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- object TMediaScript
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_0'
- Time = 0.604081632653061
- Description = '_Questions 31 through 34. Listen to the following conversation.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_1'
- Time = 6.9815873015873
- Description =
- 'Hi, Fred. I didn'#39't see you in Professor Densmore'#39's class this mo' +
- 'rning.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_2'
- Time = 11.2442630385488
- Description =
- 'Well, I spent half the night in the computer lab finishing a psy' +
- 'chology paper that'#39's due today.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_3'
- Time = 17.2694784580499
- Description =
- 'I finally did get to sleep around 3:00 this morning, but I didn'#39 +
- 't hear my alarm when it went off at 6:30.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_4'
- Time = 23.68
- Description = 'Still always putting things off until the last minute, huh.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_5'
- Time = 27.3414965986395
- Description = 'Wasn'#39't that paper assigned a couple of months ago?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_6'
- Time = 30.0691156462585
- Description = 'Well, yes, but, you know how easily time can get away from you.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_7'
- Time = 34.5422222222222
- Description = 'Right. Well, anyway, you missed a good lecture this morning.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_8'
- Time = 38.4631292517007
- Description = 'I think you would have found it especially interesting.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_9'
- Time = 40.9291609977324
- Description = 'Oh, yeah? Why?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_10'
- Time = 42.8324716553288
- Description = 'As I remember, you'#39're interested in volcanoes.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_11'
- Time = 45.9889342403628
- Description =
- 'Well, today Professor Densmore'#39's lecture was all about Mount Sai' +
- 'nt Helen'#39's in Washington state.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_12'
- Time = 51.3556462585034
- Description = 'It really is a shame that I missed that!'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_13'
- Time = 54.1990022675737
- Description = 'Oh, well, at least I got my psychology paper finished.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_14'
- Time = 57.4871655328798
- Description = 'Yeah. By the way, what did you write about?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_15'
- Time = 60.5442176870748
- Description =
- 'The personality traits of people who are prone to procrastinatio' +
- 'n-you know, that fine art of postponing things you have to do.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_16'
- Time = 68.9237188208617
- Description =
- 'Oh! So, I guess you understand yourself a bit better now that yo' +
- 'u'#39've finished this paper, right?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_0_17'
- Time = 74.1511111111111
- Description =
- 'Well, I hadn'#39't thought of it that way, but, you know, I guess yo' +
- 'u might be right!'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_1_0'
- Time = 80.8199546485261
- Description = '_Number 31'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_0_1_1'
- Time = 83.0744671201814
- Description = 'Who is the woman in this conversation?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_1_1_0'
- Time = 97.2985034013605
- Description = '_Number 32'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_1_1_1'
- Time = 99.8309297052154
- Description = 'Why didn'#39't Fred go to his morning class?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_2_1_0'
- Time = 114.264308390023
- Description = '_Number 33'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_2_1_1'
- Time = 116.897959183673
- Description = 'What was Fred doing last night?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_3_1_0'
- Time = 130.79074829932
- Description = '_Number 34'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_3_1_1'
- Time = 133.348571428571
- Description = 'What does the woman probably think about Fred?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_0'
- Time = 147.938321995465
- Description = '_Questions 35 through 38. Listen to a conversation about sports.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_1'
- Time = 155.072290249433
- Description = 'Sam, where are you going with all that climbing gear?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_2'
- Time = 158.836099773243
- Description = 'To the mountains?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_3'
- Time = 160.200997732426
- Description =
- 'That'#39's what most people think, but actually I'#39'm involved in an u' +
- 'p-and-coming new sport-tree climbing.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_4'
- Time = 166.2820861678
- Description =
- 'Really? I know that kids climb trees, and people climb trees as ' +
- 'part of their jobs, but a new sport? . . .'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_5'
- Time = 175.123446712018
- Description = 'Tell me more about it.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_6'
- Time = 176.959637188209
- Description =
- 'Well, there is now an organization, Tree Climbers International,' +
- ' which was founded in 1984 by Peter Jenkins.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_7'
- Time = 184.62693877551
- Description = 'He also has a school, where he trains people to climb.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_8'
- Time = 188.024308390023
- Description = 'But why trees?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_9'
- Time = 189.691428571429
- Description = 'Well, Jenkins is a tree surgeon and a former rock climber.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_10'
- Time = 193.488253968254
- Description = 'He just combined his two loves into a sport.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_11'
- Time = 196.179954648526
- Description =
- 'He says tree climbing is safer than mountain climbing and, well,' +
- ' a lot more convenient.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_12'
- Time = 201.480634920635
- Description = 'So what do you use for equipment?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_13'
- Time = 204.235827664399
- Description =
- 'Ropes to hoist yourself into the tree and a tree surgeon'#39's saddl' +
- 'e to sit in when you'#39're in the tree top.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_14'
- Time = 209.788299319728
- Description = 'And how do you get into the tree?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_15'
- Time = 212.380589569161
- Description = 'I suppose that you choose really tall trees, don'#39't you?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_16'
- Time = 215.787029478458
- Description = 'A seventy-five-foot tree is a good climb.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_17'
- Time = 218.562902494331
- Description = 'And, to do that, you also have to be able to use a throwball.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_18'
- Time = 222.076371882086
- Description =
- 'A throwball is a weight used to initially loop the rope over the' +
- ' branches.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_19'
- Time = 226.405442176871
- Description = 'So what kind of trees are you climbing now?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_20'
- Time = 229.365623582766
- Description = 'Well, trees are classified by difficulty from one to six.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_21'
- Time = 232.873287981859
- Description =
- 'I'#39'm on Class Four trees, but if a tree leans, or if you climb in' +
- ' the rain, the difficulty for that tree can go up.'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_22'
- Time = 239.863945578231
- Description =
- 'I see here in your brochure that Jenkins himself climbed the fif' +
- 'th largest tree in the world, a 357-foot California redwood, and' +
- ' then spent the night in a hammock suspended in the top boughs!'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_0_23'
- Time = 252.617505668934
- Description = 'Now that sounds like fun!'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_1_0'
- Time = 255.857414965986
- Description = '_Number 35'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_4_1_1'
- Time = 258.333968253968
- Description = 'What is the main topic of the conversation?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_5_1_0'
- Time = 272.885260770975
- Description = '_Number 36'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_5_1_1'
- Time = 275.172789115646
- Description = 'Why did Peter Jenkins begin the sport of tree climbing?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_6_1_0'
- Time = 290.356462585034
- Description = '_Number 37'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_6_1_1'
- Time = 292.147664399093
- Description = 'Why did the woman think Sam was going mountain climbing?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_7_1_0'
- Time = 307.19746031746
- Description = '_Number 38'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'ttpt1LB_7_1_1'
- Time = 309.282176870748
- Description = 'What impressed the woman most about Peter Jenkins'#39' latest climb?'
- end
- object TNSBookmark
- Id = 'Konec'
- Time = 325.093151927438
- Description = 'Konec'
- end
- end