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Text File  |  1997-10-15  |  7.4 KB  |  531 lines

  1. "a few"
  2. "quelques"
  3. "a little"
  4. "lΘgerement"
  5. "a long time"
  6. "longtemps"
  7. "a lot of"
  8. "maint"
  9. "abase oneself"
  10. "s'humilier"
  11. "above all"
  12. "surtout"
  13. "absence of mind"
  14. "inattention"
  15. "absent oneself"
  16. "s'absenter"
  17. "accomodate oneself"
  18. "s'adapter"
  19. "according to"
  20. "d'aprΦs"
  21. "across from"
  22. "contre"
  23. "addis ababa"
  24. "addis-abeba"
  25. "address list"
  26. "annuaire"
  27. "adored one"
  28. "adorΘe"
  29. "afghan woman"
  30. "afghane"
  31. "air out"
  32. "aΘrer"
  33. "alarm clock"
  34. "rΘveil-matin"
  35. "all about"
  36. "partout"
  37. "all hallows"
  38. "toussaint"
  39. "all of a sudden"
  40. "soudainement"
  41. "anonymous writer"
  42. "inconnu"
  43. "anti-tank gun"
  44. "bazooka"
  45. "apart from"
  46. "hormis"
  47. "appalachian mountains"
  48. "appalaches"
  49. "armenian woman"
  50. "armΘnienne"
  51. "as if"
  52. "presque"
  53. "ask forgiveness"
  54. "s'excuser"
  55. "at a strech"
  56. "successivement"
  57. "at all"
  58. "n'importe"
  59. "at first"
  60. "d'abord"
  61. "at last"
  62. "enfin"
  63. "at once"
  64. "sit⌠t"
  65. "at present"
  66. "maintenant"
  67. "at some time"
  68. "jadis"
  69. "australian woman"
  70. "australienne"
  71. "back of the neck"
  72. "nuque"
  73. "balearic islands"
  74. "balΘares"
  75. "be able to"
  76. "pouvoir"
  77. "be about"
  78. "circuler"
  79. "be acquainted with"
  80. "connaεtre"
  81. "be advised"
  82. "s'informer"
  83. "be afraid of"
  84. "redouter"
  85. "be alive"
  86. "vivre"
  87. "be asleep"
  88. "dormir"
  89. "be bored"
  90. "s'ennuyer"
  91. "be called"
  92. "s'appeler"
  93. "be delirious"
  94. "dΘlirer"
  95. "be indignant"
  96. "s'indigner"
  97. "be interested"
  98. "s'intΘresser"
  99. "be near death"
  100. "agoniser"
  101. "be obstinate"
  102. "s'obstiner"
  103. "be proud"
  104. "triompher"
  105. "be sorry about"
  106. "regretter"
  107. "be succesful"
  108. "prospΘrer"
  109. "be willing to"
  110. "vouloir"
  111. "be worth"
  112. "valoir"
  113. "be worthy of"
  114. "mΘriter"
  115. "belong to"
  116. "appartenir"
  117. "black forest"
  118. "forΩt-noire"
  119. "black sea"
  120. "pont-euxine"
  121. "blow up"
  122. "aggraver"
  123. "board of directors"
  124. "commandement"
  125. "boarding house"
  126. "pensionnat"
  127. "break down"
  128. "s'abεmer"
  129. "break into"
  130. "entamer"
  131. "bring close together"
  132. "approcher"
  133. "british columbia"
  134. "colombie-britannique"
  135. "burmese woman"
  136. "birmane"
  137. "caissie cape"
  138. "cap-des-caissie"
  139. "camping ground"
  140. "camp"
  141. "canadian woman"
  142. "canadienne"
  143. "capital letter"
  144. "majuscule"
  145. "care for"
  146. "guΘrir"
  147. "carp at"
  148. "chicaner"
  149. "cashier's stand"
  150. "caisse"
  151. "cast off"
  152. "prΘcipiter"
  153. "chase away"
  154. "repousser"
  155. "chemist's shop"
  156. "pharmacie"
  157. "chew the cud"
  158. "ruminer"
  159. "chewing gum"
  160. "chewing-gum"
  161. "come back"
  162. "revenir"
  163. "commit adultery"
  164. "tromper"
  165. "commit aggression"
  166. "agresser"
  167. "corpus christi"
  168. "fΩte-dieux"
  169. "costa rican"
  170. "costaricien"
  171. "count down"
  172. "retrancher"
  173. "cow parsnip"
  174. "berce"
  175. "cross out"
  176. "rayer"
  177. "cylinder phonograph"
  178. "phonographe"
  179. "cyprian woman"
  180. "cypriote"
  181. "czech woman"
  182. "tchΦque"
  183. "dead-end street"
  184. "impasse"
  185. "deaf and dumb"
  186. "sourd-muet"
  187. "deal with"
  188. "traiter"
  189. "delight in"
  190. "jouir"
  191. "disabled person"
  192. "mutilΘ"
  193. "dispose of"
  194. "vendre"
  195. "do away with"
  196. "⌠ter"
  197. "draw attention"
  198. "signaler"
  199. "dutch woman"
  200. "nΘerlandaise"
  201. "eat up"
  202. "dΘvorer"
  203. "editorial office"
  204. "rΘdaction"
  205. "estonian woman"
  206. "estonienne"
  207. "evening meal"
  208. "souper"
  209. "fairy tale"
  210. "conte de fΘe"
  211. "far east"
  212. "extrΩme-orient"
  213. "filing card"
  214. "fiche"
  215. "first name"
  216. "prΘnom"
  217. "freezing cold"
  218. "gel"
  219. "full of zeal"
  220. "fervent"
  221. "garbage can"
  222. "poubelle"
  223. "get along"
  224. "progresser"
  225. "get in"
  226. "monter"
  227. "get moldy"
  228. "moisir"
  229. "give as an excuse"
  230. "prΘtexter"
  231. "give birth"
  232. "accoucher"
  233. "go forward"
  234. "avancer"
  235. "go in"
  236. "entrer"
  237. "go on pilgrimage"
  238. "pΘrΘgriner"
  239. "good evening"
  240. "bonsoir"
  241. "good morning"
  242. "bonjour"
  243. "grand falls"
  244. "grand-sault"
  245. "greek woman"
  246. "grecque"
  247. "guinea bissau"
  248. "guinΘe-bissau"
  249. "hang onto"
  250. "tenir"
  251. "have compassion on"
  252. "compatir"
  253. "have to"
  254. "devoir"
  255. "heavenly body"
  256. "astre"
  257. "high school"
  258. "collΦge"
  259. "hitch on"
  260. "accrocher"
  261. "honduran woman"
  262. "hondurienne"
  263. "hooks and eyes"
  264. "fermoir"
  265. "how many"
  266. "combien"
  267. "in accordance with"
  268. "conformΘment"
  269. "in easy circumstances"
  270. "aisΘ"
  271. "in good condition"
  272. "intact"
  273. "indonesian woman"
  274. "indonΘsienne"
  275. "initial deposit"
  276. "acompte"
  277. "inverted comma"
  278. "guillemet"
  279. "iranian woman"
  280. "iranienne"
  281. "isn't it"
  282. "hein"
  283. "italian woman"
  284. "italienne"
  285. "japanese woman"
  286. "japonaise"
  287. "javanese woman"
  288. "javanaise"
  289. "jeer at"
  290. "railler"
  291. "jesus christ"
  292. "jΘsus-christ"
  293. "jumbled up"
  294. "confus"
  295. "june bug"
  296. "hanneton"
  297. "keep an eye on"
  298. "Θpier"
  299. "korean woman"
  300. "corΘene"
  301. "lappish woman"
  302. "laponne"
  303. "latvian woman"
  304. "lettonne"
  305. "laurentian mountains"
  306. "laurentides"
  307. "leaf through"
  308. "feuilleter"
  309. "link together"
  310. "enchaεner"
  311. "liquid manure"
  312. "purin"
  313. "lithuanian woman"
  314. "lituanienne"
  315. "long for"
  316. "soupirer"
  317. "look askance"
  318. "loucher"
  319. "look for"
  320. "chercher"
  321. "lower case letter"
  322. "minuscule"
  323. "magnifying glass"
  324. "loupe"
  325. "make a contract"
  326. "contracter"
  327. "make glad"
  328. "rΘjouir"
  329. "march off"
  330. "dΘcΘder"
  331. "mariana islands"
  332. "mariannes"
  333. "meet with"
  334. "satisfaire"
  335. "meteoric stone"
  336. "aΘrolithe"
  337. "mexican woman"
  338. "mexicaine"
  339. "mexico city"
  340. "mexico"
  341. "middle east"
  342. "moyen-orient"
  343. "middleclass citizen"
  344. "bourgeois"
  345. "money order"
  346. "mandat-poste"
  347. "most important"
  348. "principal"
  349. "mountain chain"
  350. "montagne"
  351. "mountain ridge"
  352. "arΩte"
  353. "musical time"
  354. "tact"
  355. "new brunswick"
  356. "nouveau-brunswick"
  357. "new guinea"
  358. "nouvelle-guinΘe"
  359. "new year's eve"
  360. "saint-sylvestre"
  361. "new zealand"
  362. "nouvelle zΘlande"
  363. "north african"
  364. "nordafricain"
  365. "north american"
  366. "nord-amΘricain"
  367. "north korean"
  368. "nord-corΘen"
  369. "norwegian woman"
  370. "norvΘgienne"
  371. "nova scotia"
  372. "nouvelle-ecosse"
  373. "of course"
  374. "naturellement"
  375. "of which"
  376. "dont"
  377. "old man"
  378. "vieillard"
  379. "palm sunday"
  380. "rameaux"
  381. "panamanian woman"
  382. "panamΘenne"
  383. "pay off"
  384. "acquitter"
  385. "pay out"
  386. "dΘpenser"
  387. "persian gulf"
  388. "persique"
  389. "persian woman"
  390. "persane"
  391. "philippine woman"
  392. "philippine"
  393. "piece of furniture"
  394. "meuble"
  395. "piece of mail"
  396. "correspondance"
  397. "polish woman"
  398. "polonaise"
  399. "portuguese woman"
  400. "portugaise"
  401. "prince edward island"
  402. "ile-du-prince-edouard"
  403. "public prosecutor"
  404. "procureur"
  405. "pullover sweater"
  406. "pull-over"
  407. "put away"
  408. "serrer"
  409. "put on"
  410. "activer"
  411. "put to bed"
  412. "coucher"
  413. "put together"
  414. "assembler"
  415. "quotation marks"
  416. "guillemets"
  417. "retired person"
  418. "retraitΘ"
  419. "romanian woman"
  420. "roumaine"
  421. "russian woman"
  422. "russe"
  423. "saint helena"
  424. "sainte-hΘlΦne"
  425. "saint nicholas"
  426. "saint-nicolas"
  427. "saint petersburg"
  428. "saint-pΘtersbourg"
  429. "san marino"
  430. "saint-marin"
  431. "scandinavian woman"
  432. "scandinave"
  433. "see again"
  434. "revoir"
  435. "seized with emotion"
  436. "Θmu"
  437. "set a trap"
  438. "comploter"
  439. "sheet metal"
  440. "fer-blanc"
  441. "shoot dead"
  442. "fusiller"
  443. "short story"
  444. "nouvelle"
  445. "show window"
  446. "vitrine"
  447. "sicilian woman"
  448. "sicilienne"
  449. "sit down"
  450. "asseoir"
  451. "sky blue"
  452. "azur"
  453. "slovak woman"
  454. "slovaque"
  455. "sly joke"
  456. "blague"
  457. "soften up"
  458. "forcer"
  459. "some kind of"
  460. "quelconque"
  461. "spanish woman"
  462. "espagnole"
  463. "spare time"
  464. "congΘ"
  465. "spread out"
  466. "dΘployer"
  467. "standing together"
  468. "solidaire"
  469. "start off"
  470. "dΘmarrer"
  471. "start out"
  472. "partir"
  473. "strive for"
  474. "s'efforcer"
  475. "surinamese woman"
  476. "surinamienne"
  477. "sweet potato"
  478. "igname"
  479. "take off"
  480. "enlever"
  481. "take the place of"
  482. "remplacer"
  483. "tape recorder"
  484. "magnΘtophone"
  485. "texan woman"
  486. "texane"
  487. "thai woman"
  488. "tha∩landaise"
  489. "thank you"
  490. "merci"
  491. "that is"
  492. "c'est-α-dire"
  493. "that much"
  494. "tant"
  495. "the day after tomorrow"
  496. "aprΦs-demain"
  497. "the day before yesterday"
  498. "avant-hier"
  499. "throw away"
  500. "rejeter"
  501. "tie on"
  502. "nouer"
  503. "touch lightly"
  504. "effleurer"
  505. "trample on"
  506. "piΘtiner"
  507. "turkish lady"
  508. "turque"
  509. "ukrainian woman"
  510. "ukrainienne"
  511. "united states of america"
  512. "etats-unis"
  513. "vacuum cleaner"
  514. "aspirateur"
  515. "viennese woman"
  516. "viennoise"
  517. "vietnamese woman"
  518. "vietnamienne"
  519. "wage war"
  520. "guerroyer"
  521. "wear down"
  522. "roder"
  523. "what kind of"
  524. "quel"
  525. "white russia"
  526. "biΘlorussie"
  527. "white russian"
  528. "biΘlorusse"
  529. "with effort"
  530. "pΘniblement"