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- = I C O N E D I T P R O 5.0 =
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- Name: _____________________________________________________
- Address: _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- E-Mail: _____________________________________________________
- ******************************************************************
- I have heard about 'IconEdit Pro' from: (If you have read about it
- in a magazine it would be great if you could include the article!)
- ______________________________________________________________
- ******************************************************************
- +-------+-------+--------+
- | USD | DEM | ATS |
- Licence: +-------+-------+--------+
- o 1 user | 15,-| 20,-| 140,-|
- o 2-5 users | 45,-| 60,-| 420,-|
- o 6-10 users | 75,-| 100,-| 700,-|
- o 11-20 users | 150,-| 200,-| 1.400,-|
- o 21-50 users | 300,-| 400,-| 2.800,-|
- o 51-100 users | 480,-| 650,-| 4.500,-|
- o 101-500 users | 700,-| 950,-| 6.500,-|
- o 501-1500 users |1.000,-|1.350,-| 9.300,-|
- o 1501 and more users |1.500,-|2.000,-|14.000,-| --> ________
- +-------+-------+--------+
- Delivery:
- o Please send me just the Registration Code by E-Mail
- o Please send me the complete program with code
- on two HD disks....... +USD 5,- (+DEM 7/+ATS 50) --> ________
- Payment:
- o With enclosed cash
- o With enclosed check... +USD 5,- (+DEM 7/+ATS 50) --> ________
- o Remittance to Hagen Wieshofer, Account-Nr.: 322057
- Raiffeisenbank, A-6391 Fieberbrunn, BLZ: 36224
- +--------+
- Total amount: + +
- +--------+
- *******************************************************************
- Comments (you can also use the back of this form):
- _______________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________
- *******************************************************************
- Send this form to:
- Hagen Wieshofer, Schlossberg 9, A-6391 Fieberbrunn, AUSTRIA
- ___________________________________
- Date, Signature