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Text File  |  1997-10-15  |  99.3 KB  |  10,149 lines

  1. a
  2. to/in/per
  3. abad
  4. abbot
  5. abadesa
  6. abbess
  7. abadφa
  8. abbey
  9. abajo
  10. below/downstairs
  11. abandonar
  12. abandon/forsake
  13. abandono
  14. abandonment
  15. abastacimiento
  16. catering
  17. abbreviation
  18. abridor de tapones
  19. abdicar
  20. abdicate/resign
  21. abdomen
  22. abdomen
  23. abducir
  24. abduct
  25. abedul
  26. birch
  27. abeja
  28. bee
  29. abeto
  30. fir
  31. abetura
  32. aperture
  33. abierto
  34. open
  35. abismo
  36. abyss/chasm
  37. abjurar
  38. abjure/forswear
  39. ablandar
  40. soften
  41. abogado
  42. advocate/lawyer
  43. abolas
  44. bearing
  45. abolici≤n
  46. abolition/abrogation
  47. abolir
  48. abolish/remove
  49. abominable
  50. abominable/alien/awful
  51. abominar
  52. abominate
  53. abonado
  54. subscriber
  55. abonar
  56. fertilize
  57. abono
  58. fertilization/manuring
  59. abordaje
  60. collision
  61. abordar
  62. crash into
  63. aborto
  64. abortion
  65. abrazar
  66. hug
  67. abrelatas
  68. tin-opener
  69. abreviaci≤n
  70. abbreviation
  71. abreviar
  72. abbreviate/abridge
  73. abreviatura
  74. abbreviation
  75. abrigo
  76. coat/overcoat
  77. abril
  78. april
  79. abrir
  80. open/open up
  81. abrogar
  82. abrogate
  83. absceso
  84. abscess
  85. absolutamente
  86. absolute
  87. absoluto
  88. absolute
  89. absolver
  90. absolve
  91. abssorber
  92. absorb
  93. abstenerse
  94. abstain
  95. abstinencia
  96. teetotalism
  97. abuela
  98. grandmother
  99. abuelo
  100. grandfather
  101. abultar
  102. enlarge
  103. abundante
  104. abundant
  105. abundar
  106. abound
  107. aburrido
  108. boring/tiresome
  109. acabado
  110. completed/done
  111. acabar
  112. end/terminate
  113. academia
  114. academy
  115. acampamento
  116. campground
  117. acampar
  118. camp
  119. acarciar
  120. caress/fondle
  121. acaricador
  122. caressing
  123. acaso
  124. accidence/hazard
  125. acatar
  126. heed
  127. acceso
  128. access
  129. accidente
  130. accident
  131. accion
  132. stock
  133. accionista
  134. shareholder
  135. acci≤n
  136. action/activity/act
  137. acechar
  138. set a trap for
  139. aceite
  140. oil
  141. aceituna
  142. olive
  143. aceitunas
  144. olives
  145. acelerador
  146. accelerator
  147. acelerar
  148. accelerate
  149. acento
  150. accent/stress
  151. acentuar
  152. accent/accentuate/stress
  153. aceptable
  154. acceptable
  155. aceptaci≤n
  156. acceptance
  157. aceptar
  158. accept
  159. acera
  160. pavement/sidewalk
  161. acercar
  162. closer
  163. acercarse
  164. advance
  165. acero
  166. steel
  167. achicar
  168. reduce
  169. achicoria
  170. chicory
  171. aclimatar
  172. acclimatize
  173. acobardar
  174. frighten
  175. acoger
  176. greet/salute
  177. acogida
  178. greeting
  179. acometer
  180. violate
  181. acometida
  182. access
  183. acomodado
  184. well-to-do
  185. acomodar
  186. accommodate/fit
  187. acompa±ar
  188. accompany
  189. acondicionad≤r
  190. conditioner
  191. acongojar
  192. sadden
  193. aconsejar
  194. advise/counsel
  195. acontecimiento
  196. event/occurence
  197. acoplamiento
  198. interfacing
  199. acordar
  200. accede/agree/consent
  201. acordarse
  202. think
  203. acorde
  204. accord/chord/settlement
  205. acorde≤n
  206. accordion
  207. acortar
  208. shorten
  209. acostar
  210. put to bed
  211. acostarse
  212. go to bed
  213. acostumbrarse
  214. accustom oneself
  215. acr≤nimo
  216. acronym
  217. acta
  218. protocol
  219. activar
  220. activate
  221. activo
  222. active/assets
  223. actor
  224. actor
  225. actriz
  226. actress
  227. actual
  228. current/up-to-date
  229. actualmente
  230. now
  231. acuarela
  232. water-colour
  233. acuario
  234. aquarium
  235. acuerdo
  236. accommodation/agreement
  237. acumulador
  238. accumulator
  239. acusaci≤n
  240. accusation/complaint
  241. acusado
  242. accused/defendant
  243. acusar
  244. accuse/denounce
  245. adaptar
  246. adapt/fit/affiliate
  247. adelantar
  248. overhaul/overtake
  249. adelante
  250. ahead/foreward
  251. ademßs
  252. moreover
  253. adiestrar
  254. train/break
  255. adi≤s
  256. bye/goodbye
  257. adjetivo
  258. adjective
  259. administraci≤n
  260. administration/management
  261. administrador
  262. manager/administrator
  263. administrar
  264. administer/manage
  265. admirar
  266. admire
  267. admisible
  268. acceptable
  269. admitir
  270. admit
  271. adoptar
  272. adopt
  273. adoptivo
  274. adopted
  275. adoraci≤n
  276. adoration/worship
  277. adorar
  278. adore/worship
  279. adornado
  280. adorned
  281. adorno
  282. adornment
  283. adquisici≤n
  284. accession/acquisition/asset
  285. aduana
  286. customs
  287. adular
  288. flatter
  289. adulto
  290. adult
  291. adverbio
  292. adverb
  293. adversario
  294. adversary
  295. adyacente
  296. adjacent
  297. adßn
  298. adam
  299. aerea
  300. aerial
  301. aeroplano
  302. airplane
  303. aeropuerto
  304. airfield/airport
  305. afable
  306. lovable
  307. afeccion
  308. affection
  309. afectaci≤n
  310. affectation
  311. afectar
  312. affect
  313. afectuosidad
  314. attachment
  315. afectuoso
  316. devoted/selfless
  317. afeitadora
  318. razor
  319. afeitar
  320. shave
  321. aficionado
  322. amateur/fancier/dilettante
  323. afilado
  324. abrasive/lurid/sharp
  325. afilar
  326. sharpen
  327. afirmar
  328. affirm
  329. afliccion
  330. affliction
  331. aflojar
  332. loosen
  333. afluencia
  334. crowd
  335. afortunado
  336. fortunate
  337. ßfrica
  338. africa
  339. africano
  340. african
  341. agarrar
  342. clutch/grapple
  343. ßgata
  344. agate
  345. agazapar
  346. nab
  347. agencia
  348. agency
  349. agenda
  350. agenda
  351. agente
  352. agent
  353. agil
  354. agile
  355. agitar
  356. agitate
  357. agosto
  358. august
  359. agotado
  360. exhausted
  361. agradable
  362. agreeable/enjoyable/pleasant
  363. agrario
  364. agricultural
  365. agresi≤n
  366. assault
  367. agresor
  368. aggressor/assailant
  369. agridulce
  370. sweet-and-sour
  371. agrio
  372. acid/sour
  373. agua
  374. water
  375. aguacates
  376. avocado
  377. aguardar
  378. bide/abide
  379. agudo
  380. lurid/acute
  381. aguij≤n
  382. sting
  383. ßguila
  384. eagle
  385. aguja
  386. needle
  387. agujero
  388. hole
  389. agⁿero
  390. omen/precursor
  391. ah
  392. ah/aha/oh
  393. ahora
  394. now/currently
  395. ahumado
  396. smoked
  397. aire
  398. air
  399. aislado
  400. remote
  401. aislamiento
  402. insulation/isolation
  403. ajedrez
  404. chess
  405. ajo
  406. garlic
  407. ajuar
  408. furniture
  409. ajustar
  410. adjust
  411. ajuste
  412. adjustment
  413. ajφ
  414. chilli
  415. ala
  416. wing
  417. alabar
  418. praise
  419. alambre
  420. wire
  421. ßlamo
  422. poplar
  423. alargar
  424. give/extend/lengthen
  425. alarma
  426. alarm
  427. albanil
  428. bricklayer
  429. albaricoque
  430. apricot
  431. albergue
  432. hostel/inn
  433. albornoz
  434. bathrobe
  435. ßlbum
  436. album
  437. alcachofa
  438. artichoke
  439. alcade
  440. mayor/provost
  441. alcanzable
  442. accessible
  443. alcanzar
  444. reach
  445. alcohol
  446. alcohol/booze/liquor
  447. alcorßn
  448. koran
  449. alcßzar
  450. fortification
  451. aldea
  452. village
  453. aleatorio
  454. random
  455. alegrar
  456. gladden
  457. alegre
  458. happy/glad
  459. alegrφa
  460. gladness/joy
  461. alejandro
  462. alexander
  463. alemana
  464. german
  465. alemania
  466. germany
  467. alemßn
  468. german
  469. alentar
  470. encourage
  471. alergia
  472. alergia
  473. aleta
  474. fin
  475. alfabetizar
  476. alphabetize
  477. alfabeto
  478. alphabet
  479. alfiler
  480. pin/needle
  481. alfombra
  482. carpet
  483. alga
  484. seaweed
  485. ßlgebra
  486. algebra
  487. algo
  488. anything/something
  489. algod≤n
  490. cotton
  491. alguien
  492. any/anybody
  493. algun
  494. some
  495. alguno
  496. somebody/someone
  497. alhajaadornment
  498. decoration/ornament
  499. alicates
  500. pliers
  501. aliento
  502. breath
  503. alimento
  504. food/nourishment
  505. alinea
  506. aligns
  507. alineado
  508. alignment
  509. alistar
  510. recruit
  511. alivio
  512. relief
  513. alma
  514. soul
  515. almanaque
  516. almanac
  517. almeja
  518. mussel
  519. almendra
  520. almond
  521. almendras
  522. almonds
  523. almidon
  524. startch
  525. almirante
  526. admiral
  527. almohada
  528. pillow/cushion
  529. almorranas
  530. haemorhoids
  531. almorzar
  532. lunch
  533. almuerzo
  534. lunch/snack
  535. almφbar
  536. syrup
  537. alojamiento
  538. accommodation
  539. alojarse
  540. stay
  541. alondra
  542. lark
  543. alpes
  544. alps
  545. alquilado
  546. hired out
  547. alquilar
  548. let/hire
  549. alquitrßn
  550. tar
  551. alrededores
  552. environment/surroundings
  553. alsacia
  554. alsace/elsass
  555. altar
  556. altar
  557. alternar
  558. alternate
  559. alternativa
  560. alternation
  561. altitud
  562. altitude/height
  563. alto
  564. high/tall/loud
  565. altura
  566. height
  567. alumbrado
  568. lighting
  569. alumbre
  570. alum
  571. aluminio
  572. aluminium/aluminum
  573. alzar
  574. lift
  575. amable
  576. affable/friendly/kind
  577. amainar
  578. weaken
  579. amanecer
  580. dawn/daybreak
  581. amante
  582. lover
  583. amar
  584. love
  585. amargo
  586. bitter
  587. amarillo
  588. yellow
  589. amarradero
  590. landing-stage/pier
  591. amasadura
  592. massage
  593. amazona
  594. amazon
  595. amberes
  596. antwerp
  597. ambos
  598. both
  599. ambulancia
  600. ambulance
  601. amenaza
  602. menace/threat
  603. amenazar
  604. menace/threaten
  605. americana
  606. jacket
  607. americano
  608. american
  609. americanos
  610. american
  611. amerindio
  612. american indian
  613. amianto
  614. asbestos
  615. amigo
  616. friend
  617. amigos
  618. friends
  619. amistad
  620. friendship
  621. amnistφa
  622. amnesty
  623. amojonar
  624. trace
  625. amonφaco
  626. ammonia
  627. amor
  628. love
  629. amortiguador
  630. shock-absorber
  631. amortizaci≤n
  632. redemption
  633. amortizar
  634. amortize
  635. ampliaci≤n
  636. enlargement/increase
  637. ampliar
  638. amplify
  639. ampolla
  640. bulb/blister
  641. amputar
  642. amputate
  643. amsterdam
  644. amsterdam
  645. amΘn
  646. amen
  647. amΘrica
  648. america
  649. analfabeto
  650. illiterate
  651. analizar
  652. analyze
  653. ananßs
  654. pineapple
  655. anatema
  656. anathema/ban
  657. anatomizar
  658. anatomize
  659. anchas
  660. comfort
  661. ancho
  662. broad
  663. anchoa
  664. anchovy
  665. anchura
  666. width
  667. anciano
  668. old
  669. ancla
  670. anchor
  671. andalucφa
  672. andalusia
  673. andar
  674. walk
  675. andorra
  676. andorra
  677. andΘn
  678. platform/quay
  679. anexar
  680. annex
  681. anexionar
  682. annex
  683. anexi≤n
  684. annexation
  685. anguila
  686. eel
  687. ßngulo
  688. angle
  689. angustia
  690. agony/anguish
  691. angustioso
  692. fearful
  693. anillo
  694. ring
  695. animaci≤n
  696. encouragement
  697. animal
  698. animal
  699. animar
  700. encourage/cheer/fan
  701. ano
  702. anus
  703. anoche
  704. last night
  705. anonchecer
  706. dusk/twilight
  707. anormal
  708. abnormal
  709. anotaci≤n
  710. annotation/note
  711. anotar
  712. note/make a note
  713. anteayer
  714. the day before yesterday
  715. antecedente
  716. antecedent
  717. antena
  718. antenna
  719. anterior
  720. earlier
  721. anteriormente
  722. formerly/previously
  723. antes
  724. before
  725. antibiotico
  726. antibiotic
  727. anticipar
  728. anticipate
  729. anticongelante
  730. anti-freeze
  731. antideslizante
  732. non-skid
  733. antiguo
  734. ancient/antique
  735. antigⁿedad
  736. antiquity
  737. antillas
  738. antilles
  739. antisΘptico
  740. antiseptic
  741. anualidad
  742. instalment/repayment
  743. anualmente
  744. annual/yearly
  745. anudar
  746. tie on
  747. anular
  748. cancel/annul
  749. anunciaci≤n
  750. annunciation
  751. anunciar
  752. advertise/announce/notify
  753. anuncio
  754. announcement/ad
  755. anzuelo
  756. hook
  757. anΘcdota
  758. anecdote
  759. anφs
  760. anise
  761. an≤nimo
  762. anonymous/nameless
  763. apagado
  764. dull
  765. apagar
  766. extinguish/put out
  767. aparador
  768. dresser
  769. aparato
  770. apparatus/device
  771. aparcamiento
  772. car park
  773. apariencia
  774. appearance
  775. apariencias
  776. appearances
  777. apartado
  778. paragraph
  779. apartados
  780. paragraphs
  781. apartamento
  782. apartment/flat
  783. apartar
  784. divide
  785. aparte
  786. apart
  787. apelaci≤n
  788. appeal
  789. apellido
  790. surname
  791. apenas
  792. barely/hardly
  793. apendicitis
  794. appendicitis
  795. aperitivo
  796. snifter/snorter
  797. apestar
  798. reek/smell
  799. apetito
  800. appetite
  801. apio
  802. celery
  803. aplaudir
  804. applaud/clap
  805. aplauso
  806. acclamation/approval
  807. apocalipsis
  808. apocalypse
  809. apoplejφa
  810. seizure
  811. aporrear
  812. thrash
  813. apostatar
  814. apostatize
  815. apoyarse
  816. lean
  817. aprender
  818. apprehending
  819. apretar
  820. press/squeeze/tighten
  821. aprobado
  822. approved
  823. aprobar
  824. approve
  825. aprovechar
  826. avail/utilize
  827. aprovisionamiento
  828. arrivals/supply
  829. aproximarse
  830. come close
  831. apr≤ximadamente
  832. approximately
  833. apuntar
  834. note
  835. apunte
  836. grade
  837. apuros
  838. embarrassments
  839. apΘndice
  840. side-issue/appendix
  841. ap≤crifo
  842. apocryphal
  843. ap≤stata
  844. apostate
  845. ap≤stol
  846. apostle
  847. aquisgrßn
  848. aix-la-chapelle
  849. aquφ
  850. here
  851. ßrabe
  852. arabic/arab
  853. arabesco
  854. arabesque
  855. arabia
  856. arabia
  857. arado
  858. plough
  859. ara±a
  860. spider
  861. arbitro
  862. referee
  863. ßrbol
  864. tree
  865. arbusto
  866. bush/shrub
  867. arca
  868. ark/box
  869. archi-
  870. arch-/chief-
  871. archiduque
  872. archduke
  873. archipiΘlago
  874. archipelago
  875. archivero
  876. archivist
  877. archivista
  878. archivist
  879. archivo
  880. archive/files
  881. archivos
  882. files
  883. arcilla
  884. clay
  885. arder
  886. burn
  887. ardilla
  888. squirrel
  889. area
  890. area
  891. arena
  892. arena/sand
  893. arenque
  894. herring
  895. arete
  896. earrings
  897. argel
  898. algiers
  899. argelina
  900. algerian woman
  901. argelino
  902. algerian
  903. argentina
  904. argentina
  905. argentino
  906. argentinean/argentine
  907. argumento
  908. argument/plea
  909. ßrido
  910. barren/dreary
  911. arist≤crata
  912. aristocrat
  913. arizona
  914. arizona
  915. arma
  916. weapon
  917. armadura
  918. armor
  919. armario
  920. cabinet/closet
  921. arm≤nica
  922. harmonica
  923. arpa
  924. harp
  925. arquitecto
  926. architect
  927. arrancar
  928. extort/wring
  929. arranque
  930. run
  931. arreglar
  932. arrange/tidy
  933. arreglo
  934. arrangement
  935. arrepentimiento
  936. repentance
  937. arrestar
  938. arrest
  939. arresto
  940. arrest/detention
  941. arriba
  942. overhead/upstairs
  943. arriesgado
  944. hazardous/risky
  945. arrogante
  946. arrogant
  947. arrojar
  948. result
  949. arromar
  950. blunt
  951. arroyo
  952. brook/stream
  953. arroz
  954. rice
  955. arrurruz
  956. curry
  957. arte
  958. art
  959. arteria
  960. artery
  961. artesanias
  962. crafts
  963. artesanφa
  964. handiwork
  965. articulos
  966. goods
  967. artificial
  968. artificial
  969. artillero
  970. artilleryman/gunner
  971. artillerφa
  972. artillery
  973. artista
  974. artist
  975. artritis
  976. arthritis
  977. artφculo
  978. article/commodity
  979. artφstico
  980. artistic
  981. arverjas
  982. peas
  983. arzo-
  984. arch-/chief-
  985. arzobispado
  986. archbishopric
  987. arzobispo
  988. archbishop
  989. as
  990. ace
  991. asado
  992. roasted
  993. asados
  994. roasts
  995. asaltar
  996. rob
  997. asalter
  998. assault/violate
  999. asar
  1000. roast/toast
  1001. ascender
  1002. ascend/update
  1003. ascensi≤n
  1004. ascension day
  1005. ascensor
  1006. elevator/lift
  1007. asediar
  1008. besiege
  1009. asedio
  1010. siege
  1011. asegurador
  1012. insurer
  1013. asegurar
  1014. insure
  1015. asentir
  1016. assent
  1017. asesino
  1018. killer
  1019. asfalto
  1020. asphalt
  1021. asia
  1022. asia
  1023. asiento
  1024. seat
  1025. asilo
  1026. asylum
  1027. asir
  1028. grab/grasp/seize
  1029. asistencias
  1030. alimony
  1031. asistente
  1032. assistant/helper
  1033. asißtico
  1034. asiatic/asian
  1035. asma
  1036. asthma
  1037. asociaciones
  1038. associations
  1039. asociado
  1040. associate
  1041. asociar
  1042. associate
  1043. aspecto
  1044. aspect/exterior
  1045. ßspero
  1046. coarse/severe
  1047. ßspid
  1048. viper
  1049. aspirina
  1050. aspirin
  1051. aster
  1052. aster
  1053. astilla
  1054. splinter
  1055. astronauta
  1056. astronaut/spaceman
  1057. astr≤logo
  1058. astrologer
  1059. astucia
  1060. craftiness/cunning
  1061. astuto
  1062. malicious/vicious
  1063. asumir
  1064. presume/suppose
  1065. asunci≤n
  1066. assumption
  1067. asunto
  1068. affair/case
  1069. asφ
  1070. so/thus
  1071. atacador
  1072. attacker
  1073. atacar
  1074. attack
  1075. ataque
  1076. attack
  1077. atavio
  1078. attire
  1079. atenas
  1080. athens
  1081. atenci≤n
  1082. attention
  1083. atender
  1084. pay attention
  1085. atentado
  1086. assault
  1087. atento
  1088. attentive
  1089. aterrizaje
  1090. landing
  1091. aterrizar
  1092. land
  1093. atizar
  1094. poke
  1095. atleta
  1096. athlete
  1097. atletismo
  1098. athletics
  1099. atlßntico
  1100. atlantic
  1101. atlΘtico
  1102. athletic
  1103. atmosfΘrico
  1104. atmospheric
  1105. atm≤sfera
  1106. atmosphere
  1107. atomizaci≤n
  1108. fission
  1109. ßtomo
  1110. atom
  1111. atornillar
  1112. screw
  1113. atracar
  1114. land
  1115. atractivo
  1116. attractive
  1117. atraer
  1118. attract
  1119. atrasado
  1120. backward/retarded
  1121. atrasarse
  1122. be late
  1123. atrasos
  1124. arrears
  1125. atravesar
  1126. cross/transfer
  1127. atrayente
  1128. attractive
  1129. atreverse
  1130. dare
  1131. atropallamiento
  1132. collision
  1133. atropellar
  1134. collide
  1135. atrßs
  1136. behind/backwards
  1137. at·n
  1138. tuna/tuna-fish
  1139. audiencia
  1140. audience
  1141. audifonos
  1142. headphones
  1143. aumento
  1144. growth
  1145. aun
  1146. if
  1147. aunque
  1148. though/although
  1149. ausencia
  1150. absence
  1151. ausente
  1152. absent
  1153. australia
  1154. australia
  1155. australiano
  1156. australian
  1157. austria
  1158. austria
  1159. austriaco
  1160. austrian
  1161. autob·s
  1162. bus/autobus
  1163. autoestrada
  1164. motorway
  1165. automßtico
  1166. automatic
  1167. autom≤vil
  1168. car/automobile
  1169. autopista
  1170. motorway
  1171. autor
  1172. author/writer
  1173. autores
  1174. authors/writers
  1175. autoridad
  1176. authority
  1177. autorizaci≤n
  1178. authorization
  1179. autovφa
  1180. turnpike
  1181. aut≤crata
  1182. autocrat
  1183. aut≤nomo
  1184. autonomic/autonomous
  1185. avalancha
  1186. avalanche
  1187. ave
  1188. bird
  1189. avellana
  1190. hazelnut
  1191. avena
  1192. oats
  1193. avenida
  1194. avenue
  1195. aventajar
  1196. exceed/surpass
  1197. aventura
  1198. adventure
  1199. aventurero
  1200. adventurous/adventurer
  1201. averia
  1202. brakedown
  1203. aversi≤n
  1204. dislike/disgust
  1205. averφa
  1206. damage
  1207. aves
  1208. birds/poultry
  1209. avestruz
  1210. ostrich
  1211. aviaci≤n
  1212. aviation
  1213. aviso
  1214. warning/notification
  1215. avispa
  1216. wasp
  1217. avi≤n
  1218. airplane
  1219. axioma
  1220. axiom
  1221. ay
  1222. ah/oh
  1223. ayer
  1224. yesterday
  1225. ayuda
  1226. help
  1227. ayudante
  1228. adjutant/aid
  1229. ayudar
  1230. assist/help
  1231. ayunar
  1232. fast
  1233. ayuntamiento
  1234. city hall
  1235. azada
  1236. hoe
  1237. azafata
  1238. stewardess
  1239. azteca
  1240. aztec
  1241. azucarero
  1242. sugarbowl
  1243. azul
  1244. blue
  1245. azulejo
  1246. tile
  1247. az·car
  1248. sugar
  1249. a±o
  1250. year
  1251. a±os
  1252. years
  1253. a·n
  1254. still/yet
  1255. babero
  1256. bib
  1257. babor
  1258. port side
  1259. babosa
  1260. slug
  1261. bacalao
  1262. cod/codfish
  1263. bache
  1264. cave
  1265. badajo
  1266. clapper
  1267. bahφa
  1268. bay
  1269. bailar
  1270. dance
  1271. baile
  1272. dance
  1273. baja
  1274. abatement/decay
  1275. bajamar
  1276. low tide
  1277. bajar
  1278. descend/decrease/lower
  1279. bajo
  1280. bass/low
  1281. bajorrelieve
  1282. bas-relief
  1283. balancea
  1284. balances
  1285. balanza
  1286. scale
  1287. balaustrada
  1288. banisters/railing
  1289. balc≤n
  1290. balcony
  1291. balkanes
  1292. balkans
  1293. ballena
  1294. whale
  1295. ballesterφa
  1296. archery
  1297. ballet
  1298. ballet
  1299. balneario
  1300. spa
  1301. baloncesto
  1302. basketball
  1303. balotaje
  1304. ballot/balloting
  1305. balotar
  1306. vote
  1307. bamb·
  1308. bamboo
  1309. bancarrota
  1310. bankruptcy/failure
  1311. banco
  1312. bank/bench
  1313. bandeja
  1314. tray
  1315. bandera
  1316. banner/flag
  1317. bandido
  1318. bandit
  1319. banera
  1320. bathtub
  1321. banjo
  1322. banjo
  1323. banquero
  1324. banker
  1325. banquete
  1326. banquet/feast
  1327. bar
  1328. buffet/pub
  1329. barato
  1330. cheap/inexpensive
  1331. barba
  1332. beard/chin
  1333. barbero
  1334. barber
  1335. barco
  1336. bark/boat
  1337. barman
  1338. barman/bartender
  1339. baronesa
  1340. baroness
  1341. barraca
  1342. barrack/shack
  1343. barras
  1344. bars
  1345. barrena
  1346. bore
  1347. barrer
  1348. sweep
  1349. barricada
  1350. barricade
  1351. barrio
  1352. neighbourhood/quarter
  1353. barro
  1354. mud/slime
  1355. barφtono
  1356. baritone
  1357. bar≤metro
  1358. barometer
  1359. bar≤n
  1360. baron
  1361. basalto
  1362. basalt/whimstone
  1363. basar
  1364. base
  1365. base
  1366. base/basis
  1367. bastante
  1368. enough/sufficient/lower
  1369. bastardo
  1370. bastard
  1371. bastidor
  1372. flat
  1373. bastilla
  1374. hem
  1375. basurero
  1376. dump
  1377. bata
  1378. nΘgligΘ/undress
  1379. batalla
  1380. battle/struggle
  1381. batall≤n
  1382. battalion
  1383. baterφa
  1384. battery
  1385. batidora
  1386. mixer
  1387. batista
  1388. batiste/lawn
  1389. baya
  1390. berry
  1391. bayeta
  1392. baize
  1393. bazar
  1394. bazaar/market
  1395. ba±ador
  1396. swimming trunks
  1397. ba±arse
  1398. have a bath
  1399. ba±ero
  1400. bath superintendant
  1401. ba±o
  1402. bath
  1403. ba·l
  1404. trunk
  1405. beber
  1406. drink
  1407. bebida
  1408. beverage/drink
  1409. bebΘ
  1410. baby
  1411. becerro
  1412. calf
  1413. beige
  1414. beige
  1415. beisbol
  1416. baseball
  1417. belga
  1418. belgian
  1419. belleza
  1420. beauty
  1421. bello
  1422. lovely
  1423. bencina
  1424. gasoline/petrol
  1425. bengala
  1426. bengal
  1427. berenjena
  1428. aubergine
  1429. berlφn
  1430. berlin
  1431. beso
  1432. kiss
  1433. bestia
  1434. animal/beast
  1435. biblia
  1436. bible
  1437. biblioteca
  1438. library
  1439. bicarbonato
  1440. bicarbonate of soda
  1441. bicicleta
  1442. bike/bicycle
  1443. bien
  1444. ok/well
  1445. biftec
  1446. steak/beefsteak
  1447. bigote
  1448. moustache
  1449. bigoti
  1450. moustache
  1451. bilis
  1452. bile/gall
  1453. billete
  1454. bill/ticket
  1455. biquini
  1456. bikini
  1457. birrete
  1458. beret
  1459. bisnieto
  1460. greatgrandson
  1461. bizcocho
  1462. biscuit
  1463. blanca-nieve
  1464. little snow white
  1465. blanco
  1466. blank/white
  1467. bloque
  1468. block/pad
  1469. bloques
  1470. blocks
  1471. blusa
  1472. blouse
  1473. boca
  1474. mouth
  1475. bocadillo
  1476. roll/sandwich
  1477. bochornoso
  1478. muggy
  1479. bocina
  1480. hooter/horn
  1481. boda
  1482. wedding/wedding-party
  1483. boina
  1484. beret
  1485. bola
  1486. bullet
  1487. bolivia
  1488. bolivia
  1489. bolos
  1490. bowling
  1491. bolsa
  1492. handbag
  1493. bolsillo
  1494. pocket
  1495. bolso
  1496. bag/sack
  1497. bols≤n
  1498. bookbag
  1499. bolφgrafo
  1500. ballpoint pen
  1501. bomba
  1502. pump
  1503. bombero
  1504. fireman
  1505. bombilla
  1506. lightbulb
  1507. bomb≤n
  1508. bon-bon
  1509. bondad
  1510. goodness
  1511. bonito
  1512. beautiful/handsome
  1513. borde
  1514. edge/brim
  1515. borracho
  1516. drunk/intoxicated
  1517. borrador
  1518. eraser
  1519. bosque
  1520. forest/woods
  1521. bota
  1522. boot
  1523. botella
  1524. bottle
  1525. botica
  1526. drugstore
  1527. boticario
  1528. chemist
  1529. botones
  1530. buttons
  1531. bot≤n
  1532. button
  1533. boxeador
  1534. boxer
  1535. boxeo
  1536. boxing
  1537. boya
  1538. buoy
  1539. braguitas
  1540. briefs
  1541. branquia
  1542. gill
  1543. brasil
  1544. brazil
  1545. brasile±a
  1546. brazilian woman
  1547. brasile±o
  1548. brazilian
  1549. brazalete
  1550. bracelet
  1551. brazo
  1552. arm
  1553. brazos
  1554. arms
  1555. brema
  1556. bream
  1557. brezal
  1558. heath
  1559. britano
  1560. briton
  1561. britßnico
  1562. british
  1563. broculi
  1564. broccoli
  1565. broma
  1566. gag/joke
  1567. bromear
  1568. jest
  1569. brujas
  1570. bruges
  1571. brumoso
  1572. fuzzy/misty
  1573. bruselas
  1574. brussels
  1575. br·jula
  1576. compass
  1577. bucear
  1578. dive/plunge
  1579. bueno
  1580. good/okay
  1581. buey
  1582. ox
  1583. bufanda
  1584. scarf
  1585. buho
  1586. owl
  1587. bujφa
  1588. spark plug
  1589. bula
  1590. indulgence
  1591. bulgaria
  1592. bulgaria
  1593. burdel
  1594. brothel
  1595. burdeos
  1596. bordeaux
  1597. burla
  1598. gag/joke
  1599. burro
  1600. ass/donkey
  1601. busca
  1602. searches
  1603. buscar
  1604. look for/seek
  1605. butaca
  1606. armchair
  1607. buz≤n
  1608. letterbox/mailbox
  1609. byte
  1610. byte
  1611. bßlsamo
  1612. balm/balsam
  1613. bßltico
  1614. baltic
  1615. bßrbaro
  1616. barbaric/barbarian
  1617. bßzico
  1618. basic
  1619. bΘlgica
  1620. belgium
  1621. b·falo
  1622. buffalo
  1623. b·lgara
  1624. bulgarian woman
  1625. b·lgaro
  1626. bulgarian/bulgar
  1627. cabal
  1628. absolute
  1629. caballero
  1630. gentlemen
  1631. caballeros
  1632. men
  1633. caballerφa
  1634. cavalry
  1635. caballete
  1636. easel
  1637. caballo
  1638. horse
  1639. caballos
  1640. horsepower
  1641. cabana
  1642. cabin/hut
  1643. cabarΘt
  1644. cabaret
  1645. cabeza
  1646. head/pate
  1647. cabida
  1648. room
  1649. cabina
  1650. bathing box
  1651. cable
  1652. cable
  1653. cabra
  1654. goat
  1655. cabriolΘ
  1656. cab
  1657. cabr≤n
  1658. he-goat
  1659. cacahuates
  1660. peanuts
  1661. cacahuete
  1662. peanut
  1663. cacahuΘ
  1664. peanut
  1665. cacao
  1666. cocoa
  1667. cacerola
  1668. casserole/saucepan
  1669. cacto
  1670. cactus
  1671. cada
  1672. each
  1673. cadena
  1674. chain
  1675. cadera
  1676. hip
  1677. caer
  1678. drop/fall
  1679. cafe
  1680. coffee
  1681. cafetera
  1682. coffee-pot
  1683. cafeteria
  1684. cafeteria
  1685. cafeterφa
  1686. cafetaria
  1687. cafΘ
  1688. cafΘ
  1689. caja
  1690. cashier's stand
  1691. cajero
  1692. cashier
  1693. cajes
  1694. boxes
  1695. cajon
  1696. drawer
  1697. caj≤n
  1698. locker
  1699. cal
  1700. lime
  1701. calabacφn
  1702. courgette/zucchini
  1703. calabaza
  1704. calabash/gourd
  1705. calamar
  1706. sepia
  1707. calcetines
  1708. socks
  1709. calcetφn
  1710. sock
  1711. calcular
  1712. calculate/count
  1713. caldo
  1714. bouillon
  1715. calefacci≤n
  1716. heating
  1717. calendario
  1718. almanac
  1719. calidad
  1720. quality
  1721. caliente
  1722. warm/hot
  1723. calle
  1724. street
  1725. calleja
  1726. alley/lane
  1727. callo
  1728. corn
  1729. calmarse
  1730. calm down
  1731. calmo
  1732. calm
  1733. calor
  1734. heat
  1735. calorφa
  1736. calorie
  1737. calumniar
  1738. slander
  1739. calzador
  1740. shoe-horn/shoe-lift
  1741. calzoncillos
  1742. drawers/underpants
  1743. cama
  1744. sleeping-accomodation
  1745. camarera
  1746. waitress/dressing-gown
  1747. camarero
  1748. waiter
  1749. camarote
  1750. cabin
  1751. camar≤n
  1752. shrimp
  1753. cambiar
  1754. swap/change
  1755. camello
  1756. camel
  1757. camisa
  1758. shirt
  1759. camisas
  1760. shirts
  1761. camiseta
  1762. shirt
  1763. camis≤n
  1764. night-shirt
  1765. camita
  1766. bedstead
  1767. cami≤n
  1768. lorry/truck
  1769. campamento
  1770. camp of tents
  1771. campana
  1772. suction apparatus
  1773. campesino
  1774. farmer
  1775. camping
  1776. camping site
  1777. campo
  1778. countryside/field
  1779. canadß
  1780. canada
  1781. canal
  1782. canal/channel
  1783. canapΘ
  1784. couch/sofa
  1785. canario
  1786. canary
  1787. cancelado
  1788. canceled
  1789. cancer
  1790. cancer
  1791. canci≤n
  1792. song
  1793. candelaria
  1794. candlemas
  1795. candelero
  1796. candlestick
  1797. cangrejo
  1798. crayfish/crab
  1799. canje
  1800. exchange
  1801. canoa
  1802. canoe
  1803. cansado
  1804. tired
  1805. cansar
  1806. overdrive/override
  1807. cantar
  1808. sing
  1809. cantidad
  1810. quantity/amount
  1811. cantor
  1812. singer
  1813. cantora
  1814. female singer
  1815. cantßbrico
  1816. cantabrian
  1817. caos
  1818. chaos/tangle
  1819. capa
  1820. cape
  1821. capacidad
  1822. ability/capability
  1823. capaz
  1824. able/capable
  1825. capital
  1826. capital/metropolis
  1827. capitanear
  1828. govern/restrain
  1829. capitular
  1830. capitulate/surrender
  1831. capitulo
  1832. chapter
  1833. capitßn
  1834. chief
  1835. capot
  1836. bonnet
  1837. capota
  1838. hood
  1839. cara
  1840. face
  1841. caracol
  1842. snail
  1843. caracter
  1844. character
  1845. caracteres
  1846. characters
  1847. caramelo
  1848. candy
  1849. carbon
  1850. coal
  1851. carburador
  1852. carburettor
  1853. carb≤n
  1854. charcoal
  1855. carda
  1856. card
  1857. cardas
  1858. cards
  1859. carga
  1860. burden/load
  1861. cargar
  1862. burden/load
  1863. cargo
  1864. indictment/load
  1865. caricia
  1866. chuck
  1867. carmesφ
  1868. crimson
  1869. carnada
  1870. bait
  1871. carnaval
  1872. carnival
  1873. carne
  1874. flesh/meat
  1875. carnero
  1876. mutton
  1877. carnestolendas
  1878. carnival
  1879. carnet
  1880. notebook
  1881. carnicero
  1882. butcher
  1883. carnicerφa
  1884. slaughterhouse/butcher's shop
  1885. carnΘ
  1886. attempt/test
  1887. caro
  1888. expensive/valuable
  1889. carpeta
  1890. folder
  1891. carpintero
  1892. carpenter
  1893. carrera
  1894. career
  1895. carrete
  1896. film
  1897. carretera
  1898. road/way
  1899. carro
  1900. cart/chariot
  1901. carrocerφa
  1902. coach-work
  1903. carro±a
  1904. carrion
  1905. carrusel
  1906. carousel
  1907. carta
  1908. letter
  1909. cartearse
  1910. correspond
  1911. cartel
  1912. placard/poster
  1913. cartera
  1914. wallet/briefcase
  1915. cartero
  1916. postman
  1917. casa
  1918. house
  1919. casada
  1920. married
  1921. casado
  1922. married
  1923. casarme
  1924. marry
  1925. casas
  1926. houses
  1927. cascada
  1928. waterfall
  1929. cascajo
  1930. chippings/stone-chippings
  1931. casco
  1932. helmet
  1933. casete
  1934. cassette
  1935. casi
  1936. almost/nearly
  1937. caso
  1938. case
  1939. caspa
  1940. dandruff
  1941. casta±a
  1942. chestnut
  1943. casta±o
  1944. chestnut-tree
  1945. castellano
  1946. castillian
  1947. castigar
  1948. punish
  1949. castigo
  1950. redemption/punishment
  1951. castilla
  1952. castile
  1953. castillo
  1954. castle
  1955. castor
  1956. beaver
  1957. catedral
  1958. cathedral
  1959. catorce
  1960. fourteen
  1961. catßlogo
  1962. catalogue/directory
  1963. cat≤lico
  1964. catholic
  1965. cauce
  1966. bed/watercourse
  1967. caucho
  1968. rubber
  1969. caudillo
  1970. chief/leader
  1971. causa
  1972. cause/reason
  1973. causar
  1974. cause
  1975. cavar
  1976. dig/spade
  1977. caza
  1978. hunting
  1979. cazar
  1980. chase/hunt
  1981. ca±a
  1982. fishing rod
  1983. ca±on
  1984. cannon
  1985. ca≤tico
  1986. chaotic
  1987. cebada
  1988. barley
  1989. cebo
  1990. bait
  1991. cebolla
  1992. onion
  1993. cebollana
  1994. chive
  1995. ceder
  1996. cede/yield
  1997. ceja
  1998. brow/eyebrow
  1999. celo
  2000. fervour/zeal
  2001. celoso
  2002. jealous
  2003. cementerio
  2004. cemetery/graveyard
  2005. cena
  2006. dinner/supper
  2007. cenicero
  2008. ash-tray
  2009. cenicienta
  2010. cinderella
  2011. ceniciento
  2012. ashen
  2013. ceniza
  2014. ash/cinder
  2015. cenopegias
  2016. feast of tabernacles
  2017. censura
  2018. censor/criticism
  2019. censurable
  2020. censurable/condemnable
  2021. censurar
  2022. censor/criticize
  2023. centeno
  2024. rye
  2025. central
  2026. central
  2027. centro
  2028. centre/middle
  2029. centφmetro
  2030. centimeter
  2031. cepillar
  2032. brush
  2033. cepillo
  2034. brush/plane
  2035. cerca
  2036. close/near
  2037. cercar
  2038. bar/obstruct
  2039. cerde±a
  2040. sardinia
  2041. cerdo
  2042. pig/boar
  2043. cereal
  2044. cereal
  2045. cerebro
  2046. brain
  2047. ceremonia
  2048. ceremony
  2049. cereso
  2050. cherry-tree
  2051. cereza
  2052. cherry
  2053. cerezas
  2054. cherries
  2055. cerillas
  2056. matches
  2057. cero
  2058. nought/zero
  2059. cerrado
  2060. closed/shut
  2061. cerradura
  2062. lock
  2063. cerrar
  2064. close/shut
  2065. certificaci≤n
  2066. certificate/testimony
  2067. certificado
  2068. certificate/registered
  2069. certificar
  2070. register/recommend
  2071. cervecerφa
  2072. brewery
  2073. cerveza
  2074. ale/beer
  2075. cerßmica
  2076. crockery/pottery
  2077. cesi≤n
  2078. abandonment
  2079. cesto
  2080. basket
  2081. ceuta
  2082. ceuta
  2083. chal
  2084. shawl
  2085. chaleco
  2086. vest/waistcoat
  2087. champa±a
  2088. champagne
  2089. champi±on
  2090. mushroom
  2091. champ·
  2092. shampoo
  2093. chanza
  2094. gag/joke
  2095. chaqueta
  2096. jacket
  2097. charco
  2098. puddle
  2099. charlar
  2100. chat
  2101. chauffeur
  2102. chauffeur/driver
  2103. checo
  2104. czech
  2105. checoeslovaquia
  2106. czechoslovakia
  2107. cheque
  2108. check/cheque
  2109. chicle
  2110. chewing-gum
  2111. chico
  2112. boy/small
  2113. chile
  2114. chile
  2115. chilena
  2116. chilean woman
  2117. chileno
  2118. chilean
  2119. china
  2120. china
  2121. chinche
  2122. bedbug
  2123. chino
  2124. chinese
  2125. chiripa
  2126. fluke
  2127. chispa
  2128. spark
  2129. chocolate
  2130. chocolate
  2131. choque
  2132. collision
  2133. chorrear
  2134. gush
  2135. chuleta
  2136. cutlet
  2137. chuletas
  2138. chops
  2139. ch≤fer
  2140. conductor/driver
  2141. ciclo
  2142. cycle
  2143. ciclomotor
  2144. moped
  2145. cicl≤n
  2146. cyclone
  2147. ciego
  2148. blind
  2149. cielo
  2150. heaven/sky
  2151. ciencia
  2152. science
  2153. ciento
  2154. one hundred
  2155. cientφfico
  2156. scientists
  2157. ciertamente
  2158. certainly
  2159. cifra
  2160. cipher/digit
  2161. cigarillo
  2162. cigarette
  2163. cigarrillos
  2164. cigarettes
  2165. cigarro
  2166. cigar
  2167. cilindro
  2168. cylinder/roller
  2169. cimbalos
  2170. cymbals
  2171. cincel
  2172. chisel
  2173. cinco
  2174. five
  2175. cincuenta
  2176. fifty
  2177. cine
  2178. cinema
  2179. cinta
  2180. bond/ribbon
  2181. cinto
  2182. belt/girdle
  2183. cintura
  2184. waist/waistline
  2185. cintur≤n
  2186. belt/girdle
  2187. ciprΘs
  2188. cypres
  2189. circo
  2190. circus
  2191. circuito
  2192. circuit
  2193. circular
  2194. circular
  2195. circulo
  2196. round
  2197. circuncisi≤n
  2198. circumcision
  2199. circunspecto
  2200. thoughtful/careful
  2201. ciruela
  2202. plum
  2203. cirujano
  2204. surgeon
  2205. cirφlico
  2206. cyrillic
  2207. cita
  2208. quotation/rendezvous
  2209. citaci≤n
  2210. quotation
  2211. citar
  2212. cite/quote
  2213. ciudad
  2214. city/town
  2215. ciudadano
  2216. citizenship
  2217. ciudadela
  2218. citadel
  2219. civil
  2220. civil/civilian
  2221. civilizaci≤n
  2222. civilization
  2223. clarinete
  2224. clarinet
  2225. claro
  2226. clear/light
  2227. clase
  2228. class
  2229. clasificar
  2230. classify
  2231. clavar
  2232. diving
  2233. clavel
  2234. carnation
  2235. clavo
  2236. nail
  2237. clear
  2238. nivelar
  2239. cliente
  2240. client/customer
  2241. clientela
  2242. clientΦle
  2243. clima
  2244. climate
  2245. cloaca
  2246. sewer
  2247. cloro
  2248. chlorine
  2249. club
  2250. club/society
  2251. clßusula
  2252. clause
  2253. coartada
  2254. alibi
  2255. cobertizo
  2256. penthouse/shanty
  2257. cobrador
  2258. guard
  2259. cobrar
  2260. collect
  2261. cobre
  2262. copper
  2263. cocaφna
  2264. cocaine
  2265. coche
  2266. coach/waggon
  2267. coche-cama
  2268. sleeping-car
  2269. cocida
  2270. cooked
  2271. cociente
  2272. quotient
  2273. cocina
  2274. kitchen
  2275. cocinar
  2276. cook
  2277. cocinera
  2278. female cook
  2279. cocinero
  2280. male cook
  2281. cocodrilo
  2282. crocodile
  2283. codo
  2284. elbow
  2285. coger
  2286. grab/take
  2287. cohete
  2288. rocket
  2289. coincide
  2290. coincide
  2291. cojo
  2292. lame
  2293. col
  2294. cabbage
  2295. cola
  2296. glue/tail
  2297. colch≤n
  2298. mattress
  2299. colecta
  2300. collection
  2301. colega
  2302. colleague
  2303. coliflor
  2304. cauliflower
  2305. colina
  2306. hill
  2307. colisi≤n
  2308. collision
  2309. collar
  2310. necklace
  2311. colocar
  2312. invest
  2313. colombia
  2314. colombia
  2315. colonia
  2316. cologne
  2317. color
  2318. colour/dye
  2319. colorar
  2320. dye
  2321. colorete
  2322. rouge
  2323. colorido
  2324. color
  2325. columna
  2326. column/pillar
  2327. coma
  2328. comma
  2329. comandante
  2330. leader/commander
  2331. comarca
  2332. region
  2333. combiar
  2334. alter
  2335. combinaci≤n
  2336. combination/undergarment
  2337. combustible
  2338. fuel
  2339. comedia
  2340. comedy
  2341. comedor
  2342. dining-room
  2343. comenzar
  2344. begin/commence
  2345. comer
  2346. eat/feed
  2347. comerciales
  2348. commercial
  2349. comerciante
  2350. businessman/merchant
  2351. comercio
  2352. business/commerce
  2353. comerse
  2354. eat up
  2355. comestible
  2356. edible
  2357. comestibles
  2358. food
  2359. cometa
  2360. kite
  2361. comico
  2362. comic
  2363. comida
  2364. meal/dinner
  2365. comido
  2366. eaten
  2367. comidoella
  2368. eaten
  2369. comidoellos
  2370. eaten
  2371. comidono
  2372. eaten
  2373. comienza
  2374. opens
  2375. comienzo
  2376. beginning/commencement
  2377. comisarφa
  2378. police-station
  2379. comisi≤n
  2380. commission
  2381. comitiva
  2382. procession
  2383. comitΘ
  2384. committee
  2385. communicaci≤n
  2386. communication
  2387. como
  2388. like
  2389. comparaci≤n
  2390. compare
  2391. comparar
  2392. compare
  2393. compartir
  2394. share
  2395. compatible
  2396. compatible
  2397. compa±ero
  2398. colleague
  2399. compa±φa
  2400. company
  2401. compensar
  2402. compensate
  2403. competencia
  2404. competition
  2405. competidor
  2406. rival
  2407. competir
  2408. compete/rival
  2409. complacer
  2410. satisfy
  2411. complekso
  2412. complex
  2413. completamente
  2414. completely
  2415. completar
  2416. complete
  2417. completo
  2418. complete/whole
  2419. complicado
  2420. complicated
  2421. componerse
  2422. consist of
  2423. compositor
  2424. composer
  2425. compra
  2426. purchase
  2427. comprador
  2428. buyer/purchaser
  2429. comprar
  2430. buy/purchase
  2431. comprarlo
  2432. purchase
  2433. comprender
  2434. understand/realise
  2435. comprendido
  2436. understood
  2437. comprendo
  2438. understand
  2439. comprensible
  2440. understandable
  2441. compromiso
  2442. accommodation
  2443. computador
  2444. computer
  2445. computar
  2446. count/work out
  2447. computerizaci≤n
  2448. computerization
  2449. comunes
  2450. usual
  2451. comunicaci≤n
  2452. connection
  2453. comunicar
  2454. communicate/connect
  2455. comunista
  2456. communist
  2457. comuni≤n
  2458. communion
  2459. com·n
  2460. common/ordinary/usual
  2461. com·nmente
  2462. usually
  2463. con
  2464. with
  2465. concepto
  2466. concept
  2467. concha
  2468. shell
  2469. concierto
  2470. concert
  2471. concisi≤n
  2472. briefness/conciseness
  2473. conciso
  2474. concise
  2475. concluir
  2476. end/finish
  2477. conclusi≤n
  2478. conclusion/inference
  2479. concretas
  2480. detailed
  2481. concurso
  2482. competition/contest
  2483. condicione
  2484. condition
  2485. condiciones
  2486. conditions
  2487. condici≤n
  2488. condition/terms
  2489. condici≤nes
  2490. circumstances
  2491. condimentada
  2492. spicy
  2493. condom
  2494. condom/rubber
  2495. conducir
  2496. conduct/lead
  2497. cond≤n
  2498. rubber
  2499. conectividad
  2500. connectivity
  2501. conejo
  2502. rabbit
  2503. conexi≤n
  2504. relation
  2505. confecci≤n
  2506. making/manufacture
  2507. conferencia
  2508. conference
  2509. confesar
  2510. admit/confess
  2511. confesi≤n
  2512. confession
  2513. confianza
  2514. confidence
  2515. configura
  2516. configures
  2517. confirmaci≤n
  2518. confirmation
  2519. confirmar
  2520. confirm/corroborate
  2521. confiscar
  2522. confiscate
  2523. conflicto
  2524. conflict
  2525. conforme
  2526. agreed
  2527. confundir
  2528. abash
  2529. confusi≤n
  2530. abashment
  2531. congelador
  2532. freezer
  2533. congelados
  2534. freeze
  2535. congreso
  2536. congress/convention
  2537. conminaci≤n
  2538. menace/threat
  2539. conminar
  2540. threaten
  2541. conmovedor
  2542. touching/moving
  2543. conmover
  2544. move/stir
  2545. conmovido
  2546. seized with emotion
  2547. cono
  2548. cone
  2549. conocido
  2550. well-known/acquaintance
  2551. conocimiento
  2552. knowledge
  2553. consecuencia
  2554. consequence/consistency
  2555. consecuente
  2556. consistent
  2557. consecutivo
  2558. following/next
  2559. conseguir
  2560. succeed
  2561. consejero
  2562. counsellor
  2563. consejo
  2564. advice/counsel
  2565. conserje
  2566. porter
  2567. conservaci≤n
  2568. conservation/preservation
  2569. conservador
  2570. conservative
  2571. conservatorio
  2572. academy of music
  2573. considerable
  2574. considerable/sizable
  2575. considerablemente
  2576. considering
  2577. consideraci≤n
  2578. consideration/deliberation
  2579. considerar
  2580. consider/regard
  2581. considerarse
  2582. consider
  2583. consiste
  2584. consist
  2585. constipado
  2586. constipation
  2587. constituci≤n
  2588. constitution
  2589. construcci≤n
  2590. arrangement/building
  2591. construir
  2592. build/construct
  2593. consulado
  2594. consulate
  2595. consulta
  2596. consultation
  2597. consumidor
  2598. consumer
  2599. consumir
  2600. consume
  2601. consumo
  2602. demand
  2603. contacto
  2604. contact
  2605. contagiado
  2606. contaminated/infected
  2607. contagiar
  2608. infect
  2609. contagioso
  2610. contagious/infectious
  2611. contaminacion
  2612. pollution
  2613. contante
  2614. cash
  2615. contemplaci≤n
  2616. deliberation
  2617. contemplar
  2618. consider/look at
  2619. contemporßneo
  2620. current/present
  2621. contener
  2622. contains
  2623. contenido
  2624. contents
  2625. contento
  2626. contented/pleased
  2627. contestaci≤n
  2628. answer/reply
  2629. contestar
  2630. answer/reply
  2631. contiene
  2632. contains
  2633. contiguo
  2634. nearby/neighbouring
  2635. continuamente
  2636. continually/continuously
  2637. continuar
  2638. continue/endure
  2639. continuo
  2640. constant/continual
  2641. contra
  2642. against/opposite
  2643. contramandar
  2644. countermand/remit
  2645. contrario
  2646. contrary
  2647. contraste
  2648. contrast
  2649. contratar
  2650. invite tenders for
  2651. contrato
  2652. contract
  2653. contribuci≤n
  2654. tax
  2655. controlar
  2656. check/supervise
  2657. conulla
  2658. quotation mark
  2659. conullas
  2660. quotation marks
  2661. convencer
  2662. convince
  2663. convenido
  2664. agreed/ok
  2665. conveniente
  2666. appropriate/suitable
  2667. convenientes
  2668. convienient
  2669. convenio
  2670. accommodation/agreement
  2671. convenir
  2672. agree
  2673. convento
  2674. monastery
  2675. conversaciones
  2676. conversations
  2677. conversar
  2678. converse
  2679. conversi≤n
  2680. conversion
  2681. convertir
  2682. convert
  2683. copa
  2684. goblet
  2685. copia
  2686. copy
  2687. copiar
  2688. copy/print
  2689. copias
  2690. copies
  2691. copiloto
  2692. copilot
  2693. copla
  2694. verse
  2695. copo
  2696. flake
  2697. coraz≤n
  2698. heart
  2699. corbata
  2700. tie/necktie
  2701. corcho
  2702. cork
  2703. cordel
  2704. line
  2705. cordero
  2706. lamb
  2707. cordillera
  2708. mountain range
  2709. cord≤n
  2710. shoe-lace
  2711. coronar
  2712. crown
  2713. correctamente
  2714. correctly
  2715. correcto
  2716. correct/right
  2717. correo
  2718. mail/post
  2719. correos
  2720. mail
  2721. correr
  2722. race/run
  2723. correspondiente
  2724. corresponding
  2725. correspondientes
  2726. corresponding
  2727. corriente
  2728. current/flow
  2729. corsΘ
  2730. corset
  2731. corta
  2732. cuts
  2733. cortacircuito
  2734. short circuit
  2735. cortar
  2736. clip/cut
  2737. cortesφa
  2738. politeness
  2739. corteza
  2740. bast
  2741. cortina
  2742. curtain
  2743. cortisona
  2744. cortisone
  2745. corto
  2746. brief/short
  2747. cortΘs
  2748. courteous/polite
  2749. corzo
  2750. roe
  2751. cosa
  2752. thing
  2753. cosecha
  2754. harvest
  2755. coser
  2756. sew
  2757. cosmΘtico
  2758. cosmetic
  2759. cosmΘticos
  2760. cosmetics
  2761. costa
  2762. coast/seaside
  2763. costar
  2764. cost
  2765. costear
  2766. bear the cost of
  2767. costilla
  2768. rib
  2769. costumbre
  2770. custom/habit
  2771. costura
  2772. seam
  2773. costurera
  2774. female tailor
  2775. co±ac
  2776. brandy/cognac
  2777. crayones
  2778. crayons
  2779. creacion
  2780. creation
  2781. crear
  2782. creating
  2783. crecer
  2784. grow
  2785. cree
  2786. create
  2787. creer
  2788. believe/think
  2789. crema
  2790. cream
  2791. cremallera
  2792. zipper
  2793. creta
  2794. crete
  2795. criada
  2796. servant/maid
  2797. criado
  2798. servant
  2799. crimen
  2800. crime
  2801. crisis
  2802. crisis/emergency
  2803. cristiandad
  2804. christianity
  2805. cristiano
  2806. christian
  2807. cristo
  2808. christ
  2809. criticar
  2810. judge
  2811. critico
  2812. critical
  2813. cruce
  2814. cross roads
  2815. crucero
  2816. cruise
  2817. crudo
  2818. crude/raw
  2819. cruz
  2820. cross
  2821. crßneo
  2822. skull
  2823. crφtica
  2824. criticism
  2825. crφticar
  2826. criticize
  2827. cuadra
  2828. stable/stall
  2829. cuadro
  2830. square/painting
  2831. cualidad
  2832. property
  2833. cuando
  2834. when
  2835. cuarenta
  2836. forty
  2837. cuartel
  2838. barracks
  2839. cuarto
  2840. fourth/chamber
  2841. cuatro
  2842. four
  2843. cuba
  2844. cuba
  2845. cubano
  2846. cuban
  2847. cubanos
  2848. cubans
  2849. cubierta
  2850. deck
  2851. cubo
  2852. bucket/pail
  2853. cubrir
  2854. cover
  2855. cucaracha
  2856. cockroach
  2857. cuchara
  2858. spoon
  2859. cuchillo
  2860. knife
  2861. cuello
  2862. neck/collar
  2863. cuenta
  2864. invoice/account
  2865. cuerda
  2866. cord/rope
  2867. cuerno
  2868. horn
  2869. cuero
  2870. leather
  2871. cuerpo
  2872. body
  2873. cuervo
  2874. raven
  2875. cuesta
  2876. hillside/slope
  2877. cueva
  2878. cave/cavern
  2879. cuidado
  2880. care/concern
  2881. cuidar
  2882. care/worry
  2883. culpa
  2884. blame/guilt
  2885. culpable
  2886. guilty
  2887. cultivar
  2888. plant
  2889. cultivo
  2890. planting
  2891. culto
  2892. worship service
  2893. cultura
  2894. culture
  2895. cumplea±os
  2896. birthday
  2897. cumplimiento
  2898. compliment
  2899. cuota
  2900. dues
  2901. cup≤n
  2902. coupon
  2903. cura
  2904. treatment/vicar
  2905. curar
  2906. cure/treat/heal
  2907. curazao
  2908. curaτao
  2909. curioso
  2910. curious/inquisitive
  2911. cursillo
  2912. class/course
  2913. curso
  2914. class/course
  2915. curva
  2916. bend/curve
  2917. cußl
  2918. which
  2919. cußles
  2920. which
  2921. cußndo
  2922. when
  2923. cßliz
  2924. goblet
  2925. cßmara
  2926. camera
  2927. cßndido
  2928. guileless/inoffensive
  2929. cßpsula
  2930. capsule/firing-cap
  2931. cßucaso
  2932. caucasus
  2933. cΘlula
  2934. cell
  2935. cφnico
  2936. cynical
  2937. cφrculo
  2938. circle
  2939. c≤digo
  2940. code
  2941. c≤lera
  2942. anger/cholera
  2943. c≤mico
  2944. amusing/funny
  2945. c≤mo
  2946. how
  2947. c≤modo
  2948. homy/intimate
  2949. c≤nsul
  2950. consul
  2951. c≤rcega
  2952. corsica
  2953. c≤rdoba
  2954. cordova
  2955. dado
  2956. dies
  2957. daga
  2958. dagger
  2959. dama
  2960. lady
  2961. damas
  2962. checkers
  2963. danΘs
  2964. danish/dane
  2965. dar
  2966. give
  2967. dardo
  2968. dart
  2969. dato
  2970. datum
  2971. datos
  2972. data
  2973. da±o
  2974. damage/harm
  2975. de
  2976. of/from
  2977. deber
  2978. duty/obligation
  2979. debitar
  2980. charge
  2981. debutante
  2982. beginner
  2983. debuto
  2984. debute
  2985. decadencia
  2986. decay
  2987. decenio
  2988. decade
  2989. decentar
  2990. cut into
  2991. decepcionar
  2992. disappoint
  2993. decidido
  2994. decided
  2995. decidir
  2996. decide
  2997. decimooctavo
  2998. eighteenth
  2999. decir
  3000. say/tell
  3001. decisivo
  3002. decisive
  3003. decisi≤n
  3004. decision
  3005. declaraci≤n
  3006. declaration/statement
  3007. declarar
  3008. declare/state
  3009. decorati≤n
  3010. decoration
  3011. decrecer
  3012. abate
  3013. decrΘpito
  3014. decayed/lapsed
  3015. decudir
  3016. abstract/gather
  3017. dedicar
  3018. dedicate
  3019. dedo
  3020. finger
  3021. deducci≤n
  3022. demand/sale
  3023. deducir
  3024. count down
  3025. defecto
  3026. damage
  3027. defender
  3028. protect
  3029. defensa
  3030. defense/protection
  3031. definicion
  3032. definition
  3033. definici≤n
  3034. definition
  3035. defuncion
  3036. decease
  3037. dehesa
  3038. pasture
  3039. dejar
  3040. leave behind
  3041. dejo
  3042. accent
  3043. delante
  3044. formerly/previously
  3045. delatar
  3046. denounce
  3047. delegar
  3048. delegate/depute
  3049. deletrear
  3050. spell
  3051. deleznable
  3052. brittle
  3053. delfines
  3054. dolphins
  3055. delgado
  3056. slim
  3057. deliberar
  3058. deliberate
  3059. delicioso
  3060. delicious
  3061. demanda
  3062. request
  3063. demandar
  3064. ask for
  3065. demasiado
  3066. too/too much
  3067. democracia
  3068. democracy
  3069. democrata
  3070. democrat
  3071. demoler
  3072. break down/demolish
  3073. demolici≤n
  3074. demolition
  3075. demontar
  3076. take apart
  3077. demostrable
  3078. apparent
  3079. demostrar
  3080. demonstrate
  3081. demßs
  3082. besides/moreover
  3083. dengoso
  3084. prudish
  3085. denso
  3086. dense
  3087. dentista
  3088. dentist
  3089. dentro
  3090. inside
  3091. denuncia
  3092. accusation
  3093. denunciar
  3094. denounce
  3095. departamento
  3096. compartment/coupΘ
  3097. dependencia
  3098. dependence
  3099. depender
  3100. depend
  3101. dependienta
  3102. saleswoman
  3103. dependiente
  3104. dependent/clerk
  3105. deplorable
  3106. regrettable/pitiful
  3107. deplorar
  3108. regret/mourn
  3109. deporte
  3110. sport
  3111. depositar
  3112. deposit
  3113. deprimido
  3114. depressed
  3115. dep≤sito
  3116. depository
  3117. derecho
  3118. claim/right
  3119. derechos
  3120. right
  3121. derivaci≤n
  3122. derivation
  3123. derivar
  3124. derive
  3125. derribar
  3126. demolish
  3127. derribos
  3128. old materials
  3129. derrota
  3130. defeat
  3131. derruirse
  3132. crumble
  3133. desaconsejar
  3134. advise against
  3135. desacostumbrar
  3136. break of a habit
  3137. desagⁿe
  3138. draining
  3139. desaprender
  3140. unlearn
  3141. desaprobaci≤n
  3142. disapprobation/disapproval
  3143. desaprobar
  3144. condemn/disapprove
  3145. desatinar
  3146. drivel/twaddle
  3147. desayuno
  3148. breakfast
  3149. descansar
  3150. repose/rest
  3151. descanso
  3152. intermission/pause
  3153. descargar
  3154. write off/unload
  3155. descendencia
  3156. lineage/origin
  3157. descender
  3158. descend/originate
  3159. descendiente
  3160. offspring/successor
  3161. descolgar
  3162. take away
  3163. desconcharse
  3164. peel off
  3165. descontento
  3166. dissatisfied
  3167. describir
  3168. describe
  3169. descripcion
  3170. description
  3171. descripci≤n
  3172. description
  3173. descubrimiento
  3174. discovery
  3175. descubrir
  3176. discover/uncover
  3177. descuento
  3178. discount/rebate
  3179. descuidado
  3180. careless/negligent
  3181. desde
  3182. from/since
  3183. desear
  3184. desire/wish
  3185. desechos
  3186. cuttings/remainder
  3187. desembarcadero
  3188. landing-stage/pier
  3189. desembocadura
  3190. mouth
  3191. desenfrenado
  3192. licentious/riotous
  3193. deseo
  3194. desire
  3195. deserci≤n
  3196. apostasy/defection
  3197. desertar
  3198. desert/secede
  3199. desfiladero
  3200. pass
  3201. desgastarse
  3202. wear off
  3203. desgracia
  3204. accident
  3205. desgraciadamente
  3206. unfortunately
  3207. deshielo
  3208. melting/thaw
  3209. deshonesto
  3210. dishonest
  3211. desierto
  3212. desert
  3213. designar
  3214. indicate/show
  3215. desigual
  3216. bumpy/coarse
  3217. desinstalar
  3218. uninstall
  3219. deslumbar
  3220. dazzle
  3221. desmayado
  3222. unconscious
  3223. desmayarse
  3224. faint/swoon
  3225. desmayo
  3226. faint/swoon
  3227. desmejorarse
  3228. decline
  3229. desmoronarse
  3230. crumble
  3231. desnatar
  3232. cream/skim
  3233. desnudo
  3234. bare/naked
  3235. desodorante
  3236. deodorant
  3237. despachar
  3238. dispatch/send
  3239. despacho
  3240. demand/sale
  3241. despacio
  3242. slowly
  3243. despedida
  3244. farewell/goodbye
  3245. despedir
  3246. dismiss/discard
  3247. despedirse
  3248. take leave
  3249. despegue
  3250. liftoff
  3251. despensa
  3252. pantry
  3253. despertador
  3254. alarm clock
  3255. despertar
  3256. awaken
  3257. despe±adero
  3258. abyss/chasm
  3259. despojar
  3260. rob
  3261. desprecio
  3262. contempt
  3263. despuntar
  3264. blunt
  3265. despuΘs
  3266. after/then
  3267. destajar
  3268. make a contract
  3269. destajista
  3270. builder/contractor
  3271. destajo
  3272. contract/tender
  3273. desterrado
  3274. exile
  3275. destierro
  3276. exile
  3277. destinatario
  3278. consignee/recipient
  3279. destino
  3280. destiny/fate
  3281. destituir
  3282. depose
  3283. destornillador
  3284. screwdriver
  3285. destruir
  3286. destroy
  3287. desviar
  3288. divert
  3289. desviarse
  3290. deflect/wander
  3291. desvio
  3292. detour
  3293. desvßn
  3294. attic
  3295. desvφo
  3296. aberrance/aberration
  3297. detalle
  3298. detail
  3299. detective
  3300. detective
  3301. detenci≤n
  3302. apprehension/detention
  3303. detener
  3304. arrest
  3305. detenido
  3306. prisoner
  3307. deterioraci≤n
  3308. corruption/decay
  3309. deteriorar
  3310. injure/spoil
  3311. deterioro
  3312. damage
  3313. detractores
  3314. defames
  3315. detrimento
  3316. harm
  3317. detrito
  3318. cuttings/rest
  3319. detrßs
  3320. behind
  3321. deuda
  3322. debt
  3323. deudo
  3324. relative
  3325. devanar
  3326. unroll/unwind
  3327. diabetes
  3328. diabetes
  3329. diabetico
  3330. diabetic
  3331. diagrama
  3332. diagram
  3333. diamante
  3334. diamond
  3335. diapositiva
  3336. slide
  3337. diariamente
  3338. daily
  3339. diario
  3340. daily
  3341. diarrea
  3342. diarrhoea
  3343. dibujar
  3344. draw
  3345. diccionario
  3346. dictionary
  3347. diccionarios
  3348. dictionaries
  3349. diciembre
  3350. december
  3351. dictar
  3352. dictate
  3353. dieciocho
  3354. eighteen
  3355. dieta
  3356. diet
  3357. dietario
  3358. agenda
  3359. diez
  3360. ten
  3361. diferencia
  3362. difference
  3363. diferente
  3364. different
  3365. diferir
  3366. differ
  3367. dificil
  3368. difficult/inconvenient
  3369. dificultar
  3370. hamper/hinder
  3371. digerir
  3372. digest
  3373. digesti≤n
  3374. digestion
  3375. digresar
  3376. stray from one's subject
  3377. dimensi≤n
  3378. dimension/measurement
  3379. dimitir
  3380. quit/resign
  3381. dinamarca
  3382. denmark
  3383. dinamarquΘs
  3384. danish/dane
  3385. dinero
  3386. money
  3387. dinosaurio
  3388. dinosaur
  3389. dios
  3390. god
  3391. diputado
  3392. deputy/representative
  3393. diputar
  3394. delegate/depute
  3395. direcci≤n
  3396. address/direction
  3397. directamente
  3398. instantly/immediately
  3399. director
  3400. director/manager
  3401. directorio
  3402. address list
  3403. dirigir
  3404. address
  3405. dirigirse
  3406. go
  3407. disco
  3408. disc
  3409. discoteca
  3410. disco
  3411. discreto
  3412. discrete
  3413. discriminaci≤n
  3414. discrimination
  3415. disculpa
  3416. apology
  3417. discurso
  3418. speech
  3419. discutir
  3420. discuss
  3421. dise±ado
  3422. designed
  3423. disferente
  3424. different
  3425. disfrutar
  3426. enjoy
  3427. disfrute
  3428. enjoy
  3429. disminuir
  3430. decrease/diminish
  3431. dispersar
  3432. shed
  3433. disponible
  3434. available
  3435. disposici≤n
  3436. fitness/suitability
  3437. dispΘnseme
  3438. excuse me
  3439. disquete
  3440. diskette
  3441. disquetes
  3442. diskettes
  3443. distancia
  3444. distance/offset
  3445. distinto
  3446. different
  3447. distracci≤n
  3448. distraction/diversion
  3449. distraer
  3450. distract/entertain
  3451. distraφdo
  3452. absent-minded/distracted
  3453. distribuci≤n
  3454. distribution
  3455. distribuir
  3456. distribute
  3457. distrito
  3458. district
  3459. divergente
  3460. different
  3461. diversi≤n
  3462. amusement/fun
  3463. divertido
  3464. fun
  3465. divertimento
  3466. amusement/fun
  3467. divertir
  3468. amuse
  3469. divorcio
  3470. divorce
  3471. divulgar
  3472. let know/inform
  3473. dißlogo
  3474. dialog
  3475. dißlogos
  3476. dialogs
  3477. dißmetro
  3478. diameter
  3479. doblar
  3480. fold/bend
  3481. doble
  3482. double/dual
  3483. doce
  3484. twelve
  3485. doctor
  3486. doctor/physician
  3487. documentaci≤n
  3488. documentation
  3489. documento
  3490. document/paper
  3491. documentos
  3492. documents
  3493. doler
  3494. hurt
  3495. dolor
  3496. pain
  3497. domesticado
  3498. tame
  3499. domingo
  3500. sunday
  3501. dominio
  3502. domain
  3503. donde
  3504. where
  3505. dorado
  3506. golden
  3507. dos
  3508. two
  3509. dosis
  3510. dose
  3511. dotado
  3512. gifted/talented
  3513. drag≤n
  3514. dragon
  3515. drama
  3516. drama
  3517. ducha
  3518. shower
  3519. ducharse
  3520. take a shower
  3521. duda
  3522. wavering/hesitation
  3523. dudar
  3524. doubt
  3525. due±o
  3526. master/owner
  3527. dulce
  3528. gentle/sweet
  3529. dumb
  3530. muelle
  3531. durante
  3532. for/during
  3533. durar
  3534. endure/last
  3535. dureza
  3536. hardness
  3537. duro
  3538. leather/hard
  3539. dΘbil
  3540. faint/weak
  3541. dΘme
  3542. give me
  3543. dφa
  3544. day
  3545. dφas
  3546. days
  3547. d≤lar
  3548. dollar
  3549. d≤mine
  3550. pastor
  3551. d≤nde
  3552. where
  3553. ebrio
  3554. drunk/intoxicated
  3555. econ≤mico
  3556. thrifty
  3557. ecuador
  3558. ecuador
  3559. edad
  3560. age
  3561. edecßn
  3562. adjutant/aide-de-camp
  3563. ediciones
  3564. editions
  3565. edici≤n
  3566. edition
  3567. edificar
  3568. erect/establish
  3569. edificio
  3570. building
  3571. editor
  3572. publisher
  3573. editorial
  3574. editorial
  3575. efecto
  3576. effect
  3577. eficaz
  3578. effective
  3579. efigie
  3580. effigy/head
  3581. egipcio
  3582. egyptian
  3583. egipcφaco
  3584. egyptian
  3585. egipto
  3586. egypt
  3587. eje
  3588. axis/axle
  3589. ejecutar
  3590. perform
  3591. ejemplo
  3592. example
  3593. ejercicio
  3594. exercise/practice
  3595. ejercito
  3596. army
  3597. Θl
  3598. he/him
  3599. el
  3600. the/he
  3601. elecci≤n
  3602. choice/election
  3603. electricidad
  3604. electricity
  3605. electricista
  3606. electrician
  3607. electrico
  3608. electrical
  3609. elefante
  3610. elephant
  3611. elegante
  3612. elegant/chic
  3613. elevaci≤n
  3614. altitude/height
  3615. ella
  3616. her/she
  3617. ellas
  3618. them/they
  3619. ello
  3620. it
  3621. ellos
  3622. them/they
  3623. elΘctrico
  3624. electric
  3625. embajada
  3626. embassy
  3627. embajador
  3628. ambassador/messenger
  3629. embalsamar
  3630. embalm
  3631. embarcaci≤n
  3632. ship/vessel
  3633. embarcarse
  3634. embark
  3635. embargar
  3636. confiscate
  3637. embelesar
  3638. charm
  3639. embragar
  3640. couple
  3641. embudo
  3642. funnel
  3643. emigrar
  3644. emigrate
  3645. emigrarse
  3646. emigrate
  3647. emisi≤n
  3648. release
  3649. emoci≤n
  3650. emotion
  3651. empacar
  3652. pack/package
  3653. empalmar
  3654. correspond
  3655. empalme
  3656. connection
  3657. emparedado
  3658. sandwich
  3659. empezar
  3660. begin/commence
  3661. empleado
  3662. employee/clerk
  3663. emplear
  3664. apply/practice
  3665. empleo
  3666. post
  3667. emprender
  3668. undertake
  3669. empresa
  3670. industry
  3671. empresario
  3672. employer
  3673. empujar
  3674. push
  3675. en
  3676. in/on
  3677. encadenaci≤n
  3678. order
  3679. encadenamiento
  3680. order
  3681. encajar
  3682. palm off on
  3683. encaje
  3684. lace
  3685. encantado
  3686. delighted
  3687. encantador
  3688. charming/lovely
  3689. encantar
  3690. attract/charm
  3691. encanto
  3692. charm
  3693. encarecer
  3694. recommend/register
  3695. encarna
  3696. personify
  3697. encendedor
  3698. lighter
  3699. encender
  3700. burn/illuminate
  3701. encentar
  3702. cut into
  3703. encias
  3704. gums
  3705. encogido
  3706. afraid/timid
  3707. encontrar
  3708. encounter/find
  3709. encontrarse
  3710. be found
  3711. encuadernaci≤n
  3712. binding/cover
  3713. encuentro
  3714. encounter
  3715. encuesta
  3716. inquiry/investigation
  3717. encφa
  3718. gum
  3719. endrino
  3720. sledge/sleigh
  3721. enemigo
  3722. enemy
  3723. energia
  3724. energy
  3725. enero
  3726. january
  3727. enfermedad
  3728. disease/illness
  3729. enfermera
  3730. nurse
  3731. enfermo
  3732. ill
  3733. enfocar
  3734. focus
  3735. enfriar
  3736. cool
  3737. enga±ar
  3738. cheat/deceive
  3739. engrapador
  3740. stapler
  3741. enjuagar
  3742. rinse
  3743. enjugar
  3744. delete/wipe
  3745. enlace
  3746. connection
  3747. enmohecerse
  3748. get mouldy
  3749. enojado
  3750. angry
  3751. enorme
  3752. enormous
  3753. ensalada
  3754. salad
  3755. ensalzar
  3756. recommend/register
  3757. ensayar
  3758. rehearse
  3759. ensayo
  3760. essay
  3761. ensenanza
  3762. education
  3763. ense±ar
  3764. indicate/suggest
  3765. ense±eme
  3766. show me
  3767. entablar
  3768. begin/commence
  3769. entender
  3770. understand/realize
  3771. enteramente
  3772. entirely/wholly
  3773. entero
  3774. entire/overall
  3775. enterramiento
  3776. burial/funeral
  3777. enterrar
  3778. bury/entomb
  3779. entierro
  3780. burial/funeral
  3781. entonar
  3782. intone/raise
  3783. entonces
  3784. then
  3785. entrada
  3786. entrance/portal
  3787. entrante
  3788. close/near/next
  3789. entrar
  3790. go in/enter/perform
  3791. entre
  3792. among/between
  3793. entrecortado
  3794. broken
  3795. entrega
  3796. delivery
  3797. entregar
  3798. deliver/furnish
  3799. entretener
  3800. amuse
  3801. entrevista
  3802. interview
  3803. envejecer
  3804. go downhill
  3805. enviar
  3806. dispatch/ship
  3807. envidia
  3808. envy
  3809. envidiar
  3810. envy
  3811. envidioso
  3812. envious
  3813. epoca
  3814. epoch
  3815. equipaje
  3816. baggage/luggage
  3817. equipajes
  3818. baggage/luggage
  3819. equivocaci≤n
  3820. error/mistake
  3821. equivocarse
  3822. make a mistake
  3823. error
  3824. error/mistake
  3825. erupci≤n
  3826. rash
  3827. es
  3828. is/it's
  3829. escala
  3830. ladder
  3831. escalda
  3832. scheldt
  3833. escalera
  3834. staircase/stairs
  3835. escama
  3836. scale
  3837. escandinavia
  3838. scandinavia
  3839. escandßlo
  3840. offence/scandal
  3841. escapan
  3842. escape
  3843. escaparate
  3844. show window
  3845. escarola
  3846. endive
  3847. escarpado
  3848. abrupt/steep
  3849. esca±o
  3850. bank
  3851. escena
  3852. scene
  3853. escoba
  3854. broom
  3855. escocia
  3856. scotland
  3857. escocΘs
  3858. scottish/scot
  3859. escoger
  3860. choose/elect
  3861. escombro
  3862. mackerel
  3863. esconde
  3864. hides
  3865. escopeta
  3866. gun/rifle
  3867. escriba
  3868. write
  3869. escribir
  3870. write
  3871. escritorio
  3872. desk
  3873. escrupuloso
  3874. scrupulous
  3875. escuchar
  3876. listen
  3877. escuela
  3878. school
  3879. escultor
  3880. sculptor
  3881. escupir
  3882. spit
  3883. ese±ar
  3884. teach
  3885. eslavo
  3886. slavic/slav
  3887. esmeralda
  3888. emerald
  3889. eso
  3890. that/those
  3891. espacio
  3892. room/space
  3893. espacios
  3894. spaces
  3895. espalda
  3896. back
  3897. espantar
  3898. discourage/scare
  3899. espanto
  3900. fright
  3901. espantoso
  3902. frightening
  3903. esparadrapo
  3904. plaster
  3905. espa±a
  3906. spain
  3907. espa±ol
  3908. spanish/spaniard
  3909. espa±ola
  3910. spanish woman
  3911. especia
  3912. spice
  3913. especial
  3914. particular/special
  3915. especialmente
  3916. especially
  3917. especificacion
  3918. specification
  3919. especificaciones
  3920. specifications
  3921. especificado
  3922. specified
  3923. especφfica
  3924. specific
  3925. espejo
  3926. looking-glass/mirror
  3927. esperanto
  3928. esperanto
  3929. esperanza
  3930. hope
  3931. esperar
  3932. expect/await
  3933. espicificar
  3934. itemize
  3935. espiga
  3936. ear
  3937. espinaca
  3938. spinach
  3939. espiritu
  3940. spirit
  3941. espolear
  3942. incite/spur
  3943. esponja
  3944. sponge
  3945. esposa
  3946. wife
  3947. esposo
  3948. husband
  3949. espuma
  3950. foam/froth
  3951. esputo
  3952. mucus/phlegm
  3953. espßrrago
  3954. asparagus
  3955. esqueleto
  3956. skeleton
  3957. esquiar
  3958. ski
  3959. esquimal
  3960. eskimo
  3961. esquina
  3962. corner
  3963. esquφ
  3964. ski
  3965. est
  3966. is
  3967. esta
  3968. these/this
  3969. estable
  3970. stable
  3971. estableciendo
  3972. setting
  3973. establo
  3974. stable/stall
  3975. estaci≤n
  3976. season/station
  3977. estado
  3978. state/been
  3979. estafar
  3980. fleece
  3981. estampilla
  3982. stamp
  3983. estan
  3984. are
  3985. estandarte
  3986. flag/standard
  3987. estanque
  3988. pond
  3989. estante
  3990. bookcase
  3991. estar
  3992. be
  3993. estatua
  3994. statue
  3995. esta±o
  3996. tin
  3997. este
  3998. east/this
  3999. estima
  4000. esteem/respect
  4001. estimaci≤n
  4002. esteem/respect
  4003. estimar
  4004. esteem/estimate
  4005. estimular
  4006. stimulate
  4007. estipular
  4008. stipulate
  4009. estocada
  4010. stab
  4011. estonia
  4012. estonia
  4013. estorbar
  4014. prevent/hinder
  4015. estornudar
  4016. sneeze
  4017. estrasburgo
  4018. strasbourg
  4019. estrecho
  4020. narrow/strait
  4021. estrella
  4022. star
  4023. estrofa
  4024. verse
  4025. estropeado
  4026. broken/damaged
  4027. estructura
  4028. structure
  4029. estructuras
  4030. structures
  4031. estuche
  4032. box/container
  4033. estudiado
  4034. studied
  4035. estudiando
  4036. studying
  4037. estudiante
  4038. academic/student
  4039. estudiar
  4040. learn
  4041. estudio
  4042. study
  4043. estufa
  4044. furnace/stove
  4045. estß
  4046. is/are
  4047. estßn
  4048. is/are
  4049. estßndard
  4050. standard
  4051. estΘ
  4052. is/are
  4053. est≤mago
  4054. stomach
  4055. etiqueta
  4056. label
  4057. etiquetas
  4058. labels
  4059. etna
  4060. etna
  4061. europeo
  4062. european
  4063. evaluando
  4064. evaluating
  4065. evaluar
  4066. evaluate
  4067. evidente
  4068. clear/distinct
  4069. evidentemente
  4070. apparently/obviously
  4071. exacci≤n
  4072. exaction/extortion
  4073. exacto
  4074. exact
  4075. examen
  4076. investigation/examination
  4077. examinar
  4078. examine
  4079. excelente
  4080. great/eminent
  4081. excepto
  4082. but/except
  4083. excitar
  4084. rouse
  4085. excursi≤n
  4086. excursion/outing
  4087. excusa
  4088. excuse
  4089. excusado
  4090. toilet
  4091. exhortaci≤n
  4092. exhortation
  4093. exhortar
  4094. admonish/scold
  4095. exigentes
  4096. demanding
  4097. existe
  4098. exist
  4099. existen
  4100. there is
  4101. existencia
  4102. existence
  4103. existente
  4104. existing
  4105. existes
  4106. exists
  4107. existir
  4108. exist
  4109. expedir
  4110. dispatch/ship
  4111. experiencia
  4112. experience
  4113. experto
  4114. expert/skilled
  4115. expiraci≤n
  4116. end/terminate
  4117. expirar
  4118. expire
  4119. explicaci≤n
  4120. explanation
  4121. explicar
  4122. clarify/explain
  4123. explosivos
  4124. explosives
  4125. exposici≤n
  4126. exhibition/exposition
  4127. expresando
  4128. expression
  4129. expresarse
  4130. express
  4131. expreso
  4132. expressed
  4133. exquisitia
  4134. exquisite
  4135. exquisito
  4136. delicious
  4137. extension
  4138. extension
  4139. extensiones
  4140. extentions
  4141. exterior
  4142. external/outer
  4143. externo
  4144. external/outer
  4145. extorsi≤n
  4146. exaction/extortion
  4147. extra
  4148. extra
  4149. extracto
  4150. extract/infusion
  4151. extranjero
  4152. alien/foreigner
  4153. extraviarse
  4154. stray off
  4155. extremadura
  4156. estremadura
  4157. extremamente
  4158. extremely/most
  4159. fabricaci≤n
  4160. making/manifacture
  4161. fabricar
  4162. fabricate/make
  4163. facilidade
  4164. feature
  4165. facilidades
  4166. features
  4167. facilitar
  4168. provide
  4169. falda
  4170. skirt
  4171. falso
  4172. fake
  4173. falta
  4174. lack/shortage
  4175. faltar
  4176. be lacking
  4177. familia
  4178. family
  4179. familiar
  4180. relative
  4181. familias
  4182. families
  4183. famoso
  4184. glorious/famous
  4185. farmacia
  4186. drugstore
  4187. farmacΘutico
  4188. chemist
  4189. faro
  4190. headlight
  4191. farol
  4192. lantern
  4193. farsante
  4194. attitudinizer/poseur
  4195. fascinar
  4196. fascinate
  4197. fatal
  4198. fateful/ill-fated
  4199. fatigar
  4200. overdrive/override
  4201. favor
  4202. favor/favour
  4203. favorable
  4204. advantageous/favourable
  4205. favorecer
  4206. favor/favour
  4207. faz
  4208. face
  4209. fe
  4210. faith
  4211. febrero
  4212. february
  4213. fecha
  4214. date
  4215. federal
  4216. federal
  4217. felicitaciones
  4218. congratulations
  4219. felicitar
  4220. congratulate
  4221. feminino
  4222. female/feminine
  4223. fenomenal
  4224. phenomenal
  4225. feo
  4226. nasty/ugly
  4227. ferrocarril
  4228. railway
  4229. ficcion
  4230. fiction
  4231. fichero
  4232. file
  4233. ficheros
  4234. files
  4235. fidedigno
  4236. plausible
  4237. fideos
  4238. noodles
  4239. fiebre
  4240. fever
  4241. fieltro
  4242. felt
  4243. fiero
  4244. savage/wild
  4245. fiesta
  4246. celebration/festival
  4247. fiestas
  4248. festivities
  4249. figura
  4250. figure
  4251. figurado
  4252. figurative
  4253. fijar
  4254. attach/determine
  4255. fijo
  4256. fixed/stable
  4257. fila
  4258. rank/rate
  4259. filete
  4260. slice
  4261. filetes
  4262. fillets
  4263. filtro
  4264. filter
  4265. filtros
  4266. filters
  4267. fin
  4268. end/ending
  4269. final
  4270. end/ending
  4271. finalmente
  4272. finally/ultimately
  4273. finca
  4274. estate/ranch
  4275. fine
  4276. natural
  4277. finesa
  4278. finnish
  4279. finlandesa
  4280. finnish
  4281. finlandia
  4282. finland
  4283. finlandΘs
  4284. finnish/finn
  4285. fino
  4286. delicate/fine
  4287. finΘs
  4288. finnish/finn
  4289. firma
  4290. company/firm
  4291. firmar
  4292. sign
  4293. fisonomφa
  4294. face
  4295. flamenco
  4296. flemmish/flemming
  4297. flan
  4298. cream
  4299. flandes
  4300. flanders
  4301. flauta
  4302. flute
  4303. flecha
  4304. arrow
  4305. flema
  4306. mucus/phlegm
  4307. flexible
  4308. floppy
  4309. flor
  4310. bloom/flower
  4311. florencia
  4312. florence
  4313. florin
  4314. guilder/gulden
  4315. florista
  4316. florist
  4317. foca
  4318. seal
  4319. folleto
  4320. leaflet/paperback
  4321. fondo
  4322. background
  4323. fonografo
  4324. phongraph
  4325. formato
  4326. format
  4327. formatos
  4328. formats
  4329. formulario
  4330. blank/form
  4331. forrar
  4332. cover/overlay
  4333. forro
  4334. lining
  4335. foto
  4336. photograph
  4337. fotografφa
  4338. photograph
  4339. fot≤grafo
  4340. photographer
  4341. fractura
  4342. fracture
  4343. frambuesa
  4344. raspberry
  4345. francesa
  4346. french lady
  4347. francia
  4348. france
  4349. franco
  4350. outspoken
  4351. francΘs
  4352. french/frenchman
  4353. franela
  4354. flannel
  4355. franqueo
  4356. postage
  4357. frase
  4358. sentence
  4359. frecuentar
  4360. frequent
  4361. frecuente
  4362. frequently
  4363. fregadero
  4364. dresser
  4365. fregar
  4366. wash up
  4367. freno
  4368. brake
  4369. frente
  4370. forehead
  4371. fresa
  4372. strawberry
  4373. fresco
  4374. fresh/recent
  4375. fresno
  4376. ash
  4377. freφr
  4378. fry
  4379. frijoles
  4380. beans
  4381. frisia
  4382. friesland
  4383. frisio
  4384. frisian
  4385. frisona
  4386. frisian woman
  4387. fris≤n
  4388. frisian
  4389. frito
  4390. fried
  4391. frontera
  4392. boundary/frontier
  4393. front≤n
  4394. faτade/front
  4395. fruta
  4396. fruit
  4397. frφo
  4398. chilly/cold
  4399. fuego
  4400. fire
  4401. fuente
  4402. fountain/source
  4403. fuentes
  4404. fonts
  4405. fuera
  4406. abroad/out
  4407. fuerte
  4408. strong/robust
  4409. fuerza
  4410. force/strength
  4411. fulminante
  4412. acute
  4413. fumar
  4414. smoke
  4415. funcionalidad
  4416. functionality
  4417. funcionar
  4418. function/operate
  4419. funcionario
  4420. officer
  4421. funcione
  4422. works
  4423. funciones
  4424. functions
  4425. funci≤n
  4426. function
  4427. fundar
  4428. base
  4429. furg≤n
  4430. luggage-van
  4431. futuro
  4432. coming/future
  4433. fßbrica
  4434. factory
  4435. fßcil
  4436. easy/facile
  4437. fßcilmente
  4438. easily
  4439. fΘcula
  4440. potato flour
  4441. fΘrtil
  4442. fertile
  4443. fφsica
  4444. physics
  4445. f≤sforo
  4446. match
  4447. f·tbol
  4448. soccer
  4449. gafas
  4450. glasses/spectacles
  4451. gales
  4452. wales
  4453. galicia
  4454. galicia
  4455. gallego
  4456. galician
  4457. galleta
  4458. biscuit
  4459. gallina
  4460. chicken/fowl
  4461. gallo
  4462. cock/rooster
  4463. ganado
  4464. winner
  4465. ganador
  4466. winner
  4467. ganancia
  4468. accession/gain
  4469. ganar
  4470. earn/gain
  4471. gancho
  4472. hook
  4473. ganso
  4474. goose
  4475. gante
  4476. ghent
  4477. garaje
  4478. garage
  4479. garantia
  4480. guarantee
  4481. garantφa
  4482. guarantee
  4483. garganta
  4484. throat
  4485. garra
  4486. claw
  4487. garrafa
  4488. carafe/decanter
  4489. garras
  4490. claws
  4491. gas
  4492. gas
  4493. gasa
  4494. gauze
  4495. gasolina
  4496. gasoline/petrol
  4497. gastado
  4498. worn
  4499. gastar
  4500. spend
  4501. gastos
  4502. cost/expense
  4503. gata
  4504. female cat
  4505. gato
  4506. cat/jack
  4507. gavilßn
  4508. hawk
  4509. gaviota
  4510. seagull
  4511. gemelos
  4512. twins
  4513. generador
  4514. generator
  4515. general
  4516. general/usual
  4517. generalmente
  4518. generally
  4519. generar
  4520. generate
  4521. generoso
  4522. generous
  4523. genio
  4524. genie
  4525. gente
  4526. people
  4527. genuina
  4528. genuine
  4529. genuinamente
  4530. genuinly
  4531. geografφa
  4532. geographic/geography
  4533. geometria
  4534. geometry
  4535. gerente
  4536. administrator/manager
  4537. ge≤grafo
  4538. geographer
  4539. gibraltar
  4540. gibraltar
  4541. gigante
  4542. giant
  4543. gimnasia
  4544. gymnastics
  4545. ginebra
  4546. geneva
  4547. girar
  4548. turn/endorse
  4549. girlfriend
  4550. novicio
  4551. globo
  4552. balloon
  4553. gobierno
  4554. government
  4555. golf
  4556. golf
  4557. golfo
  4558. gulf
  4559. golondrina
  4560. swallow
  4561. golpe
  4562. blow
  4563. goma
  4564. rubber
  4565. gordo
  4566. fat/greasy
  4567. gorri≤n
  4568. sparrow
  4569. gorro
  4570. cap
  4571. gota
  4572. drip/drop
  4573. grabado
  4574. image/picture
  4575. gracia
  4576. charm
  4577. gracias
  4578. thank you
  4579. gracioso
  4580. friendly/kind
  4581. grado
  4582. degree/grade
  4583. graduables
  4584. scalable
  4585. gram
  4586. gram/gramme
  4587. gramßtica
  4588. grammar
  4589. grande
  4590. big
  4591. grandes
  4592. big
  4593. grandson
  4594. nieve
  4595. granero
  4596. barn/stand
  4597. granito
  4598. granite
  4599. granizo
  4600. hail
  4601. granja
  4602. estate/farm
  4603. grano
  4604. grain
  4605. grant
  4606. mudo
  4607. grapa
  4608. staple
  4609. grasa
  4610. fat/grease
  4611. gratitud
  4612. gratitude
  4613. gratuito
  4614. free
  4615. grave
  4616. important/courtyard
  4617. gravedad
  4618. gravity
  4619. grecia
  4620. greece
  4621. greda
  4622. chalk
  4623. grieco
  4624. greek
  4625. griega
  4626. greek woman
  4627. griego
  4628. greek
  4629. grifo
  4630. faucet/tap
  4631. grillo
  4632. cricket
  4633. gripe
  4634. grip/influenza
  4635. gris
  4636. gray/grey
  4637. grito
  4638. cry/shout
  4639. groenlandia
  4640. greenland
  4641. grosella
  4642. gooseberry/currant
  4643. grueso
  4644. bold/thick/fat
  4645. grupo
  4646. collection/group
  4647. grßfica
  4648. graphic
  4649. grßficas
  4650. graphics
  4651. grßficos
  4652. graphics
  4653. gr·a
  4654. crane
  4655. guada±a
  4656. scythe
  4657. guante
  4658. glove/mitten
  4659. guantes
  4660. gloves
  4661. guapo
  4662. brave
  4663. guarda
  4664. saves
  4665. guardabarros
  4666. mudguard
  4667. guardar
  4668. save
  4669. guardarropa
  4670. cloakroom
  4671. guardia
  4672. guard/policeman
  4673. guardiamarina
  4674. middy/midshipsman
  4675. guatemala
  4676. guatemala
  4677. guayaba
  4678. guava
  4679. guerra
  4680. war
  4681. guion
  4682. dash
  4683. guisante
  4684. pea
  4685. guitarra
  4686. guitar
  4687. gusano
  4688. worm
  4689. gustar
  4690. please
  4691. gusto
  4692. taste
  4693. guφa
  4694. handbook/guide
  4695. gßmba
  4696. prawn
  4697. gΘnova
  4698. genoa
  4699. g≤tico
  4700. gothic
  4701. gⁿeldres
  4702. guelders
  4703. ha
  4704. has
  4705. haba
  4706. bean
  4707. haber
  4708. having
  4709. habilidad
  4710. ability
  4711. habitaci≤n
  4712. chamber/room
  4713. habitante
  4714. inhabitant
  4715. habituarse
  4716. get used
  4717. hablan
  4718. speak
  4719. hable
  4720. speaks
  4721. hace
  4722. ago/since
  4723. hacer
  4724. do/make
  4725. hacha
  4726. axe
  4727. hacienda
  4728. farm
  4729. halc≤n
  4730. falcon
  4731. hallar
  4732. come across/find
  4733. hallarse
  4734. find oneself
  4735. hamaca
  4736. hammock
  4737. hambre
  4738. rumour/hunger
  4739. hamburgues
  4740. hamburgers
  4741. hamburguesa
  4742. hamburger
  4743. han
  4744. have
  4745. hardware
  4746. hardware
  4747. harina
  4748. flour/meal
  4749. havana
  4750. havana
  4751. hay
  4752. there is/are
  4753. haya
  4754. beech
  4755. he
  4756. have
  4757. hebilla
  4758. buckle
  4759. hebraico
  4760. hebrew/jewish
  4761. hebreo
  4762. hebrew/jewish
  4763. hecho
  4764. fact
  4765. hectolitro
  4766. hectolitre
  4767. helada
  4768. freezing cold/frost
  4769. hemorroides
  4770. haemorhoids
  4771. hendedura
  4772. crack/burst
  4773. hendidura
  4774. ravine
  4775. heno
  4776. hay
  4777. herida
  4778. injury/wound
  4779. herido
  4780. injured/wounded
  4781. hermana
  4782. sister
  4783. hermanastra
  4784. stepsister
  4785. hermanastro
  4786. stepbrother
  4787. hermano
  4788. brother
  4789. hermanos
  4790. brothers and sisters
  4791. hermoso
  4792. lovely
  4793. heroe
  4794. hero
  4795. herramienta
  4796. means/tool
  4797. hervida
  4798. boiled
  4799. hervidor
  4800. kettle
  4801. hiedra
  4802. ivy
  4803. hielo
  4804. ice
  4805. hiena
  4806. hyena
  4807. hierba
  4808. grass
  4809. hierro
  4810. iron
  4811. higiene
  4812. hygiene
  4813. higo
  4814. fig
  4815. higuera
  4816. fig-tree
  4817. hija
  4818. daughter
  4819. hijastra
  4820. stepdaughter
  4821. hijastro
  4822. stepson
  4823. hijo
  4824. son
  4825. hilo
  4826. thread
  4827. hind·
  4828. hindu/hindoo
  4829. hipop≤tamo
  4830. hippo/hippopotamus
  4831. hipoteca
  4832. mortgage
  4833. historia
  4834. story/history
  4835. hogar
  4836. home
  4837. hoja
  4838. leaf/sheet
  4839. hojalata
  4840. tin plate
  4841. hojas
  4842. leaves
  4843. hola
  4844. hello
  4845. holanda
  4846. holland
  4847. holandΘs
  4848. dutchman/hollander
  4849. holgazßn
  4850. lazy
  4851. hombre
  4852. man/fellow
  4853. hombro
  4854. shoulder
  4855. homicidio
  4856. murder
  4857. honduras
  4858. honduras
  4859. hongo
  4860. mushroom
  4861. hongos
  4862. mushrooms
  4863. honor
  4864. honor/honour
  4865. honorable
  4866. respectable
  4867. hora
  4868. hour/time
  4869. horario
  4870. schedule/time-table
  4871. horas
  4872. hours
  4873. horizontal
  4874. horizontal
  4875. horizonte
  4876. horizon
  4877. hormiga
  4878. ant
  4879. hormig≤n
  4880. concrete
  4881. horrible
  4882. horrible/nasty
  4883. horror
  4884. horror/abhorrence
  4885. horroroso
  4886. horrible/nasty
  4887. hospital
  4888. hospital
  4889. hotdog
  4890. hotdog
  4891. hotel
  4892. hotel
  4893. hoy
  4894. today
  4895. huelga
  4896. strike
  4897. hueso
  4898. bone
  4899. huevas
  4900. spawn
  4901. huevo
  4902. egg
  4903. huevos
  4904. eggs
  4905. humano
  4906. human
  4907. humedo
  4908. damp/moist
  4909. humilde
  4910. humble
  4911. humillante
  4912. humiliating
  4913. humor
  4914. humour/mood
  4915. hungrφa
  4916. hungary
  4917. huracan
  4918. hurricane
  4919. hurtar
  4920. rob
  4921. huΘsped
  4922. guest
  4923. hßbil
  4924. skilful/skilled
  4925. hßbito
  4926. habit
  4927. hφgado
  4928. liver
  4929. h·ngara
  4930. hungarian woman
  4931. h·ngaro
  4932. hungarian
  4933. ibΘrico
  4934. iberian
  4935. icono
  4936. icon
  4937. iconos
  4938. icons
  4939. idea
  4940. idea
  4941. ideal
  4942. ideal
  4943. idem
  4944. equally
  4945. identificacion
  4946. identification
  4947. identificar
  4948. identify
  4949. idioma
  4950. language
  4951. idiomas
  4952. languages
  4953. idolatrφa
  4954. idolatry
  4955. φdolo
  4956. idol
  4957. iglesia
  4958. church
  4959. ignici≤n
  4960. ignition
  4961. ignorante
  4962. ignorant
  4963. igual
  4964. equal/even
  4965. igualdad
  4966. draw/equality
  4967. iguana
  4968. iguana
  4969. ilegal
  4970. illegal
  4971. imagen
  4972. image/picture
  4973. imaginar
  4974. imagine
  4975. imitaci≤n
  4976. imitation
  4977. impaciente
  4978. impatient
  4979. impar
  4980. odd
  4981. impedimento
  4982. handicap/impediment
  4983. impedir
  4984. inhibit/prevent
  4985. imperdible
  4986. safety pin
  4987. imperfecto
  4988. imperfect
  4989. imperio
  4990. empire
  4991. impermeable
  4992. raincoat
  4993. implorar
  4994. implore
  4995. imponer
  4996. tax
  4997. importa
  4998. importance
  4999. importaci≤n
  5000. import
  5001. importancia
  5002. concern
  5003. importante
  5004. important
  5005. importantes
  5006. important
  5007. importe
  5008. amount/sum
  5009. imposible
  5010. impossible
  5011. imprenta
  5012. printing
  5013. impresionada
  5014. impression
  5015. impresi≤n
  5016. trace/track
  5017. impresora
  5018. printer
  5019. imprime
  5020. prints
  5021. imprimir
  5022. print
  5023. impuesto
  5024. tax
  5025. impulsivo
  5026. impulsive
  5027. imßn
  5028. magnet
  5029. inactivo
  5030. inactive
  5031. inalterados
  5032. unaltered
  5033. incapacitado
  5034. handicapped
  5035. incendio
  5036. conflagration/fire
  5037. incitar
  5038. impel/urge
  5039. inclemente
  5040. severe/strict
  5041. inclinado
  5042. oblique/slanting
  5043. incluida
  5044. include
  5045. incluidas
  5046. included
  5047. incluyendo
  5048. including
  5049. incluφdo
  5050. including/inclusively
  5051. inconveniente
  5052. difficulty/trouble
  5053. incremento
  5054. growth
  5055. incrustaci≤n
  5056. fur/scale
  5057. indeciso
  5058. indecisive
  5059. indefinido
  5060. indefinite
  5061. indemnizar
  5062. compensate
  5063. independiente
  5064. independent
  5065. india
  5066. india
  5067. indicaci≤n
  5068. index/indication
  5069. indicar
  5070. indicate/suggest
  5071. indicio
  5072. index/indication
  5073. indico
  5074. indian
  5075. indiferente
  5076. indifferent
  5077. indigente
  5078. miserable/needy
  5079. indigestion
  5080. indigestion
  5081. indio
  5082. indian
  5083. indirecto
  5084. indirect
  5085. indispuesta
  5086. upset
  5087. individuo
  5088. individual
  5089. indole
  5090. nature/personality
  5091. indonesia
  5092. indonesia
  5093. indonesio
  5094. indonesian
  5095. indonΘsico
  5096. indonesian
  5097. indulgencia
  5098. indulgence
  5099. indφgena
  5100. aboriginal/native
  5101. infamar
  5102. slander
  5103. infecci≤n
  5104. infection
  5105. inficionar
  5106. infect/communicate
  5107. inflacion
  5108. inflation
  5109. inflamaci≤n
  5110. inflammation
  5111. inflar
  5112. inflate
  5113. influyente
  5114. influential
  5115. informaci≤n
  5116. information
  5117. informar
  5118. inform/report
  5119. informe
  5120. report
  5121. informßtica
  5122. computing
  5123. informßticos
  5124. computing
  5125. ingeniero
  5126. engineer
  5127. ingenuo
  5128. guileless/inoffensive
  5129. inglaterra
  5130. england
  5131. inglesa
  5132. englishwoman
  5133. inglΘs
  5134. english
  5135. ingrediente
  5136. component/ingredient
  5137. ingresos
  5138. income
  5139. inhalar
  5140. inhale
  5141. iniado
  5142. initiate
  5143. inicial
  5144. initial
  5145. injuria
  5146. insult/abuse
  5147. injuriar
  5148. jeer/taunt
  5149. inmediatamente
  5150. immediately
  5151. inmediatemente
  5152. immediately
  5153. inmediato
  5154. immediately
  5155. inm≤vil
  5156. motionless
  5157. innato
  5158. inborn/innate
  5159. inocente
  5160. guiltless/innocent
  5161. inpulsar
  5162. encourage/impel
  5163. inquieto
  5164. anxious
  5165. inscribir
  5166. enter/register
  5167. insecto
  5168. bug/insect
  5169. inseparables
  5170. non-breaking
  5171. insistencia
  5172. insistence/pressure
  5173. insistido
  5174. insisted
  5175. insistir
  5176. insist
  5177. insolente
  5178. rude
  5179. inspector
  5180. checker/controller
  5181. inspirar
  5182. inspire
  5183. instala
  5184. install
  5185. instalacion
  5186. installation
  5187. instalaci≤n
  5188. installation
  5189. instalada
  5190. installed
  5191. instalado
  5192. installed
  5193. instalar
  5194. install
  5195. instale
  5196. install
  5197. instancia
  5198. insistence/urgency
  5199. instantanea
  5200. instantaneous
  5201. instantßnea
  5202. on-line
  5203. instar
  5204. insist
  5205. instigador
  5206. firebrand/instigator
  5207. instigar
  5208. excite/provoke
  5209. instinto
  5210. impulse/instinct
  5211. instituir
  5212. institute
  5213. instrucciones
  5214. instuctions
  5215. instrumento
  5216. means/tool
  5217. insulina
  5218. insulin
  5219. insultar
  5220. jeer/taunt
  5221. insulto
  5222. abuse/insult
  5223. inteligentes
  5224. intelligent
  5225. inteligible
  5226. understandable
  5227. intenci≤n
  5228. intention/meaning
  5229. intentar
  5230. attempt/try
  5231. interactivos
  5232. interactive
  5233. interesadas
  5234. interested
  5235. interesante
  5236. interesting
  5237. interfaz
  5238. interface
  5239. interfono
  5240. intercom
  5241. interior
  5242. inner/internal
  5243. interna
  5244. inner/internal
  5245. internacionales
  5246. internationals
  5247. interpretaci≤n
  5248. interpretation
  5249. interprete
  5250. interpreter
  5251. interpreter
  5252. interpret
  5253. interrumpir
  5254. interrupt
  5255. interruptor
  5256. switch
  5257. interΘs
  5258. interest
  5259. intestinos
  5260. intestines
  5261. introduccion
  5262. introduction
  5263. introducci≤n
  5264. introduction
  5265. introducir
  5266. introduce
  5267. intrumento
  5268. instrument
  5269. invernadero
  5270. greenhouse
  5271. inversion
  5272. investment
  5273. invierno
  5274. winter
  5275. invitacion
  5276. invitation
  5277. invitar
  5278. invite
  5279. invocar
  5280. invoke
  5281. invßlido
  5282. disabled
  5283. inyecci≤n
  5284. injection
  5285. ir
  5286. go
  5287. irlanda
  5288. ireland
  5289. irlandΘs
  5290. irish/irishman
  5291. irregular
  5292. abnormal
  5293. irregulares
  5294. irregular
  5295. isla
  5296. island
  5297. islandia
  5298. iceland
  5299. islar
  5300. isolate
  5301. israelita
  5302. israelite
  5303. israelφ
  5304. israelian
  5305. italia
  5306. italy
  5307. italiana
  5308. italian woman
  5309. italiano
  5310. italian
  5311. items
  5312. items
  5313. itßlica
  5314. italics
  5315. iva
  5316. vat
  5317. izquierda
  5318. left
  5319. jab≤n
  5320. soap
  5321. jadeante
  5322. breathless
  5323. jamßs
  5324. never
  5325. jam≤n
  5326. ham
  5327. japonesa
  5328. japanese woman
  5329. japonΘs
  5330. japanese
  5331. jap≤n
  5332. japan
  5333. jardin
  5334. garden
  5335. jardinero
  5336. gardener
  5337. jardines
  5338. gardens
  5339. jarra
  5340. jug/pitcher
  5341. jarro
  5342. jug/pot
  5343. java
  5344. java
  5345. javanesa
  5346. javanese woman
  5347. javanΘs
  5348. javanese
  5349. jazz
  5350. jazz
  5351. jefe
  5352. boss/leader
  5353. jengibre
  5354. ginger
  5355. jerez
  5356. sherry
  5357. jesucristo
  5358. jesus christ
  5359. jirafa
  5360. giraffe
  5361. joder
  5362. fuck
  5363. joven
  5364. young/youngster
  5365. joya
  5366. gem/jewel
  5367. joyero
  5368. jeweller
  5369. jubilarse
  5370. retire
  5371. judφa
  5372. haricot
  5373. judφo
  5374. israelite
  5375. juego
  5376. game
  5377. juegos
  5378. games
  5379. jueves
  5380. thursday
  5381. juez
  5382. judge
  5383. jugador
  5384. player
  5385. jugar
  5386. play
  5387. jugo
  5388. juice/sap
  5389. jugosos
  5390. juicy
  5391. juguete
  5392. toy
  5393. juicio
  5394. judgment
  5395. julio
  5396. july
  5397. junco
  5398. cane/reed
  5399. jungla
  5400. jungle
  5401. junio
  5402. june
  5403. juntamente
  5404. at the same time
  5405. juntarse
  5406. associate/join
  5407. jurado
  5408. jury
  5409. justamente
  5410. exactly/together
  5411. justicia
  5412. justice
  5413. juventud
  5414. youth
  5415. juzgado
  5416. court
  5417. juzgar
  5418. judge
  5419. kilo
  5420. kilo
  5421. kil≤metro
  5422. kilometer
  5423. kolegio
  5424. college
  5425. la
  5426. the
  5427. labio
  5428. lip
  5429. labios
  5430. lips
  5431. laborioso
  5432. hardworking
  5433. labrador
  5434. builder
  5435. lado
  5436. side
  5437. ladrar
  5438. give tongue
  5439. ladrillo
  5440. brick
  5441. ladr≤n
  5442. thief
  5443. lagartija
  5444. lizard
  5445. lago
  5446. lake/loch
  5447. lamer
  5448. lick
  5449. lanchamotora
  5450. motor-boat/motor-launch
  5451. langosta
  5452. lobster
  5453. laponia
  5454. lapland
  5455. largo
  5456. long
  5457. largura
  5458. length
  5459. las
  5460. the
  5461. lasca
  5462. rubble
  5463. lastima
  5464. pity
  5465. lastre
  5466. ballast
  5467. lata
  5468. tin can
  5469. latino
  5470. latin
  5471. latvia
  5472. latvia
  5473. latφn
  5474. latin
  5475. lat≤n
  5476. brass
  5477. laurel
  5478. laurel
  5479. lava
  5480. lava
  5481. lavadero
  5482. laundry
  5483. lavaplatos
  5484. dishwasher
  5485. lavar
  5486. wash up
  5487. lazo
  5488. bond/tie
  5489. lea
  5490. read
  5491. leame
  5492. readme
  5493. lecciones
  5494. lessons
  5495. lecci≤n
  5496. lesson
  5497. leche
  5498. milk
  5499. lecherφa
  5500. dairy
  5501. lecho
  5502. bed
  5503. lechuga
  5504. lettuce
  5505. leer
  5506. read
  5507. lefler
  5508. lefler
  5509. legal
  5510. legal
  5511. legislaci≤n
  5512. legislation
  5513. leg·a
  5514. mile
  5515. lejano
  5516. distant/far
  5517. lejos
  5518. away/remotely
  5519. lengua
  5520. language/tongue
  5521. lenguado
  5522. sole
  5523. lenguas
  5524. languages
  5525. lente
  5526. lens
  5527. lenteja
  5528. lentil
  5529. lento
  5530. slow
  5531. leopardo
  5532. leopard
  5533. letonia
  5534. latvia
  5535. letra
  5536. letter
  5537. letras
  5538. letters
  5539. let≤n
  5540. latvian/lett
  5541. levantar
  5542. lift/raise
  5543. levantarse
  5544. rise/stand
  5545. level
  5546. noble
  5547. ley
  5548. law
  5549. leyende
  5550. legend
  5551. le±o
  5552. timber/wood
  5553. le≤n
  5554. lion
  5555. liar
  5556. bind
  5557. libertad
  5558. liberty
  5559. libertino
  5560. licentious/riotous
  5561. libra
  5562. pound/slab
  5563. libras
  5564. pounds
  5565. libre
  5566. free
  5567. libreras
  5568. bookshelves
  5569. librero
  5570. bookseller
  5571. librerφa
  5572. bookshop
  5573. libro
  5574. book
  5575. libros
  5576. books
  5577. licencia
  5578. license
  5579. licencias
  5580. licenses
  5581. licor
  5582. liqueur
  5583. licuadora
  5584. blender
  5585. liebre
  5586. hare
  5587. lieja
  5588. liΦge
  5589. ligero
  5590. light
  5591. lila
  5592. lilac
  5593. lima
  5594. file
  5595. limitada
  5596. limited
  5597. limitar
  5598. limit/restrict
  5599. limosna
  5600. alms
  5601. limpiar
  5602. clean/cleanse
  5603. limpieza
  5604. cleanliness/purity
  5605. limpio
  5606. clean/pure
  5607. lim≤n
  5608. lemon
  5609. link
  5610. ni
  5611. lino
  5612. linen
  5613. linterna
  5614. flashlight
  5615. lisboa
  5616. lisbon
  5617. lisera
  5618. shoulder/verge
  5619. liso
  5620. even/smooth
  5621. lista
  5622. list/menu
  5623. listo
  5624. finished/ready
  5625. litro
  5626. liter/litre
  5627. lituania
  5628. lithuania
  5629. livonia
  5630. livonia
  5631. llama
  5632. flame
  5633. llamada
  5634. parade/roll-call
  5635. llamar
  5636. invoke/call
  5637. llano
  5638. plain/flat
  5639. llanta
  5640. felly/rim
  5641. llanura
  5642. plain
  5643. llave
  5644. wrench/spanner
  5645. llegada
  5646. arrival
  5647. llegar
  5648. arrive/get
  5649. llenar
  5650. complete/fill
  5651. lleno
  5652. complete/full
  5653. llevar
  5654. bring/fetch/carry
  5655. llorar
  5656. cry/weep
  5657. llueve
  5658. raining
  5659. lluvia
  5660. rain
  5661. lo
  5662. the
  5663. lobby
  5664. lobby
  5665. lobo
  5666. wolf
  5667. local
  5668. local
  5669. localizar
  5670. locate
  5671. locion
  5672. lotion
  5673. loco
  5674. mad
  5675. londres
  5676. london
  5677. longitud
  5678. longitude
  5679. lorena
  5680. lorraine
  5681. loro
  5682. parrot
  5683. los
  5684. the
  5685. lote
  5686. lot
  5687. lovaina
  5688. louvain
  5689. loza
  5690. crockery/pottery
  5691. luce
  5692. shine
  5693. luchar
  5694. fight
  5695. luciernaga
  5696. firefly
  5697. lucio
  5698. pike
  5699. luego
  5700. soon/thereafter
  5701. lugar
  5702. inducement/occasion
  5703. lujo
  5704. luxury
  5705. lumbar
  5706. loin
  5707. luna
  5708. moon
  5709. lunar
  5710. lunar
  5711. lunes
  5712. monday
  5713. luxemburgo
  5714. luxembourg
  5715. luxemburguΘs
  5716. luxembourger
  5717. luz
  5718. light
  5719. lßgrima
  5720. tear
  5721. lßmina
  5722. plate/slab
  5723. lßmpara
  5724. lamp
  5725. lßpiz
  5726. pencil
  5727. lφmite
  5728. limit
  5729. lφmites
  5730. limits
  5731. lφnea
  5732. line
  5733. lφneas
  5734. lines
  5735. lφquido
  5736. fluid/liquid
  5737. l·gubre
  5738. bleak/dreary
  5739. macarrones
  5740. macaroni
  5741. maciso
  5742. massive
  5743. madera
  5744. timber/wood
  5745. madrastra
  5746. stepmother
  5747. madre
  5748. mother
  5749. madrid
  5750. madrid
  5751. maduro
  5752. mature/ripe
  5753. maestra
  5754. female teacher
  5755. maestro
  5756. instructor/teacher
  5757. magistrado
  5758. magistrate
  5759. magnifico
  5760. magnificant
  5761. magnφfico
  5762. bright/brilliant
  5763. mago
  5764. magician
  5765. mahoma
  5766. mohammed
  5767. majo
  5768. pretty
  5769. mal
  5770. evil
  5771. malayo
  5772. malay
  5773. malentendido
  5774. misunderstanding
  5775. maleta
  5776. trunk/suitcase
  5777. malinas
  5778. malines
  5779. mallorca
  5780. mallorca
  5781. malo
  5782. wrong/bad
  5783. mama
  5784. mom
  5785. mamifero
  5786. mammal
  5787. mancebφa
  5788. brothel
  5789. mancha
  5790. blot/spot
  5791. mandar
  5792. direct/steer
  5793. mandarina
  5794. tangerine
  5795. mandato
  5796. command
  5797. mando
  5798. command
  5799. mandφbula
  5800. jaw/jawbone
  5801. manera
  5802. manner
  5803. manga
  5804. sleeve
  5805. manido
  5806. stale
  5807. manija
  5808. handle
  5809. mano
  5810. hand
  5811. manso
  5812. tame
  5813. manta
  5814. blanket
  5815. mantaraya
  5816. stingray
  5817. mantel
  5818. table-cloth
  5819. mantequilla
  5820. butter
  5821. manzana
  5822. apple
  5823. manzano
  5824. apple-tree
  5825. mapa
  5826. map
  5827. maquillaje
  5828. makeup
  5829. maquinar
  5830. initiate/cause
  5831. mar
  5832. sea
  5833. marca
  5834. marks
  5835. marcad
  5836. highlighted
  5837. marcador
  5838. scoreboard
  5839. marcar
  5840. dial
  5841. marea
  5842. tide
  5843. mareado
  5844. dizzy
  5845. marfil
  5846. ivory
  5847. margarina
  5848. margarine
  5849. maria
  5850. mary
  5851. marido
  5852. husband
  5853. marina
  5854. navy
  5855. marinero
  5856. sailor
  5857. mariposa
  5858. butterfly
  5859. marroquφ
  5860. moroccan
  5861. marroquφa
  5862. moroccan woman
  5863. marroquφn
  5864. moroccan
  5865. marroquφna
  5866. moroccan woman
  5867. marruecos
  5868. morocco
  5869. marr≤n
  5870. brown
  5871. marsella
  5872. marseilles
  5873. martes
  5874. tuesday
  5875. martillo
  5876. hammer
  5877. marzo
  5878. march
  5879. mas
  5880. but
  5881. masa
  5882. mass/paste
  5883. masaje
  5884. massage
  5885. masajear
  5886. massage
  5887. masculino
  5888. male
  5889. masticar
  5890. chew
  5891. matar
  5892. slaughter/liquidate
  5893. materia
  5894. matter
  5895. material
  5896. data/material
  5897. maternidad
  5898. maternity
  5899. matricula
  5900. registration
  5901. matrimonio
  5902. marriage/matrimony
  5903. matrφcula
  5904. numberplate
  5905. mayo
  5906. may
  5907. mayor
  5908. greater
  5909. mayorφa
  5910. majority
  5911. maφz
  5912. corn/maize
  5913. ma±ana
  5914. morning/tomorrow
  5915. me
  5916. myself
  5917. mecan≤grafa
  5918. female stenotypist
  5919. mechero
  5920. lighter
  5921. mecßnico
  5922. mechanic
  5923. media
  5924. stocking
  5925. mediano
  5926. medium
  5927. medias
  5928. stockings
  5929. medicamento
  5930. drug/pharmaceutical
  5931. medicina
  5932. drug/medicine
  5933. medida
  5934. measure/measurement
  5935. medio
  5936. average/resources
  5937. mediodφa
  5938. midday/noon
  5939. mediterrßneo
  5940. mediterranean
  5941. medroso
  5942. afraid/fearful
  5943. medusa
  5944. jellyfish
  5945. megahercio
  5946. megahertz
  5947. mejicana
  5948. mexican woman
  5949. mejicano
  5950. mexican
  5951. mejikano
  5952. mexican
  5953. mejilla
  5954. cheek
  5955. mejor
  5956. better
  5957. melindroso
  5958. prudish
  5959. melocot≤n
  5960. peach
  5961. mel≤n
  5962. melon
  5963. memorable
  5964. memorable
  5965. memorandum
  5966. memorandum
  5967. memoria
  5968. ram
  5969. mencionar
  5970. cite/quote
  5971. mendicidad
  5972. begging
  5973. mendigar
  5974. beg
  5975. mendigo
  5976. beggar
  5977. menguar
  5978. decrease/diminish
  5979. menos
  5980. but/except/less
  5981. mensaje
  5982. errand/message
  5983. mensajero
  5984. courier
  5985. mensajes
  5986. messages
  5987. mensualmente
  5988. monthly
  5989. menta
  5990. mint
  5991. mente
  5992. mind
  5993. mentir
  5994. lie
  5995. mentira
  5996. lie
  5997. men·
  5998. menu
  5999. men·s
  6000. menus
  6001. mercado
  6002. market/marketplace
  6003. mermelada
  6004. jam/marmelade
  6005. mes
  6006. month
  6007. mesa
  6008. table
  6009. metal
  6010. metal
  6011. meter
  6012. lay down/put
  6013. meticuloso
  6014. scrupulous
  6015. metro
  6016. metre/subway
  6017. mexicanos
  6018. mexicans
  6019. mezcla
  6020. mixture
  6021. mezquita
  6022. mosque
  6023. mi
  6024. my
  6025. microcomputadora
  6026. microcomputer
  6027. microfono
  6028. microphone
  6029. microonda
  6030. microwave
  6031. microprocesador
  6032. microprocesor
  6033. microscopio
  6034. microscope
  6035. miedo
  6036. fear/afraid
  6037. miel
  6038. honey
  6039. miembro
  6040. limb/member
  6041. mierda
  6042. shit
  6043. mil
  6044. thousand
  6045. millon
  6046. million
  6047. milφmetro
  6048. millimetre
  6049. mimoso
  6050. affectionate/cuddly
  6051. mineral
  6052. mineral
  6053. minimo
  6054. minimum
  6055. ministerio
  6056. ministry
  6057. minuto
  6058. minute
  6059. minutos
  6060. minutes
  6061. min·scula
  6062. lowercase
  6063. mio
  6064. mine
  6065. miope
  6066. near-sighted/short-sighted
  6067. mirada
  6068. look
  6069. mirar
  6070. look/view
  6071. mirlo
  6072. blackbird
  6073. mirtillos
  6074. blueberries
  6075. misa
  6076. mass
  6077. miserable
  6078. miserable/wretched
  6079. misericordia
  6080. charity/mercy
  6081. misericordioso
  6082. charitable/merciful
  6083. misma
  6084. same
  6085. mismo
  6086. even
  6087. mitad
  6088. half
  6089. mito
  6090. myth
  6091. mitologφa
  6092. mythology
  6093. mitra
  6094. miter/mitre
  6095. miΘrcoles
  6096. wednesday
  6097. mobilario
  6098. furniture
  6099. mochila
  6100. rucksack/backpack
  6101. moda
  6102. fashion/mode
  6103. modelo
  6104. model
  6105. modem
  6106. modem
  6107. moderno
  6108. modern
  6109. modesto
  6110. modest
  6111. modificaci≤n
  6112. modification
  6113. modificado
  6114. modification
  6115. modista
  6116. milliner
  6117. modo
  6118. mode
  6119. mohoso
  6120. moldy/mouldy
  6121. moisΘs
  6122. moses
  6123. mojado
  6124. wet
  6125. molestar
  6126. bother/disturb
  6127. molestia
  6128. hindrance/interference
  6129. momentito
  6130. instant/moment
  6131. momento
  6132. instant/moment
  6133. momia
  6134. mummy
  6135. moneda
  6136. coin
  6137. monedas
  6138. change
  6139. monitor
  6140. monitor
  6141. monja
  6142. nun
  6143. monje
  6144. monk
  6145. mono
  6146. ape/overalls
  6147. monopolio
  6148. monopoly
  6149. montanas
  6150. mountains
  6151. montar
  6152. enter/perform
  6153. monta±a
  6154. mountain
  6155. monte
  6156. mountain
  6157. monumental
  6158. monumental
  6159. monumento
  6160. monument
  6161. mon≤logo
  6162. monologue/soliloquy
  6163. morder
  6164. bite
  6165. moreno
  6166. brown
  6167. morera
  6168. mulberry-tree
  6169. morir
  6170. die
  6171. morisco
  6172. moorish/moresque
  6173. morning
  6174. dias
  6175. moro
  6176. moorish/moor
  6177. mosa
  6178. meuse
  6179. mosaico
  6180. mosaic
  6181. mosca
  6182. fly/housefly
  6183. mosela
  6184. moselle
  6185. mosquito
  6186. mosquito
  6187. mostaza
  6188. mustard
  6189. mostrar
  6190. indicate/show
  6191. mostrarse
  6192. show
  6193. motel
  6194. motel
  6195. motin
  6196. revolt
  6197. motivo
  6198. motive/reason
  6199. moto
  6200. motorcycle
  6201. motocicleta
  6202. moped
  6203. motor
  6204. engine/motor
  6205. moverse
  6206. move
  6207. mozo
  6208. porter
  6209. muchacha
  6210. girl/lass
  6211. muchacho
  6212. boy
  6213. muchas
  6214. many
  6215. mucho
  6216. much
  6217. muchos
  6218. many
  6219. mueblaje
  6220. furniture
  6221. muelle
  6222. spring
  6223. muerte
  6224. death
  6225. muerto
  6226. dead
  6227. mujer
  6228. wife/woman
  6229. mule
  6230. multar
  6231. mulo
  6232. mule
  6233. multa
  6234. fine/protocol
  6235. multar
  6236. give a ticket
  6237. multilingⁿe
  6238. multilingual
  6239. multimedios
  6240. multimedia
  6241. multiplicar
  6242. multiply
  6243. mundo
  6244. world
  6245. munich
  6246. munich
  6247. municipio
  6248. community
  6249. murciΘlago
  6250. bat
  6251. museo
  6252. museum
  6253. muslo
  6254. thigh
  6255. muy
  6256. quite/very
  6257. muΘrdago
  6258. mistletoe
  6259. mu±eca
  6260. wrist/doll
  6261. mßquina
  6262. engine/machine
  6263. mßrmol
  6264. marble
  6265. mßs
  6266. more
  6267. mßstil
  6268. mast
  6269. mßximo
  6270. maximum
  6271. mßximum
  6272. maximum
  6273. mΘdico
  6274. doctor/physician
  6275. mΘjico
  6276. mexico
  6277. mΘtodo
  6278. method
  6279. mΘtodos
  6280. methods
  6281. mΘxico
  6282. mexico
  6283. m≤dem
  6284. modem
  6285. m·sculo
  6286. muscle
  6287. m·sica
  6288. music
  6289. m·sico
  6290. musician
  6291. nabo
  6292. turnip
  6293. nacer
  6294. born
  6295. nacimiento
  6296. birth
  6297. nacional
  6298. national
  6299. nacionalidad
  6300. nationality
  6301. nada
  6302. nothing
  6303. nadar
  6304. float/swim
  6305. nadie
  6306. nobody/no-one
  6307. namur
  6308. namur
  6309. naranja
  6310. orange
  6311. naranjo
  6312. orange tree
  6313. nariz
  6314. nose
  6315. natural
  6316. coming
  6317. naturaleza
  6318. nature/personality
  6319. naturalmente
  6320. naturally
  6321. naufragio
  6322. shipwreck
  6323. naval
  6324. naval
  6325. navegar
  6326. navigate
  6327. navidad
  6328. christmas
  6329. necesaria
  6330. necessary
  6331. necesario
  6332. necessary
  6333. necesidad
  6334. need/want
  6335. necesitar
  6336. need/require
  6337. neerlandesa
  6338. dutch woman
  6339. neerlandΘs
  6340. dutch/dutchman
  6341. negativa
  6342. refusal
  6343. negativo
  6344. negative
  6345. neger
  6346. refuse
  6347. negrita
  6348. bold
  6349. negro
  6350. negro/black
  6351. nene
  6352. baby
  6353. nervio
  6354. nerve
  6355. nervios
  6356. nerves
  6357. nest
  6358. nieto
  6359. neumßtico
  6360. tyre/tire
  6361. nevado
  6362. snowy
  6363. nevera
  6364. refrigerator
  6365. nicaragua
  6366. nicaragua
  6367. niche
  6368. nido
  6369. nickel
  6370. nitido
  6371. nido
  6372. nest
  6373. niebla
  6374. fog/mist
  6375. nieto
  6376. grandson
  6377. nieve
  6378. snow
  6379. nilo
  6380. nile
  6381. nil≤n
  6382. nylon
  6383. nimega
  6384. nimwegen
  6385. ninguno
  6386. nobody/no-one
  6387. ning·n
  6388. no
  6389. ninth
  6390. novia
  6391. nivel
  6392. level
  6393. niveles
  6394. levels
  6395. ni±a
  6396. child/infant
  6397. ni±o
  6398. child/infant
  6399. ni±os
  6400. children
  6401. no
  6402. no/not
  6403. noble
  6404. of noble birth
  6405. nobleza
  6406. nobility
  6407. noche
  6408. night/evening
  6409. nogal
  6410. walnut-tree
  6411. nombramiento
  6412. appointment
  6413. nombrar
  6414. appoint
  6415. nombre
  6416. name
  6417. nombres
  6418. names
  6419. nor
  6420. nicho
  6421. norm
  6422. noveno
  6423. normal
  6424. normal
  6425. normalmente
  6426. normally
  6427. norte
  6428. north
  6429. norteamΘrica
  6430. north america
  6431. noruega
  6432. norway
  6433. noruego
  6434. norwegian
  6435. nos
  6436. ourselves
  6437. nosotras
  6438. us/we
  6439. nosotros
  6440. us/we
  6441. nostalgia
  6442. nostalgia
  6443. notable
  6444. considerable/sizable
  6445. notar
  6446. write down
  6447. notario
  6448. notary
  6449. notas
  6450. notes
  6451. noticia
  6452. message/notice
  6453. noticiario
  6454. newscast
  6455. noticias
  6456. news/novelty
  6457. notificar
  6458. notify/summon
  6459. notion
  6460. nombrar
  6461. novedades
  6462. news
  6463. novela
  6464. novel
  6465. noventa
  6466. ninety
  6467. noviembre
  6468. november
  6469. novio
  6470. sweetheart/just
  6471. noΘ
  6472. noah
  6473. nube
  6474. cloud
  6475. nublado
  6476. cloudy
  6477. nuclear
  6478. nuclear
  6479. nudillo
  6480. knuckle
  6481. nudo
  6482. knot/node
  6483. nuestras
  6484. ours
  6485. nuestro
  6486. our
  6487. nueve
  6488. nine
  6489. nuevo
  6490. new
  6491. nuevos
  6492. new
  6493. nuez
  6494. nut
  6495. nulo
  6496. null
  6497. nunca
  6498. never
  6499. nutritiva
  6500. nutritious
  6501. nylon
  6502. nina
  6503. nßpoles
  6504. naples
  6505. nφquel
  6506. nickel
  6507. n·mero
  6508. amount/number
  6509. o
  6510. or
  6511. oasis
  6512. oasis
  6513. obispo
  6514. bishop
  6515. obituario
  6516. obituary
  6517. objecto
  6518. object/thing
  6519. objeto
  6520. thing/purpose
  6521. obligatorio
  6522. compulsory
  6523. obo
  6524. oboe
  6525. obra
  6526. work
  6527. obrera
  6528. femal worker
  6529. obrero
  6530. laborer/worker
  6531. observando
  6532. looking at
  6533. observar
  6534. view/watch
  6535. observatorio
  6536. observatory
  6537. obstrucci≤n
  6538. fence/barrier
  6539. obstßculo
  6540. hinder
  6541. obtenci≤n
  6542. obtaining
  6543. obtener
  6544. get/receive
  6545. oca
  6546. goose
  6547. ocasionar
  6548. cause
  6549. occipucio
  6550. occiput
  6551. occurir
  6552. happen
  6553. oceanφa
  6554. oceania
  6555. ochenta
  6556. eighty
  6557. ocho
  6558. eight
  6559. ochocientos
  6560. eight hundred
  6561. ocio
  6562. leisure
  6563. octava
  6564. octave
  6565. octavo
  6566. eighth
  6567. octubre
  6568. october
  6569. octßgono
  6570. octagon
  6571. oculista
  6572. oculist/ophtalmologist
  6573. oculto
  6574. hidden
  6575. ocupa
  6576. occupies
  6577. ocupado
  6578. busy
  6579. ocupar
  6580. occupy/take
  6581. ocΘano
  6582. ocean
  6583. odio
  6584. hate
  6585. oeste
  6586. west
  6587. ofender
  6588. abuse/offend
  6589. ofensa
  6590. insult/abuse
  6591. oferta
  6592. offer/presentation
  6593. oficial
  6594. official
  6595. oficina
  6596. bureau/office
  6597. oficinas
  6598. offices
  6599. oficio
  6600. handicraft/occupation
  6601. oficioso
  6602. accommodating/helpful
  6603. ofrecer
  6604. offer/bid
  6605. ofrecimiento
  6606. offer/suggestion
  6607. oido
  6608. hearing
  6609. ojo
  6610. eye
  6611. ojos
  6612. eyes
  6613. ola
  6614. wave
  6615. oleaje
  6616. billow
  6617. oler
  6618. smell
  6619. olivo
  6620. olive-tree
  6621. olla
  6622. pot/container
  6623. olmo
  6624. elm
  6625. olor
  6626. aroma/flavour
  6627. olvidar
  6628. forget
  6629. omnipotencia
  6630. omnipotence
  6631. omnipotente
  6632. all-powerful/omnipotent
  6633. omnisciente
  6634. all-knowing/omniscient
  6635. once
  6636. eleven
  6637. ≤pera
  6638. opera
  6639. operacion
  6640. operation
  6641. opini≤n
  6642. opinion
  6643. opio
  6644. opium
  6645. oportunidad
  6646. chance
  6647. oprima
  6648. click
  6649. oprimas
  6650. clicks
  6651. oprimido
  6652. stifling/sultry
  6653. ≤ptico
  6654. optician
  6655. optimismo
  6656. optimism
  6657. optimista
  6658. optimist
  6659. oracion
  6660. prayer
  6661. oraci≤n
  6662. appeal/supplication
  6663. oral
  6664. oral
  6665. orden
  6666. order/writ
  6667. ordenador
  6668. computer
  6669. ordenadores
  6670. computers
  6671. oreja
  6672. ear
  6673. organo
  6674. organ
  6675. orgasmo
  6676. orgasm
  6677. orgia
  6678. orgy
  6679. orgulla
  6680. pride
  6681. orgulloso
  6682. proud
  6683. origen
  6684. lineage/origin
  6685. original
  6686. aboriginal/original
  6687. originario
  6688. coming
  6689. orilla
  6690. border/edge
  6691. orin
  6692. rust
  6693. orina
  6694. urine
  6695. orinal
  6696. chamber-pot
  6697. ornamento
  6698. ornament
  6699. oro
  6700. gold
  6701. orquestra
  6702. orchestra
  6703. orthography
  6704. spelling
  6705. ortiga
  6706. nettle
  6707. ortografia
  6708. spelling
  6709. ortografφa
  6710. orthography
  6711. ortogrßfico
  6712. spelling
  6713. oruga
  6714. caterpillar
  6715. osa
  6716. she-bear
  6717. oscuro
  6718. dark/dim
  6719. oso
  6720. bear
  6721. ostra
  6722. oyster
  6723. ostras
  6724. oysters
  6725. oto±o
  6726. autumn
  6727. otra
  6728. other
  6729. otras
  6730. other
  6731. otro
  6732. other/another
  6733. otros
  6734. others
  6735. ovalo
  6736. oval
  6737. oveja
  6738. sheep
  6739. oxigeno
  6740. oxygen
  6741. oφr
  6742. hear
  6743. paciencia
  6744. patience
  6745. paciente
  6746. patient
  6747. pacφfico
  6748. pacific
  6749. padrastro
  6750. stepfather
  6751. padre
  6752. father
  6753. padres
  6754. parents
  6755. pagar
  6756. pay
  6757. pagina
  6758. page
  6759. pago
  6760. payment
  6761. paisaje
  6762. landscape/scenery
  6763. paises
  6764. countries
  6765. pala
  6766. shovel
  6767. palabra
  6768. word
  6769. palabras
  6770. words
  6771. palacio
  6772. palace
  6773. palatinado
  6774. palatinate
  6775. paleta
  6776. palette
  6777. palmera
  6778. palm/palmtree
  6779. palo
  6780. baton/cane
  6781. paloma
  6782. pigeon
  6783. pan
  6784. bread/loaf
  6785. panadero
  6786. baker
  6787. panaderφa
  6788. bakery
  6789. panamß
  6790. panama
  6791. pandilla
  6792. gang
  6793. panecillo
  6794. roll
  6795. panqΘ
  6796. pancakes
  6797. pantalla
  6798. screen
  6799. pantalones
  6800. pants
  6801. pantal≤n
  6802. pants/trousers
  6803. pantorrilla
  6804. calf
  6805. pantufla
  6806. slippers
  6807. panuelo
  6808. handkerchief
  6809. papa
  6810. daddy
  6811. papel
  6812. paper
  6813. papelerφa
  6814. stationer's shop
  6815. papeles
  6816. papers
  6817. paquete
  6818. packet/parcel
  6819. paquetes
  6820. packages
  6821. par
  6822. even/pair
  6823. para
  6824. for/to
  6825. paracaidismo
  6826. skydiving
  6827. parachoques
  6828. buffer/bumper
  6829. parada
  6830. stop
  6831. paradilla
  6832. headstand
  6833. paraguas
  6834. umbrella
  6835. paraguay
  6836. paraguay
  6837. paralelo
  6838. parallel
  6839. paraninfo
  6840. auditorium
  6841. parar
  6842. stop/halt
  6843. parasol
  6844. parasoll
  6845. pardo
  6846. gray/grey
  6847. parecer
  6848. appear/seem
  6849. parecido
  6850. similar
  6851. pared
  6852. wall
  6853. pariente
  6854. female relative
  6855. parientes
  6856. relatives
  6857. parir
  6858. give birth to
  6859. parisiense
  6860. parisian
  6861. parque
  6862. park
  6863. parra
  6864. vine/grapevine
  6865. parroquiano
  6866. client/customer
  6867. parte
  6868. piece/share
  6869. particular
  6870. case/particular
  6871. partidario
  6872. adept/supporter
  6873. partido
  6874. disciples/supporters
  6875. parΘntesis
  6876. brackets
  6877. parφs
  6878. paris
  6879. pasable
  6880. fair
  6881. pasada
  6882. former/last
  6883. pasado
  6884. past
  6885. pasajero
  6886. passenger
  6887. pasaporte
  6888. passport
  6889. pasar
  6890. pass/spend
  6891. pascua
  6892. easter
  6893. pasillo
  6894. corridor/passage
  6895. paso
  6896. passage/step
  6897. pastel
  6898. pie/tart
  6899. pastelero
  6900. confectioner
  6901. pastelerφa
  6902. confectionery
  6903. patada
  6904. kick
  6905. patata
  6906. potato
  6907. patinar
  6908. skate
  6909. patinete
  6910. scooter
  6911. patio
  6912. yard/courtyard
  6913. pato
  6914. duck
  6915. patria
  6916. fatherland
  6917. patriarca
  6918. patriarch
  6919. patrono
  6920. patron
  6921. pavo
  6922. turkey
  6923. payaso
  6924. clown
  6925. paz
  6926. peace
  6927. paφs
  6928. country/land
  6929. pa±al
  6930. swaddling cloth
  6931. pa±uelo
  6932. handkerchief
  6933. peaton
  6934. pedestrain
  6935. peat≤n
  6936. pedestrian
  6937. pecho
  6938. bosom/breast
  6939. pedal
  6940. pedal
  6941. pedazo
  6942. lump/piece
  6943. pedido
  6944. order
  6945. pedir
  6946. order/reserve
  6947. pega
  6948. pastes
  6949. pegar
  6950. sew/glue
  6951. peine
  6952. comb
  6953. pelicano
  6954. pelican
  6955. peligro
  6956. danger/peril
  6957. peligroso
  6958. dangerous
  6959. pelirrojo
  6960. red-haired
  6961. pelo
  6962. hair
  6963. pelota
  6964. ball
  6965. peludo
  6966. hairy/hirsute
  6967. peluquera
  6968. female hairdresser
  6969. peluquero
  6970. barber/hairdresser
  6971. pelvis
  6972. bowl/pelvis
  6973. pelφcula
  6974. film/movie
  6975. pendiente
  6976. pending
  6977. pendola
  6978. pendulum
  6979. pene
  6980. penis
  6981. penicilina
  6982. penicillin
  6983. pensamiento
  6984. thought
  6985. pensar
  6986. think
  6987. pensi≤n
  6988. boarding house
  6989. pentecostΘs
  6990. pentecost
  6991. penφnsula
  6992. peninsula
  6993. pepino
  6994. gherkin/cucumber
  6995. peque±o
  6996. diminutive/small
  6997. pera
  6998. pear
  6999. peral
  7000. pear-tree
  7001. perca
  7002. bass
  7003. percibir
  7004. perceive
  7005. perder
  7006. miss/lose
  7007. perderse
  7008. lose one's way
  7009. perdida
  7010. loss
  7011. perdido
  7012. lost
  7013. perdiz
  7014. partridge
  7015. perdonar
  7016. forgive
  7017. perd≤neme
  7018. sorry
  7019. peregrinaci≤n
  7020. pilgrimage
  7021. perejil
  7022. parsley
  7023. perfecto
  7024. perfect
  7025. perfume
  7026. perfume
  7027. periodista
  7028. female journalist
  7029. periodo
  7030. period
  7031. periscopio
  7032. periscope
  7033. peri≤dico
  7034. newspaper
  7035. peri≤dicos
  7036. newspapers
  7037. perla
  7038. pearl
  7039. perlas
  7040. pearls
  7041. permiso
  7042. permission
  7043. permite
  7044. allows
  7045. permitir
  7046. allow/permit
  7047. pero
  7048. but
  7049. perro
  7050. dog
  7051. perros
  7052. dogs
  7053. persa
  7054. persian
  7055. perseguir
  7056. persecute/prosecute
  7057. persia
  7058. persia
  7059. persona
  7060. person
  7061. personal
  7062. personal
  7063. personas
  7064. persons
  7065. persuadir
  7066. persuade
  7067. peruana
  7068. peruvian woman
  7069. peruano
  7070. peruvian
  7071. perφmetro
  7072. circumference/periphery
  7073. per·
  7074. peru
  7075. pesado
  7076. burdensome/heavy
  7077. pesca
  7078. fishing
  7079. pescado
  7080. seafood
  7081. pescador
  7082. fisherman
  7083. peso
  7084. weight
  7085. pestana
  7086. eyelash
  7087. pestillo
  7088. bolt
  7089. petici≤n
  7090. request
  7091. petroleo
  7092. paraffin-oil/petroleum
  7093. petr≤leo
  7094. crude oil
  7095. pez
  7096. fish
  7097. pezu±a
  7098. hoof
  7099. piano
  7100. piano
  7101. picaz≤n
  7102. itch
  7103. pich≤n
  7104. dove/pigeon
  7105. pico
  7106. beak/mountain top
  7107. pie
  7108. foot/paw
  7109. piedra
  7110. stone
  7111. piel
  7112. hide/skin
  7113. pierna
  7114. leg/paw
  7115. piernas
  7116. legs
  7117. pies
  7118. feet
  7119. pieza
  7120. fragment/piece
  7121. pijama
  7122. pyjamas
  7123. pijamas
  7124. pajamas
  7125. pila
  7126. battery
  7127. piloto
  7128. pilot
  7129. pimienta
  7130. pepper
  7131. pimiento
  7132. paprika
  7133. pincel
  7134. paintbrush
  7135. ping-pong
  7136. ping-pong
  7137. pinguino
  7138. penguin
  7139. pino
  7140. pine tree
  7141. pintar
  7142. paint
  7143. pintor
  7144. painter
  7145. pintoresco
  7146. picturesque
  7147. pintura
  7148. paint/painting
  7149. pinturas
  7150. paintings
  7151. piojo
  7152. louse
  7153. pipa
  7154. pipe
  7155. piramide
  7156. pyramid
  7157. pirata
  7158. pirate
  7159. pirenaico
  7160. pyrenean
  7161. pirineos
  7162. pyrenees
  7163. pirueta
  7164. cartwheel
  7165. piscina
  7166. swimming-bath
  7167. piso
  7168. apartment/storey
  7169. pista
  7170. runway
  7171. pist≤n
  7172. piston
  7173. pitza
  7174. pizza
  7175. pizarra
  7176. blackboard
  7177. pi±a
  7178. pine-apple
  7179. placa
  7180. sign
  7181. placer
  7182. pleasure/fun
  7183. plancha
  7184. iron
  7185. planchar
  7186. iron/iron clothes
  7187. planear
  7188. intend
  7189. planeta
  7190. planet
  7191. plano
  7192. smooth/design/plane
  7193. planta
  7194. plant/sole
  7195. plantar
  7196. plant
  7197. plantφo
  7198. planting
  7199. plata
  7200. silver
  7201. platija
  7202. plaice
  7203. platillo
  7204. saucer
  7205. platino
  7206. platinum
  7207. plato
  7208. dish/plate
  7209. playa
  7210. beach
  7211. plaza
  7212. plaza/square
  7213. pleamar
  7214. high tide
  7215. pleito
  7216. complaint
  7217. plombo
  7218. lead
  7219. plomero
  7220. plumber
  7221. plomo
  7222. lead
  7223. pluma
  7224. feather/pen
  7225. plumas
  7226. feathers
  7227. plßstico
  7228. plastic
  7229. plßtano
  7230. banana
  7231. poblaci≤n
  7232. population/town
  7233. pobre
  7234. poor/needy
  7235. pobreza
  7236. poverty/misery
  7237. pocas
  7238. some
  7239. poco
  7240. some/little
  7241. poder
  7242. can/may
  7243. podrido
  7244. bad/rotten
  7245. poema
  7246. poem
  7247. poesφa
  7248. poetry
  7249. polaca
  7250. polish woman
  7251. polaco
  7252. polish/pole
  7253. polen
  7254. pollen
  7255. policφa
  7256. police
  7257. poliester
  7258. polyester
  7259. polilla
  7260. moth
  7261. pollo
  7262. chick/chicken
  7263. polonesa
  7264. polish woman
  7265. polonia
  7266. poland
  7267. polonΘs
  7268. polish/pole
  7269. polvo
  7270. dust
  7271. polvos
  7272. powder
  7273. polφtica
  7274. policy/politics
  7275. polφtico
  7276. politician
  7277. pomelo
  7278. grapefruit
  7279. pomo
  7280. doorknob
  7281. ponche
  7282. punch
  7283. poner
  7284. lay/place/put
  7285. ponerse
  7286. pose/dress
  7287. poney
  7288. pony
  7289. popa
  7290. poopdeck/stern
  7291. poporopo
  7292. popcorn
  7293. populares
  7294. popular
  7295. poquito
  7296. a little/rather
  7297. por
  7298. for
  7299. porciento
  7300. percent/percentage
  7301. porcion
  7302. portion
  7303. poro
  7304. pore
  7305. porque
  7306. because/since
  7307. porro
  7308. leak
  7309. portamonedas
  7310. purse/wallet
  7311. portero
  7312. porter
  7313. portilla
  7314. porthole
  7315. portugal
  7316. portugal
  7317. portuguesa
  7318. portuguese woman
  7319. portuguΘs
  7320. portuguese
  7321. portßtil
  7322. portable
  7323. porvenir
  7324. future
  7325. posar
  7326. pose
  7327. pose
  7328. pose
  7329. posesion
  7330. posession
  7331. posibilidad
  7332. possibility
  7333. posibilidades
  7334. possibilities
  7335. posible
  7336. possible
  7337. posicion
  7338. position
  7339. positivo
  7340. positive
  7341. postal
  7342. postcard
  7343. poste
  7344. pole/post
  7345. postizo
  7346. false
  7347. postre
  7348. dessert
  7349. postrero
  7350. last
  7351. potencia
  7352. power
  7353. practicable
  7354. passable/practicable
  7355. practicar
  7356. practice
  7357. prado
  7358. meadow
  7359. precio
  7360. price
  7361. precios
  7362. prices
  7363. precioso
  7364. precious
  7365. precipicio
  7366. abyss/chasm
  7367. precipitadamente
  7368. hastily/hurriedly
  7369. preciso
  7370. precise/correct
  7371. predefinido
  7372. pre-defined
  7373. preferencia
  7374. preference
  7375. preferencias
  7376. preferences
  7377. preferir
  7378. prefer
  7379. pregunta
  7380. question
  7381. preguntar
  7382. ask
  7383. prejuicio
  7384. prejudice
  7385. premiar
  7386. award a prize
  7387. prensa
  7388. press
  7389. preocupar
  7390. oppress
  7391. preparar
  7392. prepare
  7393. presa
  7394. dam
  7395. presencia
  7396. presence
  7397. presentaci≤n
  7398. accession/presentation
  7399. presentar
  7400. introduce/present
  7401. presentarse
  7402. perform
  7403. presente
  7404. present
  7405. preservativo
  7406. condom/rubber
  7407. presidente
  7408. president
  7409. presi≤n
  7410. pressure
  7411. prestamo
  7412. loan
  7413. preste
  7414. priest
  7415. presto
  7416. prompt
  7417. presumido
  7418. attitudinizer/poseur
  7419. presupuesto
  7420. budget/estimates
  7421. pretensi≤n
  7422. claim/pretence
  7423. pretina
  7424. belt/girdle
  7425. pretzel
  7426. pretzel
  7427. prima
  7428. cousin
  7429. primario
  7430. primary
  7431. primavera
  7432. spring/springtime
  7433. primer
  7434. first
  7435. primeramente
  7436. first/firstly
  7437. primero
  7438. first/firstly
  7439. primitivo
  7440. initial
  7441. primo
  7442. cousin
  7443. princesa
  7444. princess
  7445. principal
  7446. principal/major
  7447. principalmente
  7448. chiefly/principally
  7449. principiante
  7450. beginner
  7451. principiar
  7452. begin/commence
  7453. principio
  7454. commencement/principle
  7455. prisa
  7456. haste/urgency
  7457. prisi≤n
  7458. jail/prison
  7459. privar
  7460. rob
  7461. pro
  7462. for
  7463. probabilidad
  7464. chance
  7465. probablemente
  7466. probably
  7467. probar
  7468. prove
  7469. procesa
  7470. processed
  7471. procesadore
  7472. processor
  7473. procesadores
  7474. processors
  7475. proceso
  7476. lawsuit
  7477. proclamaci≤n
  7478. proclamation
  7479. proclamar
  7480. issue/proclaim
  7481. procurarse
  7482. obtain/procure
  7483. produccion
  7484. production
  7485. producci≤n
  7486. making/manufacture
  7487. producto
  7488. product
  7489. profesional
  7490. professional
  7491. profesi≤n
  7492. profession
  7493. profesor
  7494. professor
  7495. profundidad
  7496. depth
  7497. profundo
  7498. deep/profound
  7499. programa
  7500. program
  7501. programado
  7502. programmed
  7503. programador
  7504. programmer
  7505. programas
  7506. programs
  7507. progreso
  7508. progress
  7509. prohijar
  7510. adopt/affiliate
  7511. promesa
  7512. promise
  7513. prometer
  7514. promise
  7515. prometida
  7516. bride/fiancΘe
  7517. prometido
  7518. fiancΘ
  7519. promulgar
  7520. issue/proclaim
  7521. pronto
  7522. fast/quickly
  7523. pronuncia
  7524. pronounce
  7525. pronunciaci≤n
  7526. pronunciation
  7527. propiedad
  7528. ownership
  7529. propietario
  7530. owner
  7531. propina
  7532. tip
  7533. propio
  7534. own/personal
  7535. proponer
  7536. propose
  7537. proposici≤n
  7538. proposal/suggestion
  7539. propuesta
  7540. proposal
  7541. propulsi≤n
  7542. drive
  7543. prop≤sito
  7544. design/project
  7545. prorrata
  7546. quota
  7547. prostituta
  7548. prostitute
  7549. protecci≤n
  7550. protection
  7551. protector
  7552. patron
  7553. proteger
  7554. protect
  7555. protegido
  7556. protΘgΘ
  7557. protesta
  7558. protest
  7559. protestante
  7560. protestant
  7561. provecho
  7562. gain/profit
  7563. proveniente
  7564. coming
  7565. provisionalmente
  7566. temporarily
  7567. provocar
  7568. instigate
  7569. proyector
  7570. projector
  7571. prudente
  7572. thoughtful/careful
  7573. prueba
  7574. problem/proof
  7575. pruebe
  7576. try
  7577. prusia
  7578. prussia
  7579. prusiano
  7580. prussian
  7581. prΘmio
  7582. premium/prize
  7583. prφncipe
  7584. prince
  7585. pr≤ximo
  7586. near/next
  7587. psiquiatra
  7588. psychiatrist
  7589. publicaci≤n
  7590. publication
  7591. publicar
  7592. publish
  7593. publico
  7594. public
  7595. pudφn
  7596. pudding
  7597. pueblecito
  7598. hamlet/township
  7599. pueblo
  7600. people/village
  7601. puente
  7602. bridge
  7603. puerta
  7604. gateway/door
  7605. puerto
  7606. harbour/port
  7607. puesto
  7608. barn/shed
  7609. pulga
  7610. flea
  7611. pulgar
  7612. thumb
  7613. pulmones
  7614. lungs
  7615. pulmonia
  7616. pneumonia
  7617. pulm≤n
  7618. lung
  7619. pulpo
  7620. octopus
  7621. pulsa
  7622. press
  7623. pulsada
  7624. presses
  7625. pulse
  7626. press
  7627. pulsera
  7628. bracelet
  7629. pulso
  7630. pulse
  7631. punta
  7632. peak/point
  7633. punto
  7634. dot/spot
  7635. purgante
  7636. laxative
  7637. purificaci≤n
  7638. candlemas
  7639. puro
  7640. clean/pure
  7641. purp·reo
  7642. purple
  7643. pus
  7644. pus
  7645. puta
  7646. hooker/whore
  7647. putrefacci≤n
  7648. corruption/decay
  7649. pu±o
  7650. fist
  7651. pßjaro
  7652. bird
  7653. pßlido
  7654. pale/sallow
  7655. pßrpado
  7656. eyelid
  7657. pßrrafo
  7658. paragraph
  7659. pφldora
  7660. pill
  7661. p≤ker
  7662. poker
  7663. p≤liza
  7664. policy
  7665. p·blico
  7666. public
  7667. que
  7668. that/than
  7669. quedar
  7670. meet
  7671. quedarse
  7672. remain/stay
  7673. queja
  7674. complaint
  7675. quemado
  7676. burnt
  7677. quemar
  7678. burn down
  7679. quemarse
  7680. burn
  7681. queque
  7682. cake
  7683. querer
  7684. love
  7685. querido
  7686. beloved/sweetheart
  7687. queso
  7688. cheese
  7689. quiere
  7690. does
  7691. quieto
  7692. calm/quiet
  7693. quietud
  7694. calm
  7695. quince
  7696. fifteen
  7697. quitar
  7698. abstract/remove
  7699. quitarse
  7700. depart
  7701. quizßs
  7702. maybe/possibly
  7703. quiΘn
  7704. who
  7705. quΘ
  7706. what
  7707. quφmica
  7708. chemistry
  7709. quφmico
  7710. chemist
  7711. rabi
  7712. rabbi
  7713. raci≤n
  7714. share
  7715. radiador
  7716. radiator
  7717. radio
  7718. radio/wireless
  7719. raiz
  7720. root
  7721. ralea
  7722. property/quality
  7723. rallador
  7724. grater
  7725. rama
  7726. bough/branch
  7727. rampa
  7728. ramp
  7729. rana
  7730. frog
  7731. rapidamente
  7732. rapidly
  7733. raqueta
  7734. racket
  7735. raramente
  7736. seldom
  7737. raro
  7738. rare
  7739. rascar
  7740. scratch
  7741. rata
  7742. rat
  7743. rat≤n
  7744. mouse
  7745. raya
  7746. ray/stripe
  7747. rayo
  7748. beam/ray
  7749. raza
  7750. breed/race
  7751. razonable
  7752. acceptable
  7753. real
  7754. real
  7755. realizar
  7756. accomplish/produce
  7757. realizarse
  7758. happen/occur
  7759. realmente
  7760. really
  7761. realzado
  7762. enhanced
  7763. reanudar
  7764. renew
  7765. rebaja
  7766. discount/rebate
  7767. rebanada
  7768. bread and butter
  7769. recado
  7770. errand/message
  7771. recelo
  7772. suspicion
  7773. recelocaz
  7774. suspicion
  7775. receloso
  7776. suspicious
  7777. receta
  7778. prescription/recipe
  7779. rechazar
  7780. reject/refuse
  7781. recibir
  7782. get/receive
  7783. recibo
  7784. receipt
  7785. recientemente
  7786. recently
  7787. recoger
  7788. get/take
  7789. recogidos
  7790. recongize
  7791. recomendable
  7792. recommendable
  7793. recomendaci≤n
  7794. recommendation
  7795. recomender
  7796. recommend/register
  7797. recompensa
  7798. compensation/reward
  7799. recompensar
  7800. compensate/reward
  7801. recordar
  7802. remember
  7803. recorrer
  7804. cover
  7805. recreaci≤n
  7806. entertainment
  7807. rectangulo
  7808. rectangle
  7809. recuerdo
  7810. keepsake/memento
  7811. red
  7812. net/network
  7813. redactor
  7814. editor
  7815. redentor
  7816. redeemer
  7817. redicho
  7818. hard-worked/worn-out
  7819. redondear
  7820. round off
  7821. redondel
  7822. arena
  7823. redondo
  7824. round
  7825. reducci≤n
  7826. discount/rebate
  7827. reembolso
  7828. refund
  7829. referencia
  7830. referring
  7831. reflexi≤n
  7832. consultation/deliberation
  7833. reflujo
  7834. low tide
  7835. reformar
  7836. reform
  7837. refresco
  7838. refresh
  7839. refrigerador
  7840. refrigerator
  7841. refugiados
  7842. shelter
  7843. refugio
  7844. mountain hut
  7845. regalo
  7846. gift/present
  7847. regalos
  7848. gifts
  7849. reganar
  7850. nag
  7851. registrado
  7852. register
  7853. registrados
  7854. registered
  7855. registrar
  7856. examine/register
  7857. registrarlo
  7858. register
  7859. registro
  7860. record/register
  7861. regi≤n
  7862. region
  7863. regla
  7864. regulation/rule
  7865. reglamento
  7866. regulations/rules
  7867. regulares
  7868. regular
  7869. rehusar
  7870. reject/refuse
  7871. reina
  7872. queen
  7873. reino
  7874. kingdom
  7875. reja
  7876. barrier/fence
  7877. relaci≤n
  7878. relation/understanding
  7879. relajarse
  7880. relax
  7881. relativo
  7882. relative
  7883. relevar
  7884. take the place of
  7885. relevo
  7886. replacement/substitution
  7887. religi≤n
  7888. religion
  7889. relleno
  7890. replacement/replenishment
  7891. reloj
  7892. watch/clock
  7893. relojero
  7894. watchmaker
  7895. relßmpago
  7896. lightning
  7897. remar
  7898. row
  7899. remendar
  7900. mend/patch
  7901. remitente
  7902. sender
  7903. remo
  7904. oar
  7905. remolacha
  7906. beet
  7907. remolcar
  7908. drag/tow
  7909. remolque
  7910. trailer
  7911. remoto
  7912. remote
  7913. renegado
  7914. unfaithful
  7915. renegar
  7916. abhor
  7917. renir
  7918. argue
  7919. renunciar
  7920. renounce
  7921. reparar
  7922. fix/repair
  7923. reparo
  7924. observation/remark
  7925. repaso
  7926. review
  7927. repeler
  7928. protect from/ward off
  7929. repetici≤n
  7930. repetition
  7931. repetir
  7932. echo
  7933. repitir
  7934. repeat
  7935. reportero
  7936. reporter
  7937. reprender
  7938. rebuke/reprimand
  7939. representante
  7940. agent
  7941. reprimenda
  7942. rebuke
  7943. reprobable
  7944. blameworthy/objectionable
  7945. reprobaci≤n
  7946. condemnation/disapproval
  7947. reprobar
  7948. condemn/disapprove
  7949. reprochar
  7950. reproach
  7951. reproche
  7952. reproach
  7953. reproducci≤n
  7954. picture/representation
  7955. reproducir
  7956. represent/introduce
  7957. reptil
  7958. reptile
  7959. repugnancia
  7960. dislike/disgust
  7961. rep·blica
  7962. republic
  7963. requerir
  7964. order
  7965. requisitos
  7966. requirements
  7967. res
  7968. cattle
  7969. resabio
  7970. habit/trick
  7971. rescuento
  7972. cancellation
  7973. reserva
  7974. reserve
  7975. reservacion
  7976. reservation
  7977. reservado
  7978. reserved
  7979. reservados
  7980. reserves
  7981. reservar
  7982. reserve
  7983. resfriado
  7984. cold
  7985. residencia
  7986. residence
  7987. residencial
  7988. residential
  7989. residenciar
  7990. impeach
  7991. residente
  7992. resident
  7993. resignaci≤n
  7994. resignation
  7995. resistencia
  7996. endurance
  7997. resolver
  7998. decide
  7999. respaldar
  8000. back
  8001. respaldo
  8002. support
  8003. respectar
  8004. esteem
  8005. respetable
  8006. respectable
  8007. respiraci≤n
  8008. respiration/breathing
  8009. respirador
  8010. breather
  8011. respirar
  8012. exhale/breathe
  8013. resplandeciente
  8014. flamboyant
  8015. responder
  8016. answer/respond
  8017. responsabilidad
  8018. responsibility
  8019. responsable
  8020. responsible
  8021. respuesta
  8022. answer/reply
  8023. restaurante
  8024. restaurant
  8025. restaurar
  8026. restore
  8027. resto
  8028. rest
  8029. resultado
  8030. result
  8031. resultar
  8032. point out to be
  8033. resumen
  8034. resumΘ/summary
  8035. retador
  8036. challenger
  8037. retaguardia
  8038. rear/rearguard
  8039. retener
  8040. hold
  8041. retiro
  8042. isolation/separation
  8043. retrasar
  8044. delay
  8045. retraso
  8046. delay/retardation
  8047. retratar
  8048. depict/represent
  8049. retrato
  8050. picture/representation
  8051. retrete
  8052. toilet
  8053. retroalimentaci≤n
  8054. feedback
  8055. retroceder
  8056. go back
  8057. retroceso
  8058. decline
  8059. retrovisor
  8060. driving mirror
  8061. retr≤grado
  8062. backward/retrograde
  8063. reumatismo
  8064. rheumatism
  8065. reunir
  8066. join/unite
  8067. reunirse
  8068. join
  8069. reuni≤n
  8070. joining/junction
  8071. revela
  8072. reveals
  8073. revelar
  8074. develop/reveal
  8075. reverso
  8076. back/reverse
  8077. revisar
  8078. examine/revise
  8079. revisor
  8080. guard
  8081. revista
  8082. magazine/revue
  8083. revolotear
  8084. hover
  8085. revΘs
  8086. reverse/rear
  8087. rev≤lver
  8088. gun
  8089. rey
  8090. king
  8091. rezagado
  8092. laggard/straggler
  8093. rezar
  8094. pray
  8095. reφr
  8096. laugh
  8097. rico
  8098. nice/rich
  8099. ridiculizar
  8100. ridicule
  8101. ridφculo
  8102. ridiculous
  8103. riendas
  8104. rein
  8105. riesgo
  8106. hazard/risk
  8107. riesgoso
  8108. chancy
  8109. rigido
  8110. rigid/stiff
  8111. rimar
  8112. rhyme
  8113. rimel
  8114. mascara
  8115. rin
  8116. rhine
  8117. rinceronte
  8118. rhino/rhinoceros
  8119. riqueza
  8120. abundance/wealth
  8121. risa
  8122. laughter
  8123. risible
  8124. laughable
  8125. ristal
  8126. crystal
  8127. ritmo
  8128. rhythm
  8129. ri±a
  8130. argument/quarrel
  8131. ri±≤n
  8132. kidney
  8133. robar
  8134. rob
  8135. roble
  8136. oak
  8137. robo
  8138. robbery
  8139. roca
  8140. reef/rock
  8141. rocφo
  8142. dew
  8143. rodilla
  8144. knee
  8145. rogar
  8146. pray/beg
  8147. rojo
  8148. red
  8149. roma
  8150. rome
  8151. romano
  8152. roman
  8153. romerφa
  8154. pilgrimage
  8155. rompecabezas
  8156. puzzle
  8157. romper
  8158. break
  8159. rompimiento
  8160. breakaway
  8161. romßnico
  8162. romanesque
  8163. ron
  8164. rum
  8165. ronco
  8166. hoarse
  8167. ropa
  8168. clothes/clothing
  8169. rosa
  8170. rose
  8171. rosado
  8172. pink
  8173. rostro
  8174. face
  8175. rotaci≤n
  8176. rotation
  8177. roto
  8178. broken
  8179. rotundo
  8180. categorical
  8181. rotura
  8182. break
  8183. rozadura
  8184. friction
  8185. rubi
  8186. ruby
  8187. rubio
  8188. blond/fair
  8189. ruborizar
  8190. blush
  8191. rudo
  8192. rough
  8193. ruedecilla
  8194. caster
  8195. ruego
  8196. wish
  8197. rugby
  8198. rugby
  8199. ruibarbo
  8200. rhubarb
  8201. ruido
  8202. noise/tumult
  8203. ruidoso
  8204. noisy
  8205. ruina
  8206. ruin
  8207. ruinas
  8208. ruins
  8209. ruise±or
  8210. nightingale
  8211. rumania
  8212. rumania
  8213. rumano
  8214. rumanian
  8215. rumba
  8216. rumba
  8217. rumor
  8218. hearsay
  8219. rusa
  8220. russian woman
  8221. rusia
  8222. russia
  8223. ruso
  8224. russian
  8225. rustica
  8226. rustic
  8227. ruta
  8228. route/road
  8229. rßbano
  8230. radish
  8231. rßpido
  8232. rapid/quick
  8233. rΘcord
  8234. record
  8235. rΘmora
  8236. hindrance
  8237. rφo
  8238. river
  8239. r≤balo
  8240. bass
  8241. r≤tula
  8242. kneecap
  8243. sabado
  8244. saturday
  8245. saber
  8246. know
  8247. sabor
  8248. flavor
  8249. saborear
  8250. flavor
  8251. sabores
  8252. flavors
  8253. sabroso
  8254. tasty
  8255. sacacorchos
  8256. corkscrew
  8257. sacerdote
  8258. priest
  8259. sahara
  8260. sahara
  8261. sajonia
  8262. saxe/saxony
  8263. saj≤n
  8264. saxon
  8265. sal
  8266. salt
  8267. salada
  8268. salty
  8269. salamandra
  8270. salamander
  8271. salar
  8272. salt
  8273. salario
  8274. salary/wages
  8275. salchicha
  8276. sausage
  8277. saldar
  8278. liquidate/pay
  8279. salero
  8280. salt shaker
  8281. salida
  8282. exit/departure
  8283. salir
  8284. exit/depart
  8285. salmo
  8286. psalm
  8287. salmonete
  8288. mullet
  8289. salmuera
  8290. brine
  8291. salm≤n
  8292. salmon
  8293. salobre
  8294. brackish
  8295. salsa
  8296. gravy/sauce
  8297. saltamonte
  8298. grasshopper
  8299. saltamontes
  8300. grasshopper/locust
  8301. saltar
  8302. jump/leap
  8303. saltear
  8304. hold up
  8305. salteo
  8306. assault
  8307. salto
  8308. jump/leap
  8309. salud
  8310. health
  8311. saludable
  8312. healthy
  8313. saludador
  8314. greeter
  8315. saludar
  8316. greet/salute
  8317. saludo
  8318. greeting/salutation
  8319. salvador
  8320. saviour
  8321. salvar
  8322. save/rescue
  8323. salvavidas
  8324. lifeguard
  8325. salvia
  8326. sage
  8327. salvo
  8328. bar/barring
  8329. sanar
  8330. recover/cure
  8331. sandalia
  8332. sandal
  8333. sandalias
  8334. sandals
  8335. sangrar
  8336. indent/bleed
  8337. sangre
  8338. blood
  8339. sangriento
  8340. bloody
  8341. sangrφa
  8342. bleeding/blood-letting
  8343. sanguijuela
  8344. leech
  8345. sanguinario
  8346. bloodthirsty
  8347. sano
  8348. hale
  8349. santa
  8350. holy/saint
  8351. santifique
  8352. hallowed
  8353. santo
  8354. holy/saint
  8355. sapo
  8356. toad
  8357. saque
  8358. serve
  8359. sarampi≤n
  8360. measles
  8361. sarna
  8362. mange
  8363. sarten
  8364. skillet
  8365. sartΘn
  8366. frying pan
  8367. sastre
  8368. tailor
  8369. satanßs
  8370. lucifer/satan
  8371. satirizar
  8372. satirize
  8373. satisfaga
  8374. satisfy
  8375. satßn
  8376. lucifer/satan
  8377. sauce
  8378. willow
  8379. saxof≤n
  8380. saxophone
  8381. sayuela
  8382. slip
  8383. say≤n
  8384. executioner
  8385. secador
  8386. hairdryer
  8387. secante
  8388. blotter
  8389. secar
  8390. dry
  8391. secci≤n
  8392. section
  8393. seco
  8394. dry
  8395. secreci≤n
  8396. secretion
  8397. secretario
  8398. secretary
  8399. secreto
  8400. hidden/secret
  8401. secta
  8402. sect
  8403. secuaz
  8404. henchman
  8405. secuestrador
  8406. kidnapper
  8407. secuestrar
  8408. kidnap
  8409. secuestro
  8410. kidnapping
  8411. sed
  8412. thirst
  8413. sedas
  8414. silks
  8415. seducir
  8416. attract/draw
  8417. segmento
  8418. segment
  8419. segregar
  8420. divide/separate
  8421. seguarmente
  8422. assuredly
  8423. seguido
  8424. directly
  8425. seguidor
  8426. follower
  8427. seguir
  8428. follow
  8429. segundo
  8430. second
  8431. seguramente
  8432. certainly
  8433. seguridad
  8434. safety/security
  8435. seguro
  8436. insurance/safe
  8437. seis
  8438. six
  8439. seiscientos
  8440. six hundred
  8441. seleccione
  8442. choose
  8443. selecci≤nelo
  8444. select
  8445. selecto
  8446. choice
  8447. sellar
  8448. mark/stamp
  8449. sello
  8450. stamp
  8451. sellos
  8452. stamps
  8453. selva
  8454. jungle
  8455. semana
  8456. week
  8457. semanalmente
  8458. weekly
  8459. semanas
  8460. weeks
  8461. semejante
  8462. alike
  8463. semen
  8464. semen
  8465. semestral
  8466. biannual
  8467. semestralmente
  8468. biannually
  8469. semilla
  8470. seed
  8471. senado
  8472. senate
  8473. sencillo
  8474. simple/straightforward
  8475. sendero
  8476. path
  8477. seno
  8478. breast/bosom
  8479. senor
  8480. mister
  8481. senora
  8482. misses
  8483. sensacional
  8484. sensational
  8485. sensato
  8486. judgmental
  8487. sensible
  8488. sensitive
  8489. sensiblero
  8490. mushy
  8491. sensiblerφa
  8492. mush
  8493. sentado
  8494. seated
  8495. sentarse
  8496. sit down
  8497. sentencia
  8498. decision/judgement
  8499. sentimiento
  8500. feeling/sensation
  8501. sentir
  8502. feel/sense
  8503. sentirse
  8504. feel
  8505. separaci≤n
  8506. separation/partition
  8507. separado
  8508. separate/special
  8509. separar
  8510. divide/separate
  8511. septiembre
  8512. september
  8513. sepultar
  8514. bury
  8515. sepultura
  8516. grave
  8517. ser
  8518. be
  8519. serenamente
  8520. calmly
  8521. seriamente
  8522. earnestly
  8523. serie
  8524. serial
  8525. serio
  8526. earnest/serious
  8527. serm≤n
  8528. sermon
  8529. serpiente
  8530. serpent/snake
  8531. servicial
  8532. accommodating/helpful
  8533. servicio
  8534. service/attendance
  8535. servidumbre
  8536. easement
  8537. servil
  8538. menial
  8539. servilleta
  8540. napkin
  8541. servir
  8542. serve
  8543. sesenta
  8544. sixty
  8545. seso
  8546. brain
  8547. sesudo
  8548. judicious
  8549. seta
  8550. mushroom
  8551. setecientos
  8552. seven hundred
  8553. setenta
  8554. seventy
  8555. seud≤nimo
  8556. pseudonym
  8557. sevilla
  8558. seville
  8559. sexo
  8560. sex
  8561. sexual
  8562. generative/sexual
  8563. se±a
  8564. character/sign
  8565. se±al
  8566. sign/bookmark
  8567. se±as
  8568. address
  8569. se±or
  8570. mister
  8571. se±ora
  8572. madam/mrs
  8573. se±orial
  8574. baronial
  8575. se±orita
  8576. miss
  8577. se±orφa
  8578. lordship
  8579. se±uelo
  8580. lure
  8581. si
  8582. yes/as
  8583. siberia
  8584. siberia
  8585. siberiana
  8586. siberian
  8587. siberiano
  8588. siberian
  8589. sidra
  8590. cider
  8591. siempre
  8592. ever/always
  8593. sien
  8594. temple
  8595. sierra
  8596. mountain chain
  8597. siete
  8598. seven
  8599. siga
  8600. follow
  8601. siglo
  8602. centennial/century
  8603. significar
  8604. mean/signify
  8605. significativo
  8606. meaningful
  8607. signo
  8608. number
  8609. signos
  8610. numbers
  8611. siguiente
  8612. following
  8613. siguientes
  8614. following
  8615. silbar
  8616. whistle
  8617. silbido
  8618. hiss
  8619. silenciador
  8620. silencer/muffler
  8621. silencio
  8622. quiet/silence
  8623. silencioso
  8624. silent
  8625. silla
  8626. chair
  8627. silleta
  8628. bedpan
  8629. sill≤n
  8630. armchair
  8631. silvicultura
  8632. forestry
  8633. similares
  8634. simular
  8635. simple
  8636. simple/straightforward
  8637. simplemente
  8638. simply
  8639. simulador
  8640. malingerer
  8641. simular
  8642. malinger
  8643. simultßneamente
  8644. simultaneously
  8645. sin
  8646. without
  8647. sincero
  8648. honest/sincere
  8649. singularidad
  8650. singularity
  8651. sinsabor
  8652. displeasure
  8653. sirena
  8654. mermaid
  8655. sismo
  8656. earthquake
  8657. sismos
  8658. earthquakes
  8659. sistema
  8660. system
  8661. sistemas
  8662. systems
  8663. sitiar
  8664. besiege
  8665. sitio
  8666. location/seat
  8667. situar
  8668. place
  8669. snow
  8670. nilon
  8671. sobaco
  8672. armpit
  8673. sobornar
  8674. bribe
  8675. soborno
  8676. bribe
  8677. sobre
  8678. envelope/on/upon
  8679. sobrecejo
  8680. frown
  8681. sobrecubierta
  8682. book cover
  8683. sobredividendo
  8684. bonus
  8685. sobresaltarse
  8686. flinch
  8687. sobretodo
  8688. especially/mainly
  8689. sobrina
  8690. niece
  8691. sobrino
  8692. nephew
  8693. sociable
  8694. chummy
  8695. sofrenar
  8696. halt
  8697. soft
  8698. mulo
  8699. software
  8700. software
  8701. sol
  8702. sun
  8703. sola
  8704. only
  8705. solamente
  8706. just/solely
  8707. solapa
  8708. flap
  8709. solariego
  8710. ancestral
  8711. soldado
  8712. soldier
  8713. soleado
  8714. sunny
  8715. solicitaci≤n
  8716. request
  8717. solicitante
  8718. applicant
  8719. solicitar
  8720. request
  8721. solicitud
  8722. request
  8723. solista
  8724. solist
  8725. solitario
  8726. lonely
  8727. solo
  8728. alone/only
  8729. soltar
  8730. blurt
  8731. soltero
  8732. single/unmarried
  8733. solterona
  8734. spinster
  8735. solter≤n
  8736. bachelor
  8737. solucion
  8738. solution
  8739. sombra
  8740. shade/shadow
  8741. sombrear
  8742. shade
  8743. sombrero
  8744. hat
  8745. sombrilla
  8746. umbrella
  8747. sonar
  8748. chime
  8749. sondear
  8750. canvass
  8751. sonido
  8752. sound
  8753. sonreir
  8754. grin
  8755. sonrisa
  8756. smile
  8757. sopa
  8758. soup
  8759. soplador
  8760. blower
  8761. soplar
  8762. blow
  8763. soplete
  8764. blowpipe
  8765. soportar
  8766. forbear
  8767. sordo
  8768. deaf
  8769. sorna
  8770. irony
  8771. sorpresa
  8772. surprise
  8773. sosegado
  8774. calm/tranquil
  8775. sospecha
  8776. suspicion
  8777. sospechoso
  8778. suspicious
  8779. sostener
  8780. bear
  8781. sostuvo
  8782. bore
  8783. sostΘn
  8784. mainstay/brassiere
  8785. sovietico
  8786. soviet
  8787. so±ar
  8788. dream
  8789. sperar
  8790. beat
  8791. stand
  8792. stand
  8793. su
  8794. her/his/its
  8795. suave
  8796. balmy
  8797. suavizar
  8798. mollify
  8799. subasta
  8800. auction
  8801. subastador
  8802. auctioneer
  8803. subida
  8804. ascent
  8805. subir
  8806. arise/ascend
  8807. subjefe
  8808. police captain
  8809. subordinado
  8810. ancillary
  8811. subproducto
  8812. byproduct
  8813. subrayar
  8814. italicize/underline
  8815. subscripci≤n
  8816. subscription
  8817. subscriptor
  8818. subscriber
  8819. subsidio
  8820. grant
  8821. substancial
  8822. substancial
  8823. substantivo
  8824. noun/substantive
  8825. substituir
  8826. replace/substitute
  8827. substituto
  8828. replacement
  8829. suceder
  8830. happen
  8831. sucesivamente
  8832. consecutively
  8833. sucesivo
  8834. following/next
  8835. suceso
  8836. event
  8837. suciedad
  8838. dirt
  8839. sucinto
  8840. concise
  8841. sucio
  8842. dirty/filthy
  8843. suculento
  8844. luscious
  8845. sudafricano
  8846. south african
  8847. sudamericano
  8848. south american
  8849. sudar
  8850. sweat
  8851. sudor
  8852. perspiration/sweat
  8853. suecia
  8854. sweden
  8855. sueco
  8856. swedish/swede
  8857. suela
  8858. sole
  8859. suelo
  8860. bottom/floor
  8861. suelto
  8862. loose
  8863. suerte
  8864. sort/luck
  8865. sue±o
  8866. sleep/dream
  8867. suficiencia
  8868. adequacy
  8869. suficiente
  8870. enough
  8871. sufrir
  8872. suffer
  8873. suiguente
  8874. following/next
  8875. suiza
  8876. switzerland
  8877. suizo
  8878. swiss
  8879. sujetador
  8880. bra
  8881. sujetar
  8882. hold
  8883. suma
  8884. amount/sum
  8885. sumamente
  8886. extremely
  8887. sumar
  8888. add
  8889. sumergir
  8890. dip
  8891. superar
  8892. surpass
  8893. superficial
  8894. amateurish
  8895. superficie
  8896. summit/surface
  8897. supermarcado
  8898. supermarket
  8899. supermercado
  8900. supermarket
  8901. superpoblaci≤n
  8902. overpopulation
  8903. superpotencia
  8904. superpower
  8905. suplemento
  8906. replacement/supplement
  8907. suplicar
  8908. implore/invoke
  8909. suponer
  8910. guess/suppose
  8911. suposici≤n
  8912. assumption
  8913. supresi≤n
  8914. abolishment
  8915. suprimir
  8916. abolish
  8917. supuestamente
  8918. allegedly
  8919. supurar
  8920. discharge
  8921. sur
  8922. south
  8923. surgir
  8924. emerge
  8925. surinam
  8926. surinam
  8927. surtido
  8928. assortment
  8929. surtidor
  8930. dispenser
  8931. suscripci≤n
  8932. subscription
  8933. suscriptor
  8934. subscriber
  8935. suspender
  8936. reject
  8937. suspensi≤n
  8938. abeyance
  8939. suspicaz
  8940. suspicious
  8941. sustancia
  8942. gist
  8943. sustantivo
  8944. noun
  8945. sustituto
  8946. substitute
  8947. susto
  8948. fright
  8949. sustraer
  8950. subtract
  8951. sutil
  8952. gossamer
  8953. suΘter
  8954. sweater
  8955. sßbado
  8956. saturday
  8957. sßbana
  8958. sheet
  8959. sßndwich
  8960. sandwich
  8961. yes
  8962. sφmbolo
  8963. symbol
  8964. sφmbolos
  8965. symbols
  8966. s≤lido
  8967. firm/solid
  8968. s≤lo
  8969. only/alone
  8970. s≤tano
  8971. basement/cellar
  8972. taba
  8973. anklebone
  8974. tabaco
  8975. tobacco
  8976. taberna
  8977. bar/pub
  8978. tabique
  8979. wall
  8980. tabla
  8981. shelf/board
  8982. tablero
  8983. gameboard
  8984. taburete
  8985. bar stool
  8986. tacada
  8987. break
  8988. tacano
  8989. stingy
  8990. tachar
  8991. erase
  8992. tac≤n
  8993. heel
  8994. tajada
  8995. slice
  8996. tajar
  8997. chop/slice
  8998. tajo
  8999. tagus
  9000. tal
  9001. such
  9002. talento
  9003. aptitude/talent
  9004. talentoso
  9005. gifted/talented
  9006. tallador
  9007. carver
  9008. taller
  9009. workplace
  9010. talonario
  9011. cheque-book
  9012. tal≤n
  9013. heel/receipt
  9014. tama±o
  9015. dimension/size
  9016. tambiΘn
  9017. also/too
  9018. tambor
  9019. drum
  9020. tampoco
  9021. neither
  9022. tamp≤n
  9023. plug/tampon
  9024. tanque
  9025. cistern/tank
  9026. tanteador
  9027. scoreboard
  9028. tanteo
  9029. score
  9030. tanto
  9031. that much
  9032. tapa
  9033. lid
  9034. tapizar
  9035. paper
  9036. taquilla
  9037. window
  9038. tararear
  9039. hum
  9040. tardar
  9041. remain
  9042. tarde
  9043. late/afternoon
  9044. tardφamente
  9045. belatedly
  9046. tarea
  9047. homework
  9048. tarifa
  9049. fare
  9050. tarjeta
  9051. card
  9052. tarro
  9053. jar
  9054. tarta
  9055. cake
  9056. tasa
  9057. assessment
  9058. tasaci≤n
  9059. appraisement
  9060. taxi
  9061. taxi
  9062. taza
  9063. cup
  9064. ta±er
  9065. toll
  9066. teatro
  9067. theatre
  9068. techo
  9069. ceiling
  9070. tecla
  9071. key
  9072. teclado
  9073. keyboard
  9074. teclados
  9075. keyboards
  9076. teclas
  9077. keys
  9078. tedioso
  9079. tedious
  9080. tejado
  9081. roof
  9082. tejer
  9083. knit/weave
  9084. tej≤n
  9085. badger
  9086. tela
  9087. cloth/material
  9088. telar
  9089. mill
  9090. telara±a
  9091. cobweb
  9092. telefonear
  9093. phone
  9094. telefonista
  9095. operator
  9096. telegrama
  9097. telegram
  9098. telemando
  9099. remote control
  9100. televisi≤n
  9101. television/tv
  9102. televisor
  9103. tv-set
  9104. telΘfono
  9105. telephone
  9106. temer
  9107. fear
  9108. temeroso
  9109. horrible
  9110. temor
  9111. fear
  9112. temperatura
  9113. temperature
  9114. tempestad
  9115. storm
  9116. tempestuoso
  9117. gusty
  9118. templado
  9119. mild
  9120. temple
  9121. mettle
  9122. templo
  9123. temple
  9124. temporada
  9125. season
  9126. temprano
  9127. early
  9128. tenazas
  9129. pincers/tongs
  9130. tendero
  9131. grocer
  9132. tenedor
  9133. fork
  9134. tener
  9135. have/hold
  9136. tenga
  9137. behold/look
  9138. teniente
  9139. lieutenant
  9140. tenis
  9141. tennis
  9142. tensi≤n
  9143. tension
  9144. tentaci≤n
  9145. tendency/temptation
  9146. tentar
  9147. attract/tempt
  9148. tercero
  9149. third
  9150. terciopelo
  9151. velvet
  9152. terco
  9153. stubborn
  9154. tergiversaci≤n
  9155. misrepresentation
  9156. tergiversar
  9157. misrepresent
  9158. terminaci≤n
  9159. completion
  9160. terminado
  9161. completed/done
  9162. terminante
  9163. effectual/efficacious
  9164. terminar
  9165. end/terminate
  9166. terminarse
  9167. end/expire
  9168. termos
  9169. thermos
  9170. term≤metro
  9171. thermometer
  9172. ternero
  9173. calf
  9174. terraplΘn
  9175. embankment
  9176. terrateniente
  9177. landowner
  9178. terraza
  9179. terrace
  9180. terremoto
  9181. earthquake
  9182. terrenal
  9183. terrestrial
  9184. terreno
  9185. grounds/terrain
  9186. terrestre
  9187. terrestrial
  9188. terrible
  9189. terrible
  9190. terriblemente
  9191. frightfully
  9192. terroso
  9193. earthy
  9194. terr≤n
  9195. lump
  9196. testar
  9197. test
  9198. testigo
  9199. witness
  9200. testimonio
  9201. attestation
  9202. tetera
  9203. tea-kettle
  9204. tetuda
  9205. busty
  9206. texto
  9207. text
  9208. textos
  9209. texts
  9210. tez
  9211. complexion
  9212. te±ir
  9213. dye
  9214. tibio
  9215. lukewarm
  9216. tibur≤n
  9217. shark
  9218. tiempo
  9219. time/weather
  9220. tienda
  9221. boutique/store
  9222. tiene
  9223. has
  9224. tierno
  9225. soft
  9226. tierra
  9227. land/earth
  9228. tigre
  9229. tiger
  9230. tijeras
  9231. scissors
  9232. tilo
  9233. lime-tree/linden-tree
  9234. timbal
  9235. kettledrum
  9236. timbrar
  9237. mark/stamp
  9238. timbre
  9239. bell
  9240. timido
  9241. shy
  9242. tim≤n
  9243. handlebars/helm
  9244. tinieblas
  9245. darkness/murk
  9246. tinta
  9247. ink
  9248. tinte
  9249. tint
  9250. tintero
  9251. inkwell
  9252. tintineo
  9253. jingle/tinkle
  9254. tintorero
  9255. dry cleaner
  9256. tintura
  9257. dye
  9258. tipo
  9259. type/kind
  9260. tira
  9261. band
  9262. tirador
  9263. marksman
  9264. tirantes
  9265. braces/suspenders
  9266. tirar
  9267. shoot/haul/pull
  9268. tiroteo
  9269. gunfire
  9270. tir≤n
  9271. haul
  9272. titubear
  9273. hesitate/waver
  9274. titular
  9275. headline
  9276. tiza
  9277. chalk
  9278. ti±≤
  9279. dyed
  9280. toalla
  9281. towel
  9282. tobillo
  9283. ankle
  9284. tobogßn
  9285. slide
  9286. tocar
  9287. touch
  9288. tocayo
  9289. namesake
  9290. tocino
  9291. bacon
  9292. toc≤logo
  9293. obstetrician
  9294. todavia
  9295. still/yet
  9296. todavφa
  9297. hitherto
  9298. todo
  9299. altogether/everything
  9300. todopoderoso
  9301. almighty/omnipotent
  9302. todos
  9303. all
  9304. tolerable
  9305. bearable
  9306. tolva
  9307. hopper
  9308. toma
  9309. outlet
  9310. tomar
  9311. take/engulf
  9312. tomate
  9313. tomato
  9314. tomo
  9315. volume
  9316. tontamente
  9317. foolishly
  9318. tonterias
  9319. rubbish
  9320. tonterφa
  9321. foolishness
  9322. tonto
  9323. fool
  9324. tope
  9325. butt
  9326. topo
  9327. mole
  9328. toque
  9329. touch
  9330. torcedura
  9331. sprain
  9332. torcer
  9333. bend
  9334. torcido
  9335. furious
  9336. torero
  9337. bullfighter
  9338. toril
  9339. bullpen
  9340. tormenta
  9341. storm/tempest
  9342. tornillo
  9343. screw
  9344. torno
  9345. lathe
  9346. toro
  9347. bull
  9348. torpe
  9349. clumsy
  9350. torpemente
  9351. clumsily
  9352. torpeza
  9353. infamy
  9354. torre
  9355. castle/tower
  9356. torta
  9357. pie/tart
  9358. tortilla
  9359. omelet/omelette
  9360. tosco
  9361. boorish
  9362. toser
  9363. cough
  9364. totalidad
  9365. entirety
  9366. totalmente
  9367. fully
  9368. tozudo
  9369. obstinate
  9370. trabajado
  9371. elaborate
  9372. trabajador
  9373. hand/worker
  9374. trabajar
  9375. work
  9376. trabajo
  9377. job/work
  9378. trabar
  9379. hobble
  9380. traducir
  9381. translate
  9382. traer
  9383. bring/fetch
  9384. tragar
  9385. engulf/swallow
  9386. trago
  9387. swallow
  9388. traicionar
  9389. betray
  9390. traici≤n
  9391. betrayal
  9392. traidor
  9393. betrayer
  9394. traje
  9395. costume/suit
  9396. trama
  9397. lattice
  9398. tramo
  9399. span
  9400. trampa
  9401. catch
  9402. tranquilo
  9403. calm/tranquil
  9404. transbordador
  9405. ferry
  9406. transcurrir
  9407. elapse
  9408. transgresi≤n
  9409. infringement
  9410. transigir
  9411. compromise
  9412. transitable
  9413. passable/practicable
  9414. transitivo
  9415. transitive
  9416. transportador
  9417. carrier
  9418. transportar
  9419. cart
  9420. transporte
  9421. transport
  9422. tranvφa
  9423. streetcar/tram
  9424. tras
  9425. behind/after
  9426. trasero
  9427. back
  9428. trasladar
  9429. copy
  9430. traslado
  9431. copy
  9432. traspapelar
  9433. misplace
  9434. trasporte
  9435. transport
  9436. tratadista
  9437. commentator
  9438. tratado
  9439. treaty
  9440. tratamiento
  9441. treatment
  9442. tratar
  9443. treat
  9444. tratmiento
  9445. treatment
  9446. travesura
  9447. mischief
  9448. travieso
  9449. mischievous
  9450. trebol
  9451. clover
  9452. trece
  9453. thirteen
  9454. treinta
  9455. thirty
  9456. tremendamente
  9457. awfully
  9458. tren
  9459. train
  9460. trenza
  9461. braid
  9462. trenzar
  9463. braid
  9464. trepador
  9465. climber
  9466. trepar
  9467. climb
  9468. tres
  9469. three
  9470. trescientos
  9471. three hundred
  9472. tribunal
  9473. court
  9474. tributo
  9475. tax/tribute
  9476. trigo
  9477. wheat
  9478. trillado
  9479. hard-worked/worn-out
  9480. trinchar
  9481. carve
  9482. trinchera
  9483. foxhole
  9484. trineo
  9485. sled
  9486. trinidad
  9487. trinity
  9488. trinquete
  9489. clique/coterie
  9490. tripa
  9491. gut
  9492. tripulaci≤n
  9493. crew
  9494. triste
  9495. sad
  9496. tristeza
  9497. sadness/sorrow
  9498. triturar
  9499. mash
  9500. trivial
  9501. commonplace/trite
  9502. trocar
  9503. change
  9504. tromb≤n
  9505. trumpet
  9506. tronco
  9507. stem/trunk
  9508. trono
  9509. throne
  9510. trovador
  9511. balladeer
  9512. trozo
  9513. slice
  9514. trozos
  9515. pieces
  9516. trucha
  9517. trout
  9518. trueno
  9519. thunder
  9520. trßfico
  9521. traffic
  9522. tu
  9523. your
  9524. tuerca
  9525. nut
  9526. tumba
  9527. grave/tomb
  9528. tumbar
  9529. floor
  9530. tumor
  9531. tumor/tumour
  9532. tumulto
  9533. fracas
  9534. turca
  9535. turkish woman
  9536. turco
  9537. turkish/turk
  9538. turista
  9539. tourist
  9540. turno
  9541. row/turn
  9542. turquφa
  9543. turkey
  9544. turr≤n
  9545. nougat
  9546. tuza
  9547. gopher
  9548. tßmesis
  9549. thames
  9550. tßpa
  9551. hood/lid
  9552. tea
  9553. tΘcnica
  9554. technics/technique
  9555. tΘmpano
  9556. floe
  9557. tΘnico
  9558. technician
  9559. tΘrmino
  9560. term/end
  9561. tΘrminos
  9562. terms
  9563. tφa
  9564. aunt
  9565. tφmido
  9566. afraid/timid
  9567. tφmpano
  9568. eardrum
  9569. tφo
  9570. uncle
  9571. tφpicamente
  9572. typically
  9573. tφtulo
  9574. degree
  9575. t≤nica
  9576. keynote
  9577. t≤nicas
  9578. keynotes
  9579. t≤rax
  9580. chest
  9581. t≤xico
  9582. poisonous
  9583. you
  9584. t·nel
  9585. tunnel
  9586. t·nez
  9587. tunis
  9588. ubicaci≤n
  9589. location
  9590. ubicar
  9591. locate
  9592. uf
  9593. shame
  9594. ·lcera
  9595. ulcer/sore
  9596. ulterior
  9597. farthest
  9598. ·ltima
  9599. latest
  9600. ·ltimo
  9601. latest
  9602. ultrajar
  9603. abuse/offend
  9604. un
  9605. a/an
  9606. una
  9607. a/one
  9608. unas
  9609. any/some
  9610. undΘcimo
  9611. eleventh
  9612. unguento
  9613. ointment
  9614. ungⁿento
  9615. ointment
  9616. ·nico
  9617. only/unique
  9618. uniforme
  9619. uniform
  9620. unirse
  9621. join/pool
  9622. universal
  9623. general/usual
  9624. universidad
  9625. university
  9626. universitaria
  9627. university
  9628. uni≤n
  9629. union/juncture
  9630. uno
  9631. one
  9632. unos
  9633. any/some
  9634. unto
  9635. unguent
  9636. urbano
  9637. urban
  9638. urgente
  9639. pressing/urgent
  9640. urgentemente
  9641. urgently
  9642. urraca
  9643. magpie
  9644. uruguay
  9645. uruguay
  9646. usada
  9647. used
  9648. usadas
  9649. used
  9650. usado
  9651. worn/used
  9652. usando
  9653. using
  9654. usar
  9655. use
  9656. uso
  9657. use
  9658. usos
  9659. uses
  9660. usted
  9661. you
  9662. ustedes
  9663. you
  9664. usualmente
  9665. commonly
  9666. usuario
  9667. user
  9668. usuarios
  9669. users
  9670. usurpador
  9671. extortionist
  9672. ·tero
  9673. uterus/womb
  9674. ·til
  9675. helpful
  9676. utilizando
  9677. using
  9678. uva
  9679. grape
  9680. uvas
  9681. grapes
  9682. u±a
  9683. nail
  9684. vaca
  9685. cow
  9686. vacaciones
  9687. vacation
  9688. vacante
  9689. vacant
  9690. vaciar
  9691. bottle/empty
  9692. vacilaci≤n
  9693. hesitation/wavering
  9694. vacilante
  9695. hesitant
  9696. vacilar
  9697. hesitate/waver
  9698. vacuno
  9699. bovine
  9700. vacφa
  9701. empty
  9702. vacφo
  9703. empty/void
  9704. vagabundear
  9705. bum
  9706. vagabundo
  9707. vagabond
  9708. vainilla
  9709. vanilla
  9710. vale
  9711. agreed/ok
  9712. valencia
  9713. valencia
  9714. valent≤n
  9715. bully
  9716. valer
  9717. worth
  9718. valiente
  9719. courageous
  9720. valle
  9721. valley
  9722. valor
  9723. courage/value
  9724. valorar
  9725. value
  9726. valores
  9727. securities
  9728. valuta
  9729. currency
  9730. vamos
  9731. go ahead
  9732. vaquero
  9733. cowboy
  9734. vaqueros
  9735. cowboys
  9736. vara
  9737. nightstick
  9738. variar
  9739. vary
  9740. variedad
  9741. variety
  9742. vario
  9743. varied
  9744. varios
  9745. several
  9746. varonil
  9747. manly
  9748. var≤n
  9749. male
  9750. vasco
  9751. basque
  9752. vascuence
  9753. basque
  9754. vaso
  9755. glass/vase
  9756. vatio
  9757. watt
  9758. vaya
  9759. go
  9760. vece
  9761. time
  9762. veces
  9763. times
  9764. vecino
  9765. neighbouring/neighbour
  9766. vecinos
  9767. neighbors
  9768. vegetal
  9769. vegetable
  9770. vegetariano
  9771. vegetarian
  9772. veinte
  9773. twenty
  9774. veintenueve
  9775. twenty-nine
  9776. veinticinco
  9777. twenty-five
  9778. veinticuatro
  9779. twenty-four
  9780. veintiocho
  9781. twenty-eight
  9782. veintisiete
  9783. twenty-seven
  9784. veintisΘis
  9785. twenty-six
  9786. veintitrΘs
  9787. twenty-three
  9788. veintiuno
  9789. twenty-one
  9790. vejar
  9791. harass
  9792. vejiga
  9793. bladder/bubble
  9794. vela
  9795. candle
  9796. velas
  9797. candles
  9798. veleidoso
  9799. inconstant
  9800. vellocino
  9801. fleece
  9802. velludo
  9803. hairy/hirsute
  9804. velocidad
  9805. speed
  9806. vena
  9807. vein
  9808. venado
  9809. deer
  9810. vencer
  9811. defeat
  9812. vencimiento
  9813. maturity
  9814. venda
  9815. bandage
  9816. vendaje
  9817. bandage
  9818. vendar
  9819. bandage
  9820. vendedor
  9821. salesman
  9822. vendedora
  9823. saleswoman
  9824. vender
  9825. sell/vend
  9826. vendible
  9827. marketable
  9828. veneno
  9829. poison/bane
  9830. venenoso
  9831. baneful
  9832. venerar
  9833. venerate
  9834. venezuela
  9835. venezuela
  9836. vengador
  9837. avenger
  9838. venganza
  9839. revenge/vengeance
  9840. vengar
  9841. avenge
  9842. venidero
  9843. coming
  9844. venir
  9845. come
  9846. venta
  9847. sale
  9848. ventaja
  9849. advantage/benefit
  9850. ventajosamente
  9851. advantageously
  9852. ventana
  9853. window
  9854. ventilaci≤n
  9855. ventilation
  9856. ventilador
  9857. fan
  9858. ventilar
  9859. ventilate
  9860. ventisca
  9861. blizzard
  9862. ver
  9863. see/watch
  9864. verano
  9865. summer
  9866. verbena
  9867. fair
  9868. verbo
  9869. verb
  9870. verbos
  9871. verbs
  9872. verdad
  9873. reality/truth
  9874. verdaderamente
  9875. absolutely/genuinly
  9876. verdadero
  9877. true
  9878. verde
  9879. green
  9880. verdor
  9881. greenery
  9882. verdugo
  9883. executioner
  9884. verduras
  9885. vegetable
  9886. vergonzoso
  9887. ashamed/humiliating
  9888. vergⁿenza
  9889. abashment/shame
  9890. verificar
  9891. verify
  9892. versar
  9893. spin
  9894. versi≤n
  9895. version
  9896. verter
  9897. cascade
  9898. vestido
  9899. dress
  9900. vestimenta
  9901. gown
  9902. vestir
  9903. clothe/dress
  9904. vestirse
  9905. dress
  9906. vestφbulo
  9907. hall
  9908. vesφcula
  9909. bladder
  9910. veterinario
  9911. veterinarian
  9912. vez
  9913. instance/time
  9914. viajar
  9915. travel
  9916. viaje
  9917. journey/voyage
  9918. viajero
  9919. traveller
  9920. viaticar
  9921. administer the last sacraments
  9922. victoria
  9923. victory
  9924. vida
  9925. life
  9926. video
  9927. video
  9928. video-grabadora
  9929. video recorder
  9930. vidrio
  9931. glass
  9932. viejo
  9933. old
  9934. viena
  9935. vienna
  9936. viento
  9937. wind
  9938. vientre
  9939. abdomen/belly
  9940. viernes
  9941. friday
  9942. viga
  9943. beam/girder
  9944. vigilar
  9945. guard/keep
  9946. vilmente
  9947. basely
  9948. vinagre
  9949. vinegar
  9950. vincular
  9951. link
  9952. vino
  9953. wine
  9954. violar
  9955. rape
  9956. violento
  9957. intense/intensive
  9958. violoncelo
  9959. cello
  9960. violφn
  9961. violin
  9962. virus
  9963. virus
  9964. visado
  9965. visa
  9966. visita
  9967. visit
  9968. visitaci≤n
  9969. inspection
  9970. visitar
  9971. attend/visit
  9972. vislumbrar
  9973. glimpse
  9974. vislumbre
  9975. glimpse
  9976. vista
  9977. view/sight
  9978. visto
  9979. seen
  9980. vitamina
  9981. vitamin
  9982. viudo
  9983. widower
  9984. vivamente
  9985. briskly
  9986. vivaz
  9987. lively
  9988. vivido
  9989. lived
  9990. viviendo
  9991. living
  9992. vivir
  9993. live
  9994. vivo
  9995. live/alive
  9996. vi±a
  9997. vine
  9998. vocabulario
  9999. vocabulary
  10000. vocal
  10001. vowel
  10002. vociferar
  10003. shout/bark
  10004. volante
  10005. handout
  10006. volar
  10007. fly
  10008. volcar
  10009. capsize
  10010. volear
  10011. volley
  10012. voltaje
  10013. tension/voltage
  10014. volumen
  10015. bulk
  10016. voluntad
  10017. will/wish
  10018. voluntariamente
  10019. willingly
  10020. voluntarioso
  10021. headstrong
  10022. volver
  10023. return/turn
  10024. vomitar
  10025. vomit
  10026. vosotras
  10027. you
  10028. vosotros
  10029. you
  10030. votaci≤n
  10031. voting
  10032. voy
  10033. i go
  10034. voz
  10035. voice
  10036. vuelo
  10037. flight
  10038. vßlido
  10039. valid
  10040. vßlvula
  10041. tube/valve
  10042. vΘanse
  10043. see
  10044. vφbora
  10045. viper
  10046. vφnculo
  10047. noose
  10048. vφspera
  10049. eve
  10050. vφstula
  10051. vistula
  10052. vφtreo
  10053. glassy
  10054. v≤mito
  10055. vomit
  10056. y
  10057. and
  10058. ya
  10059. already/yet
  10060. yacer
  10061. lie down
  10062. yate
  10063. yacht
  10064. yedra
  10065. ivy
  10066. yegua
  10067. mare
  10068. yendo
  10069. going
  10070. yerba
  10071. herb
  10072. yermo
  10073. barren
  10074. yerro
  10075. error/mistake
  10076. yo
  10077. i
  10078. yodo
  10079. iodine
  10080. yogur
  10081. yoghurt
  10082. yugo
  10083. yoke
  10084. yugoeslavia
  10085. yugoslavia
  10086. yugular
  10087. jugular
  10088. yunque
  10089. anvil
  10090. yuxtaponer
  10091. juxtapose
  10092. yuxtaposici≤n
  10093. juxtaposition
  10094. zafiro
  10095. sapphire
  10096. zalamero
  10097. affectionate/cuddlesome
  10098. zanahoria
  10099. carrot
  10100. zang≤n
  10101. lout
  10102. zanja
  10103. hole/ditch
  10104. zapatero
  10105. shoemaker
  10106. zapatilla
  10107. slipper
  10108. zapato
  10109. shoe
  10110. zapatos
  10111. shoes
  10112. zarzal
  10113. bramble
  10114. zarzamora
  10115. blackberry
  10116. zelandia
  10117. zeeland
  10118. zelandΘs
  10119. zealand/zealander
  10120. zinc
  10121. zinc
  10122. zona
  10123. zone
  10124. zorrero
  10125. foxhound
  10126. zorro
  10127. fox
  10128. zorruno
  10129. foxy
  10130. zote
  10131. foolish/stupid
  10132. zueco
  10133. clog
  10134. zumbador
  10135. buzzer
  10136. zumbar
  10137. buzz
  10138. zumbido
  10139. buzz
  10140. zumo
  10141. juice/sap
  10142. zurrar
  10143. thrash
  10144. zutano
  10145. so-and-so