ocr: Ladèni: Firmy - do_Output_Form_ Method > Dosazeno preruseni Wraz Hodnota Volaciretèzce Objekty V fadé do Output Form Met.. Promenne $0 Nedefinovano Meziprocesni $1 Proces Firmyl.output B Mistni Parametry Vyraz Hodnota Samoukazatel Nedefinov.. Records in selection(Zakazn. 0 +- K Konstanty $n1 +- EE Tabulky a pole $evt +- / Semafory $evt=$1 The Form event is passed as the first parameter Case of - - Sevt-OnLoad) CREATE EMPTY SET(Current default table->;Userset) - - Sevt-OnClicked : (Sevt=n Close Box) CANCEL Else End case Shl:=Records in table(Current form table->] $n2:-Records in selection/Lurre ...