101 Your upgrade may not have been processed correctly. Re-run the installation program.
103 The volume containing the directory ""%s"" is full. Delete some files from this volume and retry the file operation.
104 The file ""%s"" cannot be accessed. Check if the file is in use, missing, or write protected.
107 Internet Connection Services for RAS
108 Help
110 Setup has detected a newer version of the Connection Manager Administration Kit already installed. If you still want to install this version (CMAK 1.2), uninstall the newer version and then rerun this installation program.
111 The Connection Manager Administration Kit requires Internet Explorer version 4.0 or greater.
113 Another instance of the Connection Manager Administration Kit Installer is already running. Wait until the other installation is finished before beginning another one.
114 Usage: cmakstp.exe [/a /q /?]\n\n/a All Quiet Mode (No Install UI)\n/q Quiet Mode (Minimal Install UI)\n/? Help Screen\n\nCmak.inf and the related install files must be located\nin the directory that cmakstp.exe is launched from.
115 Your processor architecture does not match the intended architecture of this program. Contact your system administrator for the correct version.
116 Windows 2000 already contains a newer version of the Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit. To install it, open the Add/Remove Programs Applet from the Control Panel. Then choose Configure Windows and choose the Components button. From the wizard, select the Connection Manager Components option under Management And Monitoring Tools.
117 This version of the Connection Manager Administration Kit is too old to function correctly with your version of Connection Manager. Get an updated version of the Connection Manager Administration Kit.
118 The Connection Manager Administration Kit requires a newer version of Connection Manager. Contact your administrator for the latest Windows Update.
119 You can obtain the latest version of Connection Manager Administration Kit for Windows 2000 from the Administrator Tools Pack found on the Windows 2000 Server CD. Contact you Network Administrator if you are unsure of where to get the Administrator Tools Pack.