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- Linux Apache SSL PHP/FI frontpage mini-HOWTO
- Marcus Faure, marcus@faure.de
- v1.1, July 1998
- This document is about building a multipurpose webserver that will
- support dynamic web content via the PHP/FI scripting language, secure
- transmission of data based on Netscape's SSL, secure execution of
- CGI's and M$ Frontpage Server Extensions
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Description of the components
- 1.2 Working configurations
- 1.3 History
- 2. Component installation
- 2.1 Preparations
- 2.2 Adding PHP
- 2.3 Adding SSL
- 2.4 Adding frontpage
- 3. Putting it all together
- 3.1 Apache modules to try
- 3.2 Giving CGI's more security
- 3.3 Compiling and installing the server daemon
- 3.4 Adding frontpage support to a web
- 3.5 Starting the daemon
- 3.6 Some considerations left
- 3.7 Known bugs
- 3.8 The final word
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 1. Introduction
- Before you start reading: I am not a native speaker, so there are
- probably spelling/grammatical errors in this document. Feel encouraged
- to inform me of mistakes.
- 1.1. Description of the components
- The webserver you hopefully will get after having read this howto is
- composed of several parts, the original apache sources with some
- (well, many) patches and some external executables. I recommend using
- the software versions I tried, they will probably compile without
- greater problems and result in a fairly stable daemon. If you are
- courageous, you can try to compile all the latest-stuff-with-tons-of-
- new-features, but don't blame me if something fails ;-). However, you
- may report other working configurations to be included in future
- versions of this document. All of the steps were tested on a linux
- 2.0.35 box, so the howto is somewhat linux-specific, but you should be
- able to use it for other unixes as well.
- You do not necesserily have to compile in all components. I tried to
- structure this howto so that you can skip the parts you are not
- interested in.
- The document is neither a user manual to Apache, SSL, PHP/FI nor
- frontpage. Its prime intention is to save webservice providers some
- headaches when installing their server and to do my little
- contribution to the linux community.
- PHP is a scripting language that supports dynamic HTML pages. It is a
- bit like Apache's SSI, but by far more complex and has database
- modules for many popular dbs. The GD libraries are needed by PHP.
- SSL is an implementation of Netscape's Secure Socket Layer that allow
- secure connections over insecure networks, e.g. to transmit credit
- card numbers to web based forms.
- frontpage is a wysiwyg web authoring tool that makes use of some
- server-specific extensions called webbots. Some people think frontpage
- is cool because you can create feedback forms and discussion webs
- without having to know a bit about html or cgi. It even protects the
- designer from uploading his/her site via ftp by using a builtin
- publisher. If you wish to support frontpage but do not like to setup a
- windows server, the apache server extensions are your choice.
- 1.2. Working configurations
- Though this document has been downloaded some 100 times since I
- published it, I received only little feedback. In particular, noone
- told me of other working combinations. Combinations that work for me
- are:
- ╖ Linux 2.0.31, Apache 1.2.4, PHP 2.0.0, SSL 0.8.0, fp 98 3.0.3 (*)
- ╖ Linux 2.0.33, Apache 1.2.5, PHP 2.0.1, SSL 0.8.0, fp 98 3.0.3 (*)
- ╖ Linux 2.0.35, Apache 1.2.6, PHP 3, SSL 0.8.0, fp 98 3.0.4
- (*) version 3.0.3 is ``not recommended''
- 1.3. History
- v0.0/Apr 98: Preview version
- v1.0/Jun 98: Now using Apache 1.2.6, updated fp section, minor
- corrections
- v1.1/Jul 98: Sgmlized and restructered version
- You can find the latest version of this document at
- <http://www.faure.de>
- 2. Component installation
- 2.1. Preparations
- You will need:
- ╖ Apache 1.2.6 <http://www.apache.org/dist/apache_1_2_6.tar.gz>
- ╖ PHP/FI Extensions
- <http://php.iquest.net/files/download.phtml?/files/php-2.01.tar.gz>
- ╖ GD Library <http://siva.cshl.org/gd/gd.html>
- ╖ SSL 0.8.0 <ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/SSL/SSLeay-0.8.0.tar.gz>
- ╖ SSL patch for Apache 1.2.6
- <ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/SSL/apache_1.2.6+ssl_1.17.tar.gz>
- ╖ frontpage 98 server extensions and install script
- <http://www.rtr.com/fpsupport/download.htm>
- Get the sources you want. Untar apche, php, gd and ssl to /usr/src.
- Untar the SSL patch to /usr/src/apache_1.2.6.
- 2.2. Adding PHP
- cd to /usr/src/gd1.2 and type make. This will build the GD library
- libgd.a, that should be copied to /usr/lib. Now cd to php-2.0.1 and
- run ./install.
- The relevant questions are:
- Would you like to compile PHP/FI as an Apache module? [yN] y
- Are you compiling for an Apache 1.1 or later server? [Yn] y
- Are you using Apache-Stronghold? [yN] y
- Does your Apache server support ELF dynamic loading? [yN] y
- Apache include directory (which has httpd.h)? [/usr/local/include/apache] /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src
- Would you like to build an ELF shared library? [yN] y
- Additional directories to search for .h files []: /usr/src/gd1.2
- Would you like the bundled regex library? [yN] n
- Like the frontpage extensions, phtml includes a security problem
- because it is run under the uid of the webserver. Be sure to turn on
- safe mode in src/php.h and restrict the search path to a save value.
- There are some other options in php.h you may want to edit. If you are
- very concerned about security, compile php as a cgi. However, this
- will be a performance loss and not as smart as the module version.
- Type make to build all files. When the compilation is done, copy
- mod_php.* and libphp.a to /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src Add a line
- Module php_module mod_php.o
- to the end of /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src/Configuration, add
- -lphp -lm -lgdbm -lgd
- to the EXTRA_LIBS in the same file,
- application/x-httpd-php phtml
- to Apache's mime.types and
- AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml
- to Apache's srm.conf.
- You may also want to add index.phtml to DirectoryIndex in that file so
- that a file index.phtml is automatically loaded when its directory is
- requested.
- 2.3. Adding SSL
- cd /usr/src/SSL-0.8.0; ./Configure linux-elf; make; make rehash This
- will create libraries needed by apache. You may issue make test to
- verify the compilation. You have to apply a patch to apache. It is
- important that you apply it before the frontpage patch, otherwise
- frontpage will not work. cd to /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src and issue
- patch < /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/SSLpatch. Set
- SSL_BASE=/usr/src/SSLeay-0.8.0 in Configuration. Make sure that Module
- proxy_module is disabled otherwise Apache won't compile. If you are in
- need of a proxy, go for Squid <squid.nlanr.net>
- Now make certificate to generate SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem.
- 2.4. Adding frontpage
- Rename the fp30.linux.tar.Z file to fp30.linux.tar.gz, otherwise the
- install script will not find it. Run ./fp_install to copy the
- extension files to /usr/local/frontpage. zcat can usually be invoked
- as /usr/bin/zcat.
- You now have to apply the FP patch. cd to /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src
- and type patch < /usr/src/frontpage/version3.0/apache-fp/fp-patch-
- apache_1.2.5 This will create the mod_frontpage.* files and do some
- modifications to Configuration etc. The 1.2.5 patch will work with
- both apache 1.2.5 and 1.2.6. Skip the part about installing webs, you
- can do that later
- 3. Putting it all together
- 3.1. Apache modules to try
- The modules I use besides SSL, PHP and frontpage are:
- Module env_module mod_env.o
- Module config_log_module mod_log_config.o
- Module mime_module mod_mime.o
- Module negotiation_module mod_negotiation.o
- Module dir_module mod_dir.o
- Module cgi_module mod_cgi.o
- Module asis_module mod_asis.o
- Module imap_module mod_imap.o
- Module action_module mod_actions.o
- Module alias_module mod_alias.o
- Module rewrite_module mod_rewrite.o
- Module access_module mod_access.o
- Module auth_module mod_auth.o
- Module anon_auth_module mod_auth_anon.o
- Module digest_module mod_digest.o
- Module expires_module mod_expires.o
- Module headers_module mod_headers.o
- Module browser_module mod_browser.o
- 3.2. Giving CGI's more security
- If you are an ISP (you probably are when you read this) you will want
- to improve security. The suexec utility allows you to do so; it will
- execute cgi's under the UID of the webowner instead of executing it
- under the webservers UID. Go to /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/support and
- make suexec. chmod 4711 suxec and copy it to the location specified
- in ../src/httpd.h which is /usr/local/etc/httpd/sbin/suexec by
- default. If the path seems a little cryptic to you - it did to me -
- edit httpd.h and set the path to a more comfortable value.
- 3.3. Compiling and installing the server daemon
- Enter /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src and edit Configuration to set all the
- Modules you want to include in your Apache daemon. When done, run
- ./Configure and make. This is the last (and most complicated)
- compilation step, so cross your fingers. If it succeeds, cp httpsd to
- /usr/sbin. The daemon is somewhat big, consider this when assembling
- your webserver. Create the directory /var/httpd with subdirectories
- cgi-bin, conf, htdocs, icons, virt1, virt2 and logs. In
- /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/conf edit access.conf-dist, mime.types and
- srm.conf-dist to suit your needs and copy them to
- var/httpd/conf/access.conf, srm.conf and mime.types. Copy the
- httpsd.pem you created with make certificate to /var/httpd/conf. Use
- the following httpd.conf:
- ServerType standalone
- Port 80
- Listen 80
- Listen 443
- User wwwrun
- Group wwwrun
- ServerAdmin webmaster@yourhost.com
- ServerRoot /var/httpd
- ErrorLog logs/error_log
- TransferLog logs/access_log
- PidFile logs/httpd.pid
- ServerName www.yourhost.com
- MinSpareServers 3
- MaxSpareServers 20
- StartServers 3
- SSLCACertificatePath /var/httpd/conf
- SSLCACertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem
- SSLCertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem
- SSLLogFile /var/httpd/logs/ssl.log
- <VirtualHost www.virt1.com>
- SSLDisable
- ServerAdmin webmaster@virt1.com
- DocumentRoot /var/httpd/virt1
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/httpd/virt1/cgi-bin/
- ServerName www.virt1.com
- ErrorLog logs/virt1-error.log
- TransferLog logs/virt1-access.log
- User virt1admin
- Group users
- </VirtualHost>
- <VirtualHost www.virt1.com:443>
- ServerAdmin webmaster@virt1.com
- DocumentRoot /var/httpd/virt1
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/httpd/virt1/cgi-bin/
- ServerName www.virt1.com
- ErrorLog logs/virt1-ssl-error.log
- TransferLog logs/virt1-ssl-access.log
- User virt1admin
- Group users
- SSLCACertificatePath /var/httpd/conf
- SSLCACertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem
- SSLCertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem
- SSLLogFile /var/httpd/logs/virt1-ssl.log
- SSLVerifyClient 0
- SSLFakeBasicAuth
- </VirtualHost>
- <VirtualHost www.virt2.com>
- SSLDisable
- ServerAdmin webmaster@virt2.com
- DocumentRoot /var/httpd/virt2
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/httpd/virt2/cgi-bin/
- ServerName www.virt2.com
- ErrorLog logs/virt2-error.log
- TransferLog logs/virt2-access.log
- </VirtualHost>
- Depending on the modules compiled in, not all directives may be
- available. You can retrieve a list of available directives with
- httpsd -h.
- 3.4. Adding frontpage support to a web
- Enter /usr/local/frontpage/version3.0/bin and load ./fpsrvadm. Choose
- install and apache-fp. The next questions should be answered the
- following way:
- Enter server config filename: /var/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- Enter host name for multi-hosting []: www.virt2.com
- Starting install, port: www.virt2.com:80, web: ""
- Enter user's name []: virt2admin
- Enter user's password:
- Confirm password:
- Creating root web
- Recalculate links for root web
- Install completed.
- The user name must be the unix login of the webowner. The password
- does not necessarily have to match the system password. You have to
- manually add sendmailcommand:/usr/sbin/sendmail %r to
- /usr/local/frontpage/www.virt2.com:80.conf, otherwise your users will
- not be able to send web-generated eMails. kill -HUP your httpsd to
- make fp reread its config. You can now access www.virt2.com with your
- frontpage client.
- Under some circumstances fpsrvadm complaints that a root web has to be
- installed first. This is pretty useless, but you should do so to
- silence fpsrvadm.
- 3.5. Starting the daemon
- Start Apache with httpsd -f /var/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. You can now
- access www.virt1.com both through http and https which is pretty cool.
- Of course you have to pay for a real certificate if you want to offer
- webwide SSL or users might laugh at you.
- Copy one of the demo files from the php examples directory to virt1 to
- test phtml.
- 3.6. Some considerations left
- Do not use frontpage 97 extensions. They do not work, at least under
- Linux. When installing specific versions of the c++ libraries, they
- appear to work but your logs will soon fill with premature end of
- script headers and your mailbox will fill with complaints. Do not use
- frontpage 98 extensions before version Do not be confused,
- version numbers are somewhat inheterogenous. When telnetting to port
- 80, typing "get / http/1.0" and hitting return twice, you get a
- version number 3.0.4 for frontpage.
- You can find out the more specific version number by executing
- /usr/local/frontpage/currentversion/exes/_vti_bin/shtml.exe -version.
- Older versions have a nasty bug that requires httpd.conf to be
- writable by the gid of the webserver. This should make you scream if
- you are at all concerned about security. Versions since
- are more usable.
- 3.7. Known bugs
- When touching Recalculate Links in the frontpage client, the server
- starts a process that consumes 99% cpu cycles and some 10 mb of
- memory. But even for medium-sized webs and fast machines, the client
- sometimes recieves a timeout message, though the calculation will be
- finished correctly. Inform frontpage users to be patient and not to
- hit Recalculate Links several times. Inform yourself to equip the
- server with at least 64MB.
- Please note that at the time of writing both SSL and frontpage work,
- but not at the same time, that means you can neither publish your web
- using ssl nor make use of the webbots through https. You can publish
- your web on port 80 and access it encrypted on port 443, but your
- counters etc. will be broken. I consider this a bug. This problem
- shall be fixed in SSL 0.9.0.
- 3.8. The final word
- For those who think the title of this howto is nearly as long as the
- document: Did you ever listened to Meat Loaf?
- O.K. readers, you're done for today. Feel free to send me your
- feedback, eternal gratitude, flowers, ecash, cars, oil sources etc.