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- 1 ImageMan Control
- 2 Imvb Property Page
- 101 General
- 102 ImageMan Export Property Page
- 103 Export
- 32000 No Image Loaded in Control
- 32001 Unable to Get Metafile Handle
- 32002 Unable to Get Device Dependent Bitmap
- 32003 Could not allocate Memory for Bitmap
- 32004 ImageDataSize property must be set prior to setting hImageData property.
- 32005 Bad Handle passed to hImageData property
- 32006 Image Format must be specified using MemoryFormat property before getting hImageData property.
- 32008 Kernel Width and Height must be odd numbers and kernel must be a 2 dimensional array.
- 32009 Kernel must be an array of Integers
- 32010 Operation requires 24 bit Image.
- 32011 Failed to Create Printer Device Context
- 32012 User Cancelled Print Dialog
- 32503 Error reading from file
- 32504 File not Found
- 32506 Insufficient Memory to load/process image
- 32507 Internal Error.
- 32508 Internal Error
- 32509 Unsupported Image Option
- 32510 Error loading image data.
- 32511 Error Printing Image
- 32512 Printer Doesnt Support Bitmaps.
- 32513 Internal Error (Invalid Source Rect)
- 32514 Can't perform operation on Vector Image
- 32515 No DILs found during Initialization
- 32516 Tried to Seek to Non Existent Page in Multi Page File
- 32517 Internal Error (Couldn't get Pointer to DIL Function)
- 32518 Can't Allocate DIB larger than 16 MBs
- 32519 Error Pasting image onto clipboard
- 32520 Error StretchBlt'ing to device context
- 32521 Error Blt'ing to device context
- 32522 Error playing metafile to device context
- 32523 Image Load or Save was cancelled by user.
- 33202 No DELS found during inititalization
- 33203 Unsupported Export Format
- 33204 Error writing data to disk.
- 33205 Insufficient Memory
- 33206 Internal Error Writing Image Data.
- 33208 Couldn't Load Export Filter (DEL)
- 33209 Error writing file - Disk Full ?
- 33210 Output File Already Exists
- 33211 Error opening export file
- 33212 Error Deleting Existing File.
- 33213 User Cancelled Export
- 33214 Can't Lock DIB Handle
- 33215 Image Save was cancelled