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- object Contributions: TContributions
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- Caption = 'SuperMemo Team: 1994-1998'
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- 'Design: P. Wozniak, SuperMemo World and ... users of SuperMemo'
- 'Programming: Piotr Wozniak (chief programmer), Oliwer Ptak (brow' +
- 'sers), Bartosz '
- 'Dreger (plug-in), Andrzej Lapa (DLLs and add-ins), Grzegorz Male' +
- 'wski (installer), Piotr '
- 'Metzler (DLL interface), Stanley Fischer (internationalization),' +
- ' Janick Fortin (image '
- 'handling)'
- ''
- 'Graphic design: O.Ptak, R.Sniegowski, P.Szczuko'
- 'Video Clips: O.Ptak'
- 'SuperMemo Funk: Break Band, 1983, Mr Zoob, 1997'
- ''
- 'Software: Delphi 3.02'
- ''
- 'SuperMemo Development Spots: "Gorska Perla" in Bystrzyckie Mount' +
- 'ains, Nowa Wies, '
- 'Strzeszynek near Poznan, SuperMemo Research'
- ''
- 'SuperMemo repetition spacing technology: Dr P.A.Wozniak, Poland,' +
- ' 1982-1998. '
- 'Neural Network plug-in: B.Dreger, P.Wierzejewski, T.Biedka, K.Ka' +
- 'chlicki, M.Plazewski, '
- 'P.Wozniak, K.Krawiec (Institude of Computer Science, Technical U' +
- 'niversity of Poznan)'
- ''
- 'Special thanks for unusual contribution to SuperMemo: Prof.W.Abr' +
- 'amowicz, '
- 'Dr.E.Gorzelanczyk, K.Biedalak, M.Hejwosz, M.Morawska, P.Maksimcz' +
- 'yk, M.Georgiew, '
- 'M.Newcomer, B.Kowalewski, P.Wimmer, V.Losik, M.Butrymowicz, A.Ho' +
- 'rodenski, '
- 'A.Lapa, O.Ptak, S.Fischer, B.Dreger, P.Wierzejewski, Prof. Kierz' +
- 'kowski, and many '
- 'more.')
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