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- Updated 4:20 AM 11/7/97:
- - Added AFH Beveler 2.0c for use with non-Adobe host
- programs (does not require the plugin.dll file).
- ------------- AFH Beveler Plugins ------------------
- This zip file contains four versions of the freeware
- AFH Beveler plugin for Windows Adobe Photoshop 3.0+.
- => To use the plugins, copy the *.8bf files into your
- => Photoshop plugins directory (or the equivalent
- => directory for other Adobe-compatible host programs
- => such as Paint Shop Pro 4).
- Version 2.0a offers more control over the shading
- of the bevels than 1.0, but treats corner butts
- slightly differently, so both versions are included
- here.
- Version 2.0b differs from 2.0a only in the manner the
- preview window is scaled. In 2.0b, the size of the
- bevel in the preview window is scaled in direct
- proportion to the scaling of the preview, thus
- giving a more accurate preview of the final full-scale
- result.
- Version 2.0c is functionally identical to 2.0b, but
- was created in the older 56KB Filter Factory format,
- which does *not* require the use of the Adobe-proprietary
- dynamic link library file "plugin.dll" (see below).
- Thus, version 2.0c (afhbev2c.8bf) is useable with
- many non-Adobe image processing programs which did
- *not* work with earlier versions of the Beveler
- filters. (Note that version 2.0c still requires
- the "msvcrt10.dll" dynamic link library, which is
- supplied in this zip file.)
- These plugins were generated with the Adobe Photoshop
- Filter Factory. The source files (*.afs) are
- included to allow you to regenerate the plugins on
- platforms other than Windows. (The Adobe Photoshop
- Filter Factory is included on the Photoshop 3.0 and
- 4.0 installation CD-ROMs, but must be installed
- manually. You do *not* need to install the Filter
- Factory itself in order to use plugins generated
- by the Filter Factory; install Filter Factory on
- your system only if you are interested in generating
- or converting your own plugin filters.)
- Please send comments/suggestions to alex@afh.com.
- Enjoy!
- -Alex Hunter
- AFH Systems Group
- http://www.afh.com
- =================== UPDATE FOR PHOTOSHOP 4.0 ======================
- The AFH Beveler plugin filters require two files normally installed
- by Photoshop 3.04. The required files are PLUGIN.DLL (normally
- installed in your c:\photoshp directory) and MSVCRT10.DLL (normally
- installed in your c:\windows\system directory).
- If you are missing either of these two files, then the AFH Beveler
- filters will not show up in the plugin menu of your application.
- Apparently Photoshop 4.0 no longer installs MSVCRT10.DLL (though
- I think it still installs PLUGIN.DLL).
- I've included a copy of msvcrt10.dll in the zip file in case
- you need it:
- msvcrt10.dll -- If this file is not already installed on your
- system, place a copy of it in your
- \windows\system directory (or whatever it's
- called on your system).
- The plugin.dll file is installed by several Adobe products,
- including Adobe Photoshop:
- plugin.dll -- If this file is not already installed on your
- system, place a copy of it in your
- \windows\system directory (or whatever it's
- called on your system).
- Once these files are in the correct directory, open an image
- in RGB mode in Photoshop. Then, under the Filter menu you
- should see "AFH". Under AFH, you should see all the AFH
- Beveler filters you have installed (e.g., AFH Beveler 1.0,
- AFH Beveler 2.0a, etc.). Choose one of those filters and
- have fun!
- If you still have problems getting the beveler plugin to work,
- send me e-mail at alex@afh.com ...
- Good luck!
- -Alex Hunter
- AFH Systems Group
- http://www.afh.com