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- %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap
- %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit)
- %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit)
- %%BeginResource: CMap (RKSJ-H)
- %%Title: (RKSJ-H Adobe Japan1 1)
- %%Version: 7.001
- %%Copyright: -----------------------------------------------------------
- %%Copyright: Copyright 1990-1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- %%Copyright: All Rights Reserved.
- %%Copyright:
- %%Copyright: Patents Pending
- %%Copyright:
- %%Copyright: NOTICE: All information contained herein is the property
- %%Copyright: of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- %%Copyright:
- %%Copyright: Permission is granted for redistribution of this file
- %%Copyright: provided this copyright notice is maintained intact and
- %%Copyright: that the contents of this file are not altered in any
- %%Copyright: way from its original form.
- %%Copyright:
- %%Copyright: PostScript and Display PostScript are trademarks of
- %%Copyright: Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in
- %%Copyright: certain jurisdictions.
- %%Copyright: -----------------------------------------------------------
- %%EndComments
- /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
- 12 dict begin
- begincmap
- /CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin
- /Registry (Adobe) def
- /Ordering (Japan1) def
- /Supplement 1 def
- end def
- /CMapName /RKSJ-H def
- /CMapVersion 7.001 def
- /CMapType 1 def
- /UIDOffset 210 def
- /XUID [1 10 25338] def
- /WMode 0 def
- 4 begincodespacerange
- <00> <80>
- <8140> <9FFC>
- <A0> <DF>
- <E040> <FCFC>
- endcodespacerange
- 1 beginnotdefrange
- <00> <1f> 231
- endnotdefrange
- 100 begincidrange
- <20> <7e> 231
- <8140> <817e> 633
- <8180> <81ac> 696
- <81b8> <81bf> 741
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- <81da> <81e8> 756
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- <8480> <8491> 1107
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- <84a1> <84a1> 7491
- <84a2> <84a2> 7495
- <84a3> <84a3> 7503
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- <84a6> <84a6> 7523
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- <84b1> <84b1> 7530
- <84b2> <84b2> 7522
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- <9580> <95fc> 3538
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- <9680> <96fc> 3726
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- <9f80> <9ffc> 5375
- <a0> <df> 326
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- endcidrange
- 22 begincidrange
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- <e240> <e27e> 5876
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- <e980> <e9fc> 7255
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- <ea80> <eaa2> 7443
- <eaa3> <eaa4> 8284
- endcidrange
- endcmap
- CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
- end
- end
- %%EndResource
- %%EOF