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/ PC World 1999 June / PCWorld_1999-06_cd.bin / software / Vyzkuste / Webtri / INSTALL / FONTS.Z / 31218___.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1995-09-11  |  78KB
Labels: grass | reckoner | sky | water
OCR: abelefghijk!n oparsfuvw.xvz ABCDEA GHALTKLMNO PONSTUYWXYZ b1L1S+2Z10 VAf.L /? Thegunickfras foxjumoverthe 12yisg. the guick broWn xjumps the Jazy fog. The guick broWh Foxjumps the Jazy fog. The quick froWn fox jumps aver the lazy dag. quick AroWh jumps. the faz:y daq guick braWn jump's aver the laz:y bop quick broWh jump's daq abclefghijk maoprrstuvwyz 01234567 froW ovej gruick frowih ovei braWh froWh 1210