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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Written by Edward C Kubaitis
- # The host URL of the Signup Files
- $hostURL="http://myserver";
- @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
- foreach $pair (@pairs) {
- ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
- $BACKURL=$BACKURL+"$name=$value\&";
- # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding
- $value =~ tr/+/ /;
- $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
- if ($allow_html != 1) {
- $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;
- }
- if ($value eq ""){$value=" ";}
- $FORM{$name} = $value;
- }
- chop($BACKURL);
- open (FILE, ">/myserver/fileshare/ieak.ins");
- print FILE "[Entry]\n";
- print FILE "Entry_Name = IEAK Sample\n";
- print FILE "[Phone]\n";
- print FILE "Dial_As_Is = No\n";
- if ($FORM{'POPSELECTION'} == 1){
- print FILE "Phone_Number = 5555555\n";
- print FILE "Area_Code = 800\n";
- print FILE "Country_Code = 1\n";
- print FILE "Country_Id = 1\n";
- }
- if ($FORM{'POPSELECTION'} == 2){
- print FILE "Phone_Number = 5555555\n";
- print FILE "Area_Code = 206\n";
- print FILE "Country_Code = 1\n";
- print FILE "Country_Id = 1\n";
- }
- if ($FORM{'POPSELECTION'} == 3){
- print FILE "Phone_Number = 5555555\n";
- print FILE "Area_Code = 425\n";
- print FILE "Country_Code = 1\n";
- print FILE "Country_Id = 1\n";
- }
- if ($FORM{'POPSELECTION'} == 4){
- print FILE "Phone_Number = 5555555\n";
- print FILE "Area_Code = 800\n";
- print FILE "Country_Code = 1\n";
- print FILE "Country_Id = 1\n";
- }
- if ($FORM{'POPSELECTION'} == 5){
- print FILE "Phone_Number = 5555555\n";
- print FILE "Area_Code = 206\n";
- print FILE "Country_Code = 1\n";
- print FILE "Country_Id = 1\n";
- }
- if ($FORM{'POPSELECTION'} == 6){
- print FILE "Phone_Number = 5555555\n";
- print FILE "Area_Code = 425\n";
- print FILE "Country_Code = 1\n";
- print FILE "Country_Id = 1\n";
- }
- print FILE "[Server]\n";
- print FILE "Type = PPP\n";
- print FILE "SW_Compress = Yes\n";
- print FILE "PW_Encrypt = Yes\n";
- print FILE "Negotiate_TCP/IP = Yes\n";
- print FILE "Disable_LCP = No\n";
- print FILE "[TCP/IP]\n";
- print FILE "Specify_IP_Address = No\n";
- print FILE "Specify_Server_Address = No\n";
- print FILE "IP_Header_Conpress = Yes\n";
- print FILE "Gateway_On_Remote = Yes\n";
- print FILE "[User]\n";
- print FILE "Name = john.doe\n";
- print FILE "Password = mypassword\n";
- print FILE "Display_Password = Yes\n";
- print FILE "[Internet_Mail]\n";
- print FILE "Email_Name = John Doe\n";
- print FILE "Email_Address = john.doe\@ieaksample.net\n";
- print FILE "POP_Server = mail.ieaksample.net\n";
- print FILE "POP_Server_Port_Number = 110\n";
- print FILE "POP_Logon_Name = john.doe\n";
- print FILE "POP_Logon_Password = mypassword\n";
- print FILE "SMTP_Server = mail.ieaksample.net\n";
- print FILE "SMTP_Server_Port_Number = 25\n";
- print FILE "Install_Mail = 1\n";
- print FILE "[Internet_News]\n";
- print FILE "NNTP_Server = news.ieaksample.net\n";
- print FILE "NNTP_Server_Port_Number = 119\n";
- print FILE "Logon_Required = No\n";
- print FILE "Install_News = 1\n";
- print FILE "[URL]\n";
- print FILE "Help_Page = http://www.ieaksample.net/helpdesk\n";
- print FILE "[Favorites]\n";
- print FILE "IEAK Sample \\ IEAK Sample Help Desk.url = http://www.ieaksample.net/support/helpdesk.asp\n";
- print FILE "IEAK Sample \\ IEAK Sample Home Page.url = http://www.ieaksample.net/default.asp\n";
- print FILE "[URL]\n";
- print FILE "Home_Page = http://www.ieaksample.net\n";
- print FILE "Search_Page = http://www.ieaksample.net/search\n";
- print FILE "Help_Page = http://www.ieaksample.net/helpdesk\n";
- close FILE;
- print "Location: HTTP://myserver/ieak.ins\n";
- print "\n\n";
- exit(0);