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Windows Policy Administrative Template | 1999-04-27 | 18.5 KB | 555 lines
; Internet Restrictions Policy Template File ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS USER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!EnableTabs KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!EnableTabs PART !!RestrictGeneralTab CHECKBOX VALUENAME GeneralTab END PART PART !!RestrictSecurityTab CHECKBOX VALUENAME SecurityTab END PART PART !!RestrictContentTab CHECKBOX VALUENAME ContentTab END PART PART !!RestrictConnectionsTab CHECKBOX VALUENAME ConnectionsTab END PART PART !!RestrictProgramsTab CHECKBOX VALUENAME ProgramsTab END PART PART !!RestrictAdvancedTab CHECKBOX VALUENAME AdvancedTab END PART PART !!RestrictAdvanced CHECKBOX VALUENAME Advanced END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!GeneralTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!GeneralTab PART !!RestrictHomePage CHECKBOX VALUENAME HomePage END PART PART !!RestrictCache CHECKBOX VALUENAME Cache END PART PART !!RestrictHistory CHECKBOX VALUENAME History END PART PART !!RestrictColors CHECKBOX VALUENAME Colors END PART PART !!RestrictLinks CHECKBOX VALUENAME links END PART PART !!RestrictFonts CHECKBOX VALUENAME Fonts END PART PART !!RestrictLanguages CHECKBOX VALUENAME Languages END PART PART !!RestrictAccessibility CHECKBOX VALUENAME Accessibility END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!ConnectionTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!ConnectionTab PART !!RestrictConnectionWizard CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Connwiz Admin Lock" END PART PART !!RestrictConnectionSettings CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Connection Settings" END PART PART !!RestrictProxy CHECKBOX VALUENAME Proxy END PART PART !!RestrictAutoconfig CHECKBOX VALUENAME Autoconfig END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!ContentTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!ContentTab PART !!RestrictRatings CHECKBOX VALUENAME Ratings END PART PART !!RestrictCertificates CHECKBOX VALUENAME Certificates END PART PART !!RestrictProfiles CHECKBOX VALUENAME Profiles END PART PART !!RestrictFormSuggest CHECKBOX VALUENAME FormSuggest END PART PART !!RestrictFormSuggestPW CHECKBOX VALUENAME "FormSuggest Passwords" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!ProgramsTab KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" POLICY !!ProgramsTab PART !!RestrictMessaging CHECKBOX VALUENAME Messaging END PART PART !!RestrictCalendarContact CHECKBOX VALUENAME CalendarContact END PART PART !!RestrictResetWebSettings CHECKBOX VALUENAME ResetWebSettings END PART PART !!RestrictCheckBrowser CHECKBOX VALUENAME Check_If_Default END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Menus KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions" POLICY !!File_Menu PART !!NoBrowserSaveAs CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoBrowserSaveAs END PART PART !!NoFileNew CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFileNew END PART PART !!NoFileOpen CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFileOpen END PART PART !!NoBrowserSaveWebComplete CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions" VALUENAME NoBrowserSaveWebComplete END PART PART !!NoBrowserClose CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoBrowserClose END PART END POLICY POLICY !!View_Menu PART !!NoViewSource CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoViewSource END PART PART !!NoTheaterMode CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoTheaterMode END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Favorites_Menu PART !!NoFavorites CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFavorites END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Tools_Menu PART !!NoBrowserOptions CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoBrowserOptions END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Help_Menu KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" PART !!NoTip CHECKBOX VALUENAME "remove tip of the day" END PART PART !!NoNetscapeHelp CHECKBOX VALUENAME "remove netscape help" END PART PART !!NoTutorial CHECKBOX VALUENAME "remove tutorial" END PART PART !!NoFeedback CHECKBOX VALUENAME "remove feedback" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Context_Menu PART !!NoBrowserContextMenu CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoBrowserContextMenu END PART PART !!NoOpeninNewWnd CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoOpeninNewWnd END PART END POLICY POLICY !!FileDownload PART !!NoSelectDownloadDir CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoSelectDownloadDir" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Toolbar KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" POLICY !!ToolbarRestrictions PART !!NoToolbarCustomize CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoToolbarCustomize" END PART PART !!NoBandCustomize CHECKBOX VALUENAME "NoBandCustomize" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!FavSearch KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions" POLICY !!FavImpExp PART !!FavImportExport CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" VALUENAME "DisableImportExportFavorites" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Search PART !!NoSearchCustomization CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoSearchCustomization END PART PART !!NoFindFiles CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions" VALUENAME "NoFindFiles" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Persistence KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence" POLICY !!Persistence_FileLimits0 PART !!FileLimits_Domain0 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\0" VALUENAME DomainLimit DEFAULT 1024 END PART PART !!FileLimits_Document0 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\0" VALUENAME DocumentLimit DEFAULT 128 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Persistence_FileLimits1 PART !!FileLimits_Domain1 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\1" VALUENAME DomainLimit DEFAULT 10240 END PART PART !!FileLimits_Document1 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\1" VALUENAME DocumentLimit DEFAULT 512 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Persistence_FileLimits2 PART !!FileLimits_Domain2 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\2" VALUENAME DomainLimit DEFAULT 1024 END PART PART !!FileLimits_Document2 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\2" VALUENAME DocumentLimit DEFAULT 128 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Persistence_FileLimits3 PART !!FileLimits_Domain3 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\3" VALUENAME DomainLimit DEFAULT 1024 END PART PART !!FileLimits_Document3 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\3" VALUENAME DocumentLimit DEFAULT 128 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Persistence_FileLimits4 PART !!FileLimits_Domain4 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\4" VALUENAME DomainLimit DEFAULT 640 END PART PART !!FileLimits_Document4 NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Persistence\4" VALUENAME DocumentLimit DEFAULT 64 END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS MACHINE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!Security KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" POLICY !!Security PART !!Security_HKLM_only CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security_HKLM_only END PART PART !!Security_options_edit CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security_options_edit END PART PART !!Security_zones_map_edit CHECKBOX VALUENAME Security_zones_map_edit END PART END POLICY POLICY !!TrustedPublisher PART !!TrustedPublisherLockDown CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions" VALUENAME TrustedPublisherLockdown END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!SoftwareUpdates KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions" POLICY !!IOD PART !!NoJITSetup CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoJITSetup END PART END POLICY POLICY !!PUC PART !!NoUpdateCheck CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoUpdateCheck END PART END POLICY POLICY !!MSAppLogo5 PART !!ShellNotifications CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" VALUENAME "NoMSAppLogo5ChannelNotify" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Startup KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions" POLICY !!Startup PART !!NoSplash CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoSplash END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Maintenance KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" POLICY !!Maintenance PART !!DisableAddComponents CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Add Component Option" VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!DisableUninstall CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Uninstall Option" VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!DisableRepair CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Repair IE Option" VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY [strings] EnableTabs="Internet Property Pages" RestrictGeneralTab="Disable viewing the General Page" RestrictSecurityTab="Disable viewing the Security Page" RestrictContentTab="Disable viewing the Content Page" RestrictConnectionsTab="Disable viewing the Connections Page" RestrictProgramsTab="Disable viewing the Programs Page" RestrictAdvancedTab="Disable viewing the Advanced Page" RestrictAdvanced="Disable changing any settings on the Advanced Page" GeneralTab="General Page" RestrictHomePage = "Disable changing home page settings" RestrictCache="Disable changing Temporary Internet files settings" RestrictHistory="Disable changing history settings" RestrictColors="Disable changing color settings" RestrictLinks="Disable changing link color settings" RestrictFonts="Disable changing font settings" RestrictLanguages="Disable changing language settings" RestrictAccessibility="Disable changing accessibility settings" ContentTab="Content Page" RestrictRatings="Disable changing ratings settings" RestrictCertificates="Disable changing certificate settings" RestrictProfiles="Disable changing Profile Assistant settings" RestrictFormSuggest="Disable AutoComplete for forms and saving of submitted strings" RestrictFormSuggestPW="Do not allow users to save passwords in AutoComplete for forms" ConnectionTab="Connections Page" RestrictConnectionWizard="Disable Internet Connection Wizard" RestrictConnectionSettings="Disable changing connection settings" RestrictProxy="Disable changing proxy settings" RestrictAutoconfig="Disable changing Automatic Configuration settings" ProgramsTab="Programs Page" RestrictMessaging="Disable changing Messaging settings" RestrictCalendarContact="Disable changing Calendar and Contact settings" RestrictResetWebSettings="Disable the Reset Web Settings feature" RestrictCheckBrowser="Disable changing checking if Internet Explorer is the default browser" Persistence="Persistence" Persistence_FileLimits0="File Size Limits for Local Machine Zone" Persistence_FileLimits1="File Size Limits for Intranet Zone" Persistence_FileLimits2="File Size Limits for Trusted Sites Zone" Persistence_FileLimits3="File Size Limits for Internet Zone" Persistence_FileLimits4="File Size Limits for Restricted Sites Zone" FileLimits_Domain0="Per Domain(in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Document0="Per Document (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Domain1="Per Domain (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Document1="Per Document (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Domain2="Per Domain (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Document2="Per Document (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Domain3="Per Domain (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Document3="Per Document (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Domain4="Per Domain (in kilobytes)" FileLimits_Document4="Per Document (in kilobytes)" Menus="Browser Menus" File_Menu="File Menu" NoBrowserSaveAs="Disable Save As... menu option" NoFileNew="Disable New menu option" NoFileOpen="Disable Open menu option" NoBrowserSaveWebComplete="Disable Save As Web Page Complete format" NoBrowserClose="Disable closing of the browser" View_Menu="View Menu" NoViewSource="Disable Source menu option" NoTheaterMode="Disable Fullscreen menu option" Favorites_Menu="Favorites Menu" NoFavorites="Hide Favorites Menu" Tools_Menu="Tools Menu" NoBrowserOptions="Disable Internet Options... menu option" Help_Menu="Help Menu" NoTip="Remove 'Tip of the Day' menu option" NoNetscapeHelp="Remove 'For Netscape Users' menu option" NoTutorial="Remove 'Tour' menu option" NoFeedback="Remove 'Send Feedback' menu option" Context_Menu="Context Menu (right click)" NoBrowserContextMenu="Disable Context Menu" NoOpeninNewWnd="Disable Open in New Window menu option" FileDownload="File Download Dialog" NoSelectDownloadDir="Disable Save this program to disk option" Toolbar="Toolbars" ToolbarRestrictions="Toolbar Restrictions" NoToolbarCustomize="Disable customizing browser toolbar buttons" NoBandCustomize="Disable customizing browser toolbars" FavSearch="Favorites and Search" FavImpExp="Favorites Import/Export" FavImportExport="Disable importing and exporting of favorites" Search="Search" NoSearchCustomization="Disable Search Customization" NoFindFiles="Disable Find Files via F3 within the browser" Security="Security Page" PolicyName="Security Tab Settings" Security_HKLM_only="Use ONLY machine settings for security zones" Security_options_edit="Do not allow users to change policies for any security zone" Security_zones_map_edit="Do not allow users to add/delete sites from a security zone" TrustedPublisher="Trusted Publishers" TrustedPublisherLockDown="Only allow controls from Trusted Publishers" SoftwareUpdates="Software Updates" IOD="Automatic Install" NoJITSetup="Disable Automatic Install of Internet Explorer components" PUC="Periodic Update Check" NoUpdateCheck="Disable Periodic Check for Internet Explorer software updates and bug fixes" MSAppLogo5="Microsoft Logo5 Software Update Channel Notifications" ShellNotifications="Disable software update shell notifications on program launch" Startup="Startup Restrictions" NoSplash="Disable showing the splash screen" IEAK_Title=Corporate Restrictions IEAK_DescriptionTitle=Corporate Restrictions IEAK_Description1=Restrictions are an important tool in reducing the cost of supporting applications in your corporation. Using the restrictions in this file, you can lock out features of Internet Explorer which may be unnecessary or undesirable for your users and prevent modifications to settings made during setup or Automatic Configuration. Maintenance="Maintenance Mode Settings" DisableAddComponents="Disable adding Internet Explorer Components via Add/Remove Programs" DisableUninstall="Disable uninstalling Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools" DisableRepair="Disable the Internet Explorer 5 Repair utility" [IEAK] Lock=1 Roles=001 NumOfDescLines=1 Platform=010