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Windows Policy Administrative Template | 1999-02-24 | 5.3 KB | 174 lines
; WMP.adm ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS USER ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!WindowsMediaPlayer KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMediaPlayer" POLICY !!CustomizeWindowsMediaPlayer PART !!NoCodecDownload CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoCodecDownload END PART PART !!TitleBar EDITTEXT VALUENAME TitleBar END PART PART !!ShowCaseButton EDITTEXT VALUENAME ShowCaseButton END PART PART !!ShowCaseURL EDITTEXT VALUENAME ShowCaseURL END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Advanced KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\NetShow\Player\General" PART !!BufferingTime NUMERIC VALUENAME Buffering_Time DEFAULT 5000 END PART PART !!EnableHTTP CHECKBOX VALUENAME EnableHTTP DEFCHECKED END PART PART !!EnableMulticast CHECKBOX VALUENAME EnableMulticast DEFCHECKED END PART PART !!EnableTCP CHECKBOX VALUENAME EnableTCP DEFCHECKED END PART PART !!EnableUDP CHECKBOX VALUENAME EnableUDP DEFCHECKED END PART PART !!ProxyEnabled CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\NetShow\Player\Local" VALUENAME ProxyEnabled DEFCHECKED END PART PART !!EnableAutoProxy CHECKBOX KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\NetShow\Player\Local" VALUENAME EnableAutoProxy VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 1 END PART PART !!ProxyHost EDITTEXT KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\NetShow\Player\Local" VALUENAME ProxyHost END PART PART !!ProxyPort NUMERIC KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\NetShow\Player\Local" VALUENAME ProxyPort DEFAULT 80 END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; WindowsMediaPlayer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS MACHINE ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!WindowsMediaPlayer2 KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMediaPlayer" POLICY !!CustomizeWindowsMediaPlayer2 PART !!NoMediaFavorites CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoMediaFavorites END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CLASS MACHINE ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CATEGORY !!RadioBar KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMediaPlayer" POLICY !!RadioBar PART !!NoRadioBar CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoRadioBar ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" VALUENAME "Register OCX" VALUE "regsvr32.exe /s msdxm.ocx" END ACTIONLISTON ACTIONLISTOFF KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" VALUENAME "Register OCX" VALUE "regsvr32.exe /s msdxm.ocx" END ACTIONLISTOFF END PART PART !!NoFindNewStations CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFindNewStations END PART PART !!DefaultURLFindNewStations EDITTEXT VALUENAME DefaultURLFindNewStations DEFAULT !!RadioStationsURL END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; RadioBar [strings] WindowsMediaPlayer="Customizations" WindowsMediaPlayer2="Favorites" RadioBar="Radio toolbar settings" CustomizeWindowsMediaPlayer="Customize the Windows Media Player" CustomizeWindowsMediaPlayer2="Windows Media Player Favorites" NoCodecDownload ="Prevent automatic codec download" NoMediaFavorites="Do not install the default Windows Media Player Favorites in Media folder" TitleBar="Title bar of the Windows Media Player:" ShowCaseButton="Button name on Windows Media Player navigation bar:" ShowCaseURL="URL for button on Windows Media Player navigation bar:" Advanced="Customize Network Settings" Buffering_Time="Buffering Time" BufferingTime="Default number of milliseconds to buffer data:" EnableHTTP="Enable HTTP protocol" EnableMulticast="Enable Multicast" EnableTCP="Enable TCP protocol" EnableUDP="Enable UDP protocol" ProxyEnabled="Use Proxy" EnableAutoProxy="Use custom proxy settings (do not detect)" ProxyHost="Proxy Hostname:" DefaultProxyHost="" ProxyPort="Proxy host port:" RadioBar2="Disable Radio toolbar" NoRadioBar="Disable Radio toolbar (may require a reboot)" NoFindNewStations="Disable menu for finding new Radio Stations" RadioStationsURL="http://webevents.microsoft.com/radiobar.asp" DefaultURLFindNewStations="URL for finding new Radio Stations:" IEAK_Title=Microsoft Windows Media Player IEAK_DescriptionTitle=Windows Media Player and Radio toolbar Settings and Restrictions IEAK_Description1=Microsoft Windows Media Player upgrades the previous versions of Media Player, NetShow player, and ActiveMovie player and plays most multimedia content formats located on the Internet or your computer, including Windows Media, Real Audio/RealVideo 4.0, QuickTime, AVI, WAV, MP3 and more. IEAK_Description2=System policies for Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer Radio are a method to enforce user and computer settings by overriding default registry values. You can use this file to implement policies to standardize configurations for your clients. IEAK_Description3=These policies, allow you to prevent the installation of Windows Media Player favorites. If you would like to add custom favorites to the Windows Media Player, you can do so in the Favorites and Links section of the Internet Explorer IEAK, by creating a Media folder. [IEAK] Lock=1 Roles=111 NumOfDescLines=3 Platform=010