home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Written by Edward C Kubaitis
- # The host URL of the Signup Files
- $hostURL="http://myserver";
- # Parse the CGI input
- $BACKURL=&parse_input;
- # Check if email name is in use
- &check_email;
- # Start HTML output
- &startHTML;
- # Display the HTML head
- &headHTML;
- # Display the HTML body
- if ($email_inuse eq "yes"){$ERROR=1;&errorHTML;}
- elsif ($pid_notnew eq "yes"){$ERROR=2;&errorHTML;}
- else { &bodyHTML;}
- # End HTML output
- &endHTML;
- # Exit the CGI
- &quit;
- ##########################################################
- sub startHTML {
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";print "<HTML>\n";
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub endHTML {
- print "</html>\n";
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub quit {
- exit(0);
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub parse_input {
- @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
- foreach $pair (@pairs) {
- ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
- $ABACKURL=$ABACKURL+"$name=$value\&";
- # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding
- $value =~ tr/+/ /;
- $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
- if ($allow_html != 1) {
- $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;
- }
- if ($value eq ""){$value=" ";}
- $FORM{$name} = $value;
- }
- chop($ABACKURL);return $ABACKURL;
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub bodyHTML {
- print "<BODY bgColor=THREEDFACE color=WINDOWTEXT>\n";
- print "<FONT style=\"font: 8pt ' ms sans serif' black\">\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"PAGEID\" ACTION=\"PAGE2\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\"></FORM>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"BACK\" ACTION=\"$hostURL/reconfg1.pl?$BACKURL\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\"></FORM>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"PAGETYPE\" ACTION=\"\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\"></FORM>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"NEXT\" ACTION=$hostURL/reconfg3.pl STYLE=\"background:transparent\">\n";
- print "<B>Re-Establishing Your Internet Services Internet Account</B><BR>\n";
- print "Please select the telephone number you wish to use.<BR>\n";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" >800 555 5555 Nation Wide 56K X2\n";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"2\" >206 555 5555 Seattle 56K X2\n";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"3\" >425 555 5555 Redmond 56K X2\n";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"4\" >800 555 5555 Nation Wide ISDN\n";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"5\" >206 555 5555 Seattle ISDN\n";
- print "<OPTION VALUE=\"6\" >425 555 5555 Redmond ISDN\n";
- print "</SELECT>\n";
- print "</FORM>\n";
- print "</BODY>\n";
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub headHTML {
- print "<HEAD>\n";
- print "<TITLE>IEAK Sample Reconfiguration Signup Page 2</TITLE>\n";
- print "</HEAD>\n";
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub check_email {
- # Check a database or finger to see if the email name is already
- # being used. If so set a flag
- # Here is a sample of how to do the check on a unix machine.
- # Larger ISPs might want to check with a database
- # $check = 'finger $FORM{'EMAILNAME'}';
- # if ($check =~ "no such user."){ $email_inuse="no";}
- # else { $email_inuse="yes";}
- # no means it is not in use
- $email_inuse="no";
- # yes means it is in use
- }
- ##########################################################
- sub errorHTML {
- print "<BODY>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"PAGEID\" ACTION=\"ERROR1\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\"></FORM>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"BACK\" ACTION=\"$hostURL/reconfg1.pl\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\"></FORM>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"PAGETYPE\" ACTION=\"\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\"></FORM>\n";
- print "<FORM NAME=\"NEXT\" ACTION=\"$hostURL/reconfg1.pl\" STYLE=\"background:transparent\">\n";
- if ($ERROR == 1){
- print "This E-Mail Name is already in use. Please choose another Name.<P>\n";
- }
- print "</BODY>\n";
- }
- ##########################################################