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- The Loadlin+Win95 mini-HOWTO
- Authored by: Chris Fischer, protek@brigadoon.com
- v1.4.6, 13 March 1999
- This document describes how to use Loadlin with Windows 95 to boot to
- Linux.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Copyright
- 1.2 New Versions Of This Document and Windows 98
- 1.3 Feedback
- 1.4 Disclaimer
- 2. IMPORTANT: Preliminary Information and Setup
- 2.1 WARNING! for Windows95 OSR2 (version 4.00.950b) users:
- 2.2 Things that are assumed:
- 2.3 Items you need before you start:
- 3. Getting started:
- 3.1 Determine what version of Windows 95 you have.
- 3.2 Determine if you are using the FAT32 file system.
- 3.3 Make sure filename extensions are visible in Windows Explorer.
- 3.4 Rename your system files.
- 3.5 Important Warning.
- 3.6 Edit your system files.
- 4. *** Use this section ONLY if you are using a DOS 6.x boot disk.***
- 4.1 Edit and Rename your DOS 6.x system files.
- 5. Final Steps
- 5.1 Almost Finished
- 5.2 You are finished!
- 5.3 How it works.
- 6. Alternate Methods for Auto-Booting Linux, Especially for Users With a FAT32 File System.
- 6.1 Method 1.
- 6.2 Method 2.
- 7. Frequently Asked Questions:
- 7.1 Where can I find more information on using Loadlin?
- 7.2 I am not sure what partition Linux is installed on. How do I find out?
- 7.3 Where do I find the kernel image file and how do I copy it to my MS-DOS partition?
- 7.4 Does it matter if I install Linux or Windows 95 first?
- 7.5 I currently have LILO installed, but I want to use Loadlin instead. How do I remove LILO?
- 7.6 What if I already dual boot between Windows 95 and Windows 3.x, and I want to boot to Linux using this method?
- 7.7 Is it possible to initiate Linux from the Windows 95 desktop?
- 7.8 Where can I get a plain text version of this document?
- 8. Credits
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 1. Introduction
- This document describes how to easily use a combination of Windows
- 95's Boot Menu and Loadlin.exe to autoboot Linux using the F4 Function
- Key. This procedure should work with Windows 95 versions 4.00.950,
- 4.00.950a, and 4.00.95b with FAT16, and all versions of Linux that
- support Loadlin. If you prefer to use the LILO boot manager, please
- consult the Linux+Win95 Mini-HOWTO.
- There are also two alternate methods for dual booting between Linux
- and Windows 95 using Loadlin for users using FAT32 with Windows 95
- version 4.00.950b.
- 1.1. Copyright
- The Loadlin+Win95 mini-HOWTO is copyright (C) 1997- 1998 by Protek
- Computer Solutions. This document may be reproduced and distributed in
- whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as
- this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial
- redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would
- like to be notified of any such distributions.
- 1.2. New Versions Of This Document and Windows 98
- This mini-HOWTO is posted first at The Linux+Windows 95 Reference
- Page <http://www.eskimo.com/~praxis>, so check there to make sure you
- have the most recent revision of this mini-HOWTO. You will also find a
- link there for dual booting with Windows 98. The next revision of this
- mini-HOWTO will be a major revision and will include information on
- dual booting with Windows 98.
- 1.3. Feedback
- Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. I am always looking
- for ways to improve and expand this mini-HOWTO. I rely heavily on
- feedback to make improvements, and will do my best to be prompt with a
- helpful response. I can be reached at protek@brigadoon.com.
- 1.4. Disclaimer
- Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information presented
- in this mini-HOWTO is safe and accurate. However, this information is
- given without any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to its
- suitability for a particular use. It is generally considered a
- GoodThing(TM) to make backups of your system files before changing
- system configurations and/or files. I suggest you take this precaution
- "just in case".
- 2. IMPORTANT: Preliminary Information and Setup
- 2.1. WARNING! for Windows95 OSR2 (version 4.00.950b) users:
- Do NOT attempt dual booting with Windows 95 without first consulting
- the Windows 95 OSR2 FAQ. The FAQ also contains a great deal of
- information regarding FAT32. In a nutshell, if you have OSR2 and are
- using a FAT16 file system, you can still dual boot using the F4
- Function Key.
- NOTE: If you have Windows 95 OSR2, and are using a FAT32 file system,
- then the dual booting methods in this mini-HOWTO using the F4
- Function Key will not work and should not be attempted.
- However, there are a couple of alternate methods you can use to
- automate booting Linux at startup, which are discussed in ``Section
- 6''.
- 2.2. Things that are assumed:
- ╖ You have successfully installed Windows 95.
- ╖ Windows 95 is installed on Drive C.
- ╖ You have successfully installed Linux.
- ╖ You know what partition Linux is installed on.
- ╖ LILO is NOT installed on your hard drive.
- ╖ If you are using Windows 95 OSR2 (version 4.00.950b), you have
- carefully read the Windows95 OSR2 FAQ.
- 2.3. Items you need before you start:
- ╖ A bootable floppy disk with DOS 5.0 or DOS 6.x system files
- (io.sys, msdos.sys, command.com) and a config.sys file. If you are
- using a DOS 5.0 boot disk, you will also need an autoexec.bat file.
- If you are using Windows 95 OSR2 (version 4.00.950b), you will also
- need to create a file called Winboot.sys with a text editor and
- place it in the root directory of Drive C. Winboot.sys can be an
- empty file, just so long as you have the file.
- NOTE: If your hard drive already contains the autoexec.dos,
- config.dos, io.dos, msdos.dos, and command.dos files, then you will
- not need the floppy. You can check by typing: dir and dir /ah at the
- root of Drive C. Also, if you installed the upgrade version of
- Windows 95, then it is likely that you have them.
- ╖ The Loadlin.exe program file
- ╖ Your kernel image file,usually zImage or vmlinuz. (See the ``FAQ''
- for info).
- ╖ A simple text editor, such as Notepad.
- 3. Getting started:
- 3.1. Determine what version of Windows 95 you have.
- Boot your computer to Windows 95 and right click on the My computer
- icon. Now left click on Properties. On the General Tab, look under the
- "System:" line. There you will see the version number.
- 3.2. Determine if you are using the FAT32 file system.
- NOTE: If you have Windows 95 version 4.00.950b, make certain you are
- not using the FAT32 file system. Double click the My Computer icon,
- then right click the Drive C icon. Left click on Properties. On the
- General tab, the "Type:" line will indicate whether or not you have a
- FAT32 file system. If you are using the FAT32 file system, then go
- directly to ``Section 6'' . Otherwise, continue with Section 3.3.
- 3.3. Make sure filename extensions are visible in Windows Explorer.
- ╖ Run the Windows Explorer file manager program.
- ╖ On the Menu Bar, click on View, then click on Options. On the View
- Tab, make sure that the "Show all files" radio button is marked.
- Also, make sure that the line with "Hide MS-DOS file extensions for
- file types that are registered" is unchecked. Click on the OK
- button.
- NOTE: If your hard drive already contains the *.dos files mentioned in
- the ``NOTE: of Section 2.3'', then skip to the next ``NOTE:''.
- Otherwise, continue with Section 3.4.
- 3.4. Rename your system files.
- ╖ Insert the DOS 5.0 or DOS 6.x bootable floppy into Drive A. Click
- on the Drive A icon so you can see the contents on the floppy disk.
- ╖ Rename each file to a .dos file extension. You can do this by
- single clicking on a file, pressing the F2 function key, and typing
- in the new name. Do not worry if you need the bootable floppy to
- work properly, just rename the files back after you are finished
- with this procedure.
- 3.5. Important Warning.
- ╖ EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Make sure you rename the files on the floppy
- BEFORE you copy them to Drive C. Otherwise you will overwrite your
- Windows 95 system files. You have been warned. Now, copy all files
- to the root directory of Drive C. One method is to click on the
- Drive A icon, press CTRL+A, press CTRL+C, click on the Drive C
- icon, and press CTRL+V.
- NOTE: If you do not have Windows 95 OSR2 (version 4.00.950b), please
- skip to ``Section 3.6''.
- ╖ If (and only if) you have Windows95 version 4.00.950b, make sure
- you have a file named Winboot.sys in the root directory of Drive C,
- as stated in ``Section 2.3'' above. Failure to have Winboot.sys in
- the root directory of Drive C will result in a system lockup should
- you attempt to boot to an earlier version of DOS.
- NOTE: If you are using a DOS 6.x boot disk skip to ``Section 4'',
- otherwise continue with the next step.
- 3.6. Edit your system files.
- ╖ Open Notepad. On the Menu Bar, click on Open. Change "Files of
- type" to "All files (*.*)". Change "Look in:" from Desktop to Drive
- C. Now open Config.dos by double clicking on the filename. Delete
- all the contents. This will create a 0K file...I will explain
- later. Save the file.
- ╖ Use Notepad to open and edit Autoexec.dos and type in the Loadlin
- command. The Loadlin command must be in the following syntax:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Loadlin DriveLetter:\LinuxKernelFile root=/dev/LinuxBootPartition ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Here is my Autoexec.dos file as an example:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Loadlin f:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- NOTE: The kernel, as well as the Loadlin.exe, file may be anywhere on
- your hard drive as long as you reference the correct path. For
- example, if your kernel file was located in the directory
- e:\linux\kernels and Loadlin.exe was located in the directory
- c:\utils, you would use:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- c:\utils\loadlin e:\linux\kernels\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Save the file.
- 4. *** Use this section ONLY if you are using a DOS 6.x boot disk.***
- 4.1. Edit and Rename your DOS 6.x system files.
- ╖ Open Notepad. On the Menu Bar, click on Open. Change "Files of
- type" to "All files (*.*)". Change "Look in:" from Desktop to Drive
- C. Now open Config.dos by double clicking on the filename. Delete
- all the contents. Now, you will need to enter the shell command
- with the following syntax:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- shell=loadlin.exe LinuxKernelFile root=/dev/LinuxBootPartition ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Here is my Config.dos file as an example:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- shell=f:\loadlin.exe f:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- NOTE: The Loadlin and kernel file may be anywhere on your hard drive
- as long as you reference the correct path. For example, if your
- Loadlin file was in the directory f:\utils and the kernel file was
- located in the directory e:\linux\kernels you would use:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- shell=f:\utils\loadlin.exe e:\linux\kernels\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Save the file.
- 5. Final Steps
- 5.1. Almost Finished
- ╖ One last file to edit and then you are finished. Use Notepad to
- open and edit Msdos.sys. Goto the "Options" section. Look for a
- line that has BootMulti=. If you do not find one then add it and
- set the value to 1. It should look something like:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- [Options]
- BootMulti=1
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ╖ There may be other items listed. Just leave them. Now save the
- file.
- 5.2. You are finished!
- Now all you have to do is reboot (Don't forget to remove the floppy
- disk). When you see "Starting Windows 95...", press the F4 Function
- Key and Linux should boot right up.
- 5.3. How it works.
- Windows 95 has a built in Boot Menu. By default you do not see it at
- startup (although you can change that if you wish), but you can get to
- it by pressing the F8 Function Key when you see "Starting Windows
- 95...". On the menu you will see several options. The last option is
- "Previous version of MS-DOS". Instead of pressing F8 and then
- selecting "Previous version of MS-DOS", you can use the F4 shortcut by
- pressing F4 when "Starting Windows 95..." appears on the screen. When
- Windows 95 boots to the previous version of MS-DOS, it uses the files
- that end in the .dos file extension. This is why it is important to
- have a 0K Config.dos file if you are initiating Linux from the
- Autoexec.dos file. If Windows 95 does not find the files with a .dos
- extension while trying to boot the previous operating system, it will
- load the Windows 95 startup files. Therefore, if you do not have a
- Config.dos file, Windows 95 will load all the drivers in your
- Config.sys file. While this will not prevent Linux from loading, it
- will take longer. Having a 0K Config.dos file prevents Windows 95 from
- reading your Config.sys file while booting to the previous version of
- 6. Alternate Methods for Auto-Booting Linux, Especially for Users
- With a FAT32 File System.
- This section will work for all versions of Windows 95 to date,
- regardless of whether you have a FAT32 file system. There are two
- methods I will discuss in this section. First, I'll start with the
- simplest.
- 6.1. Method 1.
- This method uses the Autoexec.bat file to call (or execute) another
- batch file named Linux.bat, during boot up.
- ╖ Creat a Linux.bat file using a simple text editor such as EDIT or
- Notepad. The contents should be similar to the following:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- @echo off
- cls
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- echo.
- choice /t:y,5 "Do you wish to boot Linux? "
- if errorlevel 2 goto End
- c:\loadlin c:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro
- :End
- ______________________________________________________________________
- This batch file script clears the screen, adds four blank lines,
- displays the text in quotes + [Y,N], then waits 5 seconds for you to
- press a key. If you do not press a key within 5 seconds, it defaults
- to Y and runs Linux. If you select Y or N, the batch file determines
- what option you selected, then executes the selected option. For
- example, if you select 'N' then the batch file terminates and
- continues to process your Autoexec.bat file, which loads Windows 95.
- If you select Y, then of course Linux will load.
- If you do not want four blank lines before the text, modify the number
- of lines with echo. If you do not want the screen to clear, then
- remove the line with cls. The /t switch tells the choice command to
- wait 5 seconds and, if no key is pressed, to default to Y. Change the
- y to an n if you want Windows 95 to boot after the 5 second timeout:
- choice /t:n,5. Also, you can change the amount of time to wait from 0
- to 99 seconds. For more information on the choice command, change to
- the c:\windows\command directory and type: choice /? at the command
- prompt.
- NOTE: You will have to modify the line that boots Linux to match your
- configuration. Please see ``Section 3.6'' for examples of how to
- configure Loadlin to boot to Linux.
- ╖ Next, create an Autoexec.bat file (if you don't already have one)
- with a simple text editor. Then, on the first line, add the
- following:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- call c:\linux
- ______________________________________________________________________
- If Linux.bat is in another directory you will have to reference the
- correct path. For example if Linux.bat is in a directory called
- C:\batch, you would add:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- call c:\batch\linux
- ______________________________________________________________________
- to the first line of your Autoexec.bat file. Save and exit the file.
- Now all you need to do is reboot. You should be prompted on whether
- you want to boot Linux.
- 6.2. Method 2.
- This method is a bit more involved, but offers the greatest
- flexibility. What this method does it create your own custom boot
- menu, though it does not replace the Windows 95 boot menu. You will
- need a Config.sys and an Autoexec.bat file.
- ╖ First you will need to define a Startup Menu in Config.sys
- (mycomments to you are in parenthesis):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- [menu]
- menuitem=Linux, Boot to Linux (This defines a Menu Block and gives it a description).
- menuitem=Win95, Boot to Windows 95
- menucolor=15,1 (This gives a blue background with bright white text)
- menudefault=Linux, 15 (This sets the default menuitem and waits up to 15 seconds for input).
- [linux]
- shell=f:\loadlin.exe f:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro (Please see Section 4 for examples and syntax).
- [win95]
- (Include the normal contents of your config.sys file here. If you did
- not have a config.sys file before now, then leave this section blank).
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Save and exit your Config.sys file. If you want, you can use this
- Config.sys template to get started.
- ╖ Next, edit your Autoexec.bat file (my comments to you are in
- parenthesis):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- goto %config%
- :win95
- (Include the normal contents of your autoexec.bat file here. If you did
- not have an autoexec.bat file before now, then leave this section blank).
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ╖ Save and exit your Autoexec.bat file. If you want, you can use this
- Autoexec.bat template to get started. That should do it. The next
- time you reboot, you should get a Start Up menu with the option to
- boot to Linux or Windows 95.
- 7. Frequently Asked Questions:
- 7.1. Where can I find more information on using Loadlin?
- ╖ Slackware versions 3.2 and 3.5 contain a file named "loadlin.tgz"
- in the \slakware\A5 directory, Slackware versions 3.3 and 3.4 have
- loadlin.tgz in the \slakware\A4 directory. Slackware version 3.6
- has loadlin.tgz in the \slackware\A8 directory. Unarchive the file
- and look in the \docs directory for a file named manual.txt. I do
- not know about earlier versions of Slackware.
- ╖ RedHat versions 4.2 through 5.2 contain a file named
- "loadlin16.tgz" in the \dosutils directory. Unarchive the file and
- look in the \docs directory for a file named manual.txt. RedHat 4.1
- does not seem to have this archive. The manual.txt is also
- available for download at:
- ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/p/praxis/manual.txt
- ╖ Additional information is available at:
- http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO-2.html#ss2.2
- 7.2. I am not sure what partition Linux is installed on. How do I
- find out?
- ╖ At a Linux shell prompt, run the fdisk utility and press "p". From
- there you should be able to tell. If you need additional help using
- fdisk, please consult the man pages.
- 7.3. Where do I find the kernel image file and how do I copy it to my
- MS-DOS partition?
- ╖ To find your linux kernel file type:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- find / -name vmlinuz
- ______________________________________________________________________
- at a Linux shell prompt. This will search all Linux partitions for the
- vmlinuz file. If you have multiple vmlinuz files, then make sure you
- use the correct one. If you are not sure, then the safest bet would be
- to use the most recent one.
- To copy your linux kernel file to your DOS partition, you need to make
- your DOS partition visible to Linux, then mount the partition if it is
- not already. Generally, this should have been set up when you
- installed Linux. All you need to do next is change to the directory
- the vmlinuz file is in and copy it over to DOS using the cp command.
- However, if Linux was not set up to recognize your DOS partition, then
- copy vmlinuz to a floppy. Take any DOS formatted floppy (with enough
- disk space to hold your kernel image file) and insert it into your
- floppy drive. Type:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- mount /dev/fd0 /tmp
- ______________________________________________________________________
- at a Linux shell prompt. Then change to the directory your kernel
- image file is in and type:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- cp vmlinuz /tmp
- ______________________________________________________________________
- This will copy vmlinuz to your floppy disk and it will be readable by
- DOS. Shutdown Linux, boot to DOS, then copy vmlinuz to whichever
- directory you choose. If you recompile your kernel, do not forget to
- copy the new kernel image file to your DOS partition. This will
- overwrite your old file, so it might be a good idea to rename the old
- file first just in case the new one does not work properly.
- 7.4. Does it matter if I install Linux or Windows 95 first?
- ╖ Technically no. However, it would be much simpler to install Win95
- first. That way it is easier to setup Linux to recognize your DOS
- partition(s) as you can usually do this during the Linux
- installation.
- 7.5. I currently have LILO installed, but I want to use Loadlin
- instead. How do I remove LILO?
- ╖ You will need to restore the Win95 MBR (Master Boot Record) that
- LILO overwrote when you installed LILO. At a DOS prompt type:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- fdisk /mbr
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 7.6. What if I already dual boot between Windows 95 and Windows 3.x,
- and I want to boot to Linux using this method?
- ╖ Frankly, if you want to do this I would recommend using LILO.
- However, if you really do not want to use LILO, you will have to
- boot to Win 3.x first, then issue the Loadlin command. (Make sure
- Windows 3.x is NOT running, but that you are in DOS 5.0 or 6.x).
- 7.7. Is it possible to initiate Linux from the Windows 95 desktop?
- ╖ Yes. First, create a batch file called "linux.bat", for example.
- Edit the file to contain a Loadlin command such as:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- loadlin f:\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Now save the file in the \windows\desktop directory. Next, right click
- on the Linux.bat icon, then left click on Properties. Now click on the
- Program tab, then click on the Advanced button. Click on the box next
- to "MS-DOS mode" and make sure the box next to "Warn before entering
- MS-DOS mode is checked". Click OK, then click on OK again. Now when
- you double click on the Linux icon, a warning box will appear before
- going into MS-DOS mode. If you click on "Yes" then Windows enters MS-
- DOS mode and executes the Linux.bat file.
- NOTE: You must be in MS-DOS mode in order to use Loadlin. Please see
- the manual.txt file mentioned in ``Section 7.1'' of this ``FAQ'' for
- more information.
- 7.8. Where can I get a plain text version of this document?
- ╖ You can get a plain text version of this document at:
- ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/p/praxis/loadlin.txt
- 8. Credits
- A special thanks toNorm Jacobowitz and Fred Harris for helping me sort
- out the Windows 95 OSR2 issues and for helping me improve this mini-