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- %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
- %%Creator:
- %%Title:
- %%BoundingBox:
- %%CreationDate:
- %%ColorUsage:
- %%TemplateBox:
- %%EndComments
- %%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0
- % Version 1.0 3/27/1990
- % Copyright (C) 1990,1991,1992
- % Corel Corporation
- % All Rights Reserved
- /wPmsDict 150 dict def
- wPmsDict begin
- /$debug 25 string def
- /bd {bind def} bind def
- /ld {load def} bd
- /xd {exch def} bd
- /_ null def
- /$c 0 def
- /$m 0 def
- /$y 0 def
- /$k 0 def
- /$t 1 def
- /$n _ def
- /$o 0 def
- /$pf false def
- /$C 0 def
- /$M 0 def
- /$Y 0 def
- /$K 0 def
- /$T 1 def
- /$N _ def
- /$O 0 def
- /$PF false def
- /$h false def
- /$al 0 def
- /$tr 0 def
- /$le 0 def
- /$lx 0 def
- /$ly 0 def
- /$ctm matrix currentmatrix def
- /$ptm matrix def
- /$pn () def
- /$pm matrix def
- /$px 0 def
- /$py 0 def
- /$pxf 0 def
- /$pyf 0 def
- /$psx 10 def
- /$psy 0 def
- /$llx 0 def
- /$lly 0 def
- /$urx 0 def
- /$ury 0 def
- /$Bbllx 0 def
- /$Bblly 0 def
- /$Bburx 0 def
- /$Bbury 0 def
- /$tllx 0 def
- /$tlly 0 def
- /$turx 0 def
- /$tury 0 def
- /$pd [] def
- /$tx 0 def
- /$ty 0 def
- /$sv 0 def
- /@cp /closepath ld
- /@gs /gsave ld
- /@gr /grestore ld
- /@np /newpath ld
- /@sv {/$sv save def}bd
- /@rs {$sv restore}bd
- /@MN {
- 2 copy le{pop}{exch pop}ifelse
- }bd
- /setcmykcolor where {pop}
- {
- /setcmykcolor
- {
- 4 1 roll
- 3 {3 index add 1 @MN 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat
- setrgbcolor
- pop
- }bd
- }ifelse
- /@tc
- {
- dup 1 ge
- {pop}
- {
- 4 {
- dup
- 6 -1 roll
- mul
- exch
- }repeat
- pop
- }ifelse
- }bd
- /@scc
- {
- $c $m $y $k $t @tc
- setcmykcolor
- true
- }bd
- /@SCC
- {
- $C $M $Y $K $T @tc
- setcmykcolor
- true
- }bd
- /@sft
- {
- (setfirsttile sft )print
- /$tx $tllx $pxf add dup $tllx gt {$pwid $psx add sub}if def
- /$ty $tury $pyf sub dup $tury lt {$phei $psy add add}if def
- (setfirsttile exit )print
- }bd
- /@stb
- {
- pathbbox /$ury xd /$urx xd /$lly xd /$llx xd
- }bd
- /@ep
- {
- {
- cvx exec
- }forall
- }bd
- /@tp
- {
- (tile pattern tp )print
- @sv
- /$in true def
- 2 copy
- dup $lly le {/$in false def}if
- $phei sub $ury ge {/$in false def}if
- dup $urx ge {/$in false def}if
- $pwid add $llx le {/$in false def}if
- $in
- {
- @np
- 2 copy moveto
- $pwid 0 rlineto
- 0 $phei neg rlineto
- $pwid neg 0 rlineto
- 0 $phei rlineto
- clip @np
- $pn cvlit load aload pop
- 7 -1 roll
- 5 index sub
- 7 -1 roll
- 3 index sub
- translate
- @ep
- pop pop pop pop
- }
- {pop pop}ifelse
- @rs
- (tile pattern exit )print
- }bd
- /@th
- {
- (tile horizontal th)print
- @sft
- 0 1 $tly 1 sub
- {
- dup $psx mul $tx add
- {
- dup $llx gt {$pwid sub}{exit}ifelse
- }loop
- exch $phei mul $ty exch sub
- 0 1 $tlx 1 sub
- {
- $pwid mul
- 3 copy
- 3 -1 roll add exch
- @tp
- pop
- }for
- pop pop
- } for
- (tile horizontal exiting )print
- }bd
- /@tv
- {
- (tile vertical tv)print
- @sft
- 0 1 $tlx 1 sub
- {
- dup $pwid mul $tx add
- exch $psy mul $ty exch sub
- {
- dup $ury lt {$phei add}{exit}ifelse
- }loop
- 0 1 $tly 1 sub
- {
- $phei mul
- 3 copy sub
- @tp
- pop
- }for
- pop pop
- } for
- (tile vertical exit )print
- }bd
- /@pf
- {
- (pattern fill pf)print
- @gs
- $pm concat
- @stb
- @gs 1 setgray eofill @gr
- eoclip
- $Bburx $Bbury $pm itransform /$tury xd /$turx xd
- $Bbllx $Bblly $pm itransform /$tlly xd /$tllx xd
- /$wid $turx $tllx sub def
- /$hei $tury $tlly sub def
- $wid 0 gt $hei 0 gt and
- {
- $pn cvlit load aload pop
- $pd xd
- 3 -1 roll sub /$phei xd
- exch sub /$pwid xd
- /$tlx $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add def
- /$tly $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add def
- $psx 0 eq
- {
- @tv
- }
- {
- @th
- }ifelse
- }if
- @gr
- @np
- (pattern fill exit)print
- }bd
- /@xp
- {
- {
- dup (text Character is:) print ==
- usertime (time before is:)print ==
- (0) dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put
- @gs
- true charpath currentpoint
- $ctm setmatrix
- @pf
- @gr
- @np
- moveto $tr 0 rmoveto
- usertime (time after is:)print ==
- }forall
- pop
- }bd
- /@sm
- {
- /$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def
- }bd
- %--@lorg move to line origin length string @torg length string
- /@lorg % moves currentpoint to line origin according to current alignment
- {
- $lx $ly moveto
- /$ly $ly $le sub def % - prepare for next line(tracking)
- $al 0 ne
- {dup % ->len str len str
- stringwidth % ->len str len dx dy
- exch 3 index % ->len str dy len dx
- 1 sub % ->len str dy len dx (len-1)
- $tr mul add % ->len str dy len dx+(len-1)*$tr
- neg
- exch neg % ->len str -dx_total dy len
- $al 1 eq % check for centered alignment
- {2 div exch 2 div exch} if
- rmoveto} if
- }bd
- /@ft
- {
- $pf
- {@xp}
- {
- @scc
- {$tr exch 0 exch ashow pop}
- {pop pop}ifelse
- }ifelse
- }bd
- /@st
- {
- $PF
- {}
- {
- @SCC
- {
- {
- (0) dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put
- @gs
- true charpath currentpoint
- $ctm setmatrix $ptm concat
- stroke
- @gr
- moveto $tr 0 rmoveto
- }forall
- pop
- }
- {pop pop}ifelse
- }ifelse
- }bd
- /@pt
- {
- dup length exch
- }bd
- /@te
- {
- @pt
- @lorg
- @ft
- }bd
- /@tr
- {
- @pt
- @lorg
- @st
- }bd
- /@ta
- {
- @pt
- @lorg
- 2 copy
- @gs @ft @gr
- /$lx 0 def
- /$ly 0 def
- @st
- }bd
- /g {
- 1 exch sub /$k xd
- /$c 0 def /$m 0 def /$y 0 def /$t 1 def /$n _ def /$pf false def
- }bd
- /G {
- 1 exch sub /$K xd
- /$C 0 def /$M 0 def /$Y 0 def /$T 1 def /$N _ def /$PF false def
- }bd
- /k {
- /$k xd /$y xd /$m xd /$c xd
- /$t 1 def /$n _ def /$pf false def
- }bd
- /K {
- /$K xd /$Y xd /$M xd /$C xd
- /$T 1 def /$N _ def /$PF false def
- }bd
- /x {
- /$t xd /$n xd
- /$k xd /$y xd /$m xd /$c xd /$pf false def
- }bd
- /X {
- /$T xd /$N xd
- /$K xd /$Y xd /$M xd /$C xd /$PF false def
- }bd
- /d /setdash ld
- /i {
- dup 0 ne {setflat} {pop} ifelse
- }bd
- /j /setlinejoin ld
- /J /setlinecap ld
- /M /setmiterlimit ld
- /w /setlinewidth ld
- /O {
- /$o xd
- }bd
- /R {
- /$O xd
- }bd
- /c /curveto ld
- /C /c ld
- /v {
- currentpoint
- 6 2 roll
- curveto
- }bd
- /V /v ld
- /y {
- 2 copy curveto
- }bd
- /Y /y ld
- /l /lineto ld
- /L /l ld
- /m /moveto ld
- /n /newpath ld
- /N /newpath ld
- /F {
- $pf
- {@pf}
- {
- @scc
- {eofill}if
- }ifelse
- }bd
- /f {
- @cp F
- }bd
- /S {
- $PF
- {}
- {
- @SCC
- {
- @sm
- $ptm concat
- stroke
- $ctm setmatrix
- }if
- }ifelse
- }bd
- /s {
- @cp
- S
- }bd
- /B {
- @gs F @gr
- S
- }bd
- /b {
- @cp
- B
- }bd
- /W {
- oeclip
- @np
- }bd
- /p {
- /$pm xd
- 7 {pop} repeat
- /$pyf xd /$pxf xd
- /$pn xd
- /$pf true def
- }bd
- /P {
- 11 {pop} repeat
- }bd
- /@p {
- /$pm xd
- /$psy xd
- /$psx xd
- /$pyf xd /$pxf xd
- /$pn xd
- /$pf true def
- }bd
- /@b {
- /$Bbury xd /$Bburx xd
- /$Bblly xd /$Bbllx xd
- }bd
- /z {
- /$al xd
- /$tr xd
- /$le xd
- exch findfont exch scalefont setfont
- }bd
- /Z {
- dup type 0 type eq { /$bDir xd } if
- findfont
- dup maxlength 1 add dict exch
- dup
- {1 index /FID ne
- {
- 3 index
- 3 1 roll put
- }
- {pop pop}ifelse
- } forall
- pop
- dup dup /Encoding get
- 256 array copy
- dup /$fe xd
- /Encoding exch put
- dup /Fontname 3 index put
- 3 -1 roll
- dup length 0 ne
- {0 exch
- {
- dup type 0 type eq
- {exch pop}
- {
- $fe exch 2 index exch put
- 1 add
- }ifelse
- }forall pop
- }if
- definefont pop
- }bd
- /e {
- @sm
- concat
- [
- /t {@te}def
- }bd
- /r {
- @sm
- concat
- [
- /t {@tr}def
- }bd
- /o {
- @sm
- concat
- [
- /t {pop}def
- }bd
- /a {
- @sm
- concat
- [
- /t {@ta}def
- }bd
- /@o{
- @sm
- concat
- [
- /t {@t@a}def
- }bd
- /I {
- @sm
- concat
- [
- /t {pop}def
- }bd
- /t {@te}def
- /T {
- cleartomark
- /$lx 0 def
- /$ly 0 def
- $ctm setmatrix
- }bd
- /u {}bd
- /U {}bd
- /A {pop}bd
- /h {
- $h true def
- }bd
- /h {
- $h true def
- }bd
- /q /@gs ld
- /Q /@gr ld
- /E {
- 5 array astore
- exch cvlit exch def
- }bd
- /` {}bd
- /~ {}bd
- /@ {}bd
- /& {}bd
- /CorelDrawRencodeVect [
- 16#80/grave
- 16#81/circumflex
- 16#82/tilde
- 16#83/dotlessi
- 16#84/florin
- 16#85/quotedblleft
- 16#86/quotedblright
- 16#87/guilsinglleft
- 16#88/guilsinglright
- 16#89/fi
- 16#8a/fl
- 16#8b/dagger
- 16#8c/daggerdbl
- 16#8d/endash
- 16#8e/periodcentered
- 16#8f/breve
- 16#90/quotedblbase
- 16#91/ellipsis
- 16#92/perthousand
- 16#a1/exclamdown
- 16#a2/cent
- 16#a3/sterling
- 16#a4/currency
- 16#a5/yen
- 16#a6/bar
- 16#a7/section
- 16#a8/dieresis
- 16#a9/copyright
- 16#aa/ordfeminine
- 16#ab/guillemotleft
- 16#ac/logicalnot
- 16#ad/emdash
- 16#ae/registered
- 16#af/spac
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- 16#b6/paragraph
- 16#b7/bullet
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- 16#ba/ordmasculine
- 16#bb/guillemotright
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- 16#bd/spac
- 16#be/spac
- 16#bf/questiondown
- 16#c0/Agrave
- 16#c1/Aacute
- 16#c2/Acircumflex
- 16#c3/Atilde
- 16#c4/Adieresis
- 16#c5/Aring
- 16#c6/AE
- 16#c7/Ccedilla
- 16#c8/Egrave
- 16#c9/Eacute
- 16#ca/Ecircumflex
- 16#cb/Edieresis
- 16#cc/Igrave
- 16#cd/Iacute
- 16#ce/Icircumflex
- 16#cf/Idieresis
- 16#d0/spac
- 16#d1/Ntilde
- 16#d2/Ograve
- 16#d3/Oacute
- 16#d4/Ocircumflex
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- 16#d7/OE
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- 16#da/Uacute
- 16#db/Ucircumflex
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- 16#df/germandbls
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- 16#ff/ydieresis
- ] def
- %%EndProlog
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- %%BeginEncoding:_Times-Bold Times-Bold
- [
- ]/_Times-Bold/Times-Bold Z
- %%EndEncoding
- %%EndSetup