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0 CodaBar 1 Code 128 2 Code 25 3 Code 39 4 EAN-13 5 EAN-8 6 FIM 7 ISBN 8 ISSN 9 ITF 10 ITF-14 11 JAN-13 12 JAN-8 13 MSI/Plessey 14 Pharmacode 15 POSTNET 16 UPC(A) 17 UPC(E) 100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 128 barcode\n\nCorel BARCODE 9.0\n\n\nCorelBarCode.9\nCorel BARCODE 9.0 500 0:--$$./++ 501 09 502 ~¼ 0 503 09 -- 504 -9AZ ++$%**az 505 09 506 09 508 09-- 509 09-- 510 09 -- 511 09 512 09 513 09 514 09 -- 515 09 -- 516 09 517 09 518 09 600 B2S1B2S2B2S2 601 !B2S2B2S1B2S2 602 "B2S2B2S2B2S1 603 #B1S2B1S2B2S3 604 $B1S2B1S3B2S2 605 %B1S3B1S2B2S2 606 &B1S2B2S2B1S3 607 'B1S2B2S3B1S2 608 (B1S3B2S2B1S2 609 )B2S2B1S2B1S3 610 *B2S2B1S3B1S2 611 +B2S3B1S2B1S2 612 ,B1S1B2S2B3S2 613 -B1S2B2S1B3S2 614 .B1S2B2S2B3S1 615 /B1S1B3S2B2S2 616 0B1S2B3S1B2S2 617 1B1S2B3S2B2S1 618 2B2S2B3S2B1S1 619 3B2S2B1S1B3S2 620 4B2S2B1S2B3S1 621 5B2S1B3S2B1S2 622 6B2S2B3S1B1S2 623 7B3S1B2S1B3S1 624 8B3S1B1S2B2S2 625 9B3S2B1S1B2S2 626 :B3S2B1S2B2S1 627 ;B3S1B2S2B1S2 628 <B3S2B2S1B1S2 629 =B3S2B2S2B1S1 630 >B2S1B2S1B2S3 631 ?B2S1B2S3B2S1 632 @B2S3B2S1B2S1 633 AB1S1B1S3B2S3 634 BB1S3B1S1B2S3 635 CB1S3B1S3B2S1 636 DB1S1B2S3B1S3 637 EB1S3B2S1B1S3 638 FB1S3B2S3B1S1 639 GB2S1B1S3B1S3 640 HB2S3B1S1B1S3 641 IB2S3B1S3B1S1 642 JB1S1B2S1B3S3 643 KB1S1B2S3B3S1 644 LB1S3B2S1B3S1 645 MB1S1B3S1B2S3 646 NB1S1B3S3B2S1 647 OB1S3B3S1B2S1 648 PB3S1B3S1B2S1 649 QB2S1B1S3B3S1 650 RB2S3B1S1B3S1 651 SB2S1B3S1B1S3 652 TB2S1B3S3B1S1 653 UB2S1B3S1B3S1 654 VB3S1B1S1B2S3 655 WB3S1B1S3B2S1 656 XB3S3B1S1B2S1 657 YB3S1B2S1B1S3 658 ZB3S1B2S3B1S1 659 [B3S3B2S1B1S1 660 \B3S1B4S1B1S1 661 ]B2S2B1S4B1S1 662 ^B4S3B1S1B1S1 663 _B1S1B1S2B2S4 664 `B1S1B1S4B2S2 665 aB1S2B1S1B2S4 666 bB1S2B1S4B2S1 667 cB1S4B1S1B2S2 668 dB1S4B1S2B2S1 669 eB1S1B2S2B1S4 670 fB1S1B2S4B1S2 671 gB1S2B2S1B1S4 672 hB1S2B2S4B1S1 673 iB1S4B2S1B1S2 674 jB1S4B2S2B1S1 675 kB2S4B1S2B1S1 676 lB2S2B1S1B1S4 677 mB4S1B3S1B1S1 678 nB2S4B1S1B1S2 679 oB1S3B4S1B1S1 680 pB1S1B1S2B4S2 681 qB1S2B1S1B4S2 682 rB1S2B1S2B4S1 683 sB1S1B4S2B1S2 684 tB1S2B4S1B1S2 685 uB1S2B4S2B1S1 686 vB4S1B1S2B1S2 687 wB4S2B1S1B1S2 688 xB4S2B1S2B1S1 689 yB2S1B2S1B4S1 690 zB2S1B4S1B2S1 691 {B4S1B2S1B2S1 692 |B1S1B1S1B4S3 693 }B1S1B1S3B4S1 694 ~B1S3B1S1B4S1 695 ¼ B1S1B4S1B1S3 696 üB1S1B4S3B1S1 697 B4S1B1S1B1S3 698 ÆB4S1B1S3B1S1 699 B1S1B3S1B4S1 700 & B1S1B4S1B3S1 702 B4S1B1S1B3S1 704 ! B2S1B1S2B1S4 705 ╞B2S1B1S2B3S2 706 0 B2S3B3S1B1S1B2 800 S3B2S1B1B3S2B1S1S1B1S2B3 801 T2A2T2A1C2R2C2R1T1A2T2A2 802 T2A1T2A2C2R1C2R2T2A2T1A2 803 S1B4S1B1B1S4B1S1S1B1S4B1 804 S1B1S3B2B1S1B3S2S2B3S1B1 805 S1B2S3B1B1S2B3S1S1B3S2B1 806 S1B1S1B4B1S1B1S4S4B1S1B1 807 R1C3R1C2A1T3A1T2R2C1R3C1 808 R1C2R1C3A1T2A1T3R3C1R2C1 809 S3B1S1B2B3S1B1S2S2B1S1B3 900 0B1S1B1S1B1S2B2S1 901 1B1S1B1S1B2S2B1S1 902 2B1S1B1S2B1S1B2S1 903 3B2S2B1S1B1S1B1S1 904 4B1S1B2S1B1S2B1S1 905 5B2S1B1S1B1S2B1S1 906 6B1S2B1S1B1S1B2S1 907 7B1S2B1S1B2S1B1S1 908 8B1S2B2S1B1S1B1S1 909 9B2S1B1S2B1S1B1S1 910 -B1S1B1S2B2S1B1S1 911 $B1S1B2S2B1S1B1S1 912 :B2S1B1S1B2S1B2S1 913 /B2S1B2S1B1S1B2S1 914 .B2S1B2S1B2S1B1S1 915 +B1S1B2S1B2S1B2S1 1000 0B1S2B1S2B1S2B1S2 1001 1B1S2B1S2B1S2B2S1 1002 2B1S2B1S2B2S1B1S2 1003 3B1S2B1S2B2S1B2S1 1004 4B1S2B2S1B1S2B1S2 1005 5B1S2B2S1B1S2B2S1 1006 6B1S2B2S1B2S1B1S2 1007 7B1S2B2S1B2S1B2S1 1008 8B2S1B1S2B1S2B1S2 1009 9B2S1B1S2B1S2B2S1 1100 0B1S1B1S2B2S1B2S1B1S1 1101 1B2S1B1S2B1S1B1S1B2S1 1102 2B1S1B2S2B1S1B1S1B2S1 1103 3B2S1B2S2B1S1B1S1B1S1 1104 4B1S1B1S2B2S1B1S1B2S1 1105 5B2S1B1S2B2S1B1S1B1S1 1106 6B1S1B2S2B2S1B1S1B1S1 1107 7B1S1B1S2B1S1B2S1B2S1 1108 8B2S1B1S2B1S1B2S1B1S1 1109 9B1S1B2S2B1S1B2S1B1S1 1110 AB2S1B1S1B1S2B1S1B2S1 1111 BB1S1B2S1B1S2B1S1B2S1 1112 CB2S1B2S1B1S2B1S1B1S1 1113 DB1S1B1S1B2S2B1S1B2S1 1114 EB2S1B1S1B2S2B1S1B1S1 1115 FB1S1B2S1B2S2B1S1B1S1 1116 GB1S1B1S1B1S2B2S1B2S1 1117 HB2S1B1S1B1S2B2S1B1S1 1118 IB1S1B2S1B1S2B2S1B1S1 1119 JB1S1B1S1B2S2B2S1B1S1 1120 KB2S1B1S1B1S1B1S2B2S1 1121 LB1S1B2S1B1S1B1S2B2S1 1122 MB2S1B2S1B1S1B1S2B1S1 1123 NB1S1B1S1B2S1B1S2B2S1 1124 OB2S1B1S1B2S1B1S2B1S1 1125 PB1S1B2S1B2S1B1S2B1S1 1126 QB1S1B1S1B1S1B2S2B2S1 1127 RB2S1B1S1B1S1B2S2B1S1 1128 SB1S1B2S1B1S1B2S2B1S1 1129 TB1S1B1S1B2S1B2S2B1S1 1130 UB2S2B1S1B1S1B1S1B2S1 1131 VB1S2B2S1B1S1B1S1B2S1 1132 WB2S2B2S1B1S1B1S1B1S1 1133 XB1S2B1S1B2S1B1S1B2S1 1134 YB2S2B1S1B2S1B1S1B1S1 1135 ZB1S2B2S1B2S1B1S1B1S1 1136 -B1S2B1S1B1S1B2S1B2S1 1137 .B2S2B1S1B1S1B2S1B1S1 1138 B1S2B2S1B1S1B2S1B1S1 1139 *B1S2B1S1B2S1B2S1B1S1 1140 $B1S2B1S2B1S2B1S1B1S1 1141 /B1S2B1S2B1S1B1S2B1S1 1142 +B1S2B1S1B1S2B1S2B1S1 1143 %B1S1B1S2B1S2B1S2B1S1 1144 aB2S1B1S1B1S2B1S1B2S1 1145 bB1S1B2S1B1S2B1S1B2S1 1146 cB2S1B2S1B1S2B1S1B1S1 1147 dB1S1B1S1B2S2B1S1B2S1 1148 eB2S1B1S1B2S2B1S1B1S1 1149 fB1S1B2S1B2S2B1S1B1S1 1150 gB1S1B1S1B1S2B2S1B2S1 1151 hB2S1B1S1B1S2B2S1B1S1 1152 iB1S1B2S1B1S2B2S1B1S1 1153 jB1S1B1S1B2S2B2S1B1S1 1154 kB2S1B1S1B1S1B1S2B2S1 1155 lB1S1B2S1B1S1B1S2B2S1 1156 mB2S1B2S1B1S1B1S2B1S1 1157 nB1S1B1S1B2S1B1S2B2S1 1158 oB2S1B1S1B2S1B1S2B1S1 1159 pB1S1B2S1B2S1B1S2B1S1 1160 qB1S1B1S1B1S1B2S2B2S1 1161 rB2S1B1S1B1S1B2S2B1S1 1162 sB1S1B2S1B1S1B2S2B1S1 1163 tB1S1B1S1B2S1B2S2B1S1 1164 uB2S2B1S1B1S1B1S1B2S1 1165 vB1S2B2S1B1S1B1S1B2S1 1166 wB2S2B2S1B1S1B1S1B1S1 1167 xB1S2B1S1B2S1B1S1B2S1 1168 yB2S2B1S1B2S1B1S1B1S1 1169 zB1S2B2S1B2S1B1S1B1S1 1200 0B1S1B1S1B2S1B2S1B1S1 1201 1B2S1B1S1B1S1B1S1B2S1 1202 2B1S1B2S1B1S1B1S1B1S1 1203 3B2S1B2S1B1S1B1S1B1S1 1204 4B1S1B1S1B2S1B1S1B2S1 1205 5B2S1B1S1B2S1B1S1B1S1 1206 6B1S1B2S1B2S1B1S1B1S1 1207 7B1S1B1S1B1S1B2S1B2S1 1208 8B2S1B1S1B1S1B2S1B1S1 1209 9B1S1B2S1B1S1B2S1B1S1 1300 LLSSS 1301 SSSLL 1302 SSLSL 1303 SSLLS 1304 SLSSL 1305 SLSLS 1306 SLLSS 1307 LSSSL 1308 LSSLS 1309 LSLSS 1400 EEOOO 1401 EOEOO 1402 EOOEO 1403 EOOOE 1404 OEEOO 1405 OOEEO 1406 OOOEE 1407 OEOEO 1408 OEOOE 1409 OOEOE 1500 EEEOOO 1501 EEOEOO 1502 EEOOEO 1503 EEOOOE 1504 EOEEOO 1505 EOOEEO 1506 EOOOEE 1507 EOEOEO 1508 EOEOOE 1509 EOOEOE 1600 OOOOOO 1601 OOEOEE 1602 OOEEOE 1603 OOEEEO 1604 OEOOEE 1605 OEEOOE 1606 OEEEOO 1607 OEOEOE 1608 OEOEEO 1609 OEEOEO 1700 0X1 X1 X2 X2 X1 1701 1X2 X1 X1 X1 X2 1702 2X1 X2 X1 X1 X2 1703 3X2 X2 X1 X1 X1 1704 4X1 X1 X2 X1 X2 1705 5X2 X1 X2 X1 X1 1706 6X1 X2 X2 X1 X1 1707 7X1 X1 X1 X2 X2 1708 8X2 X1 X1 X2 X1 1709 9X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 10000 Barcode Wizard 10001 Enter up to 6 numeric digits: 10002 You must enter 5, 9, or 11 numeric digits: 10003 Enter up to 30 numeric digits: 10004 Enter up to 40 numeric digits: 10005 Enter 6 numeric digits: 10006 Enter 6 or 11 numeric digits: 10007 Enter 12 numeric digits: 10008 Enter 13 numeric digits: 10009 Enter 7 numeric digits: 10010 Enter 7 numeric digits (and a dash): 10011 Enter 9 numeric digits: 10012 Enter up to 30 numeric digits or characters: 10013 Enter up to 70 numeric digits or characters: 10014 Enter 11 numeric digits: 10015 (Enter 2 or 5 more digits 10016 (Enter 5 more digits 10017 Invalid input character 10018 Input is too long 10019 Do you want to copy bar code to clipboard? 10023 Input is not complete 10024 AddOn string is not complete 10025 Invalid hyphen position for POSTNET 10026 Too many hyphens for 10027 Invalid input for JAN-13: leading characters should be '45' or '49'! 10028 Invalid input for UPC(E): 1st character must be 0 10029 The number for Pharmacode is out of range[1..131070] 10031 Thin 10032 Thin-Italic 10033 ExtraLight 10034 ExtraLight-Italic 10035 Light 10036 Light-Italic 10037 Normal 10038 Normal-Italic 10039 Medium 10040 Medium-Italic 10041 SemiBold 10042 SemiBold -Italic 10043 Bold 10044 Bold-Italic 10045 ExtraBold 10046 ExtraBold-Italic 10047 Black 10048 Black-Italic 20785 CorelDRAW_TV 9 21751 Close 21752 Corel Link File 21753 The Shortcut Wizard is already open.\n Close it before opening another one. 21754 You must provide a name for the commmand 21755 New %s... 21756 Rena&me 21757 &Delete 21758 &Edit... 21759 &Copy 21760 &What's This? 21761 Value must be between %s and %s %s. 21762 Value must be between %s and %s %s.\nThe value will be reset to %s %s. 21763 Invalid 21764 Grid Unit 21765 Settings 21766 &Toolbars...\n&More Toolbars... 21767 Toolbar 21768 There is already a toolbar named ' 21769 '.\nTry a different name. 21770 D&elete 21771 &Reset 21772 Reset all changes made to the toolbar ' 21773 '? (This operation cannot be undone) 21774 Others... 21775 You must type a name for the toolbar 21777 This is a system defined toolbar.\nYou cannot change its name 21778 The %s could not be opened.\n\n 21779 The %s is corrupt.\n\n 21780 The %s is read only.\n\n 21781 The %s has an old format.\n\n 21782 Using the default configuration instead. 21783 The configuration will not be saved\n 21784 The configuration cannot be saved\n 21785 Load Configuration File 21786 Save Configuration File 21787 file '%s' 21788 You must enter a name for the menu 21791 <<Separator>> 21792 <<Empty>> 21793 This will delete the ' 21794 ' menu and all contained menu items. 21797 Menu 21798 File 21799 View 21800 Tools 21801 Window 21802 Help 21803 Edit 21804 &Delete 21805 Assig&n 21806 &Load... 21807 Save &As... 21808 &Reset 21809 &Go to conflict on assign 21810 Commands: 21811 Current shortcut keys: 21812 Press new shortcut key: 21813 Accelerator Files (*.acl) | *.acl|| 21814 Prefix 21815 Ctrl, Alt, or Shift must me used in combination with another key. 21816 You will lose all your changes. 21817 This accelerator conflicts with part of a multiple key accelerator.\n Assign another accelerator. 21818 This accelerator is reserved for Windows.\n Assign another accelerator. 21819 This accelerator conflicts with another single key accelerator 21820 File Path not set ... Please check 21821 File Cannot be Read \n Will use default settings 21822 No Disk Space available 21823 File is not an Accelerator File 21824 Accelerator File does not belong to this Application\n Using default settings instead. 21825 Accelerator File does not belong to this version of the Application\n Using default settings instead. 21826 Acclerator file is in old Format,\n Using default settings instead. 21827 Clear 21828 Print Screen 21829 Num Lock 21830 Scroll Lock 21831 Ctrl 21832 Shift 21833 Alt 21834 Backspace 21835 Tab 21836 Return 21837 Pause 21838 CapsLock 21839 Esc 21840 Space 21841 PgUp 21842 PgDn 21843 End 21844 Home 21845 LeftArrow 21846 RightArrow 21847 UpArrow 21848 DnArrow 21849 Insert 21850 Delete 21851 F1 21852 F2 21853 F3 21854 F4 21855 F5 21856 F6 21857 F7 21858 F8 21859 F9 21860 F10 21861 F11 21862 F12 21863 F13 21864 F14 21865 F15 21866 F16 21867 F17 21868 F18 21869 F19 21870 F20 21871 F21 21872 F22 21873 F23 21874 F24 21875 NUMPAD* 21876 NUMPAD+ 21877 NUMPAD- 21878 NUMPAD. 21879 NUMPAD/ 21880 NUMPAD0 21881 NUMPAD1 21882 NUMPAD2 21883 NUMPAD3 21884 NUMPAD4 21885 NUMPAD5 21886 NUMPAD6 21887 NUMPAD7 21888 NUMPAD8 21889 NUMPAD9 21890 CAP 21891 NUM 21892 OVR 21893 SCRL 21894 Press ESC to Cancel 21895 Progress: 21896 Working ... 21897 Base Region 21898 21899 21900 21901 21902 21903 &Help 21904 &What's This? 21905 You must type in a name for the Roll-Up Group 21906 Persistant 21907 No Roll-Ups 21908 All Roll-Ups Arranged 21909 Save On Exit 21912 - 21913 New Group 21914 Groups must contain a rollup. All empty groups are being removed. 21919 Grid & Ruler Setup 21920 Custom 21921 8 per tick 21922 10 per tick 21923 2 Points 21924 Angle and 1 Point 21925 H 21926 V 21927 Angle: 21928 Guidelines Setup 21929 &Show Guidelines 21930 S&nap To Guidelines 21931 Clea&r All 21932 &Options>> 21933 &Options<< 21934 Could not write Keyword/Notes. 21935 There are too many files for the Files listbox. Some will not be shown. 21936 Name 21937 Date 21938 Save changes to Keywords/Notes? 21939 %s already exists.\n\n Replace existing file? 21940 of 21941 No Caption 21942 < &Back 21943 &Next > 21944 N&o 21945 &Yes 21946 &Finish 21947 Application Scripts 21948 General Scripts 21949 Suspend 21950 Resume 21951 Document 21952 Command 21953 Priority 21954 % 21955 Suspended 21956 High 21957 Normal 21958 Low 21959 Idle 21960 CAPS 21961 NUM 21962 SCRL 21963 Main Menu 21964 Do you want to save your changes to '%s' ? 21965 Reset '%s' to default application settings? 21966 Reset to default application settings? 21967 Dock Toolbar 21968 Float Toolbar 21969 Fly-out Toolbar 21970 Fly-in Toolbar 21971 Percent Done: 21972 &Customize... 21973 '%s - %s' is no longer available. A component\nof your application may have been uninstalled. 21974 '%s - %s' is no longer available. 21975 Reset the status bar to original settings? (This operation cannot be undone) 21976 Wednesday, September 30, 2000 21977 Table 21978 Columns 21979 Cancel 21980 &Update 21981 Save Copy &As... 21982 Main Table 21983 Clear Bitmap\nThis will clear off all the drawing irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed? 21984 Copy Bitmap\nSome other application has the clipboard ownership.\nRetry after closing all other applications. 21985 Paste Bitmap\nThis operation will erase the bitmap being edited.\nDo you want to continue? 21986 Paste Bitmap\nUnable to complete operation.\nMake sure that the clipboard contains a bitmap. 21987 Restore Defaults\nYou will lose the customized button properties irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed? 21988 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the cropped bitmap 21989 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the bitmap 21990 Drop File\nInvalid file format.\nYou can drop only .BMP and .DIB files 21991 Button Properties 21992 Edit &Scale... 21993 Re&solution... 21994 per tick 21995 Roll-Up Groups 21996 %s : %s 21997 This will cause the drawing scale to be reset to 1.0. Continue? 21998 Keyboard Shortcuts 21999 Page : %d 22000 Text File (*.txt) 22001 *.txt 22003 Spacing 22004 Frequency 22005 &X1: 22006 Y&1: 22007 &X: 22008 &Y: 22009 There is already a Roll-Up Group with that name. Please use a different name. 22010 &Other... 22011 1: 22012 2: 22013 3: 22014 Rotation values 22015 Link files 22016 The item '%s' referred by this link file is missing.\n\n Do you want to try to resolve the link ? 22017 Unable to delete the file '%s'\nA read-only attribute may be the cause. 22018 Unable to launch '%s' 22019 Shortcut to 22020 The maximum number of tabs are already present 22021 CorelDRAW! 22022 Error 22023 Error saving file 22024 Error allocating memory 22025 Image 22026 Text 22027 Shortcut Key Configuration 22028 Save the current shortcut key configuration in\n'%s' ? 22029 Reset to default application settings? 22030 Shortcut key Files (*.sck) | *.sck|| 22031 Command\nTable\nKeyStroke\nDescription 22032 Keyboard Shortcuts 22033 Page : %d 22034 Shortcut keys print better in landscape mode.\n Do you want to print in landscape mode? 22035 &Options << 22036 Status Bar 22037 &Hide 22038 The %s '%s' no longer exists\nDo you want to remove all occurences of it from the application 22039 &Find... 22040 &One Inch Margins 22041 &One Centimeter Margins 22050 place a grid dot every 22051 place a grid line every 53296 &Time and Date 53297 &None 53298 &Memory 53299 &State Icons 53300 &Keyboard States 53301 &Large Color Swatch 53302 Sm&all Color Swatches 53303 Object &Information 53304 Object &Details 53305 Small Color S&watches 53307 _ENG Object &Tips 57344 Barcode 57345 Ready 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List