11 This note is too large to be completely displayed, and has been truncated.
12 Error writing to destination file.
16 You are about to discard a note that has associated file enclosures. Do you want to delete them?\n Answer "Yes" to delete them, \n"No" to leave them in your Timbuktu Pro In Box,\nor "Cancel" to go back.
17 The note you are replying to has un-moved or un-deleted enclosures. If you proceed, these will remain in your Timbuktu Pro In Box.\n Do you want to move or delete them before replying?
18 There is a file transfer in progress...\nClosing this window will stop the current transfer.\n Do you want to stop the transfer?
20 You cannot move a directory into a subdirectory of itself.
23 Drive %1 is not ready.\n If it is a floppy drive please verify that a properly formatted diskette is inserted.
24 ERROR: There has been an incomplete transfer from %1
25 Timbuktu Pro cannot send "%1".\nThe DOS path to the file is too long.
26 Note: %1
27 Note
28 You cannot move a file onto itself.
1000 Unable to open source file.
1001 Error reading from source file.
1002 Unable to close the source file.
1003 Unable to create the destination file.
1004 Error writing to the destination file.
1005 Unable to close the destination file.
1006 Not enough memory to move the directory.
1007 Not enough memory to copy the file.
1008 Not enough memory to delete the directory.
1009 No files attached.
2000 Timbuktu Pro encountered a low memory condition. Please close some other running applications and try again.
2001 Timbuktu Pro received an invalid note file.
3000 Look in:
3001 Total size of the files attached to this note: %ld bytes
3002 Total size of the files attached to this note: %ld K
3003 Total size of the files attached to this note: %ld.%ld M
3004 You cannot enclose a file with the name of %s.
3005 Timbuktu Pro cannot send %s because it does not exist.
3006 A file named %s is already attached.
3007 Please select which files you wish to remove.
3008 Please select the files you wish to attach to the note.
3009 Please select the files you wish to save.
3010 Flash Note
3011 Flash Note
3012 Sending Files To -
3013 Note
3014 Note -
3015 Note from
3016 Some of the files that had been included in this note are no longer valid and have been removed from the list.
3017 ,
3018 There is no destination for this note.
3019 Unable to display the status dialog for the note.
3025 Please select a destination directory for the enclosures.
3026 You must copy files to somewhere other than their starting location.
3027 You are attempting to copy over a hidden, system, or read-only file.
3028 Unable to move enclosures.
3029 Timbuktu Pro is unable to overwrite a directory with a file of the same name.
3030 Timbuktu Pro is unable to overwrite a file with a directory of the same name.
3031 < Unknown >
4000 Note
4001 DropFolder
4002 PersistentNotes
4003 NumberOfNotes
4004 NoteNumber
4005 Normal
4006 Minimized
4007 Maximized
5000 Timbuktu Pro Note
5001 Version: 2.0 Windows
5002 File:
5003 Text:
5004 From:
5005 Date:
5006 Mac
5007 x
5008 %ld Bytes to send.
5009 %ld KBytes to send.
5010 %ld MBytes to send.
5011 Timbuktu Pro encountered a low memory condition. Please close some other running applications. Your previously selected items shall not be highlighted.
5012 %1: File could not be saved. Because of an unspecified error.
5014 %1: File could not be saved.Because all or part of the path is invalid.\nPlease reenter the correct path and try again.
5015 %1 File could not be saved.Because the permitted number of open files was exceeded.\nPlase close some other files and try again.
5016 %1: Error saving file.The file could not be accessed.\nCheck for possible write protection on the disk.
5017 %1 File could not be saved.The file is invalid.
5019 %1: The file could not be saved.The directory is full.\nPlease save the file to some other directory.
5020 %1: File could not be saved.Because of an internal error.\nTry saving the file to some other location.
5021 %1: File could not be saved.There was a hardware error.\nTry saving the file to some other location.
5022 %1: File could not be saved.Because of an Sharing violation.\nClose all other applications that are using this file and try again.
5024 File could not be saved. Please check disk space.
5025 %1\n\nThe file name length is greater than 150 characters.You may have problems sending the file.
5026 There is not enough free memory to display the note. Quit one or more programs and then try again