Track-IT Light is used for project tracking, time-sheet recording and preparation, time analysis and team productivity, and client billing. Create individual or team reports and graphs displaying effort in hours, costs, and percentage of target time. Track time as work is being done using a "timer," or record at the end of the day in a "spreadsheet" format. Set up your project in a hierachical table, then click on a task or activity to start timing. Enter planned task time and compare actual expenditure to programmed. Reports and graphs depict effort spent. However, you can't set labor rates, and time of start/finish can be manually set so the program output is an "honor" system. The interface is clean, with sample projects, a 5-minute tutorial, and well-organized help.
Reviewed on Jul 24 1999.
System Requirements
Windows 95, 98, or NT
Purchase Information
Shareware: Free to try, $40 single user if you decide to keep it.