9 This product is licensed.\n\nCopyrightâ 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation.\nAll rights reserved.\nThis program is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws as described in Help About.
10 This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
13 Arial
14 11
18 Remote Video
19 My Video
20 SpeedDial
21 You cannot start these meeting tools:
22 You cannot accept incoming calls.
23 You cannot place outgoing calls.
35 1
36 65
42 0
71 E-Mail:
74 Status:
75 Received:
76 Address:
77 Video:
78 Audio:
80 Certificate:
81 Sharing:
82 Control:
83 Version:
84 NetMeeting cannot be started now because another program is using conferencing features.
85 Do you want to end the NetMeeting session?
110 Hardware detected
111 No hardware detected
126 Not Sharing
127 Programs
128 Desktop
129 Controlled by %s
130 In Control of %s
131 Controllable
132 Not Controllable
184 Windows was not able to find any other personal certificates stored on your computer, so NetMeeting can only use a Privacy-only certificate.\nFor more information about how to get a personal certificate, contact your network administrator or your Internet Service Provider.
205 Unknown
209 %1 %2
220 Logged On
221 Not Logged On
222 Updating
223 Update Failed
232 &Grant Control
233 Cancel &Granting Control
260 The Readme file is not available. Please ensure that NetMeeting is installed properly.
280 The settings you changed will not take effect until you restart NetMeeting.
282 The settings you changed will not take effect until the next call.
287 You must close NetMeeting before suspending your machine.
290 WARNING: Your license for this pre-release software has expired. Please upgrade to the latest version at http://www.microsoft.com
300 Incoming call from %s...
301 NetMeeting
302 You are currently in a meeting. Are you sure you want to quit?
304 %s is asking to join...
305 The person you called is not able to accept NetMeeting calls.
306 The other party did not accept your call.
307 If you hang up, everyone you invited to the meeting will be disconnected. Are you sure you want to hang up?
308 You must type a name or address to place a call.
309 The other person did not allow you to join the meeting.
311 If you quit now, everyone you invited to the meeting will be disconnected. Are you sure you want to quit?
312 another person
313 Your administrator has configured this copy of NetMeeting in such a way that is incompatable with your configuration. Please contact your network administrator.
314 %s could not be located. The computer you are calling might not be connected to the network and running NetMeeting. Make sure you are typing the name correctly, or try to call again later.
315 NetMeeting was unable to place the call to %s
316 The person you called is not able to accept secure NetMeeting calls.
317 The person you called is using a product that is not able to accept secure NetMeeting calls.
318 The meeting ended before you were able to accept.
319 NetMeeting was unable to place a secure call. The certificate you have chosen may not be usable with NetMeeting.
320 Failed to establish an authenticated connection to the person you called.
321 NetMeeting is already placing a call to %s
322 The meeting ended before you were able to join.
323 The person you called is not registered with the gatekeeper.
324 There was no response from the gatekeeper.
325 The gatekeeper refused to place this call.
326 You must register with the gatekeeper before placing calls.
327 The person you called only accepts secure NetMeeting calls.
328 The person you called is currently in a meeting and cannot accept your call.
330 The conference could not be created.
331 The protocol needed to make this connection is disabled or not functioning properly.
332 You have called your own computer. Please make sure that the address or name you have specified is correct.
333 The person you called accepted the call, but is not able to use NetMeeting's audio and video features because their sound card is not available.
334 The person you called is not able to accept NetMeeting audio and video calls because their sound card is not available.
335 The person you called accepted the call, but you will not be able to use NetMeeting's audio and video features because your sound card is not available.
336 The audio and video connection could not be established because your sound card is not available.
338 The call could not be connected because it is not possible to join another meeting when you are already in a call.
342 The meeting with the specified name does not exist.
343 The audio and video connection failed because the other person's sound card was not available.
344 The call failed because you cannot call a conferencing service when you are already in a call.
345 Click this link to start a NetMeeting call with callto://
346 You are currently in a meeting with a file transfer in progress. Are you sure you want to quit and stop the file transfer?
347 If you quit now, everyone you invited to the meeting will be disconnected and the file being transferred will be stopped. Are you sure you want to quit?
348 If you hang up, everyone you invited to the meeting will be disconnected and the file transfer will be stopped. Are you sure you want to hang up?
349 The person you called is currently placing a call. Please try again later.
363 NetMeeting cannot start on a computer running PictureTel Live50, Live100, Live200, LiveLAN, or LiveShare Plus.
364 NetMeeting could not start. Please restart your computer and try again.
366 NetMeeting cannot start because this computer is already running another conferencing application. Please close the other application and try again.
370 The person you called is not able to accept NetMeeting audio and video calls.
371 The person you called accepted the call, but is not able to use NetMeeting's audio and video features.
372 The call could not be placed because NetMeeting's audio and video features are not available.
380 NetMeeting cannot return this call because the caller did not send the required information.
390 Address:
400 NetMeeting
401 - %d Connections
402 - Not in a Call
403 - 1 Connection
410 About Windows NetMeeting#NetMeeting
411 Beta
420 Personal Conference
430 &Log Off from %s
431 &Log On to %s
432 You have logged off of the directory server. People will not be able to call you using the Directory.
433 There was a problem connecting to the directory server. The server may be busy, or you may have mistyped the name of the server. Please try a different server or try again later.
434 You are not logged on to a directory server. Do you want to log on now?
439 Stopped calling %s
440 Issued to: %s\nIssued by: %s\nValid from %s to %s\n
441 \nCertificate issuer unknown.
442 \nCertificate signature could not be verified.
443 \nCertificate expired.
444 \nCertificate revoked.
445 \nCertificate verified.
446 \nSelf-issued NetMeeting certificate.
463 H.323 Gateway
501 Calls this person.
566 %sReceived Files
603 Finding %s...
604 Setting up call
606 Waiting for a response from %s...
607 In a call
608 Not in a call
609 Sending %s...
610 Receiving %s...
611 In a secure call
613 Do Not Disturb
700 Call
704 Do Not Disturb prevents NetMeeting from notifying you when someone is calling you. You will not be able to receive calls until you turn off Do Not Disturb.
713 People can use your computer name to call you if your computer name consists of only those characters found on standard European keyboards.\n\nIf your computer name contains characters other than standard European characters, it is recommended that you change the name. To find out more about changing your computer name, click Help on the Start menu, click the Index tab, and type "names" or "naming".
720 NetMeeting could not find the person you want to call at this address. Please check to make sure that you have the right address, or use the directory to place the call.
721 Incorrect address
800 The number you have typed is not a valid phone number. Check to make sure the number is correct, or change the address type in the Using box.
801 To dial a telephone number, you must configure NetMeeting to use either a gateway or gatekeeper. To do this, click Options on the Tools menu, and then click Advanced Calling.
802 The address you have typed is not a valid IP address. Check the address to make sure it is correct, or change the address type in the Using box.
803 NetMeeting could not find this computer on your network. Check to make sure the address is correct, or change the address type in the Using box.
804 To place a call to someone in a directory, you must configure NetMeeting to use a directory server. To do this, click the tools menu, and then click Options.
805 NetMeeting could not find the name of the person you are trying to call on the directory server. Check to make sure the address is correct, or change the address type in the Using box.
806 NetMeeting cannot recognize the address that you typed. Check to make sure the address is correct, or change the address type in the Using box.
807 Valid addresses cannot contain plus or equals signs, or more than one colon or slash.
808 NetMeeting cannot connect to the gatekeeper to place the call. Network problems may be preventing this connnection.
809 NetMeeting cannot connect to the gateway to place the call. Network problems may be preventing this connnection.
810 The address that you typed in either incomplete or contains invalid address characters. Check to make sure the address is correct, or change the address type in the Using box.
811 The person or conference you are trying to call requires different security settings than what you have configured. Change your security settings for outgoing calls, and then try again.
812 The address you have typed contains invalid syntax for hexidecimal values. Check to make sure the address is correct, and then try again.
950 The directory server could not be found.\n\nYou may not be connected to the network, or you may have\nmistyped the server name.\n\nTo change your server, in NetMeeting, click Options in the Tools menu,\nand select the General tab.
951 You need a newer version of NetMeeting to connect to the specified directory server.
952 There was a problem connecting to the directory server.\n\nYou may not be connected to the network, or the server may be busy.\n\nTo change your server, in NetMeeting, click Options in the Tools menu,\nand select the General tab.
954 Another user with the same E-mail address is already logged on. To verify or change your E-mail address, in NetMeeting, click Options in the Tools menu, and select the General tab
955 There is not enough memory available to complete this operation. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again.
956 An unrecoverable error has occurred. Close NetMeeting and start it again.
957 Information you have supplied about yourself may be corrupted. Click Options in the Tools menu, select the General tab, and verify the information you have supplied.
958 Failed to log on to the directory server. Please try again later.
959 You were not able to log on because the directory server is not responding. Please try again later.
960 You were not able to log on because the directory server detected inappropriate words in your directory information.
998 ils.microsoft.com
1094 Location:
1095 Phone Number:
1100 NetMeeting Missed You Message\n\nDouble click this icon to start a NetMeeting call with %s
1110 A NetMeeting SpeedDial has been placed on your desktop.
1111 There was an error while trying to save the NetMeeting SpeedDial on the desktop.
1200 NetMeeting could not create an audio and video connection because the wave device is in use.
1300 Receive Call
1301 Receive Request to Join
1302 Person Joins
1303 Person Leaves
1401 Not Available
1402 Accepted
1403 Ignored
1404 Not Answered
1500 Name
1501 Audio
1502 Video
1503 Data
1600 Place Call
1601 Share Program
1602 Chat
1603 Whiteboard
1604 Transfer Files
1605 End Call
1606 Find Someone in a Directory
1607 Show Audio/Video Controls
1608 Start Video
1609 Picture-in-Picture
1610 Adjust Audio Volume
1611 Send Touchtone
1612 Type the Address of the Person You Want to Call
1613 Mute/Unmute Microphone
1614 Adjust Microphone Volume
1615 Mute/Unmute Speakers
1616 Adjust Speaker Volume
1617 View Participant List
1618 Hide Audio/Video Controls
1619 Stop Video
1624 Open in a New Window
1625 Refresh
1626 Help
1627 Delete the selected directory server
1700 Mute
1701 Automatic
1702 Volume
1703 Microphone
3012 Previewing
3013 Sending
3014 Receiving
3015 Paused
3016 Not Sending
3017 Not Receiving
3018 Remote Paused
4103 &Delete
4104 &Add to SpeedDial List
4105 A&dd to Address Book
4150 &Stop Directory Refresh
4151 &Refresh Directory F5
8500 Logging on to %s...
8501 Logging off from %s...
8502 Logged on to %s
8503 Not logged on
8504 Disconnected from %s
8505 Logged on to gatekeeper
8506 You must enter a phone number
8509 Logging on to gatekeeper
8510 Not logged on to gatekeeper
8511 Gatekeeper connect timed out
8512 Connection to gatekeeper refused
8513 Gatekeeper not found
8514 You cannot place this call because you are not logged onto the gatekeeper
9000 Phone number
9001 %s (%d.%d.%d)
9002 Name
9003 Address
9005 History
9006 Windows Address Book
9007 Global Address List
9009 Speed Dial
9010 Find Someone
9011 Select a &directory:
9012 Call
9013 Close
9014 Type a name to select
9015 &Type name or select from list:
9016 Select a directory or type the name of a server
9017 Make this a &secure call (data only)
9018 Automatic
9019 Network
9020 Directory
9021 Phone number
9022 Account
9023 Network (%s)
9024 Directory (%s)
9025 Phone number (%s)
9026 E-mail name (%s)
9027 There was a problem calling %s
9028 You do not have any directory services installed on your machine.
9029 Address
9030 First Name
9031 Last Name
9032 Location
9035 This will delete the currently selected directory from your list.\nAre you sure you want to do this?
9036 You cannot delete your default logon directory from the list. On the Tools menu in NetMeeting, click Options, change your default logon directory to something other than this one, and then try again.
20001 Options
20002 Changes NetMeeting options and settings
20004 NetMeeting cannot open the folder you have specified to receive files. It may have been deleted or moved, or it may be a read-only folder. Please choose a different folder.
20005 Select a folder for files that are sent to you.
20006 NetMeeting was unable to get information from the registry.
20007 Unable to save user information to the registry.
20009 Your microphone volume has been set to
20010 % of the maximum volume.
20011 Audio Warning
20012 Your sound card does not support a microphone volume control. Some NetMeeting audio features may be disabled. Contact your sound card vendor to obtain newer drivers.
20013 You must specify a first name, last name, and E-mail address to use NetMeeting.
20014 NetMeeting or another program is currently playing or recording audio.
20015 Please quit all programs that play or record audio, and then click Next to continue.
20017 Click Cancel to quit this wizard, and then try again later.
20018 The Options dialog is disabled by a system policy.
20019 %d kbs
20020 14400 bps modem
20021 28800 bps or faster modem
20022 Local Area Network
20023 Name
20024 Bitrate
20025 %CPU Used
20027 Your sound card does not support audio features required by NetMeeting. Some NetMeeting audio features may be disabled. Contact your sound card vendor to obtain newer drivers.
20031 You have typed an invalid gatekeeper server name. Please check the name and re-enter it.
20032 You have typed an e-mail name that contains unacceptable characters. Your e-mail name can contain letters a-z, A-Z, numbers 0-9 and some common symbols. Please make sure you have typed your e-mail name correctly, and then try again.
20033 Your microphone may not be plugged into your computer.
20034 The Audio Tuning Wizard could not record any sound while you were speaking into the microphone. Please ensure that your microphone is connected to your computer correctly, and click Back to try again. Click Next to continue.
20035 You cannot run the Audio Tuning Wizard while you are in a conference.
20036 Cable, xDSL or ISDN
20037 You have typed an invalid gateway name. Please check the name and re-enter it.
20038 There is at least one data missing which is required for Gatekeeper logon. Please contact your network administrator. NetMeeting will exit
20039 You have typed an invalid phone number. Please check the number and re-enter it.
20040 You have chosen to log on to an ILS server at start up but not specified a server name.
20041 The proxy name is invalid. Please check the name and re-enter it.
20042 The web view display name is invalid. Please check the name and re-enter it.
20043 The web view server name is invalid. Please check the name and re-enter it.
20044 The web view URL is invalid. Please check the URL and re-enter it.
20070 To enable application sharing, you must install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later. For more information, please contact your system administrator or see http://www.microsoft.com/NTServerSupport/.
20071 NetMeeting is about to install additional software on your computer. After it is installed, you must restart your computer for the new software to work.\n\nDo you want to continue?
20072 NetMeeting could not successfully install this software.
20073 Installation successful. You must restart your computer for these changes to take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
20074 Microsoft NetMeeting graphics driver
39000 Contains commands for placing calls.
39001 Contains commands for changing the view.
39002 Contains commands for conferencing.
39003 Contains commands for displaying Help.
39010 Moves, sizes, or closes the window
39100 Contains commands for video features.
39202 Contains commands for browsing to various pages.
39400 Contains commands for displaying individual toolbars.
40016 Options
40022 Help
40048 Mute Microphone
40056 Mute Speaker
40064 Hang Up
40075 New Call
40119 Directory
40125 Cancel sending the file
40126 Cancel receiving the file
40140 NetMeeting Home Page
40174 Display Properties
40229 Stop
40231 &Enable Sharing
40232 Exit and &Activate Remote Desktop Sharing
42003 Remote Desktop Sharing Setup
42005 View only the data controls
42006 Move window on top of all others
42008 Opens the How to Get a Video Camera web page.
42016 Changes the options for NetMeeting.
42022 Opens Help Topics.
42023 Displays program information.
42028 Shows or hides the status bar.
42031 Displays properties for this meeting.
42032 Adds this person to the Window Address Book.
42033 Cancels handing control to this person.
42034 Adds this person to the SpeedDial list.
42035 Displays the properties of this person.
42036 Hands control to this person.
42037 Transitions to and from Compact view.
42039 Shows or hides the dial pad.
42040 Opens the Sharing window.
42041 Opens Chat.
42042 Opens the File Transfer window.
42043 Opens the Whiteboard.
42044 Opens the NetMeeting 2.1 Whiteboard
42052 Quits NetMeeting.
42064 Hangs up the current call.
42075 Places a call by using a dialog box.
42077 Show picture-in-picture
42112 Starts hosting a meeting.
42119 Opens the Directory.
42125 Cancels sending a file.
42126 Cancels receiving a file.
42127 Starts the Audio Tuning Wizard.
42130 Cancels placing the most recent call.
42136 Creates a SpeedDial.
42137 Starts and stops Do Not Disturb mode.
42140 Opens the NetMeeting Home Page.
42142 Logs on to and off from the directory server.
42172 Removes this person from the meeting.
42173 Opens the Readme document.
42174 Displays the directory properties.
42175 Opens the Free Stuff web page.
42176 Opens the Product News web page.
42177 Opens the Frequently Asked Questions web page.
42178 Opens the Send Feedback web page.
42179 Opens the Best of the Web web page.
42180 Opens the Search the Web web page.
42181 Opens the Microsoft Home Page.
42182 Opens the Online Support web page.
42211 Starts and stops sending video.
42212 Starts and stops receiving video.
42213 Detaches the My Video window from the NetMeeting window.
42214 Detaches the Remote Video window from the NetMeeting window.
42215 Detaches the My Video window from the NetMeeting window.
42216 Detaches the Remote Video window from the NetMeeting window.
42229 Stops updating the directory or SpeedDial list.
42231 Installs the software that allows NetMeeting to share applications.
42232 Quits NetMeeting and activates Remote Desktop Sharing.
42241 The certificate you have chosen cannot be used for NetMeeting calls.
42242 Invalid Certificate
42243 &Details >>
42244 &Details <<
42246 NetMeeting Certificate (privacy only)
42603 Restore video to normal size
42604 Magnify video 200%
42605 Magnify video 300%
42606 Magnify video 400%
42631 Opens new video window
57600 New
57601 Open
57603 Save
57607 Print
61440 Changes the window size
61456 Changes the window position
61472 Reduces the window to an icon
61488 Enlarges the window to full size
61536 Closes the window
61728 Restores the window to normal size
61729 To adjust the playback volume, use the slider bar below. Click the Test button to hear a sample sound.
61730 Click the Test button to hear a sample sound.
61731 An error occured in attempting to play the test sound. Another program is currently playing or recording audio.
61732 An unexpected error occured in attempting to play the test sound.
61733 Another program is currently playing or recording audio.
61734 &Test
61735 &Stop
61743 The new password is unacceptable. Please try again.
61744 The old password is incorrect. Please try again.
61745 Password Not Changed
61746 The passwords you typed do not match. Please re-type the new password in both text boxes.
61747 Password Not Changed
61748 Password successfully changed
61749 Password Changed
61750 The NetMeeting Autoconfiguration server address is missing or invalid. Using cached NetMeeting settings.
61751 NetMeeting could not connect to the Autoconfiguration server. Using cached NetMeeting settings.
61752 The NetMeeting Autoconfiguration utility requires Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher to run. Using cached NetMeeting settings.
61753 The NetMeeting Autoconfiguration utility requires SETUPAPI.DLL to run. You will be unable to use autoconfiguration until the DLL is on your system. Using cached NetMeeting settings.
61754 The NetMeeting Autoconfiguration utility encountered a problem parsing the autoconfiguration file. Using cached NetMeeting settings.
61757 Remote Desktop Sharing requires a password. Type a password or select Cancel to exit this dialog.
61758 Microsoft Internet Directory
61761 You have chosen to use a gatekeeper but not specified which information to log on to the gatekeeper with.
61762 You have typed an invalid account name. Please check the name and re-enter it.
61763 Password Not Changed
61764 Your password must be at least 7 characters long.