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- "a few"
- "quelques"
- "a little"
- "lΘgerement"
- "a long time"
- "longtemps"
- "a lot of"
- "maint"
- "abase oneself"
- "s'humilier"
- "above all"
- "surtout"
- "absence of mind"
- "inattention"
- "absent oneself"
- "s'absenter"
- "accomodate oneself"
- "s'adapter"
- "according to"
- "d'aprΦs"
- "across from"
- "contre"
- "addis ababa"
- "addis-abeba"
- "address list"
- "annuaire"
- "adored one"
- "adorΘe"
- "afghan woman"
- "afghane"
- "air out"
- "aΘrer"
- "alarm clock"
- "rΘveil-matin"
- "all about"
- "partout"
- "all hallows"
- "toussaint"
- "all of a sudden"
- "soudainement"
- "anonymous writer"
- "inconnu"
- "anti-tank gun"
- "bazooka"
- "apart from"
- "hormis"
- "appalachian mountains"
- "appalaches"
- "armenian woman"
- "armΘnienne"
- "as if"
- "presque"
- "ask forgiveness"
- "s'excuser"
- "at a strech"
- "successivement"
- "at all"
- "n'importe"
- "at first"
- "d'abord"
- "at last"
- "enfin"
- "at once"
- "sit⌠t"
- "at present"
- "maintenant"
- "at some time"
- "jadis"
- "australian woman"
- "australienne"
- "back of the neck"
- "nuque"
- "balearic islands"
- "balΘares"
- "be able to"
- "pouvoir"
- "be about"
- "circuler"
- "be acquainted with"
- "connaεtre"
- "be advised"
- "s'informer"
- "be afraid of"
- "redouter"
- "be alive"
- "vivre"
- "be asleep"
- "dormir"
- "be bored"
- "s'ennuyer"
- "be called"
- "s'appeler"
- "be delirious"
- "dΘlirer"
- "be indignant"
- "s'indigner"
- "be interested"
- "s'intΘresser"
- "be near death"
- "agoniser"
- "be obstinate"
- "s'obstiner"
- "be proud"
- "triompher"
- "be sorry about"
- "regretter"
- "be succesful"
- "prospΘrer"
- "be willing to"
- "vouloir"
- "be worth"
- "valoir"
- "be worthy of"
- "mΘriter"
- "belong to"
- "appartenir"
- "black forest"
- "forΩt-noire"
- "black sea"
- "pont-euxine"
- "blow up"
- "aggraver"
- "board of directors"
- "commandement"
- "boarding house"
- "pensionnat"
- "break down"
- "s'abεmer"
- "break into"
- "entamer"
- "bring close together"
- "approcher"
- "british columbia"
- "colombie-britannique"
- "burmese woman"
- "birmane"
- "caissie cape"
- "cap-des-caissie"
- "camping ground"
- "camp"
- "canadian woman"
- "canadienne"
- "capital letter"
- "majuscule"
- "care for"
- "guΘrir"
- "carp at"
- "chicaner"
- "cashier's stand"
- "caisse"
- "cast off"
- "prΘcipiter"
- "chase away"
- "repousser"
- "chemist's shop"
- "pharmacie"
- "chew the cud"
- "ruminer"
- "chewing gum"
- "chewing-gum"
- "come back"
- "revenir"
- "commit adultery"
- "tromper"
- "commit aggression"
- "agresser"
- "corpus christi"
- "fΩte-dieux"
- "costa rican"
- "costaricien"
- "count down"
- "retrancher"
- "cow parsnip"
- "berce"
- "cross out"
- "rayer"
- "cylinder phonograph"
- "phonographe"
- "cyprian woman"
- "cypriote"
- "czech woman"
- "tchΦque"
- "dead-end street"
- "impasse"
- "deaf and dumb"
- "sourd-muet"
- "deal with"
- "traiter"
- "delight in"
- "jouir"
- "disabled person"
- "mutilΘ"
- "dispose of"
- "vendre"
- "do away with"
- "⌠ter"
- "draw attention"
- "signaler"
- "dutch woman"
- "nΘerlandaise"
- "eat up"
- "dΘvorer"
- "editorial office"
- "rΘdaction"
- "estonian woman"
- "estonienne"
- "evening meal"
- "souper"
- "fairy tale"
- "conte de fΘe"
- "far east"
- "extrΩme-orient"
- "filing card"
- "fiche"
- "first name"
- "prΘnom"
- "freezing cold"
- "gel"
- "full of zeal"
- "fervent"
- "garbage can"
- "poubelle"
- "get along"
- "progresser"
- "get in"
- "monter"
- "get moldy"
- "moisir"
- "give as an excuse"
- "prΘtexter"
- "give birth"
- "accoucher"
- "go forward"
- "avancer"
- "go in"
- "entrer"
- "go on pilgrimage"
- "pΘrΘgriner"
- "good evening"
- "bonsoir"
- "good morning"
- "bonjour"
- "grand falls"
- "grand-sault"
- "greek woman"
- "grecque"
- "guinea bissau"
- "guinΘe-bissau"
- "hang onto"
- "tenir"
- "have compassion on"
- "compatir"
- "have to"
- "devoir"
- "heavenly body"
- "astre"
- "high school"
- "collΦge"
- "hitch on"
- "accrocher"
- "honduran woman"
- "hondurienne"
- "hooks and eyes"
- "fermoir"
- "how many"
- "combien"
- "in accordance with"
- "conformΘment"
- "in easy circumstances"
- "aisΘ"
- "in good condition"
- "intact"
- "indonesian woman"
- "indonΘsienne"
- "initial deposit"
- "acompte"
- "inverted comma"
- "guillemet"
- "iranian woman"
- "iranienne"
- "isn't it"
- "hein"
- "italian woman"
- "italienne"
- "japanese woman"
- "japonaise"
- "javanese woman"
- "javanaise"
- "jeer at"
- "railler"
- "jesus christ"
- "jΘsus-christ"
- "jumbled up"
- "confus"
- "june bug"
- "hanneton"
- "keep an eye on"
- "Θpier"
- "korean woman"
- "corΘene"
- "lappish woman"
- "laponne"
- "latvian woman"
- "lettonne"
- "laurentian mountains"
- "laurentides"
- "leaf through"
- "feuilleter"
- "link together"
- "enchaεner"
- "liquid manure"
- "purin"
- "lithuanian woman"
- "lituanienne"
- "long for"
- "soupirer"
- "look askance"
- "loucher"
- "look for"
- "chercher"
- "lower case letter"
- "minuscule"
- "magnifying glass"
- "loupe"
- "make a contract"
- "contracter"
- "make glad"
- "rΘjouir"
- "march off"
- "dΘcΘder"
- "mariana islands"
- "mariannes"
- "meet with"
- "satisfaire"
- "meteoric stone"
- "aΘrolithe"
- "mexican woman"
- "mexicaine"
- "mexico city"
- "mexico"
- "middle east"
- "moyen-orient"
- "middleclass citizen"
- "bourgeois"
- "money order"
- "mandat-poste"
- "most important"
- "principal"
- "mountain chain"
- "montagne"
- "mountain ridge"
- "arΩte"
- "musical time"
- "tact"
- "new brunswick"
- "nouveau-brunswick"
- "new guinea"
- "nouvelle-guinΘe"
- "new year's eve"
- "saint-sylvestre"
- "new zealand"
- "nouvelle zΘlande"
- "north african"
- "nordafricain"
- "north american"
- "nord-amΘricain"
- "north korean"
- "nord-corΘen"
- "norwegian woman"
- "norvΘgienne"
- "nova scotia"
- "nouvelle-ecosse"
- "of course"
- "naturellement"
- "of which"
- "dont"
- "old man"
- "vieillard"
- "palm sunday"
- "rameaux"
- "panamanian woman"
- "panamΘenne"
- "pay off"
- "acquitter"
- "pay out"
- "dΘpenser"
- "persian gulf"
- "persique"
- "persian woman"
- "persane"
- "philippine woman"
- "philippine"
- "piece of furniture"
- "meuble"
- "piece of mail"
- "correspondance"
- "polish woman"
- "polonaise"
- "portuguese woman"
- "portugaise"
- "prince edward island"
- "ile-du-prince-edouard"
- "public prosecutor"
- "procureur"
- "pullover sweater"
- "pull-over"
- "put away"
- "serrer"
- "put on"
- "activer"
- "put to bed"
- "coucher"
- "put together"
- "assembler"
- "quotation marks"
- "guillemets"
- "retired person"
- "retraitΘ"
- "romanian woman"
- "roumaine"
- "russian woman"
- "russe"
- "saint helena"
- "sainte-hΘlΦne"
- "saint nicholas"
- "saint-nicolas"
- "saint petersburg"
- "saint-pΘtersbourg"
- "san marino"
- "saint-marin"
- "scandinavian woman"
- "scandinave"
- "see again"
- "revoir"
- "seized with emotion"
- "Θmu"
- "set a trap"
- "comploter"
- "sheet metal"
- "fer-blanc"
- "shoot dead"
- "fusiller"
- "short story"
- "nouvelle"
- "show window"
- "vitrine"
- "sicilian woman"
- "sicilienne"
- "sit down"
- "asseoir"
- "sky blue"
- "azur"
- "slovak woman"
- "slovaque"
- "sly joke"
- "blague"
- "soften up"
- "forcer"
- "some kind of"
- "quelconque"
- "spanish woman"
- "espagnole"
- "spare time"
- "congΘ"
- "spread out"
- "dΘployer"
- "standing together"
- "solidaire"
- "start off"
- "dΘmarrer"
- "start out"
- "partir"
- "strive for"
- "s'efforcer"
- "surinamese woman"
- "surinamienne"
- "sweet potato"
- "igname"
- "take off"
- "enlever"
- "take the place of"
- "remplacer"
- "tape recorder"
- "magnΘtophone"
- "texan woman"
- "texane"
- "thai woman"
- "tha∩landaise"
- "thank you"
- "merci"
- "that is"
- "c'est-α-dire"
- "that much"
- "tant"
- "the day after tomorrow"
- "aprΦs-demain"
- "the day before yesterday"
- "avant-hier"
- "throw away"
- "rejeter"
- "tie on"
- "nouer"
- "touch lightly"
- "effleurer"
- "trample on"
- "piΘtiner"
- "turkish lady"
- "turque"
- "ukrainian woman"
- "ukrainienne"
- "united states of america"
- "etats-unis"
- "vacuum cleaner"
- "aspirateur"
- "viennese woman"
- "viennoise"
- "vietnamese woman"
- "vietnamienne"
- "wage war"
- "guerroyer"
- "wear down"
- "roder"
- "what kind of"
- "quel"
- "white russia"
- "biΘlorussie"
- "white russian"
- "biΘlorusse"
- "with effort"
- "pΘniblement"