245/udp # LINK [1,RDB2]
DSP3270 246/udp # Display Systems Protocol [39,WJS1]
247-255/udp # Reserved [JBP]