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- Some Frequently Asked Questions. Please read this carefully if you have
- problems.
- Q: Sometimes, after UAE exits, there is no autorepeat for the keys!
- A: Do "xset r on" (happens only in X, apparently mainly on Solaris boxes.
- Dunno why.). [Should be fixed by now. Note that this always happens when
- UAE crashes]
- Q: When UAE starts up, it says "Illegal instruction: 4e7b". Why?
- A: That's normal, it's just the Kickstart CPU type test.
- Q: When UAE starts up, it says "Illegal instruction: 00f8" (many times). Why?
- A: That's because your Kickstart ROM was compiled for the 68020.
- (could also happen when there's a bug in UAE)
- Q: When UAE loads <insert your favourite game> it says "Non-standard sync".
- A: Your favourite game is copy-protected. There are ways to transfer such
- disks, but it's complicated and I won't help you because it would be much
- too time-consuming to figure out all sorts of copy-protection schemes.
- I hope there will be a general solution some day, but for now you're
- unlucky.
- Q: While it compiles, it says "xxx illegals generated" or "16 mismatches".
- Is this a problem?
- A: No. I can use this information to tell whether there is a problem, and
- there isn't.
- Q: How can I produce an @ symbol (or any other sign)? On my PC keyboard it's
- AltGr+Q, but that doesn't seem to work.
- A: Look at the keyboard of your Amiga. Use the same combination that you would
- need on a real Amiga. These combinations differ across countries. Make sure
- you have loaded the right keyboard translation table for AmigaOS (e.g. in
- Germany, make sure there's a "setmap de" command in the startup-sequence)
- You can probably create a @ sign by pressing Alt+2, or Shift+2.
- Q: UAE does not work with my Kickstart 1.2 image.
- A: You may need to turn off the harddisk and fastmem emulation with the "-a"
- parameter. Kick 1.2 doesn't support the autoboot features that the harddisk
- emulation requires.
- You can tell that you are suffering from this problem if UAE gives you the
- message "filesys_bput called".
- Q: What do I do if a game/demo/application doesn't work?
- A: If you're trying to run a game or a demo, enable some slow RAM, and try
- running it again. Some older software has compatability problems which
- slow RAM can sometimes fix. If it's an application, check for obvious
- things like Kickstart version requirements, RAM, etc. Also make sure the
- software you're trying to run isn't for AGA equipped machines.
- You can also try changing various other options, like the CPU type. For
- games, sometimes "-C0c" will make it work.
- Q: Is it possible to read Amiga disks with a PC?
- A: No, and yes. No, with a standard PC it's impossible. However, with some
- additional hardware (i.e. a new floppy controller) it is possible. I
- currently know of two solutions, the AFR package which consists of a small
- parallel port interface that you have to build yourself and some software,
- and the Catweasel controller which is available as an ISA card and comes
- with DOS software that can create disk files. I have a Catweasel here, and
- it does in fact work.
- Q: Couldn't I attach an Amiga floppy drive to the PC somehow, and use that to
- read Amiga disks?
- A: You can attach Amiga (low-density) drives to the PC, because they are
- completely identical to PC drives. This won't help you, because the problem
- is not the drive, but the PC floppy controller. You have to live with it.
- Q: But the PC can read 11-sector formats!
- A: Yes, but those sectors look a little different to the hardware.
- Q: But the Amiga can read PC disks!
- A: So what?
- Q: But the PC can read Atari ST disks!
- A: So what?
- Q: But...
- A: No way. If you still are convinced that it must be possible, prove it.
- Write a program to read Amiga disks with a standard PC controller, and I
- will apologize in public.
- Q: How can I use DMS images?
- A: Run DMS under UAE and use it just like you would on a real Amiga.
- Decompressing a DMS file to DF0: will overwrite the .adf file that is
- currently used to emulate df0:.
- Q: How can I transfer non-DOS disks that are used by many demos?
- A: With transdisk. The fact that they are unreadable by AmigaDOS does not
- mean they are unreadble by transdisk.
- Long explanation: There are two things to consider when talking about the
- "format" of a disk. First, the low-level format which divides each track
- into sectors in a special way. Most Amiga disks are in the standard Amiga
- format which has 11 sectors with 512 bytes each per track, with a total of
- 880K per disk. There's also some extra information outside the sectors so
- that the floppy controller can find the sectors. PC disks use a different
- format, which is the reason why a PC controller can't read Amiga disks.
- If a disk is formatted this way, it can be copied with the normal AmigaDOS
- diskcopy program or the Workbench equivalent, and transdisk can handle it.
- Copy-protected disks have a different track layout (sometimes, they don't
- divide the tracks into sectors at all, or use more sectors, or put
- different things between the sectors. This type of thing can't be handled
- by diskcopy or by transdisk.
- Now, the second part of the "format" of a disk is the filesystem. If you
- want to put files and directories on a disk, you have to write some special
- information into some of the sectors on the disk. That information includes
- (for example) the name of the disk (e.g. "Workbench1.3"), and what files it
- contains. This information is called a "filesystem". The Amiga knows about
- several filesystems: There is the original filesystem (called OFS), and the
- newer Fast Filesystem (FFS) which was introduced with Kickstart 1.3.
- If you don't put a filesystem on the disk, the data in the sectors can still
- be read by programs like transdisk or diskcopy, but the data makes no sense
- to them. The point is, it doesn't have to. It only has to make sense for
- the Workbench which tries to determine what files there are on a disk. If
- the Workbench can't find a filesystem it knows about on the disk, it will
- be marked as a non-DOS disk (as opposed to an "unreadable" disk which you
- get if the low-level format is different from the standard).
- Q: How can I change diskfiles?
- A: Your version of UAE may have a user interface (the X11 version does) which
- enables you to do this. Read your system-specific README file for details.
- You can also use the "uaectrl" programs from the "amiga" subdirectory.
- Q: Why is the floppy emulation so slow, after all the disk image is on a
- harddisk?
- A: Because the disk rotation is emulated. This is necessary. Use the harddisk
- emulation wherever possible.
- Q: <insert your favourite problem with the hardfile emulation here>
- A: Don't use the hardfile. Use the filesystem emulation ("-m" option).
- Q: How can I read Amiga CD-ROMs?
- A: With the harddisk emulation. Give UAE the parameter "-M CD:/cdrom" if you
- are using a Linux system with the CD mounted at /cdrom, or "-m CD:D:\" if
- you are using DOS and D: is your CD-ROM drive (and if you have a different
- system you should be able to figure out what to do)
- Q: Is it possible to read Amiga harddisks with a PC?
- A: Yes. Linux 2.0 has an Amiga filesystem that can reportedly read Amiga
- OFS/FFS harddisks. Please don't ask for details, I didn't write the thing,
- and I don't use it (yet). I did use it to read .adf disk images, though.
- Q: When will the next version come out, and what will be in it?
- A: It will come out when it's done.
- Q: Will there be a shareware version or some registration fee for future
- versions of UAE?
- A: No.
- Q: Couldn't you use ARDI's CPU emulation to speed it up?
- A: UAE is free software. It comes with sourcecode. ARDI's Executor is
- proprietary and sold commercially. ARDI has no reason at all to give away
- their code for free, because they wouldn't make any more money if they did.
- (yes, I really get asked this kind of thing! I don't know where people take
- these ideas from).
- Q: I don't get steady sound output! I only have a 486DX40, could this be
- related?
- A: Try a Pentium-II-300, these things are reported to do better.
- Q: Would it be possible to speed it up by emulating the CPU native on, say,
- a 68k Mac?
- A: I doubt it. UAE needs to be able to interrupt the CPU emulation anytime to
- perform tasks necessary for emulating the hardware. So you can't just let
- it run all by itself.
- Q: Would it be possible to speed it up by using graphics accelerator boards
- for example by using the blitter in S3 chips?
- A: I doubt it. I'm no PC graphics card expert, but probably the only thing the
- S3 blitter and the Amiga blitter have in common are seven lowercase
- letters. Even if they were similar you'd have to keep all Amiga chip
- RAM in the graphics memory and that would most likely make everything
- painfully slow.
- Q: How about adding special support for the GUS/other wavetable boards that
- uses hardware features to speed up the sound emulation?
- A: Again, due to the differences in Amiga and PC (in this case: GUS) hardware,
- this isn't really feasible. You _might_ get something like this to work in
- some special cases (ProTracker modules might be a case that could be made
- to work), but I don't think you can come up with something that emulates
- all of the Amiga sound hardware.
- The problem is that by just examining the values a program writes into the
- audio hardware registers, you can hardly figure out what a program is
- trying to do, and what it is going to do in the future. In contrast to
- that, it's easy to write a SoundTracker module player for GUS cards because
- you know exactly what you are playing, and how you have to do it.
- (That doesn't mean you can't use the GUS for sound output; you just can't
- use it to _speed up_ the sound output)
- Q: Emulating all the hardware is a bad idea. Why don't you just emulate the
- OS? After all, that's what makes the Amiga the Amiga.
- A: Short answer: I disagree.
- Long answer: The OS is half of what makes the Amiga the Amiga. It is a very
- nice OS, and there are some features that I miss in any other OS, but it is
- also severely lacking in terms of (for example) memory protection and
- filesystem performance.
- The other thing that made the Amiga special back in the 1980s is the custom
- chip architecture. If you look into old (1985) computer magazines, you will
- find that the capabilites of the Amiga OS are only mentioned as a side
- note, because people were not aware that it was revolutionary for a home
- computer. They were aware, though, that the Amiga could display 4096 colors
- at the same time and that it had a blitter and a copper that could do all
- sorts of stuff, like bouncing balls for instance. And I think it was the
- superiority of the hardware that made the Amiga a success.
- I see UAE as a program that is similar to C64 emulators: it allows you to
- run some old games and other programs that you can't replace with better
- equivalents on the PC. As such, it can already be used to run non-action
- games (like Monkey Island or Bard's Tale) at a satisfactory speed. Faster
- CPUs will eventually make it possible to run action games, just like faster
- CPUs have made it possible to emulate a C64 at full speed on a PC. UAE is
- not (primarily) meant for the Amiga PowerUser who is running high quality
- applications on his A4000 with a 68060 board, but for people like me who
- switched from an A500 to the PC a few years ago because they wanted to make
- money by developing software.
- Besides, emulating an OS is far more difficult IMHO. Especially if the
- platform you are emulating it on is completely different than the platform
- that is being emulated. You'd have to mess with endianness conversions and
- other nightmares. The AmigaOS wasn't designed with portability in mind
- either.
- Q: How fast is it?
- A: It depends.
- For crunching files with PowerPacker, UAE is 17 times faster than my A500
- on my K6-233.
- For playing Turrican I, it's running at about full speed (with sound).
- For playing Turrican III, it is slightly slower than the A500.
- For some (not many) demos, it's a fair bit slower than the A500.
- Rule of thumb: Sound emulation really takes time; so do copper effects and
- scrolling. If you don't need either, you're fine.
- Q: How can I make it faster?
- A: Run the emulator in the lowest screen mode (320x200), set it to 256 colors,
- make sure aspect correction is disabled, and set the frame rate to every 3rd
- frame. Finally, disable sound (if you have a version that lets you compile
- your own executable, set "DONT_WANT_SOUND" in config.h). It won't look very
- nice, but it will run as fast as your machine allows.
- If you are running the X version, make sure you use the "-T" option. Not
- using this option is "safer", but makes the emulator very slow. Even better,
- when you run configure, say "configure --enable-dga" if your X server
- (XFree86 3.2 or higher) supports it.
- It's especially important that you don't use 24 bit or 32 bit color modes.
- Q: Do I need a real Amiga to use this program?
- A: Yes, unless you have some other way of legally getting ROM files and system
- software, such as the Cloanto Amiga Forever CD.
- Q: Where can I download a Kickstart ROM/Amiga games?
- A: Read the docs again. You can't. It would be illegal to put a ROM image or
- other copyrighted software on the net (yes, even if you once bought a
- specific Amiga game and sold it together with the computer, downloading the
- same game now would still be illegal. Sorry.)
- Q: Does UAE run on the DEC Alpha/Sparcstations/SGIs/whatever?
- A: UAE should run on all Unix systems that have at least X11R5 and a decent
- C compiler installed. So the answer is probably yes. Just use the generic
- Unix source and follow the instructions in README.UNIX to compile it.
- However, using GCC and the GNU binutils can improve your chances.
- Q: Why is there a blank area on the left side of the screen?
- A: The Amiga can display graphics there, but usually doesn't because this
- would disable some sprites. The area is only used by some overscan demos.
- Normal screens are off-center. I'm not going to do anything about that.
- If you can't stand it, you can try to use 320x200 or 640x480 resolution,
- which will attempt to center the screen. This is near impossible to get
- right for every program. If your screen doesn't fit in lower resolutions,
- use 800x600.
- Q: Where is a complete summary of all command line switches ?
- A: In the README files. You can also generate it yourself by typing:
- uae -h > uae-help.txt
- Q: Benchmark program <insert your favourite benchmark> gives weird results.
- A: Amiga programs run by the emulator think the Amiga timers can be used to
- measure real time. But in UAE, they only measure "emulation time". Sysinfo,
- for example, gives the same results on all machines. So don't run
- benchmarks to test the emulator speed.
- Some benchmarks also use tight loops of DIV or MUL instructions to measure
- CPU speed, and in "emulation time" these instructions take as much time
- as any other instructions, and you'll get much too high values.
- If you enabled the "HAVE_RDTSC" option, running benchmarks makes some more
- sense. Still not a lot, since there is a minimum speed that the benchmark
- will report on every machine. The faster the machine, the more accurate
- will your results be.
- Q: Wasn't this called the Unusable Amiga Emulator?
- A: Yes. But no one thought the name was very fitting anymore, though. It was
- only really appropriate for v0.1, which couldn't even boot.