10 The VivoActive information you are attempting to play is designed for an earlier version of the player.\n\n(Expecting Bit Corrected G.723, found old G.723.)
11 You are attempting to play more than one video on this page.\nOnly one video will play.
100 General
101 Cannot open the specified file (CmdLine='%s'). Exiting...
105 This beta software has expired. Please contact Vivo Software (http://www.vivo.com/) for a new copy.
106 This beta software is going to expire. Please contact Vivo Software (http://www.vivo.com/) for a new copy.
107 Your computer does not have an audio device. You\nwill see the video play, but you will not hear the audio.\n\nDo you wish to see this message displayed again when\nanother VivoActive video is played?
108 Your computer's audio device is being used by another application. \nYou will see the video on this page, but you will not hear the audio.
109 VivoActive Player for ActiveX
110 Your computer's audio device does not work with VivoActive. \nYou will see the video on this page, but you will not hear the audio.
111 Your computer's audio processing software is not installed correctly. \nYou will see the video on this page, but if you hear any audio at all, it will sound bad.
112 The VivoActive information you are attempting to play contains an error, \nand the VivoActive software cannot interpret it.
113 The VivoActive information you are attempting to play is designed for an earlier version of the VivoActive player.\n\n(Expecting G.723, found TS1.)
114 Too many files are open.
115 A file I/O error occurred.
116 The file already exists.
117 Another application has the file locked.
118 A privilege violation occurred.
119 The maximum number of file streams are open.
120 The disk drive cannot handle this operation.
121 An invalid file handle was specified.
122 An unknown file error occurred.
123 The VivoActive file you selected already exists and is read-only.\nPress OK to select a different filename.
124 Save movie as...
125 The disk is full.
126 The file system is write-protected.
127 The file folder was not found.
128 The file was not found.
1001 Play
32768 About this Movie
32769 Save the video to a named file
32771 Save As
32772 Get PowerPlayer
40001 Pause
40002 Restart
40003 Vivo/2.10
40004 &Play
40005 &Pause
40006 Vivo« VivoActive Player for ActiveX\nVersion 2.1\nCopyright ⌐ 1995-1997 Vivo Software, Inc.\nAll rights reserved.
40007 About this Movie
57664 About VivoActive
57665 Exit
57670 Help
57860 Properties
57861 The VIV file you are attempting to play was created by a newer version of the VivoActive Producer: you should download the latest version of the VivoActive Player from www.vivo.com
57862 The VIV file you are attempting to play is a VivoActive metafile that contains one or more syntax errors.
57863 A VivoActive movie could not be found on the server, or an\nHTML file was specified instead of a VIV file.