3 A Digimarc watermark was not found in this image.
4 Watermark Not Found
5 A Digimarc watermark was found in this image\n but was not readable.
6 Watermark Found But Not Readable
8 This is your image.
9 Royalty Free
10 Restricted
11 This image contains adult content.
12 PictureMarc(TM) Detect Watermark v %s.%s\nProtected by U.S. Patents 5,636,292, \n5,710,834 and 5,721,788. Patents pending.\n⌐Copyright 1996-8, Digimarc Corporation.\nAll rights reserved.
13 PictureMarc Demo
16997 This plug-in requires Adobe Photoshop 2.5 or later functionality
16998 This plug-in is incompatible with this version of the host program
16999 This plug-in requires Adobe Photoshop 2.5.2 or later functionality