Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT, Pentium 120.
Approx. download time: 15 min. at 28.8 kbps
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SynEdit is a well-designed programmer's text editor.
SynEdit provides you with a tabbed, project-oriented workspace that offers drag-and-drop editing, fully customizable keyword and delimiter highlighting (with support for 19 programming languages), and built-in file browsing. In addition, SynEdit works well with command-line compilers and other command-line tools. It even comes with a built-in hex/binary editor.
Other features of SynEdit include: a cliptext window for storing commonly-used keywords and phrases, support for opening files of almost any size, indenting tools, the ability to save files in RTF format, and the ability to jump to specific line numbers.
This newest release includes a hex/binary editor. You can perform search and replace operations on all open files, and files can now be opened by dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer.