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- <title>Picture Publisher 8 Product Information</title>
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- <td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="arial"><img
- src="prodinfo.gif" align="center" width="275" height="44">
- </font><p align="center"><a href="factshee.htm"><font
- size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>Reviewer's
- Guide</b></font></a><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"> </font><a
- href="newfeatures1.htm"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>New Features in PP8</b></font></a><font
- size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"> </font></p>
- <p align="center"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img
- src="comshopper.gif" alt="BEST" width="470" height="24"></font></p>
- <p align="center"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- </font></p>
- </td>
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- <td align="right" colspan="2"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img src="highend.gif"
- width="190" height="39"> </font></td>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="3"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img src="bevins.gif"
- width="150" height="108"><br>
- <i>"Picturer Publisher lets me add atmosphere to a
- landscape,creating a moody image that narrows the gap
- between photographic print and the artist's canvas."
- </i><b>Barry Bevins, ARPS, AMPA UK TV Producer and
- Digital Photographer</b> </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="right" valign="top"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img src="tree.gif"
- hspace="5" width="150" height="108"> </font></td>
- <td valign="top"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Right away you'll find
- important help that results in a much, much faster
- learning curve.<br>
- <img src="violin.gif" vspace="5" width="150" height="108">
- </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img src="onekind.gif"
- align="center" width="177" height="44"> </font></td>
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- </center></div><div align="center"><center>
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- <td valign="top"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- <img src="dream.gif" width="150" height="108"><br>
- <img src="balls.gif" hspace="2" width="150" height="108">
- </font></td>
- <td width="200"> </td>
- <td valign="top"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img src="after.gif"
- hspace="2" width="150" height="108"><img src="before.gif"
- width="90" height="67"></font><p><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><i>"Picture
- Publisher is the most versatile image manipulation
- program I've ever worked with - plus it's as advanced as
- you need. I wouldn't use anything else."</i><br>
- <b>Robert Wood<br>
- Pixel magic Technical Support</b> </font></p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </center></div><div align="center"><center>
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- <td valign="top"><p align="center"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- </font><a href="newfeatures1.htm"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img
- src="new_bnfeatures.gif" border="0" width="153"
- height="17"></font></a></p>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- </font><font size="4" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Extensive
- Web Graphics Support</font><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- </font></p>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>Integrated
- GIF Animation</b><br>
- Easily create & edit animated web graphics</font></p>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>URL
- Linked Image Maps<br>
- Automated Web Graphics</b><br>
- </font></p>
- <dir>
- <li><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img
- src="bullet.gif" width="10" height="10"> Web Page
- Interfaces<br>
- <img src="bullet.gif" width="10" height="10">
- Buttons & Bevels<br>
- <img src="bullet.gif" width="10" height="10">
- Textured Backgrounds<br>
- <img src="bullet.gif" width="10" height="10">
- Cool Text Headers<br>
- <img src="bullet.gif" width="10" height="10">
- Batch File Conversion<br>
- </font></li>
- </dir>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>Interactive
- Palette Optimization<br>
- Advanced GIF & JPEG Support</b><br>
- Previews of final image quality & estimated download
- times</font></p>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>Web
- Pattern Viewer<br>
- DigimarcÖ Digital Watermarking Plug-in</b><br>
- Protect your Images on the web</left> </font></p>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><left></font><font
- size="4" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Award-Winning
- Imaging Tools & Exclusive Effects</font><font
- size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- Over 120 Professional Effects & Creative macros<br>
- Light StudioÖ<br>
- Patent-pending Camera Aperture<br>
- Bevel FactoryÖ<br>
- Powerful Command CenterÖ<br>
- Macro Recording </font></p>
- <p><font size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><left></font><font
- size="4" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Unmatched
- Ease-Of-Use</font><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- Task Wizards & Compound Effects<br>
- Interactive Online Tutorials </font></p>
- </td>
- <td valign="top" width="20%"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><img
- src="fasttrack.gif" align="center" width="177"
- height="42"><br>
- To create those mind-blowing web graphics that really
- stand out, you need a really outstanding design tool.
- Picture Publisher 8 is that and more - bringing unheard
- of power, productivity & support <br>
- <br>
- <img src="headshop.gif" width="251" height="266"> </font><p><font
- size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><left></font><font
- size="4" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Plus:</font><font
- size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><br>
- Full Photoshop« Plug-in Compatibility<br>
- Micrografx Media ManagerÖ 8<br>
- Kodak« ICC Color Management System<br>
- 10,000+ Royalty-free Photo Images<br>
- 500+ Seamless Internet Textures<br>
- 250+ TrueType Fonts<br>
- 140+ effects, filters and pre-recorded creative macros<br>
- 55+ import/export file formats<br>
- 40+ web page templates<br>
- 30+ interactive Wizards and on-line tutorials </font></p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"><font size="2"
- face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif"><b>System Requirements</b></font><p><font
- size="2" face="Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Recommended
- for use on Windows« 95 or NT«<br>
- 486DX or faster processor<br>
- (Pentium Processor Recommended)<br>
- Windows« 95: 8 MB Ram required to run individually (16+
- MB recommended)<br>
- Windows« NT«:16 MB required to run application
- individually (24+ recommended<br>
- More memory required to run additional applications
- simultaneously<br>
- Hard Disk Space: 65MB for typical install, 33 MB for
- minimum install<br>
- CD-ROM drive<br>
- SVGA of higher-resolution video adapter(16 bit color and
- graphics acceleration recommended)<br>
- Mouse, Microsoft« IntelliMouseÖ, tablet, or other
- compatible pointing devices </font></p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </center></div>
- <p align="center"><font face="arial"><br>
- </font><a href="/copyright"><font color="#000000" size="1"
- face="arial"><i>Copyright ⌐1997, 1998 Micrografx, Inc.</i></font></a><font
- face="arial"> </font></p>
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