2006 Some files could not be uninstalled. They will be uninstalled once you restart your windows.\nYou should restart your system before running any applications.
2008 There were no Corel Products found on your system to uninstall.
2009 Please wait while the uninstall wizard initializes.
2010 &Start
2011 All Files
2012 Command line component not found:
2013 Initializing uninstall, please wait.
2100 Welcome to the Corel Uninstaller
2101 Select products to remove
2102 Ready to remove products
2103 Removing products
2104 (all files)
2105 (some files)
2106 Cancel
2107 Do you want to exit without removing any products?\n
2108 You must select something to remove in order to continue.
2109 The Corel Uninstaller is about to remove products.\nClick 'OK' to begin.
2110 You are currently in the process of removing components.\nAre you sure you want to cancel?
2111 Some files could not be uninstalled. They will be uninstalled once you restart your windows.\nWould you like to restart your computer now?\n\n(If you choose to restart, the screen may go blank or flicker.\nPlease be patient while uninstall restarts your machine.)
2112 Unable to restart windows, you must manually restart for the changes to take effect.
2113 0
2114 Times New Roman
2115 &Cancel
2116 &Next>
2704 A required initialization file was not found:\n
2810 Another instance of this program is currently running.
2811 Removing Directory:
2812 Updating Uninstall:
2813 Removing File:
2814 Removing Customizations:
2815 Removing registration file:
2816 Removing Shortcuts:
2817 Removing self registering file:
2818 Removing Registration Entry:
2819 Successfully removed directory:
2820 Directory successfully NOT removed ( Not Permited ):
2821 Error removing directory:
2822 Error removing directory ( could not set directory attributes to normal ):
2823 Unknown error removing directory:
2824 File successfully removed:
2825 File successfully removed (on reboot):
2826 File successfully NOT removed:
2827 Error removing file:
2828 Error removing file ( attributes could not be set to normal ):
2829 Unknown error removing file:
2830 Profile String successfully removed:
2831 Profile String successfully NOT removed:
2832 Profile String successfully reset to previous value:
2833 Error removing Profile String ( could not set attributes ):
2834 Error removing Profile String:
2835 Unknown error removing Profile String
2836 Error resetting Profile String:
2837 Runtime File successfully removed:
2838 Runtime File successfully NOT removed:
2839 Runtime File successfully removed ( file not found ):
2840 Runtime File successfully removed ( on reboot ):
2841 Error removing Runtime File:
2842 Error removing Runtime File ( could not set attributes ):
2843 Unknown error removing Runtime File:
2844 Successfully unregistered file:
2845 Successfully did not unregister file ( not permitted ):