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- .386
- cra segment use16
- assume es:cra,cs:cra,ss:cra,ds:cra
- org 100h
- all:
- mov al,13h
- int 10h
- push 0A000h
- pop es
- push 0040h
- pop fs
- mov al,0
- mov bx,0038h
- call @setpal ;paleta
- mov al,0Fh
- xor bx,bx
- call @setpal ;paleta
- mov dx,030Fh
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset intro1
- call @print
- mov dx,070Bh
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset intro3
- call @print
- mov dx,0908h
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset intro4
- call @print
- mov dx,0E0Dh
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset intro5
- call @print
- mov cx,30h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov dx,050Dh
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset intro2
- call @print
- mov cx,50h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov cx,32000
- xor ax,ax
- mov di,ax
- rep stosw
- mov di,4BE4h
- mov si,offset datas
- call @LoadBitmap ;bitmapa
- mov cl,28h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov dx,050Ah
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset msg1
- call @print ;"I'm fading"
- mov dx,060Ah
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset msg2
- call @print ;"like a flower"
- mov cl,38h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov dx,050Ah
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset msg3
- call @print ;"I'd like more"
- mov dx,060Ah
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset msg4
- call @print ;"I'm able to"
- mov cl,38h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov di,3200h
- mov ch,14h
- xor al,al
- rep stosb
- mov cl,18h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov scrw,04Dh
- mov nextLn,0F3h
- mov di,23574
- mov si,offset ruka
- call @LoadBitmap ;bitmapa
- mov cl,12h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov byte ptr es:[24465],0
- mov cl,14h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov scrw,0A9h
- mov nextLn,097h
- mov di,4BE4h
- mov si,offset datas
- call @LoadBitmap
- mov cl,40h
- call @wait ;ceka
- mov di,153+100*320
- mov cl,9
- @erekce:
- push cx
- @erekce2:
- mov word ptr es:[di],0F0Fh
- sub di,320
- loop @erekce2
- inc cx
- inc cx
- call @wait
- pop cx
- loop @erekce
- mov di,151+64*320
- mov cl,2
- @krev:
- push cx
- mov dword ptr es:[di],28042804h
- add di,319
- neg cx
- add cx,6
- shl cl,1
- call @wait
- pop cx
- loop @krev
- mov bh,0
- mov cl,37h
- @fadedown:
- mov bl,cl
- mov al,bh
- call @setpal
- push cx
- and cl,1
- inc cl
- call @wait
- pop cx
- loop @fadedown
- mov dx,070Ch
- call @gotoxy
- mov dx,offset intro6
- call @print
- mov cx,30
- call @wait
- @end:
- xor ah,ah
- int 16h
- mov ah,4Ch
- int 21h
- ;▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- @LoadBitmap:
- xor bh,bh
- add di,nextLn
- @LoadBitmap2:
- mov cl,al
- lodsb
- or al,al
- jz @LoadBitmap3
- mov cl,al
- add bh,al
- mov al,ah
- rep stosb
- cmp bh,scrw
- jae @LoadBitmap
- xor ah,0Fh
- jmp @LoadBitmap2
- @LoadBitmap3:
- ret
- @setpal:
- ;nastavi barve AL paletu BH+BL,BL,BL
- push dx
- push bx
- mov dx,3C8h
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- mov al,bl
- add al,bh
- out dx,al
- mov al,bl
- out dx,al
- out dx,al
- pop bx
- pop dx
- ret
- @gotoxy:
- ;prejde na souradnice DL,DH.
- push ax
- push bx
- mov ah,2
- mov bh,0
- int 10h
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- @print:
- ;vytiskne string na ES:DX, koncici znakem '$'
- push ax
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- pop ax
- ret
- @wait:
- ;ceka CX ticku
- mov dh,fs:[006Ch]
- @wait2:
- mov dl,fs:[006Ch]
- cmp dl,dh
- je @wait2
- loop @wait
- ret
- scrw db 0A9h
- nextLn dw 0097h
- datas db 06Ah,00Fh,030h,063h,01Ch,02Ah,05Eh,023h,028h,05Dh,026h,026h,05Bh,029h,025h,05Ah
- db 02Ah,025h,058h,02Bh,026h,059h,029h,027h,058h,028h,029h,057h,027h,02Bh,055h,01Bh
- db 006h,009h,02Ah,059h,012h,00Eh,008h,028h,058h,00Fh,013h,009h,026h,058h,00Bh,019h
- db 00Dh,020h,058h,006h,020h,00Ch,01Fh,07Dh,00Fh,01Dh,07Ah,012h,01Dh,079h,013h,01Dh
- db 078h,015h,01Ch,077h,017h,01Bh,077h,018h,01Ah,077h,013h,001h,005h,019h,078h,011h
- db 003h,005h,018h,078h,011h,004h,005h,017h,078h,010h,007h,004h,016h,078h,010h,008h
- db 004h,015h,078h,00Fh,009h,005h,014h,078h,00Fh,004h,003h,004h,004h,013h,078h,00Eh
- db 005h,003h,005h,005h,011h,078h,00Eh,004h,003h,007h,005h,010h,078h,00Eh,004h,003h
- db 009h,004h,00Fh,077h,00Eh,005h,003h,00Ah,004h,00Eh,076h,00Eh,006h,003h,00Ah,004h
- db 00Eh,075h,00Eh,006h,004h,00Bh,004h,00Dh,073h,00Eh,008h,003h,00Ch,005h,00Ch,071h
- db 010h,008h,003h,00Dh,004h,00Ch,06Eh,012h,008h,003h,00Eh,004h,00Ch,069h,016h,008h
- db 003h,010h,004h,00Bh,066h,017h,00Ah,003h,010h,004h,00Bh,061h,019h,00Ch,003h,011h
- db 004h,00Bh,05Bh,01Dh,00Eh,003h,012h,004h,00Ah,059h,01Eh,00Eh,004h,012h,004h,00Ah
- db 057h,01Eh,010h,003h,013h,005h,009h,055h,01Dh,012h,003h,015h,004h,009h,053h,01Ch
- db 014h,004h,015h,004h,009h,04Eh,020h,003h,00Ch,005h,004h,017h,004h,008h,047h,00Eh
- db 002h,015h,004h,015h,018h,004h,008h,040h,00Eh,00Ah,013h,003h,016h,01Ah,004h,007h
- db 03Ah,00Dh,00Eh,015h,003h,016h,01Bh,006h,005h,035h,00Bh,011h,009h,001h,00Eh,002h
- db 017h,01Bh,008h,004h,02Fh,00Bh,012h,009h,007h,009h,005h,017h,01Ch,001h,002h,006h
- db 003h,02Ch,009h,013h,009h,004h,006h,00Ah,01Bh,01Ch,002h,002h,007h,002h,029h,008h
- db 012h,009h,009h,008h,001h,022h,01Bh,002h,004h,002h,001h,001h,001h,002h,001h,026h
- db 007h,012h,00Ah,00Ch,003h,002h,01Dh,005h,003h,022h,002h,001h,002h,001h,001h,001h
- db 024h,006h,012h,009h,00Fh,003h,005h,00Bh,016h,003h,022h,002h,001h,002h,002h,023h
- db 005h,011h,008h,013h,003h,007h,002h,001h,003h,019h,004h,028h,022h,004h,011h,007h
- db 016h,003h,00Ah,003h,01Ah,003h,028h,021h,005h,00Fh,006h,018h,003h,00Bh,003h,01Bh
- db 003h,027h,020h,005h,00Eh,006h,019h,004h,00Bh,003h,01Ch,003h,026h,01Fh,005h,00Eh
- db 006h,01Ah,004h,00Bh,003h,01Ch,004h,025h,01Eh,005h,00Eh,005h,01Ch,003h,00Bh,004h
- db 01Dh,003h,025h,01Dh,005h,00Eh,005h,01Dh,003h,00Bh,003h,01Eh,003h,025h,01Ch,006h
- db 00Dh,005h,01Eh,003h,00Bh,003h,01Eh,003h,025h,01Ah,008h,00Dh,004h,01Eh,004h,00Bh
- db 003h,01Eh,004h,024h,019h,009h,00Ch,004h,01Fh,003h,00Ch,003h,01Fh,003h,024h,019h
- db 008h,00Dh,004h,01Fh,003h,00Ch,003h,01Fh,004h,023h,011h,00Fh,00Dh,004h,020h,003h
- db 00Ch,003h,020h,003h,023h,005h,01Bh,00Dh,004h,01Fh,003h,00Ch,003h,021h,003h,023h
- db 003h,01Dh,00Ch,005h,01Fh,003h,00Ch,003h,021h,003h,023h,001h,01Eh,00Bh,007h,02Eh
- db 003h,021h,003h,023h,001h,01Ch,00Bh,00Ah,02Dh,003h,022h,003h,022h,002h,018h,00Ch
- db 00Ch,02Dh,003h,022h,002h,023h,003h,014h,00Eh,00Dh,02Dh,003h,047h,005h,006h,013h
- db 014h,02Dh,003h,047h,01Ah,017h,02Fh,003h,046h,017h,019h,030h,003h,046h,010h,01Ch
- db 07Dh,00Fh,01Ah,080h,00Fh,019h,081h,00Eh,015h,086h,00Fh,011h,089h,010h,00Dh,08Ch
- db 012h,009h,0h
- intro1 db 'Carlos is$'
- intro2 db 'absolutely NOT$'
- intro3 db 'proud to present$'
- intro4 db 'his 1.3 kB intro called$'
- intro5 db 'DEATH BY VIAGRA$'
- intro6 db 'THE END$'
- msg1 db 'Oh, I',27h,'m fading$'
- msg2 db 'like a flower.$'
- msg3 db 'Now I',27h,'d like more$'
- msg4 db 'I',27h,'m able to. $'
- ruka db 007h,002h,001h,00Bh,019h,00Dh,012h,004h,003h,003h,006h,020h,00Ch,011h,003h,002h
- db 003h,001h,026h,00Fh,00Fh,002h,002h,028h,012h,00Fh,002h,003h,004h,002h,020h,013h
- db 00Fh,001h,004h,002h,003h,020h,015h,00Eh,001h,008h,01Fh,018h,00Dh,001h,007h,01Eh
- db 01Bh,00Ch,001h,007h,01Ch,018h,001h,005h,00Bh,001h,009h,018h,019h,003h,005h,00Ah
- db 002h,00Ah,014h,008h,002h,011h,004h,005h,009h,003h,00Bh,010h,008h,004h,010h,007h
- db 004h,008h,006h,009h,00Dh,008h,006h,010h,008h,004h,007h,009h,009h,008h,007h,009h
- db 00Fh,009h,005h,006h,00Ch,007h,005h,008h,00Ah,00Fh,004h,003h,004h,004h,005h,00Eh
- db 007h,001h,008h,00Ch,00Eh,005h,003h,005h,005h,003h,010h,00Ch,00Eh,00Eh,004h,003h
- db 007h,005h,002h,012h,008h,010h,00Eh,004h,003h,009h,004h,001h,014h,004h,011h,00Eh
- db 005h,003h,00Ah,003h,0h
- cra ends
- end all