CuteFTP (32-Bit) is a powerful but easy-to-use FTP client.
All information about the files and directory structure of a remote system is presented it to you in an easy-to-use browsing screen. You can simply click and drag to download files.
CuteFTP's long list of features includes: the ability to auto-load indexes; sorting options; the ability to manually enter FTP commands; a keep-alive command for preventing disconnections; the ability to resume broken downloads and uploads; a file finder and MP3 finder; a connection wizard; persistant file transfers; automatic re-connect (using RAS); right-click shell integration; a simple built in HTML editor; macro capabilities; the ability to preserve or convert file case; queued uploading and downloading; remote file editing; the ability to auto-rename file extensions; directory comparison; the ability to copy and paste URLs into CuteFTP; Clipboard monitoring (for automatic downloading when an URL is copied to the Clipboard); the ability to bookmark remote directories; and much more.
This newest release of CuteFTP fixes several bugs and offers an improved interface, better navigation, the ability to minimize the program to the System Tray, built-in file searching (including MP3 searching), auto-dial, auto-reconnect upon broken transfers, integration with Windows Explorer and the Windows shell, an enhanced queue, remote file editing, and other enhancements and bug fixes.