home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [Version]
- Signature="$Chicago$"
- AdvancedINF=2.5
- [Remove]
- Cleanup=1
- SmartReboot=N
- CustomDestination=CustomUninstDestinationSection
- ;DelReg=CMAK_RegUninst
- UpdateInis=CMAK_Rem_Links
- DelDirs=CleanDirs
- [CleanDirs]
- ; 49500 = the Program files dir
- %49500%\cm32\%CMLANGDIR%\%CMHELP_DIR_IEAK4%
- %49500%\cm32\%CMLANGDIR%\%CMHELP_DIR_NTOP4%
- %49500%\cm32\%CMLANGDIR%
- %49500%\%CMAKDOCDIR%
- %49500%
- ; the 5 is a combination of flags 1 and 4. Flag 4 tells not to prompt the user
- ; for a directory. Flag 1 tells Iexpress that I am interested in a value, not a
- ; key
- [CustomUninstDestinationSection]
- 49500 = CustomLDIDSectionforUninst, 5
- [CustomLDIDSectionforUninst]
- "HKLM", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CMAK.exe", 'Path', "", "%24%\Program Files"
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1 = , , 0
- [DestinationDirs]
- ; 49500 = the Program files dir
- ; 11 = the system directory
- CMAK_Root = 49500
- CMAK_CmLang = 49500,cm32\%CMLANGDIR%
- CMAK_INF = 11
- [CMAK_Rem_Links]
- setup.ini, progman.groups,, "CMAKfolder=%CMAKPROG_GRP%" ;creates folder if doesn't exist
- setup.ini, CMAKfolder,, """%CMAKPROGNAME%""" ; deletes link
- setup.ini, CMAKfolder,, """%CMAKDOCNAME%""" ; deletes link
- setup.ini, CMAKfolder,, """%CMAKPRODOCNAME%""" ; deletes link
- [CMAK_AddReg]
- "HKLM", "%CMAppPath%", "", "", "%49500%\%CMAKDIR%\CMAK.EXE"
- "HKLM", "%CMAppPath%", "Path", "", "%49500%\%CMAKDIR%"
- "HKCR", "%CMAppName%", "", "", "%CMAppName%"
- "HKCR", "%CMAppName%\DefaultIcon", "", "", "%49500%\%CMAKDIR%\CMAK.EXE,1"
- "HKLM", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CMAK", "DisplayName", "", "%CMAKPROG_GRP%"
- "HKLM", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CMAK", "UninstallString", "", "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %11%\CMAK.inf, Remove"
- [CMAK_RegUninst]
- ;"HKLM", "%CMAppPath%"
- ;"HKCR", "%CMAppName%"
- ;"HKLM", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CMAK"
- ; the 32's are a flag to tell Iexpress not to show the version dialog and just not
- ; copy over newer files
- cmakread.htm, , , 32
- cmak.chm, , , 32
- [CMAK_Root]
- cmak.exe, , , 32
- default.bmp, , , 32
- defaultl.ico, , , 32
- defaultp.bmp, , , 32
- defaults.ico, , , 32
- defaultt.ico, , , 32
- empty.pbk, , , 32
- empty.pbr, , , 32
- iexpress.exe, , , 32
- cmakeula.txt, , , 32
- makecab.exe, , , 32
- oleaut32.dll, , , 32
- showicon.exe, , , 32
- swflash.ocx, , , 32
- urlmon.dll, , , 32
- wextract.exe, , , 32
- [CMAK_CmHelp_IEAK4]
- cmtrb32.rtf, , , 32
- cmctx32.rtf, , , 32
- cmmgr32.h, , , 32
- cmmgr32.hpj, , , 32
- [CMAK_CmHelp_NTOP4]
- cmtrb32.rtf, , , 32
- cmctx32.rtf, , , 32
- cmmgr32.h, , , 32
- cmmgr32.hpj, , , 32
- [CMAK_Cmlang]
- advapi32.dll, , , 32
- advpack.dll, , , 32
- cmdial32.dll, , , 32
- cmdl32.exe, , , 32
- cmmgr32.exe, , , 32
- cmmgr32.hlp, , , 32
- cmpbk32.dll, , , 32
- cmstats.dll, , , 32
- comctl32.dll, , , 32
- ccfg95.dll, , , 32
- ccfgnt.dll, , , 32
- icwscrpt.exe, , , 32
- cnet16.dll, , , 32
- cnetcfg.dll, , , 32
- mbslgn32.dll, , , 32
- msdun12.exe, , , 32
- readme.txt, , , 32
- rnaph.dll, , , 32
- template.sed, , , 32
- template.cmp, , , 32
- template.cms, , , 32
- template.inf, , , 32
- uninstcm.inf, , , 32
- w95inf16.dll, , , 32
- w95inf32.dll, , , 32
- wininet.dll, , , 32
- wintrust.dll, , , 32
- cmcfg32.dll, , , 32
- cmak.inf, , , 32
- ; the 1 tells Iexpress which source disk name to use
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- cmak.exe=1
- default.bmp=1
- defaultl.ico=1
- defaultp.bmp=1
- defaults.ico=1
- defaultt.ico=1
- empty.pbk=1
- empty.pbr=1
- iexpress.exe=1
- cmakeula.txt=1
- makecab.exe=1
- oleaut32.dll=1
- showicon.exe=1
- swflash.ocx=1
- urlmon.dll=1
- wextract.exe=1
- cmtrb32.rtf=1
- cmctx32.rtf=1
- cmmgr32.h=1
- cmmgr32.hpj=1
- advapi32.dll=1
- advpack.dll=1
- cmdial32.dll=1
- cmdl32.exe=1
- cmmgr32.exe=1
- cmmgr32.hlp=1
- cmpbk32.dll=1
- cmstats.dll=1
- comctl32.dll=1
- ccfg95.dll=1
- ccfgnt.dll=1
- icwscrpt.exe=1
- cnet16.dll=1
- cnetcfg.dll=1
- mbslgn32.dll=1
- msdun12.exe=1
- readme.txt=1
- rnaph.dll=1
- template.sed=1
- template.cmp=1
- template.cms=1
- template.inf=1
- uninstcm.inf=1
- w95inf16.dll=1
- w95inf32.dll=1
- wininet.dll=1
- wintrust.dll=1
- cmcfg32.dll=1
- [Strings]
- CMAKPROG_GRP = "Connection Manager Administration Kit"
- CMAKPROGNAME = "Connection Manager Administration Kit"
- CMAKDOCNAME = "Release Notes"
- CMAKPRODOCNAME = "Product Documentation"
- DOCEXE = "cmakread.htm"
- CMHELP_DIR_NTOP4 = "CM Help Source"
- CMREGROOT = "Software\Microsoft\Connection Manager Administration Kit" ;; DO NOT LOCALIZE ;;
- CMAppPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\cmak.exe"
- CMAppName = "Connection Manager Administration Kit"
- CMLANGDIR = "enu" ;;;; enu = U.S. English -- should be jpn for japanese, etc.