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- ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nagy Daniel ║
- ║ Release date: 06-28-1999 ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
- ┌──────────┐
- └──────────┘
- Disclaimer............................ 1
- Copyright............................. 2
- Introduction.......................... 3
- Files in the Package.................. 4
- Features.............................. 5
- Compatibility......................... 6
- Usage................................. 7
- A Step-by-step Example................ 8
- History............................... 9
- Registration......................... 10
- Contact, About the Author............ 11
- ┌────────────┐
- │ DISCLAIMER ├──────────────────────── 1 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └────────────┘
- Using this program comes without any warranty. The author
- and distributors will not accept responsibility for any
- damage incurred directly or indirectly through use of this
- program.
- Use at your own risk!
- ┌───────────┐
- │ COPYRIGHT ├───────────────────────── 2 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └───────────┘
- All copyrights are exclusively owned by the author, Nagy Daniel.
- This is the shareware version.
- You are free to distribute it by electronic means and make as
- many copies as you want on electronic or magnetic media, as long
- as the files of this package remain unmodified, with copyright
- notices intact. Distributing parts separately is not allowed!
- Selling for money, modifying or reverse engineering is prohibited
- without the author's prior permission.
- ┌──────────────┐
- │ INTRODUCTION ├────────────────────── 3 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └──────────────┘
- MasterBooter is a very powerful utility which enables your
- computer to use multiple operation systems without changing
- harddisks or messing with boot floppies.
- You can choose among up to three operating systems at boot time
- (six in the registered version).
- MasterBooter is compatible with many operating systems.
- ┌──────────────────┐
- │ FILES IN PACKAGE ├────────────────── 4 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └──────────────────┘
- BOOTFIX.COM - Boot sector fix utility
- EFDISK.EXE - Extended FDISK partitioning program
- EFDISK.TXT - EFDISK documentation
- EFDHUN.TXT - Hungarian EFDISK documentation
- FAQ.TXT - Frequently asked questions and answers
- FILE_ID.DIZ - Description for BBS systems
- MRBOOTER.EXE - MasterBooter executable
- MRBOOTER.TXT - MasterBooter documentation
- MRBTHUN.TXT - Hungarian MasterBooter documentation
- MRESCUE.COM - Rescue disk maker utility
- REGISTER.FRM - Registration form
- ┌──────────┐
- │ FEATURES ├────────────────────────── 5 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └──────────┘
- - Capability of booting from any harddisk's any partition
- - Compatibility with many operating systems:
- MS-DOS, Novell DOS, Caldera DR-DOS, IBM DOS
- Linux
- FreeBSD
- SCO OpenServer
- OS/2 (Warp, Merlin)
- Windows95, Windows98, Windows2000
- Windows NT
- Solaris
- Oberon
- BeOS
- Unknown OS with 'standard' boot process (*)
- - Programmable delay time (2 is the default in the shareware) (*)
- - Primary FAT, HPFS/NTFS partition hiding/unhiding
- - Password protecting a partition
- - Hiding the last partition from the boot menu (protecting) (*)
- - Optional beeping when the boot menu appears
- - Up to three operating systems on a single computer without
- the hassle of boot disks! (Registered version allows six!)
- - VERY small memory and harddisk space requirement for the setup
- program only. The loader doesn't use any memory or disk space!
- - Support for command line options to customize your boot menu (*)
- - Safety and easy-to-use user interface
- (*) these features work in registered version only!
- ┌───────────────┐
- │ COMPATIBILITY ├───────────────────── 6 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └───────────────┘
- Requirements: - 80286 processor or newer
- - MS-DOS or compatible operating system
- (for installation only)
- - At least one harddisk
- - Keyboard
- - VGA adapter
- - If you have a harddisk with capacity of more
- than 540MB, then your motherboard MUST have
- a new BIOS (EBIOS) which supports large drives,
- else you won't be able to use MasterBooter.
- Most 486 and all Pentium machines have such BIOS.
- This program shouldn't conflict with any other programs which
- don't alter your disk's Master Boot Record.
- Known programs which alter the MBR (and therefore can't be used
- with MasterBooter) are:
- - LILO (Linux's booter) if installed in MBR. Note that if LILO
- is installed in its partition's boot sector (the Linux partition
- superblock), then MasterBooter CAN coexist with LILO!
- - MicroHouse's EZ-Drive
- - OnTrack's Disk Manager
- - PC Vault
- ┌───────┐
- │ USAGE ├───────────────────────────── 7 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └───────┘
- Introduction:
- ─────────────
- Every time you turn on your computer, the BIOS executes a small
- program, which resides in the very first sector of your harddisk.
- This sector is the so-called Master Boot Record (MBR). This small
- program examines the partitions, and loads the operating system of
- the partition which has the 'active' flag. A harddisk can contain
- up to four primary partitions, but only one can be active at a time.
- This flexible technique enables many operating systems to be used
- on a PC. However, these systems often have their own unique loader
- code, and won't let you use other systems, unless you know tricky
- methods to get past this. MasterBooter works by replacing the program
- in the MBR with its own loader code that you can configure, so you
- can select from any installed operating systems. MasterBooter uses
- three sectors after the Master Boot Record.
- Overview:
- ─────────
- If you have all operating systems installed, all you need to do is
- to run MRBOOTER.EXE, and configure your boot menu. Before doing so,
- you can use MRESCUE to create a backup copy of your partition tables
- and boot sectors.
- The Rescue utility from Norton Utilities is also a good choice to
- save all important areas of your harddisks.
- If you want to create a completely new system, follow the
- instructions below.
- Using EFDISK, partition the harddisk into as many primary partitions
- as you intend to have operating systems (up to a maximum of four per
- harddisk). Format them, install DOS to them, then use MRBOOTER
- to configure the boot menu. Then install an operating system on each
- partition. When complete, you will be able to choose which system to
- boot each time you start your computer!
- 1) Preparing To Partition Your Harddisk
- ────────────────────────────────────
- WARNING: Re-partitioning your harddisk will erase ALL data from it!
- Make sure you have backed up any important files!
- Since most operating systems need to be started from a primary
- partition to boot reliably, you will need to use a disk partitioning
- utility that lets you make multiple primary partitions. FDISK, which
- is supplied as standard with DOS and Windows95, cannot create more
- than one primary partition, so the MasterBooter package includes
- EFDISK for this purpose.
- First, create a boot floppy and put copies of the following files
- onto it:
- MRBOOTER.EXE (the MasterBooter utility)
- EFDISK.EXE (disk-partitioning utility)
- FDISK.EXE (disk-partitioning utility)
- FORMAT.COM (to format DOS partitions)
- If you need to install any operating systems from a CD-ROM, you will
- also need CD-ROM driver files, plus properly configured AUTOEXEC.BAT
- and CONFIG.SYS files for this. Make sure it works before proceeding!
- Reboot your machine with your boot floppy. From the relevant directory
- at the A: prompt, type EFDISK /mbr. This will install a correct
- Master Boot Sector loader and signature. Then start EFDISK.
- EFDISK will gather information about your disks and partitions. You
- will then be provided with a list of all partitions on all disks and
- their parameters. From this list you can choose the partition entry
- you want to change.
- When you select a partition, EFDISK will ask the following questions:
- - The hexadecimal type ID of the partition. EFDISK will show you
- the most common types and their IDs.
- - The starting cylinder of the partition (the minimum is 0).
- If the previous partition ends on cylinder 'x' then set this to
- 'x+1'. This number is decimal.
- - The ending cylinder number of partition. EFDISK will show you
- the maximum cylinder number available for the actual harddisk.
- Pressing SPACE will activate the highlighted partition, pressing DEL
- will clear it.
- NOTE: EFDISK doesn't check for partition errors! It's not an
- 'intelligent' program. You have total freedom to set all
- parameters, even if they are incorrect or redundant!
- When setting up partitions, bear the following in mind: Due to DOS
- file system limits, the larger the partition, the more space is wasted
- by "overhang." If you have a large drive (around 800MB or above) you
- may want to optimize your use of disk space by making each partition
- just below one of the "doubling points" (i.e. 255, 511, 1023
- megabytes, etc.). However if you plan to convert the partition into
- any non-FAT type, this is not important.
- You can also have "extended" partitions, but EFDISK can only create
- primary partitions. You can, however, use the standard DOS FDISK
- utility to create an extended partition, and then create "logical
- drives" within that if you wish. Bear in mind that you can have a
- maximum of four primary and extended partitions on one drive, because
- each allocates one partition entry in the table.
- After preparing all partition entries, press F10 to save the new
- partition table to disk.
- 2) Using MRBOOTER
- ──────────────
- Now that you have successfully partitioned your harddisk, you can use
- the MRBOOTER utility to set up your system for booting multiple
- operating systems, then install the systems you wish to run.
- How you now proceed depends on which operating systems you plan to
- install, but you will probably need to format and install DOS on at
- least one of them if you are planning to put DOS, Windows 3.x or
- Windows95 on any partition. Use FORMAT.EXE on your boot floppy with
- the /s switch to format and install the DOS kernel on the relevant
- partitions.
- Now boot from your floppy and run MRBOOTER. You will be asked to name
- each boot partition. Here you can enable password checking, FAT
- partition hiding and beeping. When you are finished, you can write
- this information to the MBR and MasterBooter is installed!
- Please note, that MasterBooter can read the keystrokes from a file.
- This can be very helpful for system administrators, because setting
- up a complete system can be automatic with a simple batch file.
- There is a utility is called mrecorder for this task. It can be
- downloaded from the masterbooter homepage, but it can be used
- for the registered version only!
- When you next reboot from the harddisk you will see a small menu
- asking you to type a number corresponding to the operating system
- you wish to boot. The highlighted is the default. The arrow keys
- and the ENTER key can be also used to select a system.
- If you use password protecting, then you will be asked for a password.
- If you enter bad passwords 3 times, the computer will stop.
- If you enable partition hiding, then only the active FAT partition
- will be accessible (as drive C:), the other primary FAT partitions
- will be hidden. Of course all logical drives will be accessible.
- Now you can begin installing the operating systems.
- 3) Uninstalling
- ────────────
- MasterBooter can be uninstalled with the EFDISK program. Simply
- typing 'efdisk /mbr' will uninstall MasterBooter. This command
- will unhide all hidden partitions. Note that the currently active
- partition will boot after restarting the computer.
- 4) Important Notes
- ───────────────
- General tips:
- - Before using this program be sure to disable the virus warning
- option in your system's BIOS (if it has this option), else the
- BIOS won't let MasterBooter to modify your harddisk's MBR!
- - If you want to add a partition later, don't hesitate, but
- after doing it you must re-install MasterBooter to update the
- new system.
- - Before running MasterBooter quit from Windows NT or OS/2 DOS box
- and run plain DOS, because these operating systems won't let
- programs to modify the Master Boot Record.
- - If you have two harddisks then I recommend the following:
- Put DOSes and Windowses (3.1, 95 and NT) on the master,
- OS/2 Warp and Linux on the slave disk.
- - It is usually a good idea to create as small partitions
- as possible for the OSes themselves, and bigger logical drives
- for common data. Note that logical drives will always be accessible
- even if FAT hiding is enabled.
- - If you want to use common data partitions, create an extended
- partition with the original FDISK, then create logical drives
- in it. These logical drives are usable by nearly all OSes.
- - Bear in mind that the active partition is always called C:.
- Don't overwrite one system with another by choosing the wrong
- partition to install it on!
- Windows(9x/NT)/DOS:
- - DOS 6.xx cannot boot if its partition begins beyond 2 gigs.
- Please run the BOOTFIX utility to fix this error.
- - NT cannot boot if its partition begins beyond 2 gigs.
- - NT cannot boot directly from other drives than the
- primary master.
- = After installing MasterBooter, NT's disk administrator may
- ask for putting a signature to the disk. No problem with that.
- - DOS based systems (therefore Windows9x) can boot from the slave
- harddisk only if FAT hiding is enabled!
- If your system still doesn't boot, you probably need to run the
- BOOTFIX utility.
- - A bug in MS-DOS/Windows 95 will prevent access to multiple primary
- partitions if the last logical partition on every harddisk is not
- a FAT system.
- - After installing Windows9x, MasterBooter menu will disappear,
- because the installer overwrites the Master Boot Record.
- Don't panic, just simply re-run MasterBooter, and everything will
- work fine.
- - Before installing Windows9x, it is usually a good idea to hide
- existing primary FAT partitions, therefore Windows95 cannot
- mess with their boot sector and root directory.
- - Create a BIGDOS partition before installing Windows NT,
- because NT can convert it to NTFS during installation if needed.
- So creating an NTFS partition with EFDISK is unnecessary.
- OS/2:
- - Create a BIGDOS partition before installing OS/2, because
- OS/2 can convert it to HPFS during installation if needed.
- So creating an HPFS partition with EFDISK is unnecessary.
- - Run bootfix.com before installing MasterBooter with OS/2 support
- Linux:
- - If you install Linux on the slave disk, don't let LILO to modify
- the Master Boot Record, install it in the Linux partition's boot
- sector instead. Maybe you'll get a warning message saying you
- will not be able to boot Linux, but don't panic. Just run
- MasterBooter after the installation is done. Note that
- MasterBooter won't recognize Linux if LILO is not installed
- in the Linux partition's boot sector!
- FreeBSD:
- - If you're installing FreeBSD do not set the beginning of the
- FreeBSD partition directly after the Master Boot Record, because
- MasterBooter uses three sectors after the MBR.
- ┌────────────────────────┐
- │ A STEP-BY-STEP EXAMPLE ├──────────── 8 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └────────────────────────┘
- Let's suppose that we have a 1.6Gig master, and a 540Mb slave
- harddisk. We won't use FAT partition hiding here.
- Let's partition the harddisks in the following way:
- Master: 100Mb - for MS-DOS/Win3.1
- 300Mb - for Windows95
- 500Mb - for programs and data ─┐ These two partitions will
- 699Mb - for games, archive area │ be logical drives in an
- for writing CD-ROMs ─┘ extended partition
- 1Mb - for OS/2 Warp Boot Manager (it can be deleted after
- OS/2 is fully installed)
- Slave: 240Mb - for Linux
- 300Mb - for OS/2 Warp
- Here's the recipe:
- 1: Create a system diskette, and copy FORMAT, FDISK, EFDISK
- and MRBOOTER onto it.
- 2: Run EFDISK and create the 100Mb and 300Mb partitions on the
- master harddisk (both are BIGDOS type)
- 3: When the computer reboots, boot up with the system diskette and
- run FDISK. Create a 1199Mb extended partition, and crate the
- 500Mb and 699Mb logical drives in it.
- 4: After rebooting, use the diskette again. Format C: and F: with
- the '/s' command line option, D: and E: without it.
- Now you have two simple primary bootable partitions with plain
- DOS on them, and two logical drives (D: and E:).
- 5: Run MasterBooter and select both DOSes. After rebooting, you
- should see a small bootmenu with the names you've entered in
- MasterBooter.
- 6: Select the 100Mb partition, and install DOS and Windows 3.1 on C:.
- C: is always the partition you boot, F: will be the other
- primary partition, D: and E: will be the logical drives.
- 7: Reboot the computer and select the 300Mb partition. Because now
- it becomes the C: drive, therefore it should be empty and F:
- should contain the installed DOS/Win3.1. Install Windows95 to C:.
- When Windows95 reboots the computer, the bootmenu will disappear.
- Just continue installing Windows95, and if you're ready, re-install
- MasterBooter.
- 8: Now the master harddisk is ready to go. Let's continue with
- Warp and Linux. Before installing Warp, do a 'fdisk /mbr' to
- uninstall MasterBooter.
- 9: Install Warp. During installing, you can use Warp's FDISK to
- create the 300MB HPFS partition. Warp will call it D:.
- 10: When all is done, install Linux, but don't let it to write LILO
- in the Master Boot Record. Install LILO in its own partition's
- boot sector (superblock) instead.
- 11: Now install MasterBooter, and live a long and happy life with
- four OSes on a single PC!
- The numbers above are just for this example only. The only
- important thing is that you should leave 1Mb unpartitioned
- space on the master harddisk, because Warp needs it during
- installation.
- ┌─────────┐
- │ HISTORY ├─────────────────────────── 9 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └─────────┘
- Version:
- 1.0b - First official test release. Max number of OSes is 4, no
- password protecting, no FAT hiding, system names are
- max 8 characters long, no partitioning utility
- 1.1 - Both versions: - Added EFDISK partitioning program to package
- - Fixed typos in documentation
- - Removed 'by NagyD' string from loader
- - Improved 'string input' routine
- - Added Hungarian documentation
- Registered: - Minor bug fixes
- - Added support for unknown file system
- - Added infinite boot delay time
- Shareware: - Minor bug fixes
- 1.2 - Both versions: - Less useless MBR writes (better loader routine)
- - If an OS is not on the first harddisk, then
- MasterBooter will examine that the 'physical
- drive number' value in the boot sector is
- correct. If not, it will be corrected.
- For example OS/2 cannot boot if this value is
- incorrect.
- - OS/2's Boot Manager doesn't patch the MBR (this
- was an error in the documentation of
- MasterBooter), so it can coexist with
- MasterBooter (but unnecessary).
- 1.3 - Both versions: - Fixed a small bug in the Boot Sector patcher
- - Added LILO detection in the MBR
- - Loader now clears screen if necessary
- - System names can be up to 16 characters long
- 1.4 - Both versions: - Small improvements in loader routine
- 1.5 - Both versions: - Added Windows NT support
- - Some documentation cosmetics and additions
- A Big Thanks goes to Jonathan Baker-Bates, who helped
- me to re-write and correct the documentation.
- Shareware: - Added Novell DOS support
- 2.0 - Both versions: - Added support for password protecting partitions
- - Added support for hiding/unhiding FAT partitions
- - Better OS detection routine
- - Fixed documentation bug in the example section
- - DOC files are renamed to TXT
- 2.1 - Both versions: - After writing the new Master Boot Record,
- pressing ESC will quit to DOS (doesn't reboot)
- - Tested with OS/2 v4.0 (Merlin)
- - Added support for beeping when boot menu appears
- Registered: - Added Windows98 support
- - Added support for booting up to 6 OSes
- 2.2 - Both versions: - Added IBM DOS support
- - Added FreeBSD support
- - On-the-fly FAT unhiding during booting if hidden
- - Loader routine now flushes keyboard buffer
- - Nicer boot menu
- - Now DOS and all Windowses can be booted from
- a slave HD, but in this case you MUST enable
- FAT hiding. A big thanks goes to Marcel Remkes
- for his helping idea
- - Added DynamicLoader utility
- - Keyboard input is redirected to standard input,
- so all keystrokes can be fed from a file
- Shareware: - Added Windows95 support (not Memphis/OSR2)
- Registered: - MasterBooter now supports command line options
- - Delay time can be up to 99 secs
- 2.3 - Both versions: - Now works in Windows95 DOS box
- - Added more systems
- Registered: - Added some more command line options
- Loader: - Remaining delay time is displayed at boot time
- - Default system is highlighted, arrows and ENTER
- can be used to select a system
- 2.4 - Both versions: - Added BOOTFIX utility. Please read the FAQ for
- more information. MRBOOTER doesn't patch
- boot sectors any more
- Registered: - Now default system can be the last booted one,
- select 0 at the 'default' question
- - Added partition protecting. The last partition
- can be hidden from the boot menu
- 2.5 - Both versions: - Fixed a BOOTFIX bug for FAT32 systems
- - Fixed an MRESCUE bug which appeared on systems
- with more harddisks
- - Added SCO OpenServer support
- 2.6 - Both versions: - Added MBR virus checking routine in loader
- - Added HPFS/NTFS hiding capability
- - Added ability to hide partitions on the first
- harddisk only
- - Removed the dynaload utility (sorry)
- Shareware - Added OSR2 and Win98 support
- 2.7 - Both versions: - Added Solaris support
- - Smaller bugfixes and cosmetics
- 2.8 - Both versions: - Added Oberon support
- - Added BeOS support
- - Added support for booting Linux from logical
- drives
- Registered: - Added command line options to set menu colors
- - Tested with Windows2000
- ┌──────────────┐
- │ REGISTRATION ├───────────────────── 10 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └──────────────┘
- Registration benefits the following:
- - Unknown OS support
- - Programmable delay time
- - Programmable default system
- - Up to six operation systems (not three)
- - Support for command line options
- Registration fee: 20 USD for private license
- 50 USD for small site license, if the
- program is used on max 50 machines
- 1 USD / machine for large site license, if the
- program is used on min 51 machines
- Print the registration form (the file REGISTER.FRM), fill it
- and send it to:
- Nagy Daniel
- 2011 Budakalasz
- Ciklamen u. 19.
- ! Registration via E-mail is NOT accepted, since your signature
- ! is required!
- Upon registering you'll get the latest registered version,
- and the newer versions for free if needed.
- You can register in three ways:
- ───────────────────────────────
- 1) Send cheqe or money order to: Nagy Daniel
- Use registered mail only. 2011 Budakalasz
- Don't send coins! Ciklamen u. 19.
- 2)a Bank transfer from Hungary:
- Address: Erste Bank Rt.
- 8200 Veszprem
- Egyetemi fiok 1.
- Account No.: 11654005-17340601-54000003
- 2)b Bank transfer from other country:
- Address: Magyar Kulkereskedelmi Bank Rt.
- Veszpremi fiok
- 8200 Veszprem
- Ovaros ter 3.
- Hungary
- Swift code: MKKB HU HB
- Account No.: 856-02339-1100-4013
- 3) Via Albert's Ambry. Check out http://www.alberts.com and
- search for 'mrboot' there. Click on 'Buy It!' to download
- the registered version using your credit card number.
- It's probably the most comfortable way of registering.
- This method is available only for private and small site
- license!
- The preferred registration method is to send the cash together with
- the registration form in a registered envelope. This is the fastest,
- and we don't have to pay additional postal or bank transfer fee.
- Getting the software:
- ────────────────────
- You can order your copy on a 1.44Mb floppy diskette.
- In this case you have to pay additional 5 USD for postage and package.
- You can also order via E-mail transfer (preferred). Then you'll
- get your copy attached to an E-mail.
- Warning!
- ───────
- You're not allowed to copy or distribute the registered version
- of this software. If you do so, please consider that my whole work
- (many weeks I can say...) will be almost wasted time.
- Please support shareware!
- ┌─────────┐
- │ CONTACT ├────────────────────────── 11 ─────────────────────────────────────
- └─────────┘
- If you have any problems, questions or suggestions you can
- contact me through snail mail or e-mail.
- Bug reports, ideas are also welcomed!
- Currently I'm a student at the University of Veszprem,
- department of Information Technology. I'm 25 (in 1999).
- Postal address: Internet E-mail address:
- ─────────────── ────────────────────────
- Nagy Daniel masterbooter@cyberjunkie.com
- 2011 Budakalasz
- Ciklamen u. 19
- Hungary
- Fax: (36) 26 340-472 WWW homepage:
- ─── ─────────────
- http://www.cyberjunkie.com/masterbooter